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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Double Team Turnover!

  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [1]Mar 7, 2009
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    OMG they acctully figured out before team rocket declothed
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  • Avatar of jjsthekid


    [2]Mar 7, 2009
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    I loved this episode! But can someone tell me who was voiceing Jupiter?
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  • Avatar of GrandCross21


    [3]Mar 7, 2009
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    First episode I've seen since they were in Hoenn. I liked it, 8/10
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [4]Mar 7, 2009
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    Cynthia is smarter than the average good guy. She is starting to realise that Cyrus is evil, and speaking of Cyrus what a cool speech, I thought Team Rocket were going to wet themselfs, Cyrus pawns Giovanni any day of the week.

    Team Galactic, great job getting their objective despire dealing with both pesky good guys and pesky wannna be bad guys. They are cool, I sort of want to join them.

    I don't know who voices Jupiter, but she was cool and awsome getting the Orb from everyone. She has to be the TG employee of the month. Not to mention, she is hot.

    She doesn't need any Pokemon to steal from me, all she had to do was mimorise me with her beauty. Unlike Brock, I have no predijies against evil girls. A hottie is a hottie no matter what side is on.

    Edited on 03/07/2009 6:47am
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [5]Mar 7, 2009
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    Hunter J will be called for some assignment! Hopefully it isn't a Dub thing. But great episode, defenitely one to remember.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [7]Mar 7, 2009
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    You know, I'm surprised Ash and friends didn't notice anything strange about the way Cyrus was acting during the speech he gave Team Rocket (though I think Cynthia suspects something). Also, I think he got a little carried away with his speech, he pretty much blurted out Team Galactic's entire plan.
    Edited on 03/07/2009 12:47pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [8]Mar 7, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Hunter J will be called for some assignment! Hopefully it isn't a Dub thing. But great episode, defenitely one to remember.

    She just said the Pokemon Hunter, it could mean anyone. Hopefully J though. The original version also mentions a hunter.
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [9]Mar 7, 2009
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    nyfan wrote:

    Cynthia is smarter than the average good guy. She is starting to realise that Cyrus is evil, and speaking of Cyrus what a cool speech, I thought Team Rocket were going to wet themselfs, Cyrus pawns Giovanni any day of the week.

    Team Galactic, great job getting their objective despire dealing with both pesky good guys and pesky wannna be bad guys. They are cool, I sort of want to join them.

    I don't know who voices Jupiter, but she was cool and awsome getting the Orb from everyone. She has to be the TG employee of the month. Not to mention, she is hot.

    She doesn't need any Pokemon to steal from me, all she had to do was mimorise me with her beauty. Unlike Brock, I have no predijies against evil girls. A hottie is a hottie no matter what side is on.

    Yeah. I suspected that there was something fishy about this guy.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Mar 7, 2009
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    Great episode, Team Galactic have just completed the first part of their plans and now going onto what they did in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum's storyline. I can't say much that I will be repeating in the review below:

    A Lust For The Lustrous Orb:
    * Leave it to Cynthia to clear a whole swarm of Golbat with just one attack. I never really understood why Flying-types were weak to Rock-type moves though.
    * Now everyone (with Pokemon) are getting involved, except for Team Rocket who are gonna stick back and watch as usual (not like they could escape anyway except with a blast off).
    * With so many attack collisions the whole building if filling with smoke, I wouldn't be surprised if the fire alarm and sprinklers went off.
    * Poor Chimchar, it took Toxicroak's attack for Pikachu. Too bad no one has a Psychic-type, Toxicroak wouldn't know what hit it with its 4x weakness.
    * With smoke comes Team Rocket trying to get away (did James really think he could hide it under his hat?) Eitherway Meowth blew their cover (but at least it was to save the Lustrous Orb).
    * You know, being the Lustrous Orb supposedly survived since the dawn of time and not even show a scratch, I got to think it's strong enough to take a fall to the floor and not break (hey, maybe the floor will break a bit instead).
    * Team Galactic is letting Team Rocket go with the Lustrious Orb. Well Team Rocket isn't hard to defeat and take things from so probably a good idea on Team Galactic's part, if they get to Team Rocket first.
    * With both evil organizations gone, it's time to heal up any injured Pokemon. Interesting enough, this is only Chimchar and Croagunk who were both hurt by Toxicroak.

