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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Fighting Fear With Fear!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Dec 13, 2008
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    This is definitely an episode that I've been looking forward to. I'll check back later once I've seen it online.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [2]Dec 13, 2008
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    I loved it. Gligar definitely deserved the spotlight in this episode, and its always funny watching it crashing on top of Ash *really think they should turn that into U-turn*. Plus, Gary and his adorable Umbreon appeared in it and taunting Ash like the good ole episodes (Ashy Boy XD). Dawn only remembering Gary as the poetry guy's son cracked me up, and Ash acting high and mighty about Gligar having to earn the right to use the Razor Fang really surprised me. Oh and the fact that after Ash was taken by Team Rocket, Staravia could be seen wearing his backpack. I loved the way Ash had Gligar evolve by tossing it the Razor Fang in midflight to rescue them. Now Ash can add Gliscor to the battling roster, instead of being benched all the time.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [3]Dec 13, 2008
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    I wish that Gligar/Gliscor was real. I want it.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [4]Dec 13, 2008
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    I also have been looking forward to this one airing ever since I saw the japannesse version over the summer (what can I say? I like seeing Ash's newest Poke take center stage). I get the feeling Ash has a ringer in Gliscor. Paul's Gliscor better watch out next time they meet. Something tells me that Gliscor is going play a big part in one of Ash's future gym battles (anyone who knows about Ash's next gym battles, keep your mouths shut). Well, this was the last episode I knew about before it aired (though I do know that the next episode has something to do with Pokemon fashion). As of right now, I am official back in the spoiler-free zone, and I intend to stay there this time.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [5]Dec 13, 2008
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I wish that Gligar/Gliscor was real. I want it.

    Wonder what the world would be like with Pokemon??? I can finally kick someones butt & its legal!!
    Saw the episode & enjoyed it but Umbreon's VA sounds girly. In "Powerplay", I think that was the episode, it sounded much better.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [6]Dec 13, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    I wish that Gligar/Gliscor was real. I want it.
    Wonder what the world would be like with Pokemon??? I can finally kick someones butt & its legal!! Saw the episode & enjoyed it but Umbreon's VA sounds girly. In "Powerplay", I think that was the episode, it sounded much better.

    Same in Ill-Will Hunting! where Umbreon actually uttered its name, like today. I liked Umbreon's old voice before the VA switch. Anyway, not doing a review, but I'll point out some things:

    A great episode, showing the actual connection between Ash & Gligar. Great characterization, which is btw, a bit lacking in this show. The best scene is in the chasm, where Ash flings the Razor Fang up for Gligar to catch, along with the majestic BGM (kept from the original ). And with that, we have a newly-evolved Gliscor, reappearance of Gary, hilariously odd Meowth/Boss fantasy , & some interesting Pokémon Poetry.

    Tune in next week, where our heroes arrive in Hearthome City once more, only to see that the gym leader still isn't there. However, there is a sort of "Pokémon Stylist Contest" coming up, in which Dawn enters, along with some other newly-met friends. Who will emerge victorious? Find out in a brand-new episode of Pokémon Diamond & Pearl : Battle Dimension ~ Arriving In StyIe!

    Fighting Fear with Fear! receives a 9.4. Highlight above for a preview of next week's episode, and with that, I'm gone. Everyone, have a nice weekend!

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  • Avatar of Pikachu_2121


    [7]Dec 13, 2008
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    Gary's back, finally
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [8]Dec 13, 2008
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    This is definitely an episode that I've been looking forward to. I'll check back later once I've seen it online.
    For some reason, I have Cartoonnetwork West, so now I can wait for the episodes at 9am, if I missed it. Sucks when its online, it may lag at times, which sucks. I really don't feel like watching the next batch of episodes until the Team Rocket one where there is a chance where their old motto can be heard.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [9]Dec 13, 2008
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    I have to wait for it to come online too because those idiots at YTV have a habit of either going back to the beginning of D/P, or the Battle Frontier eps, the latter of which they did recently.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [10]Dec 13, 2008
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    yah i have cartooon network west now also now i dont have to get up around 6:00 am i can now watch it at 9:00 am, oh and this was a pretty good episode gary' hair looks a little shorter then i remember more like the way brock's hair looks, and i almost thot ash was gunna be mean to gligare like paul was to chimchare but thank god he dint becouse i like gligare he kinda looks like babbit from kodocha, but i like gliscore even more he looks like a real bad ass bat pokemon then the other ones, i give this episode a 10/10 for being the best in the season.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [11]Dec 13, 2008
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    BAC510 wrote:
    pikastatic100 wrote:
    This is definitely an episode that I've been looking forward to. I'll check back later once I've seen it online.
    For some reason, I have Cartoonnetwork West, so now I can wait for the episodes at 9am, if I missed it. Sucks when its online, it may lag at times, which sucks. I really don't feel like watching the next batch of episodes until the Team Rocket one where there is a chance where their old motto can be heard.

