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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Dressed for Jess Success!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Feb 27, 2010
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    Yay....James Crossdressing....havent seen that in over ten years...*remembers the St. Anne...and Sabrina's debut* UGH......

    James disguise voice....UGH.....

    You know who else Wants to see super Pikachu? Monferno? Buizel wouldnt look that great... what attack could Staraptor swallow? Neither can Gliscor...Piplup...eh..buneary and pachirisu got nothing...oooh...Cyndaquil....that sounds awesome... but none of brocks pokemon would look cool with it....

    oh hey it's cristopher!

    ....After all these years Hitmontop still sounds the same...STOCK FOOTAGE I BET....

    Dangit dawn enough with your emoness it's actually starting to annoying...

    that's one graceful carnivine....Mamoswine control yourself.....maybe next time....

    2 contests for jessie one for james will we see more of james contests in the future!? who knows?

    wow she got better fast......I'll never know how such small poffins can feed that big ball of mass mamoswine

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [2]Feb 27, 2010
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    I actually missed an episode! Thank Goodness I've seen the subbed version. I can't wait to hear James's disguises voice though.

    I wish this would have been her fifth ribbon only because Khoury and Lyra are with them.

    I'm just glad Jessie has another ribbon, even if James did win if for her.
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  • Avatar of mitsukigirl13


    [3]Feb 27, 2010
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    I loved this episode. Mostly because it had a lot of Rocket shipping in it. We also had some good battle scenes and some great humor. It was a good episode in my opinion.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [4]Feb 27, 2010
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    I freaking love James. XD He's so awesome winning the contest with Meowth, maybe he's already big in japan.
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Feb 27, 2010
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    Great episode. I really enjoyed seeing James cross-dressing. I wish Dawn had won her final ribbon though.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Feb 27, 2010
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    YOu wanted to see James Crossdressing?



    and dawn will get that 5th Ribbon (it's pretty much obvious at this point)

    but we'll have to wait until it happens

    Edited on 02/27/2010 7:56am
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [7]Feb 27, 2010
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    You know, I should've figured that Jessie would put James up to that. To think I actually thought that James would do that willingly. Bummer about how Dawn lost. Still, I guess the show would pretty boring if Team Rocket didn't get a victory over the heroes at least once in awhile. But you'd think something like this would've happened before Dawn got Mamoswine to listen to her. You see what happens when you don't take over two seasons to gain your strongest Poke's respect? Oh, well, at least this didn't happen during the Grand Festival. As for the way Brock talked about that power-up technique, I guess it can work for the others as well. Unfortunately, the only other one I see being able to do it is Buizel with Water Pulse (unless Pikachu learns Zap Cannon).

    mitsukigirl13 wrote:
    I loved this episode. Mostly because it had a lot of Rocket shipping in it.

    Ix-Nay on the Ipping-Shay.

    Edited on 02/27/2010 8:24am
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [8]Feb 27, 2010
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    Great episode.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [9]Feb 27, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    You know, I should've figured that Jessie would put James up to that. To think I actually thought that James would do that willingly. Bummer about how Dawn lost. Still, I guess the show would pretty boring if Team Rocket didn't get a victory over the heroes at least once in awhile. But you'd think something like this would've happened before Dawn got Mamoswine to listen to her. You see what happens when you don't take over two seasons to gain your strongest Poke's respect? Oh, well, at least this didn't happen during the Grand Festival. As for the way Brock talked about that power-up technique, I guess it can work for the others as well. Unfortunately, the only other one I see being able to do it is Buizel with Water Pulse (unless Pikachu learns Zap Cannon).

    mitsukigirl13 wrote:
    I loved this episode. Mostly because it had a lot of Rocket shipping in it.

    Ix-Nay on the Ipping-Shay.

    Rocket Shipping only Appears in Dengeki Pikachu....

    Doesnt mean it'll happen in the anime...

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  • Avatar of mitsukigirl13


    [10]Feb 27, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    EddyBob15 wrote:

    You know, I should've figured that Jessie would put James up to that. To think I actually thought that James would do that willingly. Bummer about how Dawn lost. Still, I guess the show would pretty boring if Team Rocket didn't get a victory over the heroes at least once in awhile. But you'd think something like this would've happened before Dawn got Mamoswine to listen to her. You see what happens when you don't take over two seasons to gain your strongest Poke's respect? Oh, well, at least this didn't happen during the Grand Festival. As for the way Brock talked about that power-up technique, I guess it can work for the others as well. Unfortunately, the only other one I see being able to do it is Buizel with Water Pulse (unless Pikachu learns Zap Cannon).

    mitsukigirl13 wrote:
    I loved this episode. Mostly because it had a lot of Rocket shipping in it.

    Ix-Nay on the Ipping-Shay.

    Rocket Shipping only Appears in Dengeki Pikachu....

    Doesnt mean it'll happen in the anime...

    What's Dengeki Pikachu?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Feb 28, 2010
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    Pretty good episode, it's unfortunate Dawn didn't get her 5th Ribbon but she still has time, but the real question is does Jessie have enough time to get her last 2 Ribbons? Cool to see how the Energy Charge looks on Mamoswine, though I wonder how it'll look on the other Pokemon (also do the attack have to be a move they form with their mouths or can they "eat" any Special attack and it'll give them an Energy Charge? Anywho there is nothing more so say except what is in the review (which is rather short today):

