More like, Emolga the Diva.
Oh Emolga, never're too hilarious.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
More like, Emolga the Diva.
Oh Emolga, never're too hilarious.
Awesome episode! I thought it was hilarious how Emolga's Volt Switch caused it to switch with Ash's and Cilan's Pokemon instead of just with Iris's.
Soooo we learn that Emolga is not only a trick, but is also something of a coward. It's even more annoying watching the way all her trainers treated her, it was like watching bad new age parents handle a s spoiler brat . But at least it had a happy ending, Emolga gets over her cowardice and more importantly Bianca finally gets the hell out of here
All's well that ends well.
LOL I couldn't get enough of Emolga's spoiled and cowardly antics! Also, is it just me, or is this the first episode in which Iris doesn't call Ash a "little kid"?
Emolga is so obnoxious. The less I see of it the better.
Definitely liking the Snivy/Emolga rivalry. I can't wait to see how it helps to develop both Pokemon. It was kind of fun to see Emolga act up and use its rather unique Volt Switch.
Volt Switch on Emolga is very annoying. In the game, you'll find out firsthand when you battle Elesa and you don't have much of anything to take out both her Emolga.
This was an okay episode, though I'm kind of disappointed Emolga didn't get at least hit once for all the trouble it caused. Ash & co. (+ Bianca) decide to welcome Emolga into the group via a Pokemon Battle against Bianca however it keeps on using Volt Switch to send out another Pokemon. This isn't the only trouble Emolga is causing as it keeps on trying to get out of the battle by acting cute and when that does work it shocks everyone. How much more trouble is Emolga going to cause? Will Emolga be able to learn to behave before it gets into some real trouble? When will Snivy use its Vine Whip to smack everyone in the head for being so stupid? And how long will it take you before you get sick of Emolga and want to throw a mouse trap at it? Personally I'm more curious on the last question, so read on and find where your patience level reaches its limit:
A Cowardly Retreat:
We start off where we left off last episode with Ash & co. (+ Bianca) walking through the forest as Ash congratulates Iris for catching Emolga and Iris saying she's happy they have a new friend for Axew. Bianca suggests that Iris has a Pokemon Battle with Iris's Emolga verse her Pignite which Iris doesn't sound sure of but Ash then says Iris could have a battle with him and Pikachu which Cilan says a "spicy" battle between Electric-types could turn out "electrifying" (Cilan, just stick... stick with the cooking puns). Bianca tells Ash she challenged Iris first and she was the one planning on catching Emolga which Ash points out didn't quite work and she tells Iris that they're battle was short so they should have a complete battle between Emolga and Pignite (shouldn't you be using Minccino as it was the one you were using to battle Emolga?). Iris says she accepts Bianca's challenge and, wait we have to go through the opening and title, the battle starts as Iris sends out Emolga which does a cute pose which makes Bianca "squees" before Ash reminds her she's battle Emolga and she gathers herself and sends out Pignite. Binaca says she'll let Emolga have the first move as it still acts cute and Cilan calls the battle to start which has Emolga use Hidden Power which hits Pignite but didn't look to have done much (so if it works like it does in the game that means Emolga's Hidden Power is either Bug-, Steel-, Fire-, Grass-, Ice-, or Dark-type). Pignite tries a Heat Crash but before it could even get close Emolga uses an Attract and infatuates Pignite which Bianca decides to recall with Ash saying it looked like she had no choice and Cilan telling Iris that was a good battle strategy. Bianca sends out Minccino and it does Attract which Emolga also uses causing the two Attracts to, as Ash quickly explains, cancel each other out (but in the last episode wasn't Emogla's Attract "stronger"?) but Minccino quickly uses Tickle putting Emolga in a laughing fit. Iris tells Emolga to use Hidden Power and though at first it looks to busy laughing it then attacks Minccino with a ball of electricity which blinds everyone and causes it to rush away and sends out Excadrill.
