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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Frozen on Their Tracks!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Oct 31, 2009
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    The only bad part about the episode is that it is a Team Galactic tease.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Oct 31, 2009
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    A great episode.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [3]Oct 31, 2009
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to finally meet Looker!
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [4]Oct 31, 2009
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    I will say what I feel about the episode later, since I barely began watching the episode but Looker's voice is better than I thought.

    Edited on 11/01/2009 1:25am
    Edited 3 total times.
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  • Avatar of animatiun_lover


    [5]Oct 31, 2009
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    wait looker made a debut in this episode u serious? i didnt watch cause i trhought it was gonna be filler. ARGH oh well guess i have to look it up now
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  • Avatar of Lucario_ftw


    [6]Oct 31, 2009
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    Happiny and the boulder were the best part of the episode. Funny stuff there.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Oct 31, 2009
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    Is it just me, or was this episode kind of strange. Now it was an okay episode, and when I say strange I don't mean it was as if reality for warped, but some stuff about this epsidoe didn't seem right. One thing was how they managed the train, to me they pretty much did everything they shouldn't have done. Not to mention that the plotline really didn't go anywhere which is kind of disappointing as we had Looker in this episode who everyone who had played Platinum know had a big role in helping taking down Team Galactic (or at least taking down the remnants after Cyrus stayed in the Distortion World). But all in all, it felt like nothing happened in this episode because every event happened in an odd way which shouldn't have happened if common thought was put into the matter. I'm not making much sense? Well here is the episode review:

    Can't Get Anymore Eletric:
    * Huh? The Ash vs. Paul battle is taking place tomorrow (in the Pokemon world's time, we still have to wait a week), but I thought it was scheduled to be in 10 days of anime time? What happened to the 8 days before?
    * Calm down Ash, you scared the poor guy (though it looks like you got some free lunch...)... IT'S LOOKER! You know, the secret agent guy in Platinum who's always after Team Galactic... does that mean they are in the episode!
    * Apparently they did get a free lunch, though of course it sounds like Looker is hiding something (what a surprise) and looks like Team Rocket got dressed up as mummy detectives for Halloween!
    * Wow, Looker is very... generous? Well he's off to give more food away and Ash and Dawn learn their is an Electric-type Pokemon on board (probably powering the train) and want to go see it... because Pikachu and Pachirisu aren't that interesting Eletric-types apparently.
    * Ah, the Electric-type is an Amphoras and it is powering the train (though the train is still going pretty slow). Don't see why it needed to do an attack, last time I check an Eletric-type can give off a non-specific discharge anytime it wants. Though why did Ash pull out his Pokedex, shouldn't it be Dawn (my threat was only for the second to last episode as it was interupting the Brandan VS. Paull battle, nothing is really happening here so it's okay)?
    * Wonder why they were given the red light to stop. Well before we can find out we get a bit of conversation from Team Rocket. And Team Rocket, all you need to do is just wear the sunglasses and Ash and co. wouldn't recognize you!

    This Can't Be Protocol:
    * So if there is no trouble, why not just keep going then? You called ahead and they said there was no trouble, and the light being red is the worry of the system maintenance workers. Though it looks like Looker seems to know something is up.
    * Umm... so are you telling me the conductor and the engineer are just gonna leave 3 kids and their Pokemon alone in the control room? And a scene later they're outside! Why didn't anyone tell Ash and co. to go back to their seats once they found something was amiss?
    * Team Rocket, even if you do trap Ash and co.'s Pokemon, where do you plan on going? The train isn't moving and if you have your Meowth balloon, then why are you even riding on a train?
    * Okay, so the engineer is telling everyone they can go outside while they are waiting (though technically I think your suppose to stay inside the train unless your at an official stop) and for some odd reason Jessie shouts out their plans to steal Ash and co.'s Pokemon even though the engineer was telling them they can go outside which they were planning on doing...
    * Someone switched the tracks? Okay then, switch the tracks back and get back to the train... or the conductor can instead go to the next stop to see if its okay and Looker can go down the abandoned path.
    * So Team Rocket does have the Meowth Balloon with them? THEN WHY WERE THEY ON THE TRAIN! Yay, it's probably because Ash and co. are on the train, but wouldn't it then be better to set up a trap being the train can only follow the tracks? Though it's funny that Grotle and Mamoswine weren't able to be vacuumed up.
    * Oh yeah, there is also the engineer's Amphoras you forgot about. Now with Ash and co. (+ the Engineer) having 3 readily strong Pokemon, what made you think they'll let you get away without attacking you? Also, while Sudowoodo was probably too big, why couldn't Staraptor and/or Gliscor carry Pikachu, Piplup, Buizel, and Croagunk down?
    * Of course, it's so that Team Rocket can net Pikachu and Piplup (as well as Happiny). Ignoring the fact that Ash and co. once again have Pokemon that can cut through nets (Grotle's Razor Leaf, Staraptor's Wing Attack/Aerial Ace, Gliscor's X-Scissor) not to mention Piplup could probably use Peck or Happiny can tear the net apart by just clapping, the engineer is being the only smart person and is attacking Team Rocket, though unfortunetly blasts them off with Pikachu, Piplip, Happiny, and Amphoras.
    * Yay engineer, maybe this is why you don't let people out of the train when you need to make an emergancy stop, you alreayd have one problem and you don't need another to happen. Meanwhile Looker is being Looker and is hiding behind objects even though no one is around... thought it be be as funny as in he games but... it's not.

    Moving Ahead As If Nothing Happened:
    * Meanwhile Amphoras helps Pikachu, Piplup, and Happiny out of the net and they escape as Team Rocket fall out of the tree. Also Ash and co. look for them also having Staraptor, Buneary, and Sudowoodo help out... though no Gliscor even though it's the only other Flying-type they have beside Staraptor!
    * Oh no, Piplup decided to go "I'm the leader" with Happiny happily (hehe) following... and then they are getting chased by Fearows. *sigh* Pikachu and Amphoras try attacking them (though Amphoras used Signal Beam instead of an Electric-type attack (and being Signal Beam is a Bug-type attack, it's resisted to Flying-types like Fearow instead of being super effective like an Electric-type attack)) but it's dodged and they soon are also running.
    * Conductor, you should've been back to the train to begin with! I mean sure, that wouldn't stop Team Rocket from stealing Ash and co.'s Pokemon, but there was no reason for you to have "gone ahead and check the next turn signal". You could have just had the train stop when you were near enough to it to make sure it was alright to go across.
    * That's a big boulder in Pikachu's, Piplup's, Happiny's, and Amphoras's way. Amphoras now decideds to use an Eletric-type attack (instead of before where it would have been useful against Fearow. Oh, and before you say anything about "maybe Amphoras doesn't know a Special Eletric-type attack", remember it used Thunderbolt to power the train) but unfortunetly it does nothing. Piplup does a whole bunch of Water-type attacks, even Whirlpool, but even a spinning wave of water doesn't move it.
    * But of course we all are forgetting out strong powerhouse who juggles people though is stored in a tiny package, tha'ts right, Happiny! And after spinning the boulder on its hand like a basketball (as well as flinging Piplup off), Happiny throws the boulder sky high and into the river. Meanwhile Looker find the other set of tracks lead to Lake Acuity, uses agent gear binoculars to see footsteps, and a piece of paper confirming who was shipping something to Lake Acuity (do I smell Team Galactic and a Galactic Bomb?)
    * Looks like Piplup is getting a bit tired of walking as well as hearing Happiny happily (hehe) saying its name over and over until they fall into a pitfall which was dug up by none other then Team Rocket! Team Rocket then nets them in a net which can't be easily destroyed (what was stopping them from using it before?) but Staraptor proves it can still have holes poked through it (like it should have done to the first net!).
    * Now it's time for the Team Rocket battle and Sudowoodo decideds to get its hands dirty... and is rewarded by learning Hammer Arm! With getting a new move Sudowoodo, I think it's time to use Hammer Arm to give Team Rocket a proper... oh mulch, Pikachu stole the Blast Off with Volt Tackle!
    * So everyone gets back to the train, they have the green light to go even though they were GIVEN THE OKAY TO GO SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE EPISODE, and Ash and co. get hyped for Ash's battle with Paul.
    * Meanwhile Looker reports in about Team Galactic's whereabouts and reveals what he got from the floor was a piece of... something with Team Galactic's symbol on it. Now while hopefully it's the Galactic Bomb they were shipping over to Lake Acuity, I want to ask something else. If Looker is a codename, why did he tell Ash and co. it? If you're a secret agent shouldn't you have a fake name to give to people to not alert the people you're trying to stop that you might be nearby?

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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [8]Nov 1, 2009
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    I might as well write up a little review for this episode.

    Looker is awesome. I love the way he is portrayed as a mysterious and unknown person (at least to those who haven't played Platinum). I can't wait for future episodes with Looker. Other points of interest:

    • Team Rocket continues to be unshockingly annoying
    • Sudowoodo learns Hammer Arm (I believe that was the move) at a rather odd time
    • Looker does some investigation and finds a Team Galactic sign

    Frozen on Their Tracks! receives an 8.5

    Edited on 11/01/2009 6:28pm
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  • Avatar of Ford_Chick


    [9]Nov 1, 2009
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    Pretty cool ep! It's great that Sudowoodo learned Hammer Arm
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  • Avatar of animatiun_lover


    [10]Nov 4, 2009
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    i know this is late but looker thinks ash and co are with team galatic DUN DUN DUN!!!!
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [11]Nov 6, 2009
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    well then hes not that smart. this episode wasnt all that good.
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  • Avatar of animatiun_lover


    [12]Nov 6, 2009
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    well then hes not that smart. this episode wasnt all that good.
    it seems we clash everywhere we bump into each other well i have to ask, what makes u say that? i mean you gotta give him some credit even if he misjudged them
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [13]Nov 7, 2009
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    Pretty good episode, especially since it featured Looker's debut. I agree with crzyazn about liking the way Looker is portrayed.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [15]Nov 7, 2009
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    well animation i only saw parts of the episode and it seems the episode was just about the gang and looker defeating team rocket for the millionth time. they could of made team galactic appear trying