I would say this was a fun episode. Having met up with Bianca while heading to Nimbasa City, Ash & co. come across an Emolga after Axew dropped an apple down a hill which the Emolga tried to take. The Emolga returns the apple to Axew hoping to get the bowl of apples Iris is carrying when Bianca rushes down wanting to catch the Emolga. After a short battle with Minccino the Emolga runs off with Bianca and Axew chasing behind followed by Ash & co.. Will Bianca be able to catch Emolga? Why did Axew chase after Emolga? How many apples will be eaten in this episode? And how many more times are we going to encounter a Pokemon that knows Attract? Though one of these questions can't be answered until the Unova saga ends, the others are ripe for answering right below:
An Apple A Day Attracts The Pokemon Of The Day:
We start the episode a little differently then usual as instead of Ash & co. we see 3 Patrats jumping on an apple tree's branch to knock a bunch of apples onto the ground. The Patrat jump down and start celebrating their haul when we cut to an Emolga who's watching them with a sinister look on its face. The Emolga falls down in front of them acting injured and when one of the Patrat checks to see if it's alright is uses Attract (Snivy, Minccino, we get it, Attract is a useful move, can we please see some other moves?) on it making it infatuated and give it its apple. While eating the first Patrat's apple, Emolga uses Attract on the other two Patrat who also get infatuated and give it their apples and... GEEZ, you sure you got enough apples Emolga, I think you can fit at least a few more before you blow up! Anyway Emolga runs off and the Patrat snap out of their infatuation to see that Emolga has taken all their apples and start to cry (I don't see why, from what it looked like the whole tree is filled with apples and it took them little effort to knock a batch of them off) as Emolga hides behind a rock eating and snickering.
Finally we get to Ash & co. and their eating lunch with Bianca... so you though it was important showing us the Emolga stealing apples from some Patrats yet not important of Ash & co. meeting up with Bianca again? You do realize that with her showing up a second time she now gets the title of "recurring character", a title not many characters get, right? Anyway it looks like their finishing up and Bianca says it deserves five stars which Cilan says "though it was work, it was worth it" as Iris says if Bianca thought that was good she'll love her "gourmet" dessert. What is this "gourmet" dessert Iris has made? Apples. Bianca doesn't take it well:
Bianca: Just fruit? Like fruit from a tree?
Comment: No, like fruit from underground... wait, there are no fruits that grow underground, right? *checks* Yeah, there's no fruit I found that grows underground, so my comment still works. 
Bianca: Sorry, that's not dessert.
Comment: Yeah, that's healthy and who wants to eat healthy!?
Bianca goes on to describe pastries saying those are dessert and Iris says they're not dessert all the time and thinks "natural is where it's at" which seems to horrify Bianca, oh and Ash is doing stretches in the foreground for some reason. Oshawott comes out of its Pokeball and starts eating the apple (probably because they didn't feed their other Pokemon, seriously do you or do you not need to feed your Pokemon when its in their Pokeball? If you don't then why in some episodes do they feed all their Pokemon instead of waiting to feed them at the next Pokemon Center?) and approves of the apple telling Bianca "see" and throwing an apple to Axew. The apple bounces off Axew's snout however and starts rolling down a hill and Axew chases after it as Iris apologies but we see Emolga watching from a tree and once the apple reaches to bottom of the hill Emolga flies down to grab it but then sees Axew standing next to it. Iris, still holding the bowl of apples (you probably see where this is going), and Ash run down the hill to find Axew staring at Emolga and Ash uses his Pokedex to find out it's an Emolga. The Emolga sees Iris's bowl of apples and starts to think that if it gives Axew back its apple Iris will give it the entire bowl of apples (I think Emolga here needs to upgrade its thinking process to 2.0) and starts acting cute which... impresses?... Axew, Pikachu, and Oshawott. Emolga gives Axew back its apple and pets it with its tail and both start dancing around and surprisingly Iris does indeed thank Emolga by presenting it with the bowl of apples (apparently I'm the one that needs to upgrade my thinking process to 2.0).
