Eh, still not too fond of the episode but not necessarily a bad episode either. Goodbye Kenny, I won't miss you.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Eh, still not too fond of the episode but not necessarily a bad episode either. Goodbye Kenny, I won't miss you.
I personally thought it was a great episode. What would have made it even better though is if Kenny and Flint battled each other after Kenny beat Ash and Flint beat Jasmine.
Unfortunately, I slept through the majority of this episode. I really have to say, Ash didn't really use a wide variety of Buizel's moves in that battle. Perhaps if he did, he probably would've won. As for the ending, it's funny, I was expecting Dawn to accept Kenny's offer after watching Ash compete in the Sinnoh League.
Today's episode was good and had a nice bit of nostalgia with Jasmine in it even though they didn't do much with her. The Buizel vs. Empoleon battle was good though I sadly can't say the same for the Steelix vs. Infernape battle, the Buizel vs. Empoleon was just more fast paced and the moves used make sense due the circumstance both were Water-types thus both didn't have that many moves to use that would be super effective against each other while Steelix vs. Infernape... we'll get to that. Also nice to see that with the end of their grand festival the friendly rival invited the current female coordinator to travel with him (is May traveling with Drew and/or Solidad?). Anyway onto the comments:
A Nostalgia Hitting You Like An Iron Tail:
00:10 - Ooh ooh, tap on them to see if they make a musical note!
01:09 - So what? you always miss the ferry.
01:24 - That was Kenny, what's he doing in Sunyshore... JASMINE! And she's in her HeartGold/SoulSilver clothes!
02:07 - Looks like Jasmine remembers Brock, though then again I'm pretty sure for a lot of women it would be hard to forget Brock, oh and Ash too with Team Rocket usually attacking and all.
02:44 - Team Rocket decided they're going to steal Floatzel for today episode? Okay, sure... wait Meowth, I don't think Floatzel can remove their flotation device.
03:35 - Yes Brock, and on that same logic Wallace and Fantina shouldn't be Gym Leaders (and for Wallace a Champion). If anything you should be saying her specialty isn't in Water-types but Steel-types, that'll be a better argument.
03:51 - One of your colleagues? Him? Jasmine, didn't you have an apprentice? *Goes to Bulbapeida* Yay, Janina. Okay, she's a little girl, but then again Bugsy can't be that much older and he's a Gym Leader.
04:12 - Kenny, at this point I don't think plans have been planned out for Black & White so I don't think Dawn knows if they'll require her to travel with Ash. Judging by previous patterns she shoudl be travelling with Ash through one more region and being the playable characters in the game are 15...
04:43 - Flint, I know your an Elite Four member and all but come on, Jasmine is here, let her take care of Team Rocket, I'm sure Steelix could reach and if not she does have Magnemite (unless it evolved).
05:40 - Wha? Um Jasmine, while it would be awesome to see a Johto Gym Leader take on a Sinnoh Elite Four member, this isn't a favorable match-up for you.
06:09 - Dawn, why are you scanning Steelix? You already scanned Byron's Steelix! And Pokedex, don't forget to mention Steelix is weak to both Fire- and Fighting-types, which Infernape is both of.
06:49 - Good idea Ash, though that unfortunely takes up your thinking process for this episode meaning unless someone tells you what to do you're pretty much now useless. And Kenny, I know you have an Empoleon but that doesn't mean you have to hate every Infernape you see.
07:14 - You know Jasmine, Steelix is part Ground-type which Fire-types are weak to, and we know your Steelix knows Dig...
07:42 - Flint's battling styIe? I think Flint deflecting Jasmine's Steelix moves has more to do with Flint being an Elite Four member and has more experience then a Gym Leader like Jasmine.
07:48 - Crunch... a Dark-type move against a half Fighting-type... and yet she hasn't even made an attempt to use one Ground-type move which she should knows is strong against Fire-types... is Jasmine even trying?
08:00 - Jeez Flint, what were you trying to do crush Jasmine with Steelix?
The Uprising Of The Elite Four And Trees:
08:39 - Huh? Why? Oh, that's why. Like I said Kenny hold your Ponyta until you know the writers' plan for Black & White, as I said the main characters are 15 so it could be possible Dawn will be travelling with Ash for one more region much like with Misty and May (even though Maywas through Kanto for the Battle Frontier).
08:52 - And Penguinshippers go squeal. So I'm guessing we're locking in Penguinshipping as the official ship for Dawn. Sorry Pearlshippers. Okay, not really, POKESHIPPING FTW!!!
09:05 - No, from all the Elite Four and Champions that we've seen battling that is all of their general battling styIes, in fact the same goes for a few Gym Leaders. Actuall Jasmine you're "The Steel-Clad DEFENSE Girl", shouldn't that be YOUR strategy too?
09:22 - Got that everyone? first Flint lets his opponent attack, then he defends against it, but if the opponent is stronger then that doesn't work... THAT'S NOT A STRATEGY THAT'S DEFENDING IN GENERAL!
09:39 - First Lucian tries against Cynthia, then Aaron, and now Flint is planning to, are all the Sinnoh Elite Four trying to usurp Cynthia?
00:45 - Brock is going to try and lecture Kenny about love... I think Kenny originally had the right idea by walking away.
01:14 - Wait, Flint won the Sinnoh League? So Flint is the 3rd Elite Four Member so does that mean Flint managed to defeat the 3rd Elite Four Member but lose to the 4th (Lucian?) and therefore was offered to become the 3rd Elite Four Member? Does that mean Bertha as originally 3rd and Aaron 2nd? Was it actually an entirely different Elite Four members and maybe Champion?
01:25 - Hold on, a Monferno... but in a flashback in DP165 "Flint Sparks the Fire!" it showed us Infernape was still a Chimchar when Flint was as old as he is now!
02:27 - So I guess Ash losing the Kanto League, Johto League, and Hoenn League was becuase Ash didn't want to "win" hard enough...
03:12 - ... What just happened? Why did the tree deflect sonicBoom? Did the tree finally get enough of everyone attacking it and decided to teach everyone a lesson?
03:23 - Why? It's not Buizel and Ash's fault the tree suddenly got the abilty to deflect moves! That tree is evil, I see its evil plan, it's gonna deflect attacks making everyone fight against each other until it and its species is the only living thing on Earth left!
A Water Show With A Dilemma:
05:25 - I've got to say this was a pretty good battle, unfortunetly Ash was sort of at the disadvantage because none of Buizel moves does even neutral damage to Empoleon, then again he did keep on using Ice Punch which Empoleon was quad resistant against! Also Kenny better not be using this battle as a reason for Dawn to travel with him as there are several things which would make this battle not qualify.
06:07 - Well at least Kenny is saying Dawn has a choice (we all know what Dawn is probably going to tell Kenny and would have done so even if he insisted on her travelling with him, but still).
06:26 - I know I didn't address this when before Jasmine mentioned why she was travelling but wasn't Jasmine originally on vacation or the very least taking a small break in the games? Her reason doesn't really make much sense here as being a Gym Leader I would think you are getting much stronger and they do have Pokemon Contests in Johto as that is where May, Drew, Solidad, and Harley are!
07:02 - And I will be cheering on the winner of the match: Cynthia, as no Flint, your "just believe that you'll win and you will" does not work, having a good strategy and being able to adjust your battling styIe has you win battles... oh, and having varied team helps a lot too.
07:16 - Hey, I don't see Dawn with Ash and Brock. But she's also not with Kenny so I'm guessing she's below deck? Also Kenny, if they do plan on swapping Dawn out when Ash goes to Isshu, you could at least let Dawn cheer on Ash in the Sinnoh League before asking her to travel with you. Do you even know which region's Pokemon Contests you're going to compete in? Oh, and there's Dawn on the ship.
08:33 - Wow Dawn and Kenny must be able to scream pretty loud if they are both able to talk to each other that far away, that has to be at least 100 feet. Oh and Dawn's P.S. make Penguinshipper squeal and all.
09:02 - MAGIKARP SUB! I wonder where Team Rocket keeps it when they aren't using it... and where they keep their Meowth Balloon when they aren't using it... and how they can retrieve any of the two as I doubt Team Rocket HQ at this point send them supplies of transport anymore. Anyway end of the episode and off to the Island of Valleys filled with Lillies or something like that.
It makes sense that Jasmine would show up in Sunyshore since she's the one who gives you HM07. Unless you decide to usea Goldeen/Seaking for transportation to the League. And of course, she'd also have another reason to come to Sinnoh (if you've seen her rematch team in HG/SS, you know what I'm talking about).
TKnHappyNess wrote: |
It makes sense that Jasmine would show up in Sunyshore since she's the one who gives you HM07. Unless you decide to usea Goldeen/Seaking for transportation to the League. And of course, she'd also have another reason to come to Sinnoh (if you've seen her rematch team in HG/SS, you know what I'm talking about). |
Yay, I know her being in Sunyshore is a big reference to how she was there in the games (and I did mention that, though it was to point out her different reasons in the game and in the anime).
Oh and rematch teams don't count. Falkner, Bugsy, Whitney, Morty, Pryce, Brock, Misty, Lt. Surge, Erika, Janine, Sabrina, Blaine, Blue, Will, Koga, Bruno, Karen, and Lance have Generation IV Pokemon in their party.
Watch, if they release a remake for Ruby & Sapphire the Gym Leader, Elite Four, and Champion rematches will have some Generation V Pokemon in there teams.
I'm surprised that the reason he had Infernape watch Flint's Infernape was to help it learn Flare Blitz. Can you imagine what would happen if Infernape used that while Blaze was active?
EddyBob15 wrote: |
I'm surprised that the reason he had Infernape watch Flint's Infernape was to help it learn Flare Blitz. Can you imagine what would happen if Infernape used that while Blaze was active? |
It might take out the opponent, but also take itself out too because of the recoil
TKnHappyNess wrote: | ||
It might take out the opponent, but also take itself out too because of the recoil |
He did use it during Paul's battle I think
I believe the pun is that DPPt, the games' names,are hidden in the title. Diverged on a PokemonPort.