Have you guys stopped getting up to watch episodes? Here you go. I'm actually glad they evolve Glameow at the end, made it a tad funnier.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Have you guys stopped getting up to watch episodes? Here you go. I'm actually glad they evolve Glameow at the end, made it a tad funnier.
I need to learn how tto stop staying up til 3 am
so I'm usuall asleep when it comes on..
I liked this one. It reminded me of the old episodes when Meowth falls in love with somebody!~
Yeah because it's not like we don't have one of those episodes every season
I have one abbreviation/chat speak for this episode: LOL! This episode, especially near the end, was down right hilarious! Sure sometimes there was a lapse of intelligence, but then again it sometimes had more intelligence then other episodes, like the trainer actually using their Pokeball to stop their Pokemon from being stolen! Anyway once again Meowth has fallen in love with a cat-like Pokemon, though this time a Glameow he saw upon waking up from having been Blasted Off. I'm glad this episode didn't follow a similar storyline as AG047 "I Feel Skitty!", though you can tell it does borrow some elements from it like the said Meowth falling in love with a cat-like Pokemon and his reason why he doesn't want Glameow to be with Team Rocket. Well onto the comments:
Stealing For Love, Or The Love:
00:37 - Oh come on, Ash blasting Team Rocket off for the opening? That doesn't set up today's episode, if anything it might confuse us thinking we've came in the middle of the episode (until the announcer spoke).
01:13 - Besides Meowth, nope, you're all there. Also James, where was Carnivine, you decided to let Jessie do all the battling for some reason?
01:49 - AWOL? Jessie, do you mean MIA? I doubt Meowth just ran off for no reason.
02:15 - Won't this little girl be surprised when Meowth gets up and does something Pokemon shouldn't be doing.
02:24 - Oh no, let me guess, it's another "Meowth in love with another cat-like Pokemon" plot, isn't it? *sigh* Well might as well get the page for AG047 "I Feel Skitty!" up.
02:33 - What? Why isn't this girl surprised Meowth is talking? Oh, she says she can't believe he can talk, but you'd think that would garner at least a gasp. Also, aren't we going to be told the girl's name?
03:55 - Glameow say what isn't so? Glameow didn't reject you (yet), Jessie and James just began dragging you away, you should be more asking them that now Glameow.
04:17 - So Meowth now plans on stealing the Glameow he has fallen in love with... going back to AG047 "I Feel Skitty!", the reason Skitty didn't get caught by Jessie immediately is because Meowth helped Skitty, who he was in love with, escape not wanting it to suffer the constant Team Rocket Blast Offs.
04:55 - Why? As James said your usual target is Pikachu, just because Meowth said you should capture Glameow now isn't a new strategy, just a different target, technically you still need a new strategy!
05:08 - Of course, now that Team Rocket plan on stealing Glameow obviously the girl with the Glameow meet up with Ash & co., perhaps we'll be seeing a battle soon? Oh, her name is Mimi, if only Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds would be so nice to provide names, especially those of recurring characters...
05:31 - Pastoria? No, no, you're going out of order. Sure Platinum also re-positioned when you battled Crasher Wake, but still you battle Roark first, then Gardenia, and then that's where things get complexed between games.
05:58 - Wow, for once it actually sounded like Ash knew it was Team Rocket who set the trap before they spoke up.
06:10 - Wait a second, now they had Ash & co. in the cage as well, WHY are they still going after Glameow? Pikachu is right there! That hand looks to be made of rubber so Pikachu's Thundershocks shouldn't be a problem.
The Intellect In This Episode Must Be Bipolar:
06:18 - I take back What I said before about Mimi not acting surpised seeing a talking Pokemon, she was actually smart enough to RETURN HER POKEMON BEING STOLEN INTO IT'S POKEBALL! Ash & co., you should be taking notes. Though doesn't Mimi recognize them?
06:30 - Really Ash? A Water-type against a Grass-type? Sure it's Team Rocket but still you have an INFERNAPE!
06:42 - Mimi, think for a moment, it's a glove on a string and it just grabbed Glameow's Pokeball, what do you think is going to happen? And despite Dawn telling her to hang on, she lets go. And for once I we had found a smart trainer...
06:54 - As I said before, THEY HAD ASH & CO. RIGHT THERE AND HAD TO BATTLE THEM, WHY DIDN'T THEY STEAL PIKACHU INSTEAD! It's not like they didn't have an extra grabber hand, they did, the one Mimi returned her Glameow from!
08:02 - Yay, too bad you didn't have another Flying-type Pokemon that could have helped Staraptor cover more ground, right Dawn... SACRED MILTANKS THEY DID SEND OUT TOGEKISS TO LOOK! Wow, this episode is being smarter then usual. They didn't find Team Rocket though, but still.
08:18 - Need rest? It looks to be the mid-afternoon, you still have maybe an hour or two before the sun goes down and you need to rest for the night. Actually if they searched at night they'd probably have a better chance of getting Team Rocket off guard.
08:36 - How did Meowth not rock Jessie's hammock? Anyway Meowth frees Glameow, yay, because I'm sure Glameow won't attack and look for its traine... MEOWTH NOW WANTS TO FREE GLAMEOW!... MEOWTH DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!
09:47 - LOL, I got to admit Glameow's depiction of Meowth on a Rapidash was funny.
10:09 - Wait, now Meowth wants Glameow to stay with him?... So does he plan on running away from Team Rocket with Glameow? I guess Meowth could go back to work for Christopher in... in... that town before Snowpoint City in DP117 "Noodles! Roamin' Off!" and become rich and famous.
00:59 - The moon is smiling?