But before Emolga can take an apple, however, Bianca starts running down the hill and grabs and hugs Emolga saying it's the cutest thing and after Cilan joins them Bianca declares Emolga is her Pokemon. Though seeing it's struggling to get free, Ash says Emolga doesn't seem thrilled at that prospect and Iris says she has to battle it to catch it. Bianca begrudgingly agrees and sends out Minccino and it uses Double Slap though Emolga was able to dodge each one though just barely missing the last one. Minccino then uses Hyper Voice which causes Emolga to cover its ears its cape and Minccino is about to use a Tickel when Emolga sends out a Thundershock which not only hits Minccino but also Ash & co. + Bianca... wait, that was Discharge? I thought Discharge was blue, not yellow (Also why does it look like Oshawott is enjoying being shocked?)? Emolga is now ready to battle as Minncino cleans itself off and Bianca says she's won't let Emolga get away so Minccino uses Attract which Emolga also does but when the two Attacts collide it's Emolga's which is the strongest and gets through causing Minccino to "white out". Ash & co. are surprised Emolga also knows Attract (why? It seems like every other wild Unova Pokemon they meet seems to know it) and Emolga's Attract circles Minccino but before it could "hit" Oshawott knocks Minccino out of the circle and takes the hit become infatuated (meaning Emolga is female). Oshawott advances toward Emolga but Ash returns it which Emolga takes the opportunity to escape and though Bianca tries to chase after it it continues to fly off so she returns Minccino and, after Axew grabs a couple of apples, Bianca and Axew chase after it with Ash & co. following.
The Group Back And Forth:
Emolga flies through the trees and escapes Bianca and Axew which Axew says something and Iris asks what it said (I believe it said "Ax Axew" but I could be misquoting
) and figures it saying it has a present for Emolga (the apple). Cilan agrees that's what Axew said with Ash adding in with everything that went on Emolga didn't have a chance to eat and Bianca says she'll give Emolga a feast before starting to run off again. Axew still wants to give Emolga the apple so Iris says they'll also go look and (after defying gravity by running straight up a tree), with Ash and Cilan running behind, Iris jumps tree-to-tree ahead of Bianca who is startled but then starts to complain. Meanwhile the Emolga lands on a tree branch relieved and sees a few apples hanging from a tree which reminded it of the bowl of apples Iri was holding but then we see a sinister purple Bianca saying "You're just a battle away from being mine!" followed by a sinister purple Minccino which gets Emolga angry and starts eating the apples ferociously. Back to the search party, Iris and Axew swing from what must be a very long vine unable to find Emolga while Ash and Cilan catch up to Bianca who is out of breath and Ash says she should probably give up but Bainca refuses saying she will never give up and starts running (awkwardly) again with Cilan saying he's sensing a "recipe with a fair amount of spice taking shape". Now on the ground walking, Iris says Emolga lives in the forest so it couldn't have travelled far away (well how big is this forest?) but stops when an apple core hits Axew on the head and they look up to see Emolga resting on a tree branch. Axew throws the apple up to Emolga and Iris says that Axew has a bit of a crush on it (isn't Axew a baby?) and Emolga imagines it and Axew dancing as Iris serves them a bowl of apples. Emolga puts its cute face on is about to eat the apple until Binaca starts running towards it and sends out Minccino once more who does Double Slap knocking the apple out of Emolga's hands who responds with a Volt Switch shocking Minccino. Minccino falls back into Bianca's arm as Emolga jumps down and bounces off Bianca's hat and flies off again and Axew starts chasing after it followed by Iris as Bianca stays behind, probably so the writers don't have Ash and Cilan end up lost in he forest.
Axew jumps up and grabs onto Emolga's foot (not even Brock was that desperate) which drags Emolga down... into a steep cliff. Iris sees them and starts running down the slope catching the two and sits down on a platform that's obviously go break off which it does and they slide down and crash into what looks to be a deeper part of the woods. They get up and start hearing noises and we see they're surrounded by Swoobats and, a Who's That Pokemon later, the Swoobat start attacking with Round until Emolga shocks them (and Iris and Axew) with a Discharge and points Iris to the direction they should go. On the top of the cliff Ash and Cilan are looking down and Cilan says Iris, Axew, and Emolga must have fallen down there and Ash says the forest down there is super thick. Cilan says that going down could be dangerous and Ash says he isn't saying they should stay there which Bianca says isn't fair as they can't just leave them and she wants to catch Emolga no matter what (BTW, how do they know Emolga is with Iris and Axew?) and slides down with the cliff with a giant leaf.
Back to Iris, she thanks Emolga for saving them but wishes it wouldn't have gotten them involved in the first place (why are you blaming it? Axew is the one who grabbed onto it causing it to fall) which Emolga shrugs off but Axew spots a lake and Iris says they should take a break. Emolga takes a drink but gets wet by Axew who's splashing in the water and though it at first look like it was going to yell at Axew it calms down and instead sends out a small orb of Hidden Power into the lake causing a big ripple and Axew starts applauding and Iris says it's playing (though Emolga's face is saying it wasn't). Axew shakes Emolga's hand and Emolga sends out three more orbs of Hidden Power and after getting more praise it sends out a large Hidden Power which causes a giant splash but as the water falls back into the lake eyes appear on the other side, guess who?
Iris: Oh no, not the Swoobat again.
Comment: That's right! And for correctly guessing who it was, you get to run for your life!
Emolga uses Discharge to shock the Swoobat before they begin running though and it looks like the Swoobat have slowed down with electricity sparking off them. Ash, Cilan, and Bianca in the meanwhile find a shaking push which Bianca says she knows is Emolga but Cilan says he thinks it's a bigger Pokemon however Bianca doesn't listen and sends out Pignite to use Flamethrower (Flamethrower? If it knows that it should have evolved into an Emboar already!) which burns the bush to reveal an angry Scolipede (how did it fit into that bush?) which they all start running away from. Back to Iris, Axew, and Emolga, the Swoobat swarm is flying around looking for the three who are inside a cave hiding behind a rock where Iris says she didn't think they'll follow them this far and they should stay low for awhile. Back to group "burn it with fire", they have evaded Scolipede by hiding behind some trees and bushes and start looking again until they spot something rattling in a tree which Bianca is sure is Emolga though Ash and Cilan aren't sure and Cilan says the rustling doesn't like Emolga (okay, how does Emolga rattle a tree since you seem to know?). Bianca says he's wrong and has Minccino use Hyper Voice on the tree and a rather angry Galvantula falls down and shocks them before walking off. Back to group "hiding from the bats", the Swoobat have figured out where they're hiding and gather up to use Round on the cave which flushes them out using and the Swoobat uses Charge Beam on them having Iris say they're going to have to battle them. Emolga uses Hidden Power which lands in front of the Swoobat though it still pushes them away as Iris sends out Excadrill who, of course, refuses to help. Emolga flies in front of them and uses Attract which infatuates the male Swoobat though the females are uneffected (surprised the writers put that in, you'd think they would have made all the Swoobat males for convenience sake), however Excadrill also becomes infatuated confirming it to be male before Iris returns it as the female Swoobat swarm around Emolga who prepares to attack.
Back to group "make the forest Pokemon angry at you", Bianca says Emolga is nearby though Ash doesn't really care as long as they don't run into Scolipede or Galvantula again (yeah, you need to save some energy for Escavalier, Accelgor, or Volcarona) when they hear a Discharge which Bianca says is Galvantula again but Cilan asks if it's Emolga. Back to group (you're probably getting tired of me saying that) "girl fight", Emolga's Discahrge defeated the female Swoobat (which apparently there are only three of in the entire swarm) but this has caused the male Swoobats to snap out of their infatuation and start using Round again until Pikachu uses a Thunderbolt to stop them (did anyone else see a Charge Beam return fire?). The two groups finally reunite and Bianca tries to hug Emolga who leaps out of way before she could hug it as Ash checks his Pokedex on the Swoobat and hearing they evovled from Woobat says he'll handle it and sends Pikachu out... oh, and Oshawott pops out of its Pokeball and flashes its Scalchop at the Swoobat. A Charge Beam later Ash returns Oshawott and the Swoobat start using Round again though Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to shock the Swoobat and Emolga uses Hidden Power to send them flying away and to celebrate Emolga uses Discharge which shocks everyone and it flies away.
Later that day they get back to where they had lunch with Bianca moping about not catching Emolga though Ash tells her to be happy as she'll probably have just gotten shocked again (coming from the guy who probably gets shocked 10 times a week) and Bianca cheers up saying she'll forget about Emolga. Cilan says everyone is probably hungry so he plans on making a very special dinner using apples which catches the ear of a certain Sky Squirrel as Bianca is gets excited for more "Cilan cuisine". Suddenly Emolga flies down from a nearby tree and into Iris's arms and Ash says that he thinks Emolga likes her and when Iris asks Emolga it agrees so Iris decides to catch Emolga, much to Bianca's anger and disappointment. With the Pokeball locking Iris had caught Emolga (looks like we have a new tradition of Ash's female companion catching the current generation's electric rodent) and we end the episode.