    Just saw it now, it was definitely one of the best episodes of Season 11, IMO, along with the Chim-Chared episode. I'm glad Gliscor kept it's personality for the most part after evolving, and once again, Team Rocket helps Ash & co. without meaning to.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [13]Dec 13, 2008
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    Aren't we not supposed to reveal where episodes can be seen on the Internet (although we all obviously know where)? Another question directed to the those who say this episode was one of the best of the season (and no disrespect intended for that matter), why do you think so?
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]Dec 13, 2008
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:
    Aren't we not supposed to reveal where episodes can be seen on the Internet (although we all obviously know where)? Another question directed to the those who say this episode was one of the best of the season (and no disrespect intended for that matter), why do you think so?

    Well, it's kinda hard for me to explain, but I guess it's mostly because it revolves around Gligar, who barely gets any screen time, and with all of the special training and emotion and evolving and Gary returning and whatnot.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Dec 13, 2008
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:
    Aren't we not supposed to reveal where episodes can be seen on the Internet (although we all obviously know where)? Another question directed to the those who say this episode was one of the best of the season (and no disrespect intended for that matter), why do you think so?

    Most episodes are filler and revolve around a character introduced in that episode known as a "character-of-the-day". Character-of-the-day only appear in that episode and possibly in the next episode, but most never appear after the episode they debuted in. These episodes are pretty much follow the same plotline, the character-of-the-day is having a sort of problem and Ash and co. try to help. Meanwhile Team Rocket decide to steal the character-of-the-day's Pokemon (usually the Pokemon is part of a species which is making its debut in that episode), and for about 1/2 or 1/3 of the episode Ash and co. and the character-of-the-day are chasing, battling, and launching off Team Rocket and gets the character-of-the-day's Pokemon back. But during this whole thing, the problem with the character-of-the-day's Pokemon is some how remedied and at the end Ash and co. say their goodbyes to the character-of-the-day and heading off without gaining anything from the experience.

    How, this episode doesn't wasn't a filler, and instead revolved around one of the main characters Pokemon meaning character development will have more of a permanent impact and effect on the overall storyline. Gligar was having a problem fighting, have a self esteem shattering battle against its evolved form, Gliscor, which also was its pack leader before being captured by Paul. It became terrified of whoever it went up against which would have made it useless in battle against anymore. Gary, making a quick appearance while heading to Lake Valor to look for Azelf, said that if Gligar evolved it would cure it of its insecurity and he just so happened to have a Razor Claw. After much commotion from Team Rocket and Ash wanting Gligar to earn the right to evolve, Gligar did and evolved into Gliscor, restoring its self esteem and making it a power house which will most certainly help Ash in future battles.

    BTW, my review will be coming tommorw, I have the note written down, I just need to organize them a re-word them a bit.

    Edited on 12/13/2008 11:23pm
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [16]Dec 13, 2008
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    Oh, well I already knew that, but thx anyway. Oh well, I just didn't think it was the best, but opinions are opinions. I'd say this is the sixth best out of this season so far.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [17]Dec 14, 2008
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    crzyazn_9399 wrote:
    Aren't we not supposed to reveal where episodes can be seen on the Internet (although we all obviously know where)? Another question directed to the those who say this episode was one of the best of the season (and no disrespect intended for that matter), why do you think so?

    Well most people won't get to see it for who knows how long, because their local network that airs Pokemon is being stubborn and idiotic.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [18]Dec 14, 2008
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    BTW, my review will be coming tommorw, I have the note written down, I just need to organize them a re-word them a bit.

    I guess I can wait that long.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [19]Dec 14, 2008
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    First the Swinub episode, and now this, things are beginning to get good, hopefully they'll be able to keep it up! We get to see Gary agains which is always good, Paul maybe Ash's new rival but no one beats Gary as being Ash's #1 rival. In this episode his old attitude was even brought back, but he was still helpful as he has been recently. Anyway, getting to the main point, Ash's Gligar is now a Gliscor, meaning it is pretty much now okay to air the 11th movie. Onto my review:

