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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Sep 11, 2010
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    yay for dittos

    man I'm so happy that they kept the ditto pikachu's voice...it sounds so much better with the japanese voices


    I like how they kept the different voices for the transformed pokemon

    Monster Brock is scary...

    it took them THAT long to figure it out?

    and triple pwnage

    and brock ruins his chance at love ag...wow three poison jab..that's overkill

    Ash you really are stupid...


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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Sep 11, 2010
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    Pretty good episode.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [3]Sep 11, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    In Diamond/Pearl, they used the term "noob". In fact, the guy who leads you to the gym in Oreburgh City says that other trainers will look at the protagonist as being a total noob. And later someone else uses it in the Canalave Gym.

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [4]Sep 11, 2010
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    I liked it. Even the three poison jab attack xD (:

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Sep 11, 2010
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see a trainer with two Ditto, one of which was shiny.

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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [6]Sep 11, 2010
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    Today's episode was very interesting. I find it really funny how stupid Ash can act sometimes and that someone actually fell in love with Brock (which is very rare). The poison jabs were definitely overkill, but nonetheless hilarious.

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [7]Sep 11, 2010
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    It was an outright episode. The Flint fan girl was a good character, I finally know what her deal is, she is a Flint fan girl not a realative which I thought when I saw this episode orginally RAW. She is okay, but I still like Duplica better. I loved how she was a human Ditto, this girl can look like Flint, but can she do anyone else?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [8]Sep 12, 2010
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    I actually liked this episode. Man I love Happiny. What was Brock thinking.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [9]Sep 12, 2010
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    I remember when people were able to get their own shiny Ditto in the 2nd gen and use it for the 1/64 shot at a shiny offspring.




    It has to do with the Red Gyarados and Mimic.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Sep 15, 2010
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    Another good episode I didn't really know about in advance (although I had heard about Piplup being mimicked by a Ditto. Anyway, it looks like the Grand Festival begins next. It should prove to be an interesting time.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Sep 15, 2010
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    Writer 1: Hey, you remember that Zapdos Team Rocket saw awhile back? I think we should bring it back to promote Platinum some more.
    Writer 2: Um, okay, how should we go at it?
    Writer 1: Well I was thinking that maybe we should be having a trainer using it, but instead of it being the actual Zapdos its instead that new Pokemon Zoroark so we can also advertise the next movie. Besides, a normal trainer owning a Legendary is just silly.
    Writer 2: Um, I think we're suppose to keep Zoroark a secret until just before we release the movie.
    Writer 1: Really? Okay then, how about a Ditto? Everyone loves a Generation I Pokemon.
    Writer 2: Okay. Hey, I got an even better idea, we'll bring back Duplica! Everyone loves nostalgia!
    Writer 1: Err, actually we got quite the negative feeback on the Jessiebelle episode so I think that's a bad idea.
    Writer 2: I thought that was because we messed with the backstory a bit too much and pretty made everyone forget her?
    Writer 1: No, it was because no one likes nostalgia, however this new trainer will dress up like people like Duplica.
    Writer 2: WHAT? We might as well then have it be Duplica and her two Dittos!
    Writer 1: Hey, WHO'S number 1 here? However I do like the idea of there being two Dittos, but being two Dittos will be boring to look at we'll make one shiny.
    Writer 2: Wha... nevermind...

    Sorry about that, but this is how I kind of imagined the conversation for this episode went. Anyway, despite what I said above, this isn't a bad episode, it's okay though you still have to wonder if they were going to have a trainer with Ditto who dresses up why didn't they use Duplica! In addition to that, they supported CHEATING in this episode with having Ditto transform into any Pokemon nearby instead of the Pokemon their battling against! However it was still an okay episode, so without further or do, here's my review:

    BUT! Before I do I have to mention something to me new format. Now I'm going back to just giving each section a title instead of when it goes to the next video, so if you see the number reset that number should link to part 2 of that episode. Now with that out of the way:

