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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Facing Fear With Eyes Wide Open!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Sep 10, 2011
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    Been waiting for this episode. I just find it funny how while Ash is battling and capturing Palpitoad, Cilan just makes Stunfisk dizzy before capturing it lol

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [2]Sep 10, 2011
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    Remeyo weed? That doesn't sound like Salveyo weed at all!

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [3]Sep 10, 2011
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    I liked that Oshawott was finally beginning to improve its Aqua Jet. I also loved how Ash caught the Palpitoad and Cilan caught the flat fish-like Pokemon (I forgot its name), simply by fishing forit and making it dizzy. I wonder, did that Palpitoad happen to be the same one that Trip was trying to catch?

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [4]Sep 10, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    Been waiting for this episode. I just find it funny how while Ash is battling and capturing Palpitoad, Cilan just makes Stunfisk dizzy before capturing it lol

    There was another funny catch in Pokemon that involved someone using 2 Pokemon to battle, but then actually battled that Pokemon themselves, or at least angered them enough. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kUFNVZweQc

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [5]Sep 10, 2011
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    FAVORITE EPISODE OF BLACK AND WHITE EVER! Possibly. It was pretty good, I love the double capture and Cilan and Ash's tag team against the 2 wild pokemon. Nice to see the group's pokemon out and about, and Oshawott is getting along very nicely in the training department, which is good since it's still sort of a baby pokemon and needs it more than the other, unlike what other people think.

    Derpfish of course was what made this episode though. It should of made more farty sounds though.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [6]Sep 11, 2011
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    nicknameless101 wrote:
    I wonder, did that Palpitoad happen to be the same one that Trip was trying to catch?

    I'm assuming it was since Palpitoad was pretty PO'd when Ash fell on it in the last episode, and it glared at Ash when it first saw him in this episode like it wanted payback.

    Anyway, I thought this episode was awesome too, one of the best of the season so far. Oshawott's Aqua Jet is sick, it just went and OHKO'd Palpitoad with it. The double capture was sweet, and I also lol'd that Cilan weakened Stunfisk by simply flinging it around with his fishing rod.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [7]Sep 11, 2011
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    Awesome episode!

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [8]Sep 11, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Ash and Cilan capture Palpitoad and Stunfisk, respectively!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Sep 11, 2011
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    I'm assuming it was since Palpitoad was pretty PO'd when Ash fell on it in the last episode, and it glared at Ash when it first saw him in this episode like it wanted payback.

    No it wasn't. Palpitoad was just stunned by Ash's sudden appearance and then ran off. It is not the same Palpitoad. They do travel in between episodes.
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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [10]Sep 11, 2011
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    Good episode. (:
    Glad to see those two catch newPokemon's(:

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [11]Sep 11, 2011
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    Ugh, Stunfisk. I hope Cilan doesn't use it often. Palpitoad is a pretty nice snag though.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [12]Sep 12, 2011
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    This was another one of my anticipated episodes so far and I loved it. Double capture was great, especially Stunfisk's capture, and Palpitoad looked pretty strong and yet another Unova Pokemon for Ash's ever growing team this season. And another Oschawott training episode and one that was needed. Aqua Jet's awesome.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Sep 16, 2011
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    What's this? I'm posting this before the next episode airs! IT MUST BE A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!

    Anyway, this episode started out like any other but near the end got FUN! And I'm sure you all know why, or maybe I should say who? Ash & co. have stopped by a lake to have lunch and also for Ash to train Oshawott to keep its eyes open underwater. However while training all the other Pokemon get hit with a PoisonPowder from a group of Foongus and now must seek for a plant which lays on the bottom of the lake with Oshawott's help. Will Ash and Oshawott encounter any troubles as they dive down to get the much needed plant? Can Oshawott learn to open its eyes underwater? For what reason did the Foongus attack everyone's Pokemon? Now I know it seems like I'm not asking any dud questions as I usually do, though considering the answer for the last it might as well be the dud question! But answers are still answers, and these answers are below:

    Mushrooms Not To Be Samba With:
    Ash & co. have stopped by a beautiful lake and decide to stop for lunch as one expects them to either be doing or about to do whenever an episode starts with them not in a city. Ash has other things on his mind however remembering in last episode Trip revealed that Oshawott was keeping its eyes closed when it uses Aqua Jet and decides to do some special training and Iris says she'll look after his other Pokemon (that just screams "there going to get in trouble"). Cilan asks Iris to watch his Pokemon too (we need at least some responsible Pokemon to try (but fail) to maintain the chaos) as they all send their Pokemon out and see that Snivy and Emolga still have a rivalry going on. I'd also tell you about Ash breaking to Oshawott the news about them training and it looking confused by the opening and title wants to play right now for a minute.