    Not So Much Fighting Spirit:
    * *Sigh* I expected that Swinub was going to get greedy, luckily Turtwig took on the role of keeping everyone calm.
    * Gligar is gone?... Or just waiting to sneak crash on Ash. Apparently it wasn't happy about losing to Paul's Gliscor it wants to train some more.
    * Gligar VS. Buizel, for training Glgiar that isn't a good choice since Buizel will have the adventage (Buizel's Water-type > Gligar's Ground-type).
    * Um, Gligar, you don't exactly win a match by begging your opponent not to hurt it. Seems like the battle with Paul's Gliscor effected it more then anyone thought.
    * Turtwig is more fair of a match, Gligar's types counterbalance here (Gligar's Flying > Turtwig's Grass > Gligar's Ground).
    * LOL! I can tell, this episode is just going to be Gligar crashing into Ash every moment when possible.
    * Great work Ash, you chased Gligar away. Maybe now would be a good time to see what Team Rocket is planning.
    * Meowth, interesting plan and all, but Gligar doesn't hug heads, it crashes into them. The sun will be out of Giovanni's eyes but he'll still be woken up with a pretty big bump and headache

    Familiar Face, Revived Race:
    * Gary! Thought we wouldn't see him until next regio... Poetry guy's grandson? Dawn -_-;
    * Ah, Gary is here on Rowan's advice to seek out Azelf at Lake Valor. Unfortunetly we might have to wait a little longer before we see the Lake Trio.
    * Wow, how long has it been since Gary called Ash "Ashy-boy"? Looks like there is still some of the good old rival Gary still left over to push Ash's buttons.
    * If Ash wasn't acting out of the ordinary before, with Gary around and acting a bit like his old self Ash is sure to get defensive about everything, especially on his training methods.
    * Umbreon's voice is much more higher and feminine then the last time we saw it. But come on Gligar, that Shadow Ball barely hit you, there was no need to retreat!
    * Of course, when Gligar jumps higher, and we find out it's afraid of going that high -_-;
    * It took you all this long to realize that Gligar's trauma is from losing to Gliscor, I figured that out the moment Gligar got scared of Buizel!

    Solve By Evolve:
    * Evolve Gligar! Wow, pretty convenient for Gary to be carrying a Razor Fang, though whether Gligar wants to evolve will depend if this is a solution or not.
    * Scratch what I said, Gligar is going crazy over tht Razor Fang. Though of course Ash has always had a small problem with evolving his Pokemon when he's given the choice.
    * Guess it's around the time for Team Rocket to be making their first attempts. I guess that Gliscor balloon is to scare Gligar?
    * Well Staravia is down, but at least it's with Pikachu, Brock, Dawn, and Gary to scout.
    * Ah Team Rocket, always able to make a feast out of the little meals they have.
    * Why exactly is Staravia wearing Ash's backpack? I suppose it could be for a quick drop off, but I think it woudl be making for a more useful scout right now then carrier Pidgey.

    Save By The Tip Of The Claw:
    * Brilliant Ash, if Gligar couldn't break the bars with X-Scissor, what made you think you could be ramming it? Though it did bring Gligar's spirit back up enough for both to break the bars down.
    * Why is Gligar hanging on? If it hovers just above the bridge then it doesn't have to worry about falling, no matter how broken up the bridge is... or should I say "how brittle the bridge is"...
    * What's with Gligar's attacks all of the sudden being weaker? Sure it has low self esteem but that shouldn't effect the power of its attacks unless it is holding back. At least it was able to knock the tree down on the second attempt.
    * And with Gligar gotten stronger, Ash is going to allow it to evolve, but first to deal with Team Rocket again.
    * Ash dropped Gligar down the cavern! Luckily it could fly, which is a good thing becuase Ash is coming right down with it!
    * Of course we can't have Ash ending up as a pancake, so with a good toss and save, Gligar is now a Gliscor and saved Ash right when he was about to hit the ground.

    The More Evolved They Are, The Harder They Crash:
    * Now Gliscor's attacks are at the power they should be. And nice to see that even though it is a Gliscor it still has some Gligar left in it (a.k.a. crashing into Ash).
    * Meowth, even when it was a Gligar it would still have given Giocanni a terrible headache. It crashes into people, not hugs their head.
    * Oh come on, first Pikachu and Piplup robs Swinub the chance to launch Team Rocket and now Pikachu takes it away from Gliscor? We know Pikachu is good at it, but at least let the Pokemon of the day also help in the launch off!
    * GARY DON'T RYHME! Great, now he's on a streak and of course Dawn is in her "He said a Poem" mode. Well at least she's not going as crazy as she did last time.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [20]Dec 14, 2008
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    Great review, as always, Pikachu. Anyone else notice that in the Swinub episode, Yanmega used Steel Wing instead of Wing Attack, and it learned Silver Wind out of the blue in this episode? Dawn and her "He said a Poem" mode with Gary is really starting to get on my nerves... Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the Pokemon School Arc (or whatever it's called), but the the next episode and the Psyduck episode just look like a couple of more boring fillers.
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