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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Dawn of a Royal Day!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Aug 28, 2010
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    Yeah..Dawn got a Togekiss....I'm sure that NOBODY saw that coming....(although she did absolutely nothing to get it)

    and now Jessie has 5 ribbons..although only 3 of them she got herself..next..THE GRAND FESTIVAL!

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Aug 28, 2010
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    You know, if 4Kids was still dubbing this show, they would've given this episode a name like "The Princess and the Pauper" (Rim Shot) . You know they should've mentioned something like if this was the last contest before the Grand Festival. Dawn may not have been down to the wire on this, but Jessie was, and they probably could've said that one of the reasons Jessie was mad about "Dawn" entering the contest was because this was her last chance for ribbon #5.

    Edited on 09/03/2010 8:48am
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Aug 28, 2010
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    This is a great episode.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [4]Aug 28, 2010
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    It was wierd seeing someone who looked like Dawn speaking ith a French accent.

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  • Avatar of honorableninja


    [5]Aug 28, 2010
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    well as least thanks to the princess their won't be another filler episode where dawn ribbions get stolen by team rocket or a side story at GF were someone else in robbed they finally made jessie a legimate cornaditor sure she was given her fifth ribbion but she earn the rest.

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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [6]Aug 28, 2010
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    I totally loved this episode. I thought it was funny onhow Salvia acted towards Jessie and the way Dawn acted as a princess.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Aug 28, 2010
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    Now today's episode started out great and altogether was a nice little plot... if only they written the story better.


    Seriously, the writers made NO attempt to have Dawn and Salvia act as each other to the point that it brings you out of your willing suspension of disbelief. If the writers didn't want to bother to try and make Dawn and Salvia try to act as the other, then here's a storyline they could have done: Princess Salvia wants to participate in a Pokemon Contest but no one believes she would be good at it. She switches places with Dawn in order to prove that she is good at Pokemon Contests. So they go on as they did in this episode until they get to the point where Salvia is losing hope and Dawn yells out from the balcony for her not to give up. Jessie, being Team Rocket disguise themselves often, and reveals that the two switched. Things get tense for the moment as the judges talk with each other but decide that being Salvia is using her own Pokemon she really didn't break any rules but say that if she wins the Ribbon count won't go to Dawn (which is perfectly okay as Dawn already has her 5 Ribbons). So the battle goes on but because of the massive point gap the only way for Salvia to win is if she knocks out Seviper which she does the last few seconds. After the Pokemon Contest they switch back with Salvia thanking Dawn for letting her participate in a Pokemon Contest and as thanks give her Togekiss not wanting it to be held back from doing Pokemon Contests which Salvia will still probably have little time to do. Also for a twist they should have made the butler know of the switch this whole time but put up with the charade as he knew of the princess's dream and wanted her to be happy, if anything just to have the butler not look like he had his brain swapped with a Slowpoke. But what about Jessie 5th Badge? Well if they aren't going to do an urgency plot with Dawn then they could do one with Jessie by having a Team Rocket episode where Jessie participates in the last Pokemon Contest of Sinnoh before the Grand Festival and have her win there (they could have Ash & co. do something else of watch the Pokemon Contest, being it's a Team Rocket episode it doesn't really matter what they do as long as Jessie is the only trainer we know participating in the Pokemon Contest thus giving her the win and the 5th Ribbon). That way Dawn still gets the Togekiss and Jessie still gets her fifth Ribbon.


    Well I'm done there. All and all if you ignore the episode of its BLARING mistakes, it's an amusing episodes and and important one too with Dawn getting a Togekiss to replace her Ambipom and Jessie getting her 5th Ribbon she probably would have gotten anyway if Salvia wasn't participating. But you're not here to here the key points of the episode or my storyline ideas, no, you want to know about the blaring mistakes. Don't you worry, I've included them all and somethings to think about in the episode review below. Oh, and to make it fun, take a drink everytime either Dawn or Salvia does something which puts up red flags that they aren't who they are pretending to be. Got your drink? Good, here's the review, happy drinking:

