Despite Ash's stupidity the battle was still good. I'm just happy that Elesa didn't use two Emolgas.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Despite Ash's stupidity the battle was still good. I'm just happy that Elesa didn't use two Emolgas.
I thought it was silly of Ash not to have back-up Pokemon, especially Pikachu, for the battle, but I'm glad that he got his act together and ultimately won
Awesome episode! Ash defeats Elesa and wins his fourth Unova Gym Badge!
Sorry this was late, I had a Spanish test this week and was spending most of my free time to study. However I have watched the episode and my was it stupid. While I understand they need episodes which are mostly comedy, especially after episodes with Team Rocket almost stealing all of Nimbasa's Pokemon and Bianca's dad trying to take Bianca home... but could you please have the comedy episode occur after the gym battle one instead of it being the comedy episode? Ash looked SO stupid and what's worse is that everyone around Ash was essentially pointing out that Ash is being stupid which, while I would agree with it if it was any other episode, I don't want in a episode which should be ALL ACTION. This is a GYM BATTLE, I expect to see Ash at his best battling the Gym Leader which he knows is strong after seeing said Gym Leader curb stomp one of his rivals with just one Pokemon and not even getting tired. Instead I see Ash coming up with a plan which was okay until it failed and suddenly almost everything was a comedy bit with some battling sprinkled in. *sigh*
Well it's finally time for Ash's Gym Battle with Elesa and the previous night Ash comes up with a plan to defeat Elesa. Getting to the Gym, Ash sets forward his plan and at first it seems to work with Ash able to knock out Elesa's Zebstrika, however Elesa's next Pokemon turns Ash's plan upside down causing Ash to go into a panic. Will Ash be able to come back to his senses before Elesa knocks out all his Pokemon? Can Pikachu stay on the sidelines watching Ash lose or will it jump in to help him? And how fast can this episode go downhill because of some of the stupid things the writers thought would be "funny" to have during a GYM BATTLE? Read below, though honestly all you need to know is that Ash won the Bolt Badge and move onto the next episode as there is VERY little to see here:
Banking On Plan A:
We start the episode with Ash coming up with battle strategies for his Gym Battle with Elesa. Cilan notes this isn't Ash's usually "recipe" for when he's about to go up against a Gym Leader but planning ahead never hurt. Ash figures Pikachu wouldn't be effective against Elesa's Zebstrika and decides that maybe he should use his other Pokemon (gee, you think?). Ash says he's been leaning on Pikachu, Oshawott, Tepig, and Snivy too much (you've only been in 3 Gym Battles so far and in the last one you did use Swadloon) and decides on what Pokemon to use. Ash calls Professor Juniper and she sees he has gotten to Nimbasa City and Ash tells her about Elesa's Zebstrika and wants to exchange to one of his reserved Pokemon, though we're not told which as we go into opener and title. The next day and one roller coaster ride later, Ash hands Pikachu over to Cilan and Iris telling them Pikachu won't be battling and head into the battling field where he's greeted by Elesa and the audience of her fans (Ash, prepared to be booed). Ash thanks Elesa for the battle and Elesa says she's ready to dazzle everyone pulling off poses with every sentence.
The judge tells us the same rules as when Bianca challenged Elesa: 3-vs.-3, winner knocks out all of opponent's Pokemon, only challenger can substitute. Elesa's first Pokemon is Zebstrika and Ash reveals his first Pokemon: Palpitoad! (WHAT! You mean Ash is actually going to use the Pokemon which is IMMUNE TO ELECTRIC-TYPE ATTACKS in the Electric-type Gym? Utter madness!) Palpitoad starts with a Mud Shot but Zebstrika dodges and uses Flame Charge which hits but Palpitoad gets right back up as it's also a Water-type resistant to Fire-type attacks. Zebstrika does another Flame Charge which Palpitoad easily gets up from confusing Iris why she keeps using it and Cilan suggesting Elesa is after something else. Palpitoad uses Hydro Pump but Elesa reveals why she kept Zebstrika using Flame Charge: it's speed increases each time and with the speed increase it's able to dodge the Hydro Pump and starts Double Kicking which Palpitoad only dodges a few times before being hit. Palpitoad gets up dazed and Zebstrika hits it with a Quick Attack looking to have knocked it down for good but Palpitoad gets back up angry and uses Supersonic which hits and confuses Zebstrika. Palpitoad uses Mud Shot hitting the confused Zebstrika followed by a Hydro Pump which sends Zebstrika flying into a wall and knocking it out (though shouldn't the high pressured water have cleaned off the mud?)!