    Everything Before The Contest:
    * Oh good, finally in Lilypad Town and Dawn is getting in some Pokemon Contest training. And it looks like Dawn is trying to have Mamoswine get a power boost from eating Ice Shard.
    * As Brock explains to Lyra and Khoury about the Energy Charge, Grotle's back bushes begin to glow and... whoa! Mamoswine's back fur spikes up and ice up! I wonder what would happen to other Pokemon if they did the Energy Charge?
    * So how long will Mamoswine's fur remain iced up? As long as it is iced up does that mean it'll have the Energy Charge? Well anyway it looks like Cyndaquil wants to be in a Pokemon Contest.
    * However Dawn has her Pokemon Contest plans already planned out and just wants Cyndaquil to watch from the audience, which Cyndaquil doesn't quite agree with.
    * Lyra, there's no need to say that someone's a brat, besides we're talking about Cyndaquil not Piplup. But speakign of who, as soon as Dawn hugs Cyndaquil Piplup gets annoyed. And then Cyndaquil fires up burning Dawn... Ash, haven't you warned Dawn yet about Cyndaquils doing that?
    * Going over to Team Rocket, seems like Jessie has gotten a cold but still wants to compete in the Pokemon Contest (maybe they should put away her Jessalina dress so it doesn't taunt her?). With that said, Jessie gets an idea.
    * Anyway the Pokemon Contest starts and Ash, Brock, Lyra, and Khoury go to see Dawn before they begin calling out Coordinators. Lyra tries to force a Pearlshipping hint but doesn't quite work the way she wanted (Lyra, one thing about Ash, ANYTHING evolving shipping goes over his head). POKESHIPPING FOREVER!!!
    * And we also see Jessie with Meowth slumped over in a corner... GAH! JAMES! Well, James crossdressed as Jessalina, he hasn't crossdressed since the 1st Season!
    * Hm, the dress looks like of big on James, and in addition he still has one of his purple/blue hairs sticking out. Also looks like Meowth is with him to make sure he goes through with the whole thing. Meanwhile Jessie watches from their current hideout on the TV.

    Everything During/After The Contest
    * Dawn is up first, and as Ash and Brock explain a Pokemon Contest to Lyra and Khoury, Dawn uses Piplup to have Whirlpool drop on it while it's using Bide to make Piplup glow blue. Jyra and Khoury then conclude the first part of the Pokemon Contest is basically a talent show, which it is.
    * After a few others, James is up and sends Meowth flying upwards to use Fury Swipes on... is that a bowl of dough? Oh, guess it is, as all the shards then fall into a bowl of soup as they give it to the judges. We also get a quick cameo of Jessie and James's noodle connoisseur friend Cristopher.
    * Dawn, since when did Jessie even have a certain type of style, didn't she always make it up as she went along? Also it looks like Jessie isn't too happy about James and Meowth getting an audience cheer and applause louder then she usually gets.
    * With Dawn and James getting through the Appeals Round (no surprise there really). Um, Lyra, why would Dawn pick Buneary instead of Mamoswine? Sure she trained Buneary longer, but Mamoswine has strength to spare and is a better choice for battling.
    * And Dawn is up first and Mamoswine is versing a Granbull who attacks with Fire Fang. However Mamoswine dodges and does its Energy Charge. And Marian, that isn't Ice Armor, Ice Armor looks different.
    * And with a Hidden Power and Take Down, Mamoswine knocks Granbull out and wins the match, much to Dawn's surprise. However Dawn isn't so happy about that as she wanted to make a more flashier show... and you know what, I agree with Lyra and Khoury that the win was the win, if case Dawn didn't notice this is the BATTLE round, NOT the APPEALS round.
    * We go through the other battles (with us quickly seeing Carnivine eating James), but that doesn't stop him from advancing and now the final battle is between Dawn and James! Also, doesn't the people in the audience sitting next to Meowth find it a bit strange they are sitting next to a Pokemon with its "trainer" out on the field?
    * It's Mamoswine versing Carnivine and as Mamoswine prepares an Ice Shard (so is Dawn just going to fire it this time?), Carnivine uses Vine Whip and steals it and is now holding the Ice Shard in its hand (which must be painful since Ice-type attacks are Super Effective against Grass-types).
    * Mamoswine gets mad but Carnivine throws the Ice Shard back at it before it could realize what is happening. Mamoswine keeps getting more angry and uses Take Down without Dawn ordering it, and even worse is that Carnivine keeps jumping out of the way costing Dawn points each time.
    * Mamoswine then tries using Hidden Power and AnceintPower, but Carnivine takes those attacks down with a Bullet Seed and then just a side step. Mamoswine then does another Take Down but Carnivine uses Vine Whip to grab its tusks and trips it... and into the Judges (but they ran away just in time)!
    * However, just as Mamoswine gets up, time runs out and James wins the Pokemon Contest and Jessie her 3rd Ribbon! Ash, Brock, Lyra, & Khoury come down to check on Dawn who, but she's alright with it. Also, apparently there were other battles ames had to battle but he got through them and did indeed win Jessie's 3rd Ribbon.
    * And now we end with Jessie scolding James for getting more cheers as Jessalina then she does while Dawn feeds Mamoswine some Poffin as Ash & co. (+ Lyra & Khoury) get ready to hit the road... but weren't Lyra and Khoury leaving after the Lilypod Contest?

    Edited on 02/28/2010 1:56pm
    Edited 4 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [12]Feb 28, 2010
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    apparently james hasnt crossdressed since hoenn, pikachu

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [13]Feb 28, 2010
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    James is better at pokemon contest then jessie is, Maybe he shude have enter from the start insted of her...YOUR THE MAN JAMES LOL.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]Mar 1, 2010
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    I thought that this episode was great; it was a nice change to see James competing in the contest. It's too bad that Dawn lost, but at least Jessie got her third ribbon, and some variety was added by having James win against Dawn.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [15]Mar 1, 2010
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    DOMOJITA wrote:
    James is better at pokemon contest then jessie is, Maybe he shude have enter from the start insted of her...YOUR THE MAN JAMES LOL.

    and yet he was dressed as a woman...

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