    The Princess And The Coordinator:
    * Well this is interesting, we get to a town with a Pokemon Contest... yet Dawn already has her 5 Ribbons. So was there a point in showing us the Pokemon Contest... who's this?
    * Lady Dawn? After Croagunk takes care of Brock's flirting, the lady's name is Freesia (inset Dragonball Z joke here) and she is saying Dawn is to be crowned princess... Can't you wait until she wins the Grand Festival?
    * We go to a mansion and... GAH! DAWN DOPPELGANGER! Geez how many does this make now? First we had Jessiebelle to James, Ritchie (and two other kids) to Ash, Ninetale's & Lokoko's master to Brock, Max had one with the same name, and Harley's classmate to May.
    * Lol, I loved Piplup's O_O face until it was complemented. So Dawn's Doppelganger is named Salvia, Princess Salvia to be exact. She'll be at the Pokemon Contest as an "ambassador of goodwill" but would lik to participate in the Pokemon Contest but her duties won't allow this. If you can't see what's coming next then you're more blind then a Zubat.
    * Yes, we're going to a "The Prince and the Pauper" with Dawn taking Salvia's place so she can act as Dawn and participate in the Pokemon Contest. Dawn seems to be a bit awkward in accepting... until she dressed up like the princess .
    * Um, Salvia, you may want to practice on trying to sound like Dawn. I mean if everyone is blind to Team Rocket's disguise no way in Reverse Would would anyone figure out you two switched places... but still at least Dawn's mom who watches the Contest's on TV would be wondering why her daughter is speaking with a French accent.
    * Wow, I can't believe the Pokemon Company pointed out that Dawn's dress is way to short for her own good, lol! Would make you wonder what they would think of the BW girl's ripped shorts... (what is her name anyway, White? I ask because that would make the boy's name Black and, well, you probably now see the problem).
    * Oh, Salvia has a Togekiss! And... GEEZ IT'S HUGE! I mean I kind fo expected Togekiss to be bigger then Togetic... but I thought it would be like a size of a Staravia not as big as Ash & co.!
    * Anyway a butler comes in and Ash, Brock, and Dawn-disguised Salvia quickly leave as now Dawn tries to act as a princess would to trick everyone. Though I have to ask if any of Salvia's servants would object to this, because if they wouldn't, wouldn't it be easier to also tell her whole staff of the plan as all they really needed to trick is the audience and other competitors in the Pokemon Contests (and maybe the Judges too).
    * Oh yay, the butler just revealed another problem, Dawn has no idea how to actually act or what to say being it looks like all they did was swap clothes. So besides the smiling and talking "cival" advice from the butler, Dawn could easily make a few noticeable mistakes ("The Princess Diaries" (it was the movie shown while on the 2 hour long bus ride for my Elementary School senior trip, so shut up) is a good example of this point).

    The Coordinator Diaries:
    * As Salvia gets excited and her, Ash ,and Brock head in, we cut to Team Rocket noting Dawn has all her Ribbons but they just think she's just going to watch the Contest with Jessie saying how she'll show them "real" talent. Being Jessie still needs her last Ribbon, I'm going to guess Salvia and Jessie get the last round and due to Salvia's inexperience Jessie will win. I have to admit, nice to see Jessie will also be going to the Grand Festival.
    * Do we really need to introduce the Pokemon Cintest judges? THEY HAVE BEEN THE SAME 2 PEOPLE (Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo) AND THAT TOWN'S/CITY'S NURSE JOY! Only reason they should re-introduce them if someone is taking a usual Judges place, like how Dawn's mom had to fill in for a Nurse Joy once (though that was for a Pokemon Contest which Ash & co. weren't, though Jessie was).
    * Jessie quickly find out that "Dawn" is participating in the Pokemon Contest but her anger strike gets interupted when Salvia greets "Jesselina". Looks like Salvia hasn't gotten into a Dawn mindset, even saying the reason she's participating is because "she dreamed of participating in a Pokemon Contest"... real smooth Salvia, along with that French accent no one will ever think you're not Dawn.
    * Of course it probably makes the switch look easier if Dawn isn't there as it turns out Salvia won't be overseeing the Pokemon Contest afterall, the upperclass just decided to meet in a town where a Pokemon Contest was being held. Anyway luckily it only seems like Dawn just has to say "hi" to the guests (at least for now), though she has 82 left to go through.
    * Back at the Pokemon Contest, Jessie's appeal has Yanmega shredding Ancient Power with Steel Wing and Silver Wind, creating light sparkles. We get to a shot with Meowth and James in the audience cheering... and none of them are in a disguise. Okay, ignoring people not seeing a TALKING Meowth next to them, they saw Ash & co. going in to watch so they know Ash & co. are in the audience... aren't they afraid they'll see them?
    * James and Meowth get the same surprised seeing "Dawn" up next as well as her now having a Togekiss... yay, that's another thing, shouldn't you be at least using Dawn's Pokemon to further fool anyone who knows Dawn to thinking you're Dawn? Yay, I know Togekiss wanted to also participate, but still people who know Dawn (like her mom!) might wonder why for only this Pokemon Contest she had a Togekiss which vanished completely after? You know, in addition with the French accent and her mannerism.
    * Anyway Salvia's Togekiss uses Aura Sphere and then attacks it with a Sky Attack and then Air Slash to create a rainbow aurora. Meanwhile Dawn get finished with the greetings but then has to attend a lunch in which she politely states she isn't famished... nah, I'm just kidding, she screamed off the top of her head she wasn't hungry.
    * Salvia admits she's having a lot of fun with Ash and Brock saying they kinda understand. So I guess you can say *begins getting ready to run* that it "sounds like being a princess isn't that easy" *begins running away from an angry mob having dared to quote Sonic '06*.
    * Ash wonders how Dawn is doing back at the mansion and we cut to her at the dinner trying to cut up a "Coming Up Next" announcement... oh nevermind it's a plate of food (seriously, the way it was placed it looks like she was cutting into the announcment ).
    * And from a scene which looks like they lifted from "The Princess Diaries" (remember, 2 hour long Elementary School senior trip ride, shut up) Dawn has a cherry tomato fling off her plate, gets stuck in one of the guests mouth, and she falls over and lays still trying not to panic.
    * We cut back to the Pokemon Contest... oh nevermind, just quickly showing us them going through the first battle round. Back to Dawn, it turns out Dawn has one more princess duty to perform, guess what it is? Yes, that's right, she's overseeing the Pokemon Contest (thank goodness people in the Pokemon World are only used to people wearing one outfit so no one can put two-and-two together).