Elesa returns Zebstrika with her fans crying while Iris and Cilan congratulate Ash who tells them "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" having Iris ask if Ash plans on using Palpitoad again making Cilan a bit worried as it retained a lot of damage. Elesa sees Ash celebrating and says she'll soon fix that sending out her second Pokemon: Emolga. Ash tells Palpitoad to use Supersonic however it looks like Palpitoad is a bit tired out giving Emolga enough time to use Acrobatics, flying around Palpitoad making it dizzy before hitting it knocking it back. Palpitoad gets back up and Ash tells it to use Supersonic but Emolga quickly uses an Attract having Palpitoad become infatuated. Ash says Electric-type moves still can't hurt Palpitoad but Elesa reminds him Emolga can use other moves (yeah Ash, didn't you see Emolga use Acrobatics just a move before?) and shows this by Emolga using Aerial Ace and knocking out Palpitoad.
Ash: I can't be serious! I was going to win every battle with you!
Comment: Ash... while you were right in thinking of using Palpitoad for this Gym Battle... did you really think you'd be able to win with just it? How many Gym Battles have you've been in? 8 per region... 4 regions... add 3... 35! You should know better by now!
This Is What Plan B Is For:
Iris and Cilan share my disbelief as the judge tells Ash to bring out his next Pokemon or he'll be disqualified and Ash says the battle isn't over yet and... rushes out the door...
Ash: Give me a few minutes Elesa *runs out door*
*Elesa looks confused*
*Some time passes*
Ash: *runs back through door* Sorry I took so long!
Elesa: If I may, you didn't by chance bring any Pokemon but Palpitoad with you?
*Ash gives a nervous laugh*
Comment: ... YOU DIDN'T BRING ANY OTHER POKEMON WITH YOU BESIDES PIKACHU AND PALPITOAD?!?! Forget it, Elesa, beat Ash, he needs to be punished for his stupidity.
So Ash's second Pokemon is Snivy (Roggenrola would have been a better choice...) and Emolga starts with an Attract but Snivy counters with its Attract and... Who's That Obvious Pokemo... wait a second, that Pokemon doesn't doesn't look familiar... TYNAMO? Wow, it got me, for once it got me... but why is it here? Anyway back to the double Attract, they hit and... have no effect, which means we now know that Palpitoad's gender is male! Back to the battle, everyone is confused about the Attracts not working and Elesa asks Ash if Snivy is female which Ash remembers she is causing Iris and Cilan to comically fall over.
Iris: How many times will it take for Ash to realize Attract doesn't work between girls...
Comment: That comment could be taken in so many wrong ways.
Well back to the...
Ash: Who cares, Electric-type moves aren't that effective on Grass-type Pokemon anyway.
Elesa: I think you forgotten something Ash.
Comment: You mean the reason why I said Roggenrola would have been better...
Elesa reminds Ash that Emolga is a Flying-type and Ash remembers that Flying-type attacks are strong against Grass-types which Snivy is (you know, we can't blame Ash about forgetting this, it's not like any of Ash's travelling companions owns an Emolga...) Ash tells Snivy to use a Vine Whip before Emolga can land a hit but Emolga dodges so Snivy follows with a Leaf Blade which also misses and a Leaf Storm which hits... but isn't very effective due to Flying-types being resistant to Grass-type attacks. Emolga starts unleashing Acrobatics onto Snivy which gets Pikachu so angry that it starts sending out electricity before Cilan calms it down saying watching Ash battling sends it into a froth (actually it's probably angry because Ash is losing for stupid reasons). Emolga finishes Snivy with an Aerial Ace getting a huge applause from Elesa's fans but gets Pikachu shocking again that it actually starts smoking from its head.
Always Have A Plan P:
Ash asks for a time out which even the judge sounds sick of (you know you can disqualify Ash for not being prepared, it's perfectly within your right to), though in the background Pikachu peaks its head up from the side of the field.
Ash: None of my Pokemon have an advantage over Electric- and Flying-types.
Comment: ... Roggenrola... Roggenrola... Roggenrola, Roggenrola, REGGENROLA! Oh, oh, let me guess, despite Palpitoad losing that still didn't clue you in to maybe bring in a whole batch of other Pokemon, I mean you only had THREE SLOTS IN YOUR PARTY OPEN!