    As Iris is being chased by the other Pokemon, Ash has gotten in his bathing shorts and tells Oshawott they'll be training in the water and Oshawott jumps right in and starts doing a backstroke. Ash tells Oshawott he knows it's a great swimmer but the reason Aqua Jet keeps missing is because it's keeping its eyes closed and so they're gonna train to keep its eyes open underwater (so apparently it's not just an Aqua Jet thing, kind of sad really in a pathetic way). Oshawott gets worried but Ash tells it he'll be there the entire time holding its hand (now saying you'll be there is fine but why hold its hand, you said yourself Oshawott is a good swimmer so it's not like it's at risk of drowning (especially with Water-types who seem to be able to breath underwater with no problem)). Oshawott holds it breath (see previous statement for why this is odd) and dunks its head underwater and so does Ash however he sees Oshawott is keeping its eyes closed and after opening his mouth in shock (also filling his mouth and lungs with water reminding him he's not a Water-type) lifts his head back up and tells Oshawott it needs to keep its eyes opened underwater. Ash says they'll both dunk underwater at the same time and tells Oshawott to just look at him and they both go back underwater only for Ash to see Oshawott is still keeping his eyes closed and when Ash tries to open them (also telling it to open it's eyes, is he trying to drown himself?) Oshawott panics and hits Ash with a Water Gun sending him flying out of the lake.

    Over to Iris and the other Pokemon, they're hitting a beach ball around and Emolga catches it and decided to send it speeding toward Snivy. However Snivy uses a Vine Whip to hit the ball back though Emolga dodges it and it heads toward Dwebble who cowers before realizing it popped the ball with its pincers. Dwebble apologizes as Iris tells it it's alright as Scraggy finds a batch of rather large Pokeballs though they quickly reveal themselves to be Foongus and start yelling at Scraggy. But with these being new Pokemon, Scraggy uses Headbutt on them and actually scatters the Foongus around and as they complained some more Scraggy just sticks its tongue out at them which the Foongus don't quite like and start to attack. Emolga and Snivy are about to get into a fight themselves though hear Scraggy and they along with the other Pokemon start rushing over as Iris asks where they're going and Cilan dances saying it's lunch time though is quickly brought up-to-date with that's going on. Back to Scraggy, we see it being sent flying back though it gets back on its feet as the other Pokemon come up from behind and it starts rushing at the Foongus who form a pyramid and all use PoisonPowder which not only hits Scraggy but all the other Pokemon. Iris and Cilan run onto the scene to see all the Pokemon have been poisoned and we cut back to Ash back in the water trying to train Oshawott before being informed their is trouble by Cilan and Iris.

    Why Does It Feel This Story Had Been Recycled:
    Ash and Oshawott comes running up the hill to see all of the Pokemon suffering from poison (I like how he sees all the Pokemon are suffering but once he sees Pikachu is too he starts reacting ) and is told by Iris that Foongus have attacked them with poisonous spores (it's called PoisonPowder). Ash checks the Foongus in his Pokedex as they roll away and Cilan takes out a Town Map to say he's all out of Antidote (too bad you used that Pacha Berry last episode to make a cake!) and their isn't a Pokemon Center within miles of where they are. Iris wonders if they is any Remeyo Weed in the lake (not to be confused with Salveyo Weed... wow that's an obscure reference...) and Cilan uses the Town Map to find that their is a lot nearby which Ash, Cilan, and Oshawott go to get as Iris stays behind to watch after the Pokemon (maybe you want to put them back in their Pokeballs so they aren't constantly suffering?). Cilan leads Ash and Oshawott to a lake (though it's unclear if this is another lake or part of the same lake they stopped at) and tells them Remeya Weed grows in crevices between rocks and Ash says he'll go and get some but Cilan says it won't be that easy as the crevices are small and no way Ash will fit. Cilan explains that people used specially trained Water-types to get it (say like a Poliwag? Sorry, another yet related obscure reference) and Ash says Oshawott can get it though Oshawott makes a face that doesn't give much confidence and Cilan says the crevices are hard to see in, especially with Oshawott keeping its eyes closed, and asks how'll that work.