    Double Trouble, But Not With Team Rocket:
    00:17 - Uh oh, Ash is training Gible and Piplup is out, and being the writers like to beat a running gag like a dead horse Piplup might want to hide...
    00:28 - You know, you got to wonder if Ash & co. have short attention spans being everytime Ash trains Gible's Draco Meteor you'll think Dawn woudl atleast return Piplup.
    00:43 - Dawn, when I said Ash & co. that includes you, and you should know that no matter where Ash train Gible Draco Meteor will find Piplup, it happened plenty times before.
    01:05 - Oh, NOW you're returning Piplup!... Oh wait, that's Togekiss's Pokeball, Arceus forbid the forced mascot Piplup be put back into its Pokeball.
    01:21 - Great, what Pokemon did Piplup disturb this time? Oh wait, it's opening title time!
    02:26 - Well it finally happened, Piplup forced mascot status had finally grew its ego to make it think it's the only Pokemon in the show.
    02:39 - *GASP* Piplup is still sleeping! Then who could this Piplup be? That would be the question if they haven't said a certain DNA Pokemon's name in the title.
    02:41 - Dawn, why don't you just return Piplup's into its Pokeba... oh, sorry, I forgot. Anyway the fake Piplup seems kind of angry the real Piplup for some reason (blew its disguise?).
    03:07 - And once again, Draco Meteor is used to find Piplup (guess some running gags do have some real importance). I like how Ash & Brock are smiling at the fact they found Piplup by blowing it up.
    03:16 - And now we have two Togekiss... hey Gible, do you think you can re-program your Draco Meteor? Then again being Togekiss isn't a forced mascot... AND LOOK AT THAT! Brock thinks of Dawn returning it.
    03:34 - And now two Pikachus. Well we know which one is the fake as they both have different voices. And Brock, just because Pikachu doesn't like to go back in its Pokeball doesn't mean it can't...
    03:55 - Ash, I think you might have gotten the wrong Pikachu. But of course the fake Pikachu zaps Ash just the same.
    04:09 - Pikachu charades time! Wobbuffet, Loudred, Staraptor, Marill, Buneary, Seviper, Budew, I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPZ, Mime Jr.?, and then they begin repeating.
    04:23 - WHA? Double Piplups again? Oh yay, the title mention double... Well off with a Draco Meteor... of course, two Gibles. Will they remember they can return Gible?
    04:39 - And now we have a girl dressed up as Flint... uhh, cosplaying girl, never speak like a "gangsta" again... Flint doesn't even speak like that.
    04:53 - *UNSURPRISED GASP* TWO DITT... *SURPRISED GASP* OH! ONE'S SHINY! Well, I got to admit that caught me off guard. You won this round episode.
    04:58 - Oh please Brock, you didn't know they were Dittos, you were to busy confusing "doesn't like" doesn't mean "can't".
    05:10 - Of course Ash has to refer to them as "Alternate Colored" as that's the "official" term. THen again Ash and Brock has seen Shiny Pokemon before, Ash has a Shiny Noctowl!
    05:17 - Ditto 1 and Ditto 2? REAL creative this one is... hey, shouldn't the Shiny Ditto transform into a Shiny version of a Pokemon it transform into? Anyway the girl's name is Narissa.

    Pokemon Supports Making Friends, Training Hard, And Cheating:
    05:52 - The Rumbler? Really? Actually it sounds like she's making stuff up now.
    06:20 - Lol, she actually called Ash a noob. Oh it gets better. She has been a trainer for a month, she has no badges, and says it's because Gym Leaders are afraid of her... okay, let's go to Team Rocket.
    07:09 - And today's Meowth Boss Fantasy: After Giovanni and a bunch of Rocket grunts fail to capture a battling Giratina and Regigigas the Ditto comes in and take the forms of the two Legendary to "save face"...
    07:55 - James realizes how dumb Meowth's idea is but Jessie and Meowth just shrug it off.
    08:11 - Dawn, Ash has battled several Dittos before (not that you would have known that but still). Actually, can't you say "it's not everyday you battle this Pokemon" to every Pokemon-of-the-day they meet?
    08:53 - Oh, Narissa has a orange Pokedex! Whta do you mean what's Flame Wheel about? Infernape is a Fire-type Pokemon, it's highly likely it has a Fire-type attack! Anyway Narissa does the same move all the same.
    09:24 - Two hitting Mach Punches, but of course being Narissa has only been training for a month her Ditto can't withstand an attack like Infernape can.
    09:58 - WHAT!? YOU CAN'T TRANSFORM INTO A DIFFERENT POKEMON THAT'S NOT ON THE FIELD! And even then, Piplup? Against a Pikachu? Even Dawn points it out!
    00:08 - Whoa, Pikachu just smacked that Iron Tail away! Yay, Dawn points out Steel-type moves don't work so well on Electric-types. You know Narissa, you shouldn't be telling Dawn to shut up when you're losing and she's telling you what you're doing wrong.
    00:22 - Narissa now tries a Volt Tackle which not only won't hurt Pikachu as much being an Electric-type move but, as Dawn points out, also hurts Ditto. Ash wins.
    00:58 - Yes, it's Ash's fault you lost because your ego is huge, you overestimate your Pokemon's strength, and you don't know anything about weakness or resistance.
    01:14 - LOL! Wow, Ash pretty much just showed Narissa up. Huh? Both her Dittos Transform into Zapdos in a battle yesterday? What, did the wild Zapdos Team Rocket say in DP094 "Doc Brock!" fly by and your Ditto Transformed into it?
    01:32 - HOLY MILTANKS! IT WAS THE ZAPDOS TEAM ROCKET SAW! Oh, and Narissa, if the Pokemon trainer and their Pokemon run away from a battle, it doesn't mean you won... oh, Dawn pointed that out... am I even needed in this episode?
    01:44 - Whoa! Brock is getting serious! Though you do have to give her credit for at least using a Pokedex to knowing the opposing Pokemon's moves, though Brock is right about getting rid of that ego.
    02:15 - Well, I hope you're happy Brock, you made a girl cry. No wonder why no girl wants you. Anyway Narissa fesses up she was lying and why she's acting as such.
    03:15 - Geez Brock, do you always have to grow 50 feet tall and be on fire whenever you're making a dramatic and serious speech? And oh boy, looks like Brock is getting another admirer... unfortunetly for him its once again a young girl.
    03:43 - BROCK, YOU'RE TELLING HER TO CHEAT! Besides the problem with the Infernape battle was that Narissa had Ditto take a Mach Punch head on despite should of knowing her Ditto probably wouldn't be able to handle it.

    Well If We're Going To Cheat We Might As Well Teach Type Advantage:
    03:57 - Brock, Narissa tried Iron Tail and it didn't work, I think she knows Pikachu has more then Electric-type moves. Here it was a losing battle as the best move in this case was Quick Attack, all the other Pikachu would resist.
    04:55 - Great work Brock, did you forget Happiny was super strong? And for some reason Ash and Dawn are surprised at this despite seeing Happiny do this kind of thing before.
    05:13 - Hehe, get it, the Dittos are transforming into an Imitation Pokemon. Hehe.
    05:21 - Um, Brock, you do know unless it's a Double Battle Narissa can't have both of her Dittos attack at the same time, right? Anyway Hammer Arm was a good decision against Sudowoodo.
    05:50 - Wow, Team Rocket actually caught the two Dittos (instead of catching one of the Dittos and Sudowoodo accidently). Yay, Ash, sent out Pikachu instead of Staraptor who's job is pretty much destroying Team Rocket's balloon. *sigh*
    06:17 - Oh, now you're sending out Staraptor, Dawn, would you like to send out your Togekiss to help look as well... of course not.
    06:22 - Why did the Dittos instantly Transform into Meowth once freed? Oh please, mixing Meowth up with them isn't going to confuse anyone. However them Transforming into Wobbuffet is another story (and I doubt Team Rocket will think of the Pokeball idea).
    07:08 - Well it didn't take Ash & co. long to find them. What did Team Rocket do, only fly a few meters away?
    07:45 - You know if you're just going to have Narissa cheat to win, you might as well have all of you throw out your Pokemon to let Narissa have her Ditto have a plethora of Pokemon to Transform into.
    08:07 - Thank you Ash for helping Narissa cheat.
    08:32 - But what is an episode with Ditto without having them transform into Pikachu for a multi-Pikachu Thundershock Blast Off? Huh? Since when could Ditto do a direct Transform to another Pokemon? Did they get their Omnitrix upgraded?
    09:18 - Sorry Narissa, this is Pokemon, only ship teases are allowed, no actual ships, especially Brock. And to prove this, Brock instantly flirts with a pretty girl just walking by... OUCH! Three Poison Jabs... and Brock's scream actually did make it sound painful...
    09:37 - No really Ash? You figure that all on your own? Anyway Narissa, there is nothing wrong with you acting tough, it was your big ego and rude attitude which was the problem.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [12]Sep 15, 2010
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    Uh, Pikachu, I think you left out mentioning where Ash and the others arrived at the end of the episode.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Sep 15, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Uh, Pikachu, I think you left out mentioning where Ash and the others arrived at the end of the episode.

    Lake Valor? No, I just didn't have a comment. Remember with the new format, I only put up comments instead of explaining mostly what's going on. Notice I didn't specifically point out when Ash and Narissa's battle started, just made comments during it.

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