    The Princess Pokemon:
    * Hey, wait a moment, shouldn't Salvia be wearing Dawn's Pokemon Contest performance clothes? She's in Dawn's street clothes! Back to the Contest the finals is Salvia against Jessie so that part of my prediction came true. Dawn tries to keep the charade as Salvia's butler tells her to remain soft spoken. Geez, while Dawn is probably too high up for everyone else to really see, the butler can perfectly see both Dawn and Salvia (and even saw "Dawn" and Ash & co. meeting with "Salvia" before quickly leaving), and has to atleast know how Salvia acts and also know her Togekiss. Remember my "blind as a Zubat" quip? He's the personification of it!
    * Anyway it's Seviper against Togekiss and right away Jessie begins leading having a Haze and Poison Tail hit Togekiss. Next Seviper does wrap, but not only that, but also begins tossing Togekiss around then throwing it into the air for it to fall back to the ground hard. Wow, Jessie is giving no mercy (though here it's understandable). I also like how James and Meowth are cheering their heads off and yelling "Jesselina's" name even though she's battling who they think is "Dawn" meaning Ash & co. are also probably paying more attention (oh, and the actual Dawn is watching from above too)... AND THEY AREN'T DISGUISED!
    * Salvia begins to question whether this was a mistake when Dawn shouts down to her she trained too hard to give up. Everyone is surprised at the princess supporting Dawn as well as Jessie yelling at her she has to be impartial. Right here is when people should also notice Dawn the Salvia look exactly alike and those who know Dawn or Salvia should notice the personality swap. And personally, if the story was written better as I explained in the summery, this could have been the perfect time for Jessie to figure out Dawn and Salvia swapped places.
    * But of course everyone doesn't take a second thought about this and the battle goes on. Seviper uses Bite but Togekiss repels it with a Safeguard (now in the past I let this go but I'm going to bring up now, SAFEGUARD PROTECTS FROM STATUS AFFLICTION NOT ATTACKS! I know this was done by other Pokemon before but still the only thing it should have kept Bite from doing is making Togekiss flinch... wait, no, Flinching isn't effected by Safeguard!). And wow was that a lot of points Jessie lost, a lot of too much points actually...
    * No, having Brock explain "being it was up close it did double the point loss" doesn't excuse the large point less as other Pokemon have repelled a Pokemon close-up yet that many points were taken off. Stop trying to pretend everything being done isn't because the plot saying who's the winner is going to ultimately be.
    * Oh, and now Air Slash took off just as much damage, how to explain that plot? You know what, just finish this, have Salvia make Jessie lose all her points already.
    * Wow, that was a nice dodge by Seviper around that Aura Sphere, however its Poison Tail is dodged by Togekiss and another Aura Sphere is used this time exploding before going through the "donut" Seviper is in. Wait, Seviper got knocked out? THEN WHY DID YOU DO THE MASSIVE POINTS LOSING?! If you were just going to have Seviper faint anyway, you could have made it so that despite getting in a few hits Salvia was still at risk of losing from running out of time unless she knocked out Seviper! The massive point losing thing is now completely pointless!
    * Done accidentally blurts out "you did you highness!" and then noticing the confused butler "corrects" herself... seriously if the butler doesn't get it now he's the most dumbest Pokemon character, how much more hints do you need! Anyway "Dawn" is awarded the Ribbon.
    * In the dressing room Jessie is feeling down about the loss as James and Meowth try to cheer her up. Dawn then comes in (James and Meowth quickly hide before she comes in... not sure why NOW they cared if Ash & co. saw them) and gives Jessie the Ribbon and thanks for the great battle! Now this brings up an interesting question, technically Jessie didn't win that Ribbon meaning she shouldn't be able to use it to enter the Grand Festival. So is the ONLY proof that you won 5 Contests (or beaten 8 Gyms for battling trainers) are the Ribbons (and Badges) they give out? No documentation is taken so that officials working at the Grand Festival (and Pokemon League) know these trainers got there legit and not by forging or stealing the Ribbons (or Badges)?
    * Anyway Jessie gets angry that she was given the Ribbon when James and Meowth tell her to calm down (and really Meowth, how hard are Ribbons to come by? We've seen Jessie win Contests by herself, infact any Contest she enters and Ash & co. aren't there she wins!) and Jessie decides to accept the Ribbon. And it being her 5th Jessie can now enter the Grand Festival!
    * Back at the mansion, Dawn and Salvia swap back (though why is Salvia wearing a different dress then the one Dawn was wearing? Though this isn't really a big deal), but Salvia has one more thing to ask of Dawn. Now remember when I said above about people who know Dawn wondering why she had a Togekiss she only used in this Pokemon Contest? Well that point is now null and void as Salvia decides it'll be best for Togekiss to travel with Dawn! That's right, Dawn has a Togekiss!
    * That butler comes in and Ash & co. once again leave and what does he do next? Reprimand Salvia for the way "she" acted today... There is a trope for this butler falls under. Anyway Ash & co. continue on to the Grand Festival.