01:18 - Mimi, why did you think Ash and Dawn sent out Staraptor and Togekiss?
01:36 - Why did Meowth tape the letter to Jessie's back? Wouldn't it make more send to have put the letter where Jessie had Glameow's Pokeball? Pfft, haha, did Meowth really write Glameow was his "babe"?
02:20 - Gee James, you think Meowth had this all planned out given the obvious hints Meowth was in love with Glameow, wanted to not give her to Giovanni right away, and "hold onto" her Pokeball?
02:42 - LOL, I like how Staraptor just flew right in front of Jessie's view. Togekiss was okay, wait, Team Rocket was already flying past Ash & co.? Guess there was no need for Staraptor and Togekiss then, though they do have them at the ready.
02:49 - Brave Bird? Ash, don't you think that's going a little bit extreme? All you need to do is pop their balloon, infact Togekiss's Aura Sphere would have done the job just fine. Actually you didn't even need to attack, just peck at it.
03:09 - Mimi, why did you think Ash asked Team Rocket for Glameow's Pokeball? I wouldn't have really commented on this except Mimi said "and" making it sound like Ash was just asking for Glameow's Pokeball but not for Glameow.
03:32 - Who ever finds them keeps them both? Okay, why would Ash & co. or Mimi want Meowth, he just came up with this scheme to steal and run away with Glameow!
Evolution Makes The Heart Break Quicker:
04:04 - Too bad you were in a slow moving boat Meowth, I mean if I was on the run I would be looking for some faster transportation, one which I couldn't easily walk/run faster than.
04:18 - Geez Dawn, you do remember you're trying to save Glameow, right? Besides I think you could have just had Staraptor or Togekiss just swoop down and pick up Glameow.
04:46 - So are we going to have a three-way battle here? WHOA! Meowht just took down Serviper (which isn't that impressive) and Infernape (which is impressive, considering at that moment Infernape was doing a Flame Wheel and covered with flames)!
05:26 - Meowth just took down Staraptor, Togekiss, and Yanmega! You know if Mimi was smart and could forgive him, she could try convincing Meowth to travel with her and Glameow (being Glameow is still loyal to Mimi), I mean fueld by Glameow's love Meowth could possibly get Mimi some Gym Badges easily!
05:50 - ... Some say Meowth's small heart grew 3 sizes on that day...
05:56 - Lol, Ah Ash, clueless about love just as ever, though here Ash doesn't have an excuse as Meowth just clearly stated he loved Glameow.
06:11 - Lol, did Meowth just quote an Elvis song?... WHAT! Meowth got defeated by CARNIVINE!... So does that mean Carnivine can defeat Seviper, Infernape, Staraptor, Staravia, and Yanmega? That would be impressive, especially since Carnivine is weak to Poison-, Fire-, Flying-, and Bug-types!
06:30 - Huh? Wait, Glameow got hit by a few Bullet Seeds, not effecting it that much even though it sent Meowth flying, and that somehow gave Glameow enough experience to evolve to Purugly?
07:01 - LOL! So did Jessie just remove Glameow's tail? Also what happened contradicts the Pokedex, when Jessie removed the tail Purugly got bigger, not the other way around.
07:31 - Geez upon evolving Purugly got pretty bossy.
07:40 - And just then Meowth went from "Doesn't get it" to "Gets it". I wonder how many will get that joke.
08:13 - Jessie, did you really have to attack Meowth? I think with Glameow now a Purugly Meowth was about to join back with you. And Ash, I think Meowth would now be more then happy to give Purugly back, I think it's pretty obvious Meowth just gave up.
08:50 - Yay right Meowth, you just want to get rid of Purugly. Ooh, Mimi has a Lavender Pokedex! And with that Mimi learned Purugly knows more moves, like Hyper Beam, which it used (when did it learn it? It only learns it through TM15) to Blast Off Team Rocket.
09:45 - No no, I told you before, Pastoria is the 3rd/5th Gym, first is the Oreburgh... Oh, and I think you'll need more then Hyper Beam too... like maybe catching a Grass- or Electric-type Pokemon. BTW, what happened to Purugly's Pokeball? Anyway that ends this episode, hopefully next episode is the Sunyshore Gym Battle!
Maybe Meowth shouldn't bother trying to find love because someone or something always screws him over.
- That female Meowth who went for a "bigger" guy when she chose that Persian
- Skitty on 2 separate occasions. The one that would eventually be May's, and one in Chronicles who shot him down.
- Mimi's Glameow when it evolved into Purugly and became a total... you know.
I wouldn't be surprised if it would happen again, but then again it might not. 5th gen, you know which one I'm referring to, and if not, I'm not spoiling.
TKnHappyNess wrote: |
Maybe Meowth shouldn't bother trying to find love because someone or something always screws him over. - That female Meowth who went for a "bigger" guy when she chose that Persian - Skitty on 2 separate occasions. The one that would eventually be May's, and one in Chronicles who shot him down. - Mimi's Glameow when it evolved into Purugly and became a total... you know. I wouldn't be surprised if it would happen again, but then again it might not. 5th gen, you know which one I'm referring to, and if not, I'm not spoiling. |
Well we do have Choroneko for a 5th Gen cat-like Pokemon:
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Well we do have Choroneko for a 5th Gen cat-like Pokemon: |
That's who I was referring to. Although with the more serious TR, it probably won't happen.
This episode was totally hilarious. Who knew Meowth was that strong?
I also liked the attitude change when Glameow evolved.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Well we do have Choroneko for a 5th Gen cat-like Pokemon: |
It looks like Glameow + Stunky
What happened to Purugly after it evolved?