Cilan says Emolga used Volt Switch which Iris says that wasn't what she asked it to use and Bianca asks where Emolga went which they find behind Iris laughing. Cilan says that normally Volt Switch has a Pokemon go back to it's Pokeball upon switching but Ash says Emolga's Volt Switch seems a bit different which Bianca says is a kind of funny and Iris says is hilarious but stops laughing with a sigh saying she shouldn't be laughing and recalls Excadrill. Iris asks Emolga what's the use of battling if it's just going to use Volt Switch and tells Emolga they're doing this for practice and she needs Emolga to listen to her. Emolga turns away but turns back with a cute crying face which gets Iris nervous and Ash points out Emolga is actually crying (my guess would be that it was using Fake Tears (yes, I know it can't learn that move)) and Cilan says they might have to call this battle off. Iris asks Emolga to stop crying which it turns it back and gives a smirk (see, it might as well have known Fake Tears) thinking it got out of battling but Iris somehow sees Emolga smiling (or maybe hears it stopped crying, maybe?) and thinks Emolga cheered up and puts it right back into the battle with her saying Emolga has her on its side which Emolga lets out a sigh. Minccino starts using Hyper Voice and though Iris tells Emolga to dodge it as soon as Emolga realizes what's happening it uses Volt Switch which hits Minccino and blinding everyone again as Emolga rushes behind Cilan which sends out Pansage. As Pansage looks to be waking up and, despite being hit, Minccino uses Hyper Voice which sends Pansage flying into Emolga who was standing right behind Pansage. Pansage is angry it got attacked and uses a SolarBeam which hits Minccino and knocks it out and Cilan happily declares Pansage the winner though says the "recipe" didn't follow as expected.
Bianca complains that isn't fair but calms down to return Minccino telling it did a good job as Iris tells Emolga she told it not to do Volt Switch but it starts crying again and Ash says he thinks Emolga doesn't like battling (which of Iris's Pokemon does?) and Bianca says it's not listening to Iris and is doing what it wants to do. Iris says that raising a Pokemon the right way is part of a Trainer's training asking this to Ash which confuses him and Cilan clears up saying it means building a trusting relationship between Trainer and Pokemon so that the Pokemon can reach its full potential. Iris tells Emolga a Pokemon battle can be a lot of fun (easy for you to say, you're not the one being attacked at) if it puts its heart into it and asks for one more try which Emolga half-heartedly agrees. Cilan says they'll start where they last left off (you know, with one of Bianca's Pokemon fainting to a Pokemon that didn't belong to Iris ) and Bianca sends out Pignite which does Heat Crash and this time Emolga does battle!... oh of course it doesn't, it looks fed up with all this and does Volt Switch sending out Ash's Snivy. Iris decides that since Snivy is out she asked Ash if she could borrow Snivy which Bianca urges him too and Ash says Snivy is his Pokemon but Iris says she wants to show Emolga how much fun battling can be but for some reason Ash tells her no which has Iris call him selfish which Ash gets angry about.
Getting Those Mouse Traps Ready:
But before a fight can start up, Cilan points out that Emolga is missing and Iris starts yelling for it to come back, though not everyone else seems interested:
Bianca: Ash, I know, why don't we have a battle against Snivy and Pignite while we wait for Emolga!
Comment: Bianca, one of the main casts Pokemon just ran away, I don't think battling is the top of the priority list right now. Also Pignite vs. Snivy, gee, I wonder who has the advantage there?
Ash: You bet, so bring it on!
Comment: What? Is it just more or is Ash acting a bit out of character (then again ever since Ash got to Unova its as if they writers forget what character development they gave him these past 13 years)? Even Cilan is smiling instead of helping Iris look for Emolga. Also if Ash is okay with Snivy battling then why didn't he let Iris use Snivy?
Ash asks Snivy what does it think (it's paying more attention to Iris then the others are) and it just gives a "whatever" shrug. The battle between Ash's Snivy and Bianca's Pignite starts with Pignite using Flamethrower which Snivy uses a Leaf Blade to block and jumps back down unharmed (you'd think it's tail would be at least on fire). Pignite then uses a Flame Charge which Snivy counters with a Leaf Storm which, instead of burns up in the flames surrounding Pignite, knocks it back.