    Edited on 08/28/2010 11:51pm
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  • Avatar of TotallyTyler01


    [8]Aug 28, 2010
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    Very good episode... almost cried cuz how nice the princess was. lol
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [9]Aug 29, 2010
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    woah. Togekiss is HUGE. from the games I thought it would be the size of a Noctowl or something. makes me regret not having it as my flying type for any of the D/P/Ptt games.

    I actually really loved this episode. I forgot Dawn would be getting that Togekiss, so that was a nice little surprise in the end. with all the talk about B&W, I'm really gonna miss Dawn & Piplup, & Brock.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [10]Aug 29, 2010
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    ^^ I suggest you remove that last part of your post, it is a spoiler and if you really feel bad about that, talk it up in the Diamond & Pearl Anime Thread.

    Edited on 08/29/2010 5:16pm
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [11]Aug 29, 2010
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    He's talking bout Black and White not Best wishes...

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [12]Aug 29, 2010
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    Okay, I got used to long ago the total blindness of Ash and co. to Team Rocket with their obvious disguises, but this episode was just filled with blindness from all characters everywhere. O_O Seriously, I'm surprised to say the least that no one got the hint that "Dawn" and "Salvia" weren't really Dawn and Salvia; from the accents to the attitudes. This episode has to have more obviousness blindness than any that's aired so far...

    All of that aside, though, I thought it was a fun episode, and it's great that Jessie is able to now legally attend the Grand Festival (although I wish she actually won the contest and got her last ribbon fairly...). And it's cool that Dawn got a Togekiss; should add a bit of intrigue to upcoming episodes.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Aug 29, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Okay, I got used to long ago the total blindness of Ash and co. to Team Rocket with their obvious disguises, but this episode was just filled with blindness from all characters everywhere. O_O Seriously, I'm surprised to say the least that no one got the hint that "Dawn" and "Salvia" weren't really Dawn and Salvia; from the accents to the attitudes. This episode has to have more obviousness blindness than any that's aired so far...

