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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Doc Brock!

  • Avatar of BAC510


    [21]Feb 16, 2009
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    NYGBRIAN246 wrote:
    I just at the end. That was just messed up and funny. First Pokemon esp that made me laugh in a while.

    Funny in the Original, funny in the Dub, hmm, never thought that would happen in an episode.

    Can Ash & Dawn ever do anything right by themeselves? They are VERY dependent! Very sad, when you catch a Pokemon, make sure you learn about your Pokemon because you never know if good-old Brock can come to the rescue.

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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [22]Feb 16, 2009
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    It's been a long time since I've done a review, so here it is:

    Boring... There.

    Everyone have a good week!

    P.S. ~ The Gliscor & Staravia moments were OK, I guess...

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [23]Feb 17, 2009
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    Nice episode, not exactly an action filled one but better then some other fillers I can think of. If that Zapdos was there to advertise Platinum then shouldn't we have at least also seen Moltres and Atricuno also or did the writers figure seeing one would give us the clue for what purpose it was added into the episode? Gliscor and Croagunk was pretty much the only two providing comedy in this episode, especially Gliscor (I don't know why I included Croagunk, I just find everything it does amusing). Good thing there wasn't any girls in the Pharmacy for Brock to flirt with, without Croagunk there would be no one stopping him and might have taken him like an hour or twoto finish shopping.

    Pokesitting 101:
    * Whoa! Buneary's Ice Beam got pretty strong! Kind of feel sorry for the tree though, though it's not a Pokemon it still is kind of like a Grass-type.
    * Ash, falling asleep while trying to find a way to stop the sleep-inducing move Hypnosis isn't very confident filling.
    * Where is Brock going? Oh, a pharmacy to get medicine, always good to have someone who knows how to take care of the Pokemon.
    * Trusting Ash and Dawn to look after the Pokemon... yay, Brock, I don't think that will go so well, remember the last time you were out of action when you were sick?
    * If the title is about Brock, shouldn't it be Brock reading it instead of Dawn?
    * There should be no problem showering most of the Pokemon, but wouldn't spraying water on Chimchar, Sudowoodo, Gliscor, and Swinub be a bad idea considering their types?
    * Oh yay, add Pachirisu to that list, I thought it was going to shock Ash when it began to shoot out sparks (though Ash is probably used to electric shocks by now).
    * Instead of a wash Swinub got a brushing, so that leaves only how Chimchar, Sudowoodo, and Gliscor got learned (though I suppose a brushing would work for them just as well).

    Aching For Some Lunch:
    * Guess Team Rocket isn't going to cause too much trouble in this episode, without Ash and co. on the road they can't even find them.
    * Dawn made pancakes for lunch? Wouldn't Pokemon Food or maybe eve Poffin have been a better choice to feed the Pokemon with? Besides, pancakes are for breakfast.
    * Where in the world did Meowth buy a bag of chips that big! No really, I want to know so I can buy some! But didn't they just worked off the extra a few episodes ago?
    * Washing, feeding, I guess it's not nap time. And Ash, maybe deep thinking isn't for you, especially when that deep thinking is about sleeping. -_-;
    * Looks like there is an emergancy. Pachirisu is sick! Maybe feeding it human food wasn't that good of an idea afterall (though the other Pokemon seem fine so maybe it's just a fluke).
    * Poor Gliscor, so willing to fly out and search but rejected in favor of Staravia. But why not send both Staravia and Gliscor out, cover much more ground that way.

    Subliminal Platinum Advertising:
    * Ice Beam? Err... Dawn, don't you think that is a bit too much considering Buneary froze an ENTIRE TREE before? No, better with a folded up cloth soaked in cool (not cold) water would be a better idea.
    * Or crushed ice in a pouch woudl also do, but like I said cool water would be better then something really cold.
    * Like I said above, being all the Pokemon are fine from eating the food and a spritz of cold water only suprises you, Pachirisu getting sick is probably a fluke that couldn't be stopped.
    * Let me guess, with Staravia searching Team Rocket are going to spot it... Zapdos! Where did it come from? Well it flew off so I guess the only purpose for it was to have James by -accidentally gunk Staravia.
    * Umm, shouldn't Ash or Dawn stay behind and watch Pachirisu while the other one goes looking for an Oran Berry? Ash... Sudowoodo isn't even a Grass-type let alone an Oran Berry Tree.
    * What berry is that if it isn't an Oran Berry? No other blue berry I can find is blue and designed similiar to an Oran Berry or the kind Pikachu just found.
    * Staravia must have landed and escaped Team Rocket's sight. Maybe if Staravia dunk its wing into the river it's near it'll clean the gunk right off? BTW, does Team Rocket know it's Ash's Staravia or are just going after it because they gunked it?