    Ash: Easy, all I need to do is pull on Oshawott's ears like this and guide it around.
    Comment: You do realize that the crevice is probably also deep meaning at some point that won't work, right? Also there is that problem with you needing to breath.

    Ash says he's ready to go (and fail!) and... takes out a breathing device (WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Well I guess that solves the breathing problem)... saying leave it to them and jumps in and starts swimming to the middle of the lake as Cilan hopes he knows what they're doing.

    Meanwhile Iris has all the Pokemon lying down with a leaf covering them and a cloth on their head as Iris makes Oran Berry juice to make the Pokemon feel better saying Ash and Oshawott (hey, what about Cilan?) will be back with the Remoya Weed and to hang in there.

    Ash and Oshawott swims to the bottom of the lake as a Palpitoad watches them angrily (wouldn't it be funny if that's the Palpitoad that Trip was trying to catch and Ash fell on? ) and turns to give commands to a batch of Tympoles who then swim away as it gives a nasty glare. Ash and Oshawott swim over to a crevice and sees the Remeyo Weed and Ash tells Oshawott to go get it however they're attacked by the Tympoles and get separated and as the Tympoles turn around Oshawott is stuck unable to see or being guided and gets hit (funny, Tympole can't learn Tackle). After Oshawott gets hit some more the Tympoles use Supersonic and confuses Oshawott as they start using Water Gun which Oshawott looks to be doing a good job dodging with it being unable to see and confused.

    On the surface Cilan sees the Water Gun blasts spraying out and asks what is going on yelling to Ash and Oshawott is they're alright.

    After a rather surprising "Who's That Pokemon" (I thought they would have uses Tympole or Palpitoad), we go back to Iris who hears the wind rustle some grass and turns around hoping "they're okay" and we see that this is indeed happening in the same lake as where Cilan and Ash are isn't far from where she is (yet we can't see Cilan nor the Water Gun blasts coming out of the water).

    Ash tells Oshawott to use Razor Shell but the Tympole just swims around it as Ash tells it it has to open its eyes which it finally starts to do though gets hit with a Water Gun before it could as Cilan is still left confused on what is going on. Ash tells Oshawott to open its eyes one more time as the Tympole attack with BubbleBeam but this time Oshawott fully opens its eyes and uses its Razor Shell to pop the BubbleBeam which get the Tympole worried and with Oshawott ready to use Razor Shell again they swim off. Ash congratulates Oshawott though is worried that the Tympole may come back and so decides to get out of their (without collecting the Remeya Weed...) as the Palpitoad sees them swimming back to the surface and gives commands to a Stunfisk who was using Camouflage. The Stunfisk swims over to Ash and Oshawott and uses Thundershock which (oh please Ash, you've been hit with Pikachu's Thunderbolts, you should be electric-proof by now. Oshawott on the other hand...) and on the surface Cilan sees the glow still confused on what's going on before Ash and Oshawott flies out of the water and lands in front of him. Cilan asks if they're alright and Ash says he is thanks to Oshawott but he still got zapped though (look to my previous comment to see who I don't pity and pity more) and Stunfisk surfaces which Cilan says must be the reason they got shocked.

    Pokedex: Stunfisk, the Trap Pokemon. Stunfisk hides itself in the mud and then delivers an electric jolt when its prey touches it, smiling all the while.
    Comment: And if it was hiding in mud that would make a little more sense then where it is now... because Stunfisk is WEAK TO WATER! And it only makes a little more sense because, well, it's also WEAK TO GROUND!

    Cilan says that it's a dangerous Pokemon as Ash asks why it attacked them but Stunfisk swims back down into the lake and Ash asks how are they going to get any Remeyo Weed. Cilan tells them not worry and leave Stunfisk to him as he says it's "Fishing time" and takes out a big purple pen which he opens up to reveal it's a fishing pole (complete with a lure that looks like him, so I guess they're trying to make Cilan a Brock and Misty combo). Ash tells Cilan that's impressive but to get moving and Cilan uses "backhand pass" which sends the lure into the water and Cilan says something is missing *add cooking reference here* but will be victorious *add cooking reference here* (all this while the Unova Rival Battle Theme plays, don't know what that's suppose to mean). Cilan gets a bite and starts reeling and pulling until finally getting the Stunfisk out of the water and it hops around like any normal fish (Water-types that can't open its eyes underwater, a Ground-type that lives in water but unable to move on land, as Trip would say, Unova's Pokemon are "special indeed").