    Enough Blaming Going Around:
    * If it would make everyone feel better, it's all your faults! To be serious, it is Cyrus's fault, be that is because he planned it to be his fault if-you-knew-his-secret sort of way.
    * Jupiter! Okay, with her that marks all the members of Team Galactic from the Diamond and Pearl games, but not Platinum for obvious reasons.
    * The Spear Key can be used as a compass to track the orbs? But how does it know it should be tracking the Lustrous Orb and not the Adament Orb? Either way they are off to find Team Rocket.
    * Ash, you can't fully blame yourself for Chimchar getting hurt and not thinking of it, you gave the order to attack to Pikachu and Chimchar just noticed Pikachu would be running into Toxicroak's spike finger.
    * Yup Cynthia, Chimchar was Paul's. You remember that "other battle" Ash had with Paul? That was the time the ownership of Chimchar switched.
    * Meanwhile Team Rocket are stuck in a back alley with police all around them (as police never look down allyways ). I don't think it's a good idea to have Carnivine hide the Lustrous Orb in its mouth though.
    * Oh don't worry Dawn, Ash and Brock are experience in world ending plots. Whether it be from an evil organization, individual, or Pokemon, Ash and co. usually rescues the day, with help sometime. And you look, you got Cynthia as your help.
    * I don't think it was ever said the Orbs were connected to Dialga and Palkia, so exactly how did Brock figure it was those two Team Galactic is after (though through a different way then Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)?
    * Hold it, why does Team Galactic have Golbat searching for Team Rocket when they already have Jupiter using the Spear Key to do it? Ah well, Staravia also foudn it that way and now Ash and co. are off for Team Rocket.

    Never Use The Same Strategy Twice:
    * And where may that be but none other then the ruins! And with that said Team Rocket and discovered by Cyrus and Carolina. Dowe get to see some of Cyrus's Pokemon coming out to do today's launch off?
    * Everyone's closing in on Team Rocket now. Though Piplup, you might want to warn Staravia the next time before jumping on its back (though there was still plenty of enough room on Garchomp's back to sit and have some leg... err... feet room.
    * And the first to get to Team Rocket is... Team Galactic! And coming in second is Ash and co. and Cynthia's Pokemon saving Team Rocket from a Hypnosis and Body Slam.
    * Um, you do know there is also Pikachu, Staravia, and Piplup there too, right? There isn't only Garchomp.
    * Once again, Team Rocket is using the Lustrous Orb as a way to get away, this time threatening Carnivine eat it (though comparing the size of the orb to its body and how hard it is, might give Carnivine some stomach cramps if it did eat it.
    * Good work Cyrus, you pretty much just revealed all of Team Galactic's plans. Anyway it sounds like soon they'll also be going after the Lake Trio like in the games after getting the Orbs.
    * The Orbs are Dialga and Palkia? Well they increase their power but I wouldn't say they are those two. Anyway here is the Golbat Swarm possibly meaning Saturn (and Jupiter) is nearby.
    * And it's Skuntank for the steal and blast off! So it's Jupiter, so where is Saturn if that Golbat swarm wasn't part of his grunt's group? Anyway I don't think Cyrus will be joining in the hunt to go after the Lustrous Orb.

    A Dark Plan Looming Ahead:
    * Actually Ash, I think Cynthia is beginning to suspect Cyrus knows more then he is letting on (after the stuff he said and that psychotic look, how can you not?).
    * Next challenger for the championship? But the Sinnoh League didn't even happen yet!
    * Whoa! The narrator's voice got pretty deep and dark there. Speaking of which time for a Team Galactic meeting.
    * Ouch, Saturn got a scold for messing up their plans a bit. So Jupiter is now going after the Lake Trio (I wonder what she means by Pokemon Hunter, Hunter J maybe?) and we get the first mention of the Red Chain.