Iris looks back to see the battle going on behind her and says it looks like they're having a heated battle and calls out for Emolga again (you know, if you actually go out to look for it you may find it) and hears something above her and sees Emolga sleeping on a branch of a tree (so Iris didn't look up the trees while looking for a FLYING-type?). Iris tells Emolga to come down and it looks up for a moment before laying back down to sleep and she starts yelling at it for using Volt Switch and not getting any practice as everyone watches from a bit back (weren't you battling?). Snivy seems to have gotten fed up with all this and uses a Vine Whip to grab Emolga and bring it over as Cilan jokes about it using a "Vine Whip Switch" (Snivy, please use your other Vine Whip to hit Cilan). Iris rushes over and tells Emolga it's going to battle this time which Emolga tries to get out of by acting cute but Iris yells at it that isn't going to work which surprises Emolga and it gives a sigh. However Emolga starts charging up some electricity which Snivy notices and jumps out of the way as Emolga shocks everyone. Now with poofy hair, Ash's stomach rumbles and they decide its time for lunch as Ash sends out all his Pokemon (hey, Cilan and Bianca, what about your Pokemon?) and Cilan serves them all apples (yeah, you can probably see where this is going if you remember the last episode).
Emolga finishes its apple quickly and notices all the other Pokemon are still eating theirs and uses Attract on Oshawott, Tepig, Scraggy, and Swadloon which gives it their apples (also confirming Scraggy and Swadloon are male). Ash & co. (+ Bianca) apparently didn't notice Emolga using Attract on the other Pokemon (despite Emolga did this RIGHT NEXT TO THEM) and after finishing and complimenting Cilan's cooking they ask their Pokemon how was their meal and while Pikachu, Axew, and Emolga are happy Oshawott, Tepig, Scraggy, and Swadloon are still infatuated. However they quickly snap out of it and seeing their food is gone start arguing with each other (Oshawott & Tepig vs. Scraggy & Swadloon) and begin to fight as Pikachu and Axew rush over to stop them and Emolga just doesn't care. Pikachu first pulls Oshawott out of the brawl but Oshawott knocks Pikachu into Tepig with a Water Gun, Tepig uses Ember to send Pikachu flying on top of Swadloon, Swadloon uses String Shot to send Pikachu toward Scraggy, and Scraggy just uselessly Headbutts Pikachu as Axew panics and Snivy watches from afar (proving to be the only smart one) still eating its apple. Ash & co. (+ Bianca) go to break up the fighting but Pikachu joins the list of Pokemon which are getting fed up in this episode and shocks everyone giving them fuzzy hair again.
A scene transition later everything is calm and Ash asks what's going on and all his Pokemon start talking at once leaving him more confused but Cilan suggests that maybe someone stole their food and Iris asks who would do that which Cilan says it's "thinking time". As Ash & co. (+ Bianca) try to figure out which Pokemon stole the other Pokemon's food Snivy, as if saying "you're all idiots", uses Vine Whip to pick up Emolga which makes them notice the giant gut it now has and Cilan pretty much explains what has happened declaring Emolga the food thief.
Iris: Hold on a minute, Emolga wouldn't do an awful thing like that! Isn't that right Emolga?
Comment: Do you not remember it doing what it wanted to do when you were trying to battle with it?
Ash, Cilan, and Bianca apologizes for thinking its Emolga and Iris tells Emolga it's alright and Emolga rubs its cheeks against Iris though it sends out a nasty glare toward Snivy who gives it a glare back. A Who's That Pokemon (which gives us a rather random Pokemon) later, everyone is ready to hit the road but Ash yawns he's tired and Iris yawns in agreement so Bianca suggests they take a nap which Cilan says he thinks they should leave... after they do that and everyone goes asleep except for Emolga who runs off, followed by a woken up Axew and Oshawott, and Snivy taking notice of all this.