The judge has had enough and tells Ash to decide or he's disqualified and Ash starts to panic which type to pick getting Pikachu angry enough to do what it does best... SHOCK ASH BACK TO HIS SENSES! (GO PIKACHU!!! ) But wait, not only does Pikachu shock Ash, it jumps onto the field and YELLS AT ASH (That's it, Ash, get off the field, Pikachu is now in charge of this Gym Battle!) who yells back at Pikachu on what it thinks he should do. Pikachu points at itself and sparks up showing Ash it's battle ready as the judge tells Ash to choose now and Ash says he was wrong to think he can do this by himself and that he needs his Pokemon to win and that he's uselss by himself (where did that come from? I thought the lesson is that you should have back-up plans incase Plan A fails?) Ash asks Pikachu to help him battle and Pikachu is more then happy to, especially now that Ash realizes he was being stupid.
Cilan: Now that's the Ash I know. Forget some plan, I say this is a great recipe for success.
Comment: You know, while I would normally would make fun of this comment, considering this is Ash we're talking about, I'll agree that Ash should go in without thinking.
Iris: Being both Pokemon are Electric-type this battle will have to be decided on spirit.
Comment: Actually, no, Pikachu has the advantage as it's resistant to Electric- and Flying-type attacks while Emolga receives normal damage from Electric-type attacks.
Ash sends in his third and final Pokemon, Pikachu, and we start things off with both Pikachu and Emolga using Electro Ball which ends with a draw but Pikachu uses a Quick Attack and lands a hit knocking Emolga out!
But Make Sure To Expect A Plan T:
Elesa returns Emolga saying that Ash and Pikachu are shining like a million stars so if she's going to win she'll have to shine even brighter striking a pose confusing Ash and Elesa's fans start talking about Elesa using a special Pokemon. Elesa sends out her third and final Pokemon which she calls the "Bright Queen": Tynamo (Oh, that's why it was a "Who's That Pokemon?"...) which gets its very own spotlight further confusing Ash & co.. Ash scans Tynamo with his Pokedex and says it doesn't sound tough but he better stay on his guard though Elesa decides she'll go first and has Tynamo use Tackle which speeds it across the field and hits Pikachu sending it crashing into the wall! Pikachu jumps down from the wall as Tynamo uses another Tackle which Pikachu tries to dodge but Tynamo vanishes confusing Pikachu where it went only for Tynamo to hit Pikachu from above it burying it into the field. With Pikachu stuck in the floor Tynamo hits it with a barrage of Tackles though Pikachu is able to pull itself from the floor and is ready to continue the battle though Cilan points out they'll have to figure out away to handle Tynamo's speed. Tynamo prepares for another Tackle and Ash thinks what they can do which Pikachu gives a nod giving Ash an idea and tells Pikachu to use tons of Thunderbolt which it does and starts destroying the field. Iris asks why Ash is doing this as Tynamo is resistant to Electric-type attacks however Cilan tells her that Ash and Pikachu have a different idea in stored. Pikachu continues to destroy the field as Elesa watches in amazement though wonders what they're up to. The smoke clears revealing a straight path to Pikachu and before Elesa could realize what they're planning, Tynamo flies forward with Tackle only for Pikachu to dodge last moment and use Iron Tail as a bat to send Tynamo flying back into the wall knocking it out and winning Ash, no, Pikachu the Gym Battle!
Elesa returns Tynamo and walks up to Ash thanking him for reminding her that Pokemon Battles aren't just about being bright and dazzling (wait, that was a problem Elesa had? Well it would have been nice if they focused a bit on that!) which Ash says Pikachu reminds him not to do. With that said Elesa awards them the Bolt Badge and... hey, Ash, let go of that! The Bolt Badge is for Pikachu, not you! Pfft, just like Ash, always taking credit for Pikachu coming in to save the day!
Outside Ash puts the Bolt Badge into his Badge Case and Elesa asks Ash which city he plans on going to next and in true Ash fashion he says he hasn't planned that yet. Elesa suggest Driftveil City and its Gym but as Ash starts walking away Elesa remember the Driftveil Drawbridge is closed for fixing causing everyone to comically fall. Elesa suggest they stay in Nimbasa until its fixed with Ash saying he's hungry and betting Pikachu he can eat more than it as we end the episode.
While using Palpitoad was good, I'm surprised Ash forgot about his Rogenrola which was also immune to electric attacks!
EddyBob15 wrote: |
While using Palpitoad was good, I'm surprised Ash forgot about his Rogenrola which was also immune to electric attacks! |
Roggenrola is a pure Rock-type so it isn't immune to Electric-type attacks,