    Getting A Chance On The Re-Bound:
    * And here is Gliscor's big chance after being rejected originally... and it crashes into a tree. But it soon recovers and sets on its way.
    * Croagunk, you got to be a bit quicker if you want to help out with finding something, though you do get effort points for finding a different colored blanket.
    * Oh, so Gliscor doesn't only crash into Brock, it crashes into anyone who it is sent to find! Though charades isn't Gliscor's game, I think Brock should know that it wouldn't be out here if there wasn't some kind of trouble.
    * Oh the wonderful things about Gliscors, are Gliscors are wonderful things... I'm sorry, I couldn't resist saying that seeing Gliscor jumping on its tail like that.
    * No wind to fly on, too heavy to be lifted, eventually Gliscor had to be left behind. This has to be one of the few time Brock was the one leaving someone behind.
    * Though giving it mashed fruit might be a good idea, being you don't know what that fruit is it might do more harm then good. Oh wait, Brock is back!

    Figuring What's Shocking You:
    * It's having an electrical build-up, you mean like Pikachu got a few times? So I guess the only thing Pachirisu needs to do is give off a huge Thundershock or some other kind of electrical attack.
    * Wasn't that device Brock had a volt tester not absorber? Well whatever it was it worked. And calm the water works Dawn, being Brock is the one to take care of the Pokemon you could have only done worse then what you did.
    * And of course, leave it to Brock to find where the Oran Berries grow. Being that Dawn might be leaving at the end of Sinnoh, maybe Brock should teach her (and Ash) some basic first-aid.
    * Staravia is still struggling with the gunk? You would think it would at least try dunking its wing into water... good thing those Woopers knew what I was talking about! But what trouble can Team Rocket cause, it's almost the end of the episode!
    * Yay, Pachirisu is better, only it could run around in circles right after getting better from a fever. And I guess Team Rocket can cause some bit of trouble.

    Left Behind But Sorta Not Forgotten:
    * Wow, with Staravia showing up the tides of the event shifted quickly. And Dawn, being too much electricity was the problem, maybe having Pachirisu doing the Team Rocket launch off isn't such a bad idea.
    * Hold it Brock, I understand Dawn not knowing a bit of first-aid being a new trainer and all, but shouldn't you have at least taught Ash? Does that mean you never taught May (don't think if Misty knew first-aid or not being a Gym Leader) first-aid either?
    * Was Croagunk inside the cabin the while time Team Rocket was attacking? Though I guess there was no real reason for it to be outside since Staravia, Buneary, and Pachirisu were the ones doing anything.
    * D'oh! Poor Gliscor, not only was it left behind but it was also forgotten! The only thing that went right for it was finding Brock, but everything was just failure.

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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [25]Feb 27, 2009
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    Someone said in a previous thread that this would be sadder than the Pikachu getting sick episode in Battle Dimension but, like everyone else has sai0d, it's more funny. And at the end, I felt like glomping (tackle hugging) Gliscor then bocking Ash in the head with a play hammer for being so irresponsible.

    Speaking of Gliscor, No offense to anyone who is out there, but Ash's Gliscor seems sort of like a special ed pokemon or just really clumbsy.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [26]Feb 27, 2009
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    Torferleon248 wrote:
    Someone said in a previous thread that this would be sadder than the Pikachu getting sick episode in Battle Dimension but, like everyone else has sai0d, it's more funny. And at the end, I felt like glomping (tackle hugging) Gliscor then bocking Ash in the head with a play hammer for being so irresponsible. Speaking of Gliscor, No offense to anyone who is out there, but Ash's Gliscor seems sort of like a special ed pokemon or just really clumbsy.

    Gliscor's tail isn't made for hopping long distance, it's purpose is to act like a spring board so Gliscor can jump high up into the air and glide which is its normal way of transporting to somewhere. However it needs a bit of wind to travel long distances and without that jumping into the air and gliding might waste more energy then it needs so it just began hopping all the way, brushing off any falls.

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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [27]Feb 28, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    Torferleon248 wrote:
    Someone said in a previous thread that this would be sadder than the Pikachu getting sick episode in Battle Dimension but, like everyone else has sai0d, it's more funny. And at the end, I felt like glomping (tackle hugging) Gliscor then bocking Ash in the head with a play hammer for being so irresponsible. Speaking of Gliscor, No offense to anyone who is out there, but Ash's Gliscor seems sort of like a special ed pokemon or just really clumbsy.

    Gliscor's tail isn't made for hopping long distance, it's purpose is to act like a spring board so Gliscor can jump high up into the air and glide which is its normal way of transporting to somewhere. However it needs a bit of wind to travel long distances and without that jumping into the air and gliding might waste more energy then it needs so it just began hopping all the way, brushing off any falls.

    T.T Such a brave pokemon.

    -Hits Ash again-
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