I Suppose We Have To Save It (And I Mean Emolga):
Emolga finds a tree full of apples but sees it's guarded by three Watchogs but upon hearing Axew and Oshawott looking for it it gives a deceitful snicker. Emolga "falls" down in front of them and points to the Watchogs who are now on the ground for some reason as it "tells" Axew and Oshawott it tried to get some apples but the Watchog attacked it which gets Oshawott angry and it walks up to the Watchogs and uses Razor Shell to cut three apples off (with a fourth falling on its head) and it shares them with Axew and Emolga. The Watchogs get angry and attack but Oshawott, Axew, and Emolga jump out of the way and the Watchogs slam into a tree which the three laugh at first but this had also knocked a Simisear (I guess the "Who's That Pokemon" wasn't so random afterall) out of the tree which gets angry and scares off the Watchogs and walks toward Oshawott, Axew, and Emolga.
Back to Ash & co. (+ Bianca), Pikachu wakes everyone up and Iris finds Axew and Emolga are gone and Ash notices Oshawott and Snivy are also gone and it's NOW they start caring about missing Pokemon and start looking for them with Iris spotting something going on where the missing Pokemon headed.
Back to said "missing" Pokemon, Oshawott and Axew are facing the angry Simisear while Emolga went into the bushes to eat its apple. Oshawott tries to attack with a Razor Shell but it send flying into a tree knocked out as Axew runs to check up on it. The Simisear then sets its sight on Emolga who finishes eating its apple and throws the apple core in Simisear's face laughing which gets it even angrier and it starts trying to punch Emolga but Emolga dodges every punch (anyone else rooting for Simisear?). Emolga tries to run away but Axew stops it as Oshawott is still knocked out and Simisear gets ready to crush them but Snivy's Vine Whip wraps around Simisear's arm stopping it (no Snivy, the correct thing to have down was use Vine Whip to grab Oshawott and Axew and let Emolga have its just desserts ). Simisear uses a Flamethrower but Snivy jumps over it and lands in front of Axew and Emolga, the latter who tries backing away but Snivy uses it Vine Whip to bring Emolga back as Ash & co. come running up. Ash uses his Pokedex on Simisear as Simisear uses a Flamethrower on Axew and Oshawott which Snivy blocks with a Leaf Blade but Simisear punches Snivy heavily damaging it but Snivy gets back up.
Cilan: Snivy is at quite a disadvantage against a Fire-type.
Comment: It was battling Pignite with no trouble just earlier in this episode!
Iris tells Emolga to help (though at this point I usually would point out Ash & co. (+ Binaca) have other Pokemon, for this episode I think I'll just let all the pressure fall onto Emolga) and after seeing everyone that have tried to help it Emolga finally decides to pull its weight and attacks Simisear with Hidden Power. While Emolga keeps Simisear distracted Ash & co. (+ Bianca) go and get Oshawott and Axew though this just gets Simisear boiling mad and uses a Flamethrower which gives Emolga some trouble but Snivy uses Vine Whip to trip Simisear. However Simisear is still using Flamethrower which strikes a top of a mountain knocking a chunk loose and is going to fall on top of Simisear but Snivy and Emolga use Leaf Tornado and Hidden Power to destroy it and slow down the raining pebbles. Having its life just saved by the Pokemon which made it angry, Simisear decides to walk off back into the forest as Ash congratulates Snivy and Iris is about to do the same with Emolga but notices Emolga had gone to get an apple. Emolga walks over to Snivy holding the apple and after they glare at each other for awhile, Emolga offers the apple to Snivy and after Axew runs up to them, Snivy uses Vine Whip to cut up the apple into three pieces with Cilan saying the three have become friends.
Back to the clearing, Bianca says all of Iris's Pokemon have unique personalities (weak, lazy, and selfish) which Iris says makes them fun to raise and she loves a challenge which Ash says he'll love the challenge to get his fourth Gym Badge which surprises Bianca and asks where did Ash get his third badge. Ash shows Biance his Beetle Badge and Bianca rushes off to challenge the Castelia Gym (what, you had to have passed through Castelia City yet you didn't challenge the gym there?) but quickly turns around to tell Ash & co. she'll meet them again soon and they give their goodbyes. And with Emolga and Snivy giving each other an annoyed stare and look away from each other we end this episode as we continue toward Nimbasa City.