    Edited on 03/07/2009 4:32pm
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [11]Mar 7, 2009
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    It was mentioned way back in Eterna City by the Viridian Jenny that the Adamant Orb amplifies the powers of Dialga, and Brock assumed that the Lustrous Orb does the same for Palkia since the two are connected. For the record, we WILL see Pluto eventually, but he's not referred to by name, and only has a small cameo.
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [12]Mar 7, 2009
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    Okay, I'm getting this feeling that the Team Galactic members are named after planets.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Mar 7, 2009
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    It was mentioned way back in Eterna City by the Viridian Jenny that the Adamant Orb amplifies the powers of Dialga, and Brock assumed that the Lustrous Orb does the same for Palkia since the two are connected. For the record, we WILL see Pluto eventually, but he's not referred to by name, and only has a small cameo.

    Oh, well I guess that makes sense.

    And I already know about the Pluto cameo, just playing along as much as I could.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]Mar 7, 2009
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    Finally got to see the episode, a dramatic finish to the Celestic Town Arc, and I can't wait for Team Galactic's next appearance. Every episode is boosted in excitement x4 whenever Team Galatic is in it. Anyway, that was very brave of Chimchar to take Toxicroak's hit for Pickachu like that. Cynthia is obviously getting suspicious of Cyrus, and the final Galactic Commander makes her debut. Not to mention that the Red Chain is mentioned for the first time in the anime, and a Pokemon Hunter, hopefully J, will be getting involved!

    Anyway, I will say that Cyrus is pretty different then in the D/P/Pt games. He's a total psychotic wacko who needs to take a chill pill in the anime, and has absolutely no emotions whatsoever in the games. Lol, fairly major difference. (of course, he's still pretty messed up in the games, too )

    And one more thing: Apparently, the dub didn't bother fix the Gastrodon Pink Head Error...
    Edited on 03/07/2009 7:02pm
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of honorableninja


    [15]Mar 7, 2009
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    after watching this episode i really want Cyitna to play a major role in Team Glatic defeat more so as cool as it would be to see ash or dawn face Cyrus in the final battle i want to see Cytina be the one to bring him down that would be the battle of the century hope that how the spear pailler arc goes.
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  • Avatar of Jinto11


    [16]Mar 7, 2009
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    nyfan wrote:

    Cynthia is smarter than the average good guy. She is starting to realise that Cyrus is evil, and speaking of Cyrus what a cool speech, I thought Team Rocket were going to wet themselfs, Cyrus pawns Giovanni any day of the week.

    Team Galactic, great job getting their objective despire dealing with both pesky good guys and pesky wannna be bad guys. They are cool, I sort of want to join them.

    I don't know who voices Jupiter, but she was cool and awsome getting the Orb from everyone. She has to be the TG employee of the month. Not to mention, she is hot.

    She doesn't need any Pokemon to steal from me, all she had to do was mimorise me with her beauty. Unlike Brock, I have no predijies against evil girls. A hottie is a hottie no matter what side is on.

    yeah ur right about cynthia suspecting that Cyrus who is very obviously a bad guy he yells and shouts about making a new world and that he wants diaga and palkia so yeah its obvious. I think Giovanni is still the better boss because he can manage his corporation with profession Cyrus does the same but he is too obsessed about Sinnoh's legendary pokemon he doesnt think of the possible consequences, but he runs a tight ship with every being serious and on task. Yeah i definely agree with you nyfan about Team Galactic's girls Mars and Jupiter but i think mars is the better and hotter character hopefully this story will get better and better cause its practicually the highlight of the Sinnoh region story.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [17]Mar 7, 2009
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    pretty good episode.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Mar 7, 2009
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    nicknameless101 wrote:
    Okay, I'm getting this feeling that the Team Galactic members are named after planets.

    ... You're just realizing this now?

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [19]Mar 7, 2009
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    And one more thing: Apparently, the dub didn't bother fix the Gastrodon Pink Head Error...

    Isn't it suppose to have a pink head?

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Mar 7, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    pikastatic100 wrote:
    And one more thing: Apparently, the dub didn't bother fix the Gastrodon Pink Head Error...

    Isn't it suppose to have a pink head?

    Here's the error:

    Gastrodon is suppose to have brown on top of its head, but in this epsidoe the middle part of its head was pink.

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