    *See rant above* Beat you to that argument.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]Aug 29, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Okay, I got used to long ago the total blindness of Ash and co. to Team Rocket with their obvious disguises, but this episode was just filled with blindness from all characters everywhere. O_O Seriously, I'm surprised to say the least that no one got the hint that "Dawn" and "Salvia" weren't really Dawn and Salvia; from the accents to the attitudes. This episode has to have more obviousness blindness than any that's aired so far...

    *See rant above* Beat you to that argument.

    And why, may I ask, must stating your opinions about an episode be a race? Just because I have basically the same opinions as someone else who posted beforehand doesn't mean I can't, or shouldn't, speak my mind.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Aug 29, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Okay, I got used to long ago the total blindness of Ash and co. to Team Rocket with their obvious disguises, but this episode was just filled with blindness from all characters everywhere. O_O Seriously, I'm surprised to say the least that no one got the hint that "Dawn" and "Salvia" weren't really Dawn and Salvia; from the accents to the attitudes. This episode has to have more obviousness blindness than any that's aired so far...

    *See rant above* Beat you to that argument.

    And why, may I ask, must stating your opinions about an episode be a race? Just because I have basically the same opinions as someone else who posted beforehand doesn't mean I can't, or shouldn't, speak my mind.

    And when did I say you shouldn't state you opinion? I'm actually glad someone else noted the blaring lack of effort of Dawn and Salvia trying to hide their identities. If anything I was more pointing out to other people that my wall of text which I'm sure scared plenty of people off from reading it was pretty much about this (aside from the episode in general).

    Actually today episode had the worst "wall of text" yet as I couldn't help myself but to ramble on about it whenever Dawn or Salvia (especially Salvia, infact Dawn was trying to act as the princess and only went "out of character" when she panic. Salvia was the one not trying) acted differently then the other one would have acted.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [16]Aug 29, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:

    ^^ I suggest you remove that last part of your post, it is a spoiler and if you really feel bad about that, talk it up in the Diamond & Pearl Anime Thread.

    I suggest you relax. seriously, it's not even that big of a deal. I hate spoilers, never go there. but even I know what the outcome is of all this. don't you worry though, I won't talk about B&W anymore. so sorry for being off-topic [/sarcasm]

    Edited on 08/29/2010 9:06pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [17]Aug 29, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    And when did I say you shouldn't state you opinion? I'm actually glad someone else noted the blaring lack of effort of Dawn and Salvia trying to hide their identities. If anything I was more pointing out to other people that my wall of text which I'm sure scared plenty of people off from reading it was pretty much about this (aside from the episode in general).

    Actually today episode had the worst "wall of text" yet as I couldn't help myself but to ramble on about it whenever Dawn or Salvia (especially Salvia, infact Dawn was trying to act as the princess and only went "out of character" when she panic. Salvia was the one not trying) acted differently then the other one would have acted.

    While I did get what you were saying in your rant, it was pretty difficult to read. I've found that people (myself included) are much more likely to read something long if it's broken down into separate paragraphs, rather than posted as one huge wall of text, as it's generally easier to look at.

    Anyway, I forgot to mention in my review that it's about time someone brought up the fact that Dawn's skirt is so short; I laughed at that part, especially when Salvia instantly became unembarrassed when Freesia said it was okay.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Aug 29, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    And when did I say you shouldn't state you opinion? I'm actually glad someone else noted the blaring lack of effort of Dawn and Salvia trying to hide their identities. If anything I was more pointing out to other people that my wall of text which I'm sure scared plenty of people off from reading it was pretty much about this (aside from the episode in general).

    Actually today episode had the worst "wall of text" yet as I couldn't help myself but to ramble on about it whenever Dawn or Salvia (especially Salvia, infact Dawn was trying to act as the princess and only went "out of character" when she panic. Salvia was the one not trying) acted differently then the other one would have acted.

    While I did get what you were saying in your rant, it was pretty difficult to read. I've found that people (myself included) are much more likely to read something long if it's broken down into separate paragraphs, rather than posted as one huge wall of text, as it's generally easier to look at. Anyway, I forgot to mention in my review that it's about time someone brought up the fact that Dawn's skirt is so short; I laughed at that part, especially when Salvia instantly became unembarrassed when Freesia said it was okay.

    Yay, maybe next review I'll try something different, there has been an idea I wanted to do but it involves having the person watch along with a video of the episode.

    All Salvia can at least relax knowing she doesn't have to wear White's ripped short shorts. I'm actually afraid what the 6th Generation girl might look like if they continue this pattern...

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