    However a sudden blast of mist blasts out from the water and Palpitoad's silhouette and shining eyes are seen though the mist before it clears and... ASH WHY ARE YOU SCANNING PALPITOAD AGAIN, YOU DID IT LAST EPISODE!

    Pokedex: Palpitoad, the Vibration Pokemon. Palpitoad's long sticky tongue is used to capture prey. It lives both on land and in the water.
    Comment: This gets better, below is the last episode Pokedex entry for Palpitoad.
    Pokedex: Palpitoad, the Vibration Pokemon. Palpitoad can live both underwater and on dry land. It captures prey by using its long sticky tongue.
    Comment: That's right, it told him the same information just in a different order! *slow clap*

    Speaking of long tongues, Palpitoad sticks it out and sends out some Mud Shots which Ash and Cilan dodge and gives a command to Stunfisk who jumps up and sends a Mud Bomb at Cilan who dodges it. Cilan tells Ash to handle Palpitoad while he'll handle Stunfisk and starts to fling Stunfisk around with his fishing rod! O_O Ash asks Oshawott if it wants to battle Paliptoad and it agrees to but Palpitoad roars out scaring Oshawott however Ash reminds it the other Pokemon are counting on it and knows it can do it which gets Oshawott's nerve back. Oshawott uses Water Gun but gets out powered by Palpitoad's Hydro Pump and sent flying back though, despite some mud on its face, is alright and uses a Razor Shell. Palpitoad however uses Supersonic which stops Oshawott and Ash tells it to fight it though Cilan (who's still flinging Stunfisk around, LIKE A BOSS!) says Oshawott is confused. Palpitoad quickly switched over to Mud Shot which miss Oshawott who recovers while Ash sees how strong Palpitoad is and, remembering he's a Pokemon TRAINER, decides to catch it! Oshawott uses Aqua Jet but it's closing its eyes once again and misses as Palpitoad uses Mud Bomb and Ash tells Oshawott to opens its eyes like it did in the lake. Oshawott remembers back to fighting the Tympole and open its eyes just in time to dodge the Mud Shots and slam right into Palpitoad sending it flying and knocking it out. Not to be outdone, Cilan declares it's "Fishing wrapping up time" and flings Stunfisk to the ground also knocking it out! Ash throws a Pokeball at Palpitoad and, before I can even joke about someone might as well catching Stunfisk, Cilan throws a Pokeball at Stunfisk and we witness a double capture!

    Oshawott picks up Ash's newly caught Palpitoad's Pokeball and brings it over to him and Ash does his "I caught a Pokemon" stance (why is the Pokeball button still glowing red?) and Cilan joins in (minus a glowing red Pokeball button). Cilan assures us the red glowing isn't a coloring error and reminds us that because Ash had six Pokemon he can't use Palpitoad (still don't know why they no longer transport to Professor Juniper). A scene transition later Ash tells Oshawott to go get the Remeyo Weed as he sure it can do it by itself now and Oshawott dives in but they forgot that the Tympole group are still at large and attack Oshawott knocking it out and dragging it to a dark part of the lake never to be seen again... that or it gets the Remeyo Weed (hint: It's the latter). Iris finishes making the cure and feeds it to the Pokemon and later we get a shot of all the Pokemon up and running again and everyone thanking Ash for his hard work (though not enough work to save Cilan's left forearm, seriously it's either missing or it's in the tree) but Ash says it's all thanks to Oshawott. All the Pokemon gather around and thank Oshawott and with the narrator starting it's time to end this revie... OH MY GOD! TEPIG IS MISSING IT'S TAIL! AND PANSAGE HAS SOME GROWTH ON ITS SHOULDERS! Iris, what was in that cure you gave them? Is that why Cilan's left forearm is missing, he drank some of the cure too? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE! *Runs away before the mutating curing drink gets to him*

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