Season 15 premiere!
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Awesome episode! So glad Season 15 has finally started! And once again, Bianca gets her @$$ kicked in battle, this time by a Gym Leader, namely Elesa.
Notice in the intro how they showed Skyla, yet the ep where she appears in hasn't even aired in Japan.
This was a cool episode. I especially liked Bianca's part.
Elesa didn't have quite the voice I expected, but it still works. Overall a nice start to the new season.
The opening showed a lot of things that...surprised me though. Take that as you will.
So the new season starts with a rather nice episode which is also a nice callback to the games. Ash & co. have arrived to the Nimbasa Gym where they run into Bianca (or rather she runs into them... or rather into Ash) who's also there for a Gym Battle. However they find that Elesa is at a fashion show nearby so they all head over where they see her and she sees them, specifically Ash's Pikachu. They introduce themselves and challenge Elesa who accepts and will meet them back at the Gym. When they get back to the Gym they find the doors are open and their is a roller coaster cart waiting for them. What awaits Ash & co. (+ Bianca) beyond the roller coaster ride? How will their Gym Battle go against Elesa? What is this callback to the games I mentioned? And is Cilan a good chef worth giving a short segment too? I'm sure the the short break didn't make you forget what you have to do to find the answer... NO, not look it up on Bulbapedia, just read below...:
Shocking Them On The Walkway:
The episode immediately starts with Ash & co. in front of the Nimbasa Gym for Ash's long awaited Gym Battle... when Bianca appears and knocks Ash into the nearest water source, this time a fountain.
Comment: Yeah, running into people is Barry's shtick!
Bianca: Well if it isn't Ash.
Ash: Bianca?
Comment: You saw her running up to you screaming her head off and who else has been running into you and giving you an unwanted bath this saga?
I guess I should comment on the new opening. It's okay, though I think they could have chosen better clips, maybe some from the Japanese ending themes. Sort of reminds of the Galactic Battles opener "Battle Cry" in that sense which later got change to include images from Japanese openers and endings so maybe this will be the case here.
Back to the show, Bianca tells them she's here for a Gym Battle the same as Ash who says it's him first but Bianca tells him she made an appointment which Ash rebuttals he got here first (that doesn't matter Ash, as long as Bianca is on time to her appointment you're just going to have to wait). Cilan tells them to relax and let the Gym Leader decide which Iris asks who that is (didn't Ingo and Emmet tell you last episode?) and Bianca says it's Elesa while pulling out a magazine with Elesa on the cover. Bianca says Elesa is a supermodel as well as a Gym Leader and heads for the door only for them not to open. Ash sees a sign next to the door which reads Elesa is away at a fashion show which Bianca had read up on (if you knew she was going to a fashion show then why did you go to the gym?) and she tells them it's nearby. Bianca runs off to the fashion show as Ash & co. decide what to do next when Cilan provides the obvious answer they should go to the fashion show too as it's a good idea to know about the Gym Leader before battling them which Ash agrees.
No sooner can you say it's a good thing Brock ain't here we're at the fashion show and which supermodel is up next but non other then Elesa (who for some reason still has her headphones on... shouldn't she have taken that off to not distract people from the dress?). We see Ash & co. (+ Bianca) watching as we get a montage of Elesa in different clothing (aren't there any other supermodels?) with the screams of fangirls. However upon hearing Pikachu, Elesa gracefully jumps 10 feet off the stage in front of Ash saying she never saw a Pikachu close up before (I'll let this one slide this time as, being an Electric-type Gym Leader, it's understandable why Elesa is excited by a foreign Electric-type Pokemon). Ash & co. (+ Bianca) introduce themselves with Ash and Bianca challenging Elesa who accepts saying she'll meet them at the Gym after the fashion show.
Back at the Gym, Ash & co. (+ Bianca) walk through the doors to see a roller coaster cart in front of them which Cilan suggests they ride to th battlefield and Bianca confirms saying she read about it. They get into the cart and remember that I said it was a roller coaster cart so you can predict what happens next... a ride through Disney's Electrical Parade (seriously Elesa has a whole amusement park, are people allowed in it?)! They reach then end where Elesa is waiting from them (was she standing there the whole time until they came?) and she welcomes them apologizing for startling them at the fashion show. She ask if Bianca's the one with the appointment which gets Ash annoyed he didn't make an appointment (probably because you were saving the Nimbasa City Pokemon from Team Rocket... kind of more important don't you think?) however Elesa tells Bianca there is someone here for her. The door in front of them opens and out comes someone everyone who played the games will know about: Bianca's father (Oh right, they kept this part of Bianca's character growth from the games yet have decided to go a different direction with the Team Plasma storyline?), you who played the games can also probably guess what happens next.
Parental Embarrassment:
Bianca asks why her father is here and he says... Hi John Campbell, I see you're using your Tristan/Yusei voice today.... he's here to bring her home saying though he initially gave Bianca permission to go on her journey he said he may have been a bit hasty and has decided to come and bring Bianca home. Bianca says she's staying and that he knows her dream is to compete in the Unova League which he says she doesn't have to give up on (kind of hard to be compete from Nuvema Town which, according to the game map, is all the way on the other side of Unova from the Unova League) but Bianca insists she wants to stay on her journey. Bianca said she's going to have her Gym Battle and reminds her father how young he was when he started his journey but her father explains that's the reason why he's worried because he knows how dangerous it is (oh come on, Ash has been through 4 regions now and he's perfectly fine... nevermind the 3 members of a criminal organization following him, the other criminal organizations he had to help defeat, all the times he had to save the world usually fighting angry Legendaries including god, and the few times he did die... BUT HE CAME BACK! He came back...). Elesa breaks up up the argument saying that Bianca can show how much she has grown in their Gym Battle which Bianca's father says that if she loses the Gym Battle she has to promise to come home which Bianca accepts despite Ash and Iris pointing out that she's battling a Gym Leader.
They walk into the battlefield to see in the stands are Elesa's screaming fangirls as Elesa explains a battle is a way for trainers to express themselves and the battle starts with the typical Gym Leader rules: 3 Pokemon, complete knock-out, only challenger can withdraw Pokemon. Elesa sends out Zebstrika and Bianca sends out Shelmet who starts with an Acid however Zebstrika dodges by jumping over it and continues to do so with Shelmet's Energy Balls. The battle soon ends though when Zebstrika starts attacking with a Flame Charge followed by a Double Kick knocking out Shelmet. Bianca sends out Minccino next who uses Double Slap (that reminds me, why doesn't Minccino know Tail Slap? It knows Hyper Voice which it learns way after Tail Slap, plus it's its Signature Move) which Zebstrika dodges by shaking its head and follows with a Swift which Zebstrika actually had to jump to get out of the way. Zebstrika strikes with a Flame Charge but Minccino gets up to use Hyper Voice which hits but Zebstrika recovers quickly and does another Flame Charge and Double Kick (the latter being a Fighting-type move) combo which knocks out Minccino.
Ash: Oh no, and Bianca was doing great.
Comment: ... She only hit Zebstrika once while Zebstrika has dodged Minccino's other attacks and got a hit on it earlier, Bianca's next move will probably be her packing her bags for home.
On her last Pokemon and chance, Bianca sends out Pignite and.. wait, Who's That Pokemon (gee, I wonder what it could be, it couldn't be a Pokemon used in the battle which special attention was made attention to, that would just be silly). Pignite uses Flamethrower but Zebstrika dodges it by jumping and uses a Double Kick which Pignite was also able to dodge by sidestepping. Pignite uses its own Flame Charge to show Zebstrika how annoying it is and knocks it down but before Pignite could use Flamethrower, Zebstrika gets up and uses Flame Charge cutting through the Flamethrower and knocking Pignite back. Zebstrika tries to end it with a Double Kick but Pignite manages to dodge by rolling around and gets back up to use Heat Crash which causes Zebstrika to slide back. Elesa compliments on Pignite's strength which is greeted with Pignite's Flamethrower but Zebstrika dodges to the side and uses Flame Charge which hits and Elesa decides to finish with Zebstrika using Wild Charge knocking out Pignite and losing Bianca the Gym Battle.
Eating Up Time:
Going outside with Ash & co. following, Bianca's father tells Bianca she battled well but they made a promise though Bianca interrupts him wanting to check on Shelmet. Shelmet isn't looking so well but Iris gives it some medicine when Elesa comes out saying they should head to the Pokemon Center as Zebstrika could also use some healing (yes, I'm sure the Pokemon you completely curb stomped Bianca's team with needs some healing ). At the Pokemon Center, while Nurse Joy goes to heal Bianca's Pokemon, Cilan suggests they get something to eat and they do which... does absolutely nothing except tells us Cilan is a good chef... something we already knew about. After finish eating, Bianca's father tells Bianca it's time to go as Iris asks Ash to do something (like what? And why don't you do something instead of asking Ash to?) and Ash asks Bianca's father why won't he let Bianca stay on her journey. Bianca's father explains she doesn't want Bianca to get into trouble like when all of the Pokemon (including her's) were stolen from the Pokemon Center (erm, no, that excuse ain't working for me, I mean it's a concern but not really one which to stop Bianca's journey for). Bianca's father says that he isn't opposed to Bianca going on a journey and contact with Pokemon is one way a trainer grows but Bianca has some more growing to do first and after settling for a bit she can go on a journey.
Ash: That's that.
Iris: Excuse me, but you were going to convince him and he convinced you.
Comment: Yeah, Ash is gullible like that.
Cilan: I suggest you convince him with your specialty move.
Comment: Strong headedness? Making stuff up as you go along? Getting 4th place in a Pokemon League by beating a Legendary but in the next region lose to a new trainer's starter Pokemon?
Cilan reminds them Bianca's father did go on a journey when he was young and that reminded Ash of his specialty move (somehow ending up being in the exact place and time to save the world?) and he challenges Bianca's father to a Pokemon Battle (Oh, making over-his-head challenges, why didn't you just say that Cilan?). Ash says if he wins then Bianca can continue on her journey but Bianca's father asks what happens of he wins (don't make Ash think, we're lucky we got him thinking this far and we're afraid anymore will overheat him). Bianca's father asks where Ash is from and Ash tells him he's from Pallet Town in Kanto which Bianca's father says that if he wins then Ash has to return to Pallet Town (why? I know you're worried about Bianca's safety though being you didn't say anything about Ash, Iris, and Cilan you must think they can handle themselves/don't care what they do as it's their parent's responsibility. And if it was about that stuff I mentioned above, can anyone remember the last time Ash died... oh, wait, the last movie... erm, nevermind). Bianca's father says if Ash thinks he can win he doesn't have anything to worry about and with no other way to help Bianca, Ash accepts and they shake on it. Elesa volunteers to be the judge as Iris asks Cilan if he thinks Ash really wants to go through with this (YOU ASKED HIM TO GET INVOLVED!).
The Father Of All Surprises:
In the Pokemon Center's battlefield, Bianca's father says Ash has a lot of courage to battle him as he does an anime clothing change into a cowboy outfit (minus the hat, plus a long red scarf) and tells him he was known as the Red Meteor and sends out Darmanitan which comes out in Zen Mode. Iris is surprised by the sudden attitude change in Bianca's father as Bianca says that this other side of her father likes to battle. With his and a friend's journey on the line, obviously Ash's long time buddy and partner Pikachu will be out and giving it's all... Oshawott? Yes, Oshawott had popped out of its Pokeball and wants to battle which Ash, of course, lets (Ash, I don't care if Oshawott really wants to battle, I don't care if Oshawott has a type advantage, when you're battling for high stakes at this you use your strongest Pokemon with you. Also I'd to think that Pikachu, who has been at your entire side through your various journeys, would want to help secure that you can keep doing so. Honestly if you lose you deserve to go home).
Darmanitan starts with a Flamethrower, coming out of its Zen Mode and hitting knocking Oshawott on its back with Bianca's father saying that's how it's done (yes, the way battles are done is by hitting them with an attack they are resistant to which just has them lie down on their back). Oshawott gets back up and uses Water Gun but Darmanitan dodges it by jumping around so Oshawott goes into a tackle which Darmanitan greets with a Fire Punch.
Ash: Use Shell Blade!
Comment: The dubbers do know they changed the attack's name to Razor Shell, right? This is like the... okay I don't know how many times but there has been a few times Ash called Razor Shell by it's Japanese name.
Darmanitan dodges the Razor Shell (probably because Oshawott didn't know what move Ash was talking about and just guessed) and Oshawott goes for an Aqua Jet which Darmanitan tries hitting with a Fire Punch but Oshawott "jets" on through and "aquas" Darmanitans back! Darmanitan gets back up and uses Fire Punch which Oshawott dodged for awhile but does get hit by sending it flying and then Darmanitan does its Flame Charge because we haven't seen that move used a few times in the episode yet.
Oshawott gets back up but is wobbling which Bianca decides enough is enough and asks Ash to end the battle as it's not right he'll have to go home but Ash says the battle isn't over yet and that it belongs to him. Bianca's father asks Ash why as a stranger does he care whether Bianca continues on her journey or goes back home and Ash says it's because Bianca is his friend and though they don't travel together they've met each other numerous times and entered tournaments with Iris and Cilan adding they've also camped out with each other a few times. Bianca's father asks Ash if they should finish this which Ash agrees so Oshawott uses Aqua Jet and Darmanitan uses Flare Blitz, both attacks colliding and when the smoke clears: Darmanitan is still standing while Oshawott has fainted.
Both return their Pokemon and Ash gets on his hands and knees defeated with Iris asking if this means Ash has to return to Pallet Town causing Ash to snap at her (and being this is sort of her fault for telling Ash to do something I don't blame him). However Bianca's father says that won't be necessary as, though journey's are full of danger, battling with Ash has reminded him of the good times telling Ash he wants him to get stronger on his journey and then telling Bianca the same thing. Bianca thanks her father and hugs him with Elesa congratulating them and Bianca turns to thank Ash & co. before running off to Desert Resort (why? Do you still have to battle the player?). Bianca though quickly runs back in to thank her father before leaving again saying that now they know why he's a bit worried, before Iris points out another reason: Bianca forgot her bag so her father grabs it and runs after her. With all that done Elesa walks up to Ash and says that they can have their Gym Battle tomorrow and we end the episode there.