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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Dealing With Defensive Types!

Was It A Good Gym Battle?

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]May 30, 2009
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    Time for the Canalave Gym Battle, and time for Gliscor to shine! Plus, major Buizel defeat!

    BTW, I decided to start pinning these. Each one will be pinned until the next episodes airs.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]May 30, 2009
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    This was another great battle.
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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [3]May 30, 2009
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    Glad Buizel finally got owned, that should've happened a while ago... and woohoo for Gliscor time =D
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [4]May 30, 2009
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    one earthquake would have finised off bastiodon
    Edited on 05/30/2009 12:01pm
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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [5]May 30, 2009
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    Great Gym Battle I must say.

    I liked how Gliscor got his moment, and Buizel got pwned.

    My favorite part has to be when they played the Team Aqua/Magma theme during Chimchar vs. Bastiodon! That's my favorite theme from R/S/E.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [6]May 30, 2009
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    Pretty good Gym Battle, and thankfully this time Team Rocket didn't interrupt it (though they were quite busy being Blast Off by the fossils they were trying to steal). Then again, they couldn't have Team Rocket do anything major as Byron was using up all the explosives that are used to send Team Rocket Blasting Off normally. Anyway it was a good battle and if we learned one thing today, is that Byron loves to have explosions happen behind him while saying he loves something. Now lets conclude this post with its review (...wait, does that even make sense?):

    Melting Some Steel:
    * Hopefully this battle won't get interrupted like how the Roark and Byron Gym Battle did.
    * Okay Byron... I think last episode you made it clear you love fossils, defense... and apparently explosions too.
    * Round 1 Begin: Chimchar VS. Bronzor. Adventage: Chimchar.
    * Oh, that's right, Chimchar was the Pokemon that Paul used to defeat Roark's Onix. Chimchar defeated a weakness of its, let's see how it does with a resistance.
    * GAH! I totally forgot Bronzor could have the Heatproof ability! Those things were SO annoying everytime I battle a Galactic Grunt with one.
    * Hmm, but being it has Heatproof it doesn't have levitate, Ash should try Chimchar's Dig as Ground-type is another weakness of Bronzor.
    * Rain Dance, that'll weaken Fire-type moves even more. Apparently it seems like Byron's first tactic is to remove any adventages Fire-types have against Steel-types.
    * There ya go, Dig! Without its Leveitate Ability it'll receive double the damag... NO! Ash! You're suppose to ATTACK with Dig, not with Flamethrower!
    * Gyro Ball is a Steel-type move, so it shouldn't really have that much effect on Chimchar, though if Ash keeps on using Fire-type moves Chimchar won't last long.
    * Round 1 Winner: Chimchar. Chimchar has been recalled. And Byron still loves defense (and explosions!)

    Screeching Is In The Family:
    * And Team Rocket is still trying to steal Byron's fossil collection. Though hwy Meowht is telling Wobbuffet to be quiet I don't know since they are the ones singing.
    * However, they're gonna steal some food first in true Team Rocket fashion. Would of been funny if the fridge was filled with rocks and thye bit into them without looking.
    * But who needs them biting down on rocks when instead Fossil Pokemon can be attacking them! Lesson of this Blast Off: Don't get in a way of a Fossil Pokemon and its food (remember, they haven't eaten in a few thousand years).
    * Round 2 Begin: Buizel VS. Steelix. Adventage: Buizel
    * Yay Brock, I think more then anyone Ash understands that types don't win matches, or at least he used to in the past (don't see him doing that much anymore).
    * Oh please, Ash faced at least 2 Steelix's before and defeated both, and they were the "Main" Pokemon Ash had to take down in those episodes.
    * Screech being used again as an offensive like attack? Didn't Roark's Onix also use the same move in the same way? See, Dawn even noted it!
    * Byron's Steelix seems to be just a bigger, badder version of Roark's Onix, both having Screech, Bind like Stealth Rock, and Iron Tail like Rock Throw.
    * Round 2 Winner: Steelix. I think Buizel had participated in enough Gym Battles, and being the next two are Ice-type and Electric-type, it's better off waiting until the Sinnoh League for more official battles (It could try evolving in the meanwhile).

    Keep On Melting That Steel:
    * Geez Dawn, calm down, Ash has gotten himself out of tougher situations before, this is pretty much like an everage battle to him.
    * Round 3: Chimchar VS. Steelix. Adventage: Equals out.
    * Though weakened, that little rest in its Poke Ball looked to have done enoguh to give Chimchar at least a little boost in energy. Plus Steelix doesn't have Heatproof to protect itself from Fire-type moves.
    * But that little boost gave away and now Steelix is back in battle. And looks like Dig isn't doing much with Steelix Iron Tailing the ground and sending it flying.
    * Phew! Looks like Dig did do something afterall! With Steelix not stunned in a hole, a Flame Wheel should do plenty of damage, infact...
    * Round 3 Winner: Chimchar. That's two wins in a row! Also looks like it'll be staying in for the next battle round.
    * Say what you want about Team Rocket, but you can never say they don't recover from a Blast Off slowly. Oh, a Kabutops, well if we see an Aerodactyl we would have seen all the Generation I Fossil Pokemon in this epsiode.

    A Shield Of A Fossil:
    * Round 4 Begin: Chimchar VS. Bastiodon. Adventage: Bastiodon.
    * Actually Ash, if you forgot, you do still have one more Pokemon left to use, so I think that Chimchar would be losing this round, but not before weakening Bastiodon a bit.
    * Metal Burst is still a Metal-type move, so it shouldn't do a lot of damage especially since it looked to have taken no damage from Flamethrower. But Ash, try to actually use Dig like Paul did to defeat Roark's Onix.
    * Round 4 Winner: Bastiodon. And Byron loves Fossils, Defense, Bastiodon... and explosions.
    * And looks like Team Rocket found a different Fossil Room (how many does Byron have?). But of course, we have an Armaldo and Cradily in the room that Team Rocket just woke up. Mark another Blast Off for Team Rocket.
    * Final Round (5) Begin: Gliscor VS. Bastiodon. Adventage: Gliscor.
    * Actually Dawn, for this battle Gliscor is better as Bastiodon's Steel-type is resistant to Flying- and Normal-type moves and its Rock-type is Super Effective against Flying-type Pokemon.
    * Too bad Gliscor doesn't know any Ground-type attacks. Infact, because of that, neither Bastiodon nor Gliscor have an adventage really.
    * This isn't good, that ramming Iron Head attack is juggling Gliscor in the air. All depends on what Gliscor does before that Flash Cannon hits.

    * Ah, looks like Bastiodon can't do very much if its opponent is on its back. Gliscor got a few nice hits there as well before being thrown off (Gliscor should have held onto both horns instead of one).
    * HUH?? But Gliscor wasn't anywhere near Bastiodon! How did it trip, I don't think Gliscor's tail is that long.?
    * Okay Ash, that head on X-Scissor was just stupid, you must know by now that Bastiodon would have just used a ramming Iron Head to block it and sending Gliscor flying back.
    * Hide behind the rock? Does Ash even notice the ramming Iron Head... oh, Gliscor must have used that as a distraction to fly up in the air.
    * Sand-Attack, Gliscor's only Ground-type attacks but unfortunetly doesn't do damage, but Fire Fang does damage...
    * Final Round (5) Winner: Gliscor! And to celebrate Gliscor crashed into Ash.
    * And with all this battled and done, Ash got his Mine Badge and we get a familiar scene if you watched the the opener all the way to the end.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]May 30, 2009
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    Awesome episode, the Gym Battle was definitely intense. I'm glad Gliscor got in the ultimate win this time, and I'm also glad that Buizel got pwned after getting in wins in the past three Gym Battles.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [8]May 30, 2009
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    Great episode! The gym battle was awesome to watch, and just like many other folks here, I am so glad Gliscor finally managed to win the battle for Ash. Congratulations Ash, you now have a brand new Mine Badge!
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [9]May 30, 2009
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    chimchar vs bronzor: eerything made sense. very nice how the battle between chimchar and bronzor ended. when i saw team rocket i said noooooo cause i thought it would be another prolonged episode so im happy the original fossil pokemon blasted them off i forgot kabuto was part ground and not part water LOL.

    buizel vs steelix: am i the only one who thinks steelixs screech sounds like a female ghost?O_O with buizel having the type advantagen you'd think this would be an easy battle but thanks to screech not only was he able to attack first, he lowered buizels defenses which made bind and iron tail stronger (which is the only reason i believe he got knocked out so quickly)

    chimchar vs steelix: things would appear to be great if not for the fact that chimchar is still feeling a bit weak but with a bit of luck and strategy, hes able to take down steelix with 2 hits i wanted his flash fire ability to come into effect (or whatever its called) but ah well im just glad he survived that match

    bastiodon vs everyone left: chimchar was able to defeat 2 of byrons pokemon so of course it had little energy left but its ok chimchar you did great!!!

    oh no team rocket is back!!! but wait, this time the hoenn fossil pokemon blasted them off wow gliscors tail must be super strong tro knock down a bastiodon O_O great strategy on avoiding flash cannon and holding on to bastiodon to use fire fang. a strategy which helped them win!!!! looks like another badge has been one and we get closer to the sinnoh elite four

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [10]May 30, 2009
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    I wish chimchare would have evolb in this episode, During the battle with bronzor or with steelix that would have been cool to see but oh well, Inlease it was still a great battle ash won his what 7th badge...oh no waite its his 6th badge ok never mine sorry i sorta forgot, Iny ways i love this episode the battle was really cool and so was team rocket geting chased by the prehistoric pokemon.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [11]May 31, 2009
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    Chimchar gets another 2 wins, Buizel finally loses for once, and Gliscor debuts in a gym battle. We enjoy yet another Team Rocket Gym Battle-Free interruption. Love those episodes like that but I would enjoy an episode with no Team Rocket, but I guess that would be impossible.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [12]May 31, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    chimchar vs bronzor: eerything made sense.

    Even Chimchar floating in mid-air?
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [13]May 31, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    chimchar vs bronzor: eerything made sense. very nice how the battle between chimchar and bronzor ended. when i saw team rocket i said noooooo cause i thought it would be another prolonged episode so im happy the original fossil pokemon blasted them off i forgot kabuto was part ground and not part water LOL.

    buizel vs steelix: am i the only one who thinks steelixs screech sounds like a female ghost?O_O with buizel having the type advantagen you'd think this would be an easy battle but thanks to screech not only was he able to attack first, he lowered buizels defenses which made bind and iron tail stronger (which is the only reason i believe he got knocked out so quickly)

    chimchar vs steelix: things would appear to be great if not for the fact that chimchar is still feeling a bit weak but with a bit of luck and strategy, hes able to take down steelix with 2 hits i wanted his flash fire ability to come into effect (or whatever its called) but ah well im just glad he survived that match

    bastiodon vs everyone left: chimchar was able to defeat 2 of byrons pokemon so of course it had little energy left but its ok chimchar you did great!!!

    oh no team rocket is back!!! but wait, this time the hoenn fossil pokemon blasted them off wow gliscors tail must be super strong tro knock down a bastiodon O_O great strategy on avoiding flash cannon and holding on to bastiodon to use fire fang. a strategy which helped them win!!!! looks like another badge has been one and we get closer to the sinnoh elite four

    Last time I checked, Kabuto is Rock/Water, not Rock/Ground.

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [14]Jun 1, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    i forgot kabuto was part ground and not part water LOL.
    Last time I checked, Kabuto is Rock/Water, not Rock/Ground.
    oops that was my mistake i meant it the other way around

    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    chimchar vs bronzor: eerything made sense.
    Even Chimchar floating in mid-air?
    well to be honest i have a few rants my main one being that i thought iron defense only worked with physical attacks but the awesome battle made up for it

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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [15]Jun 1, 2009
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    Awsome ep! the battle was epic Glad that Gliscor finally got to battle
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [16]Jun 2, 2009
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    I never actually realized that this season was showing xD I'm sooo lost. Eh, either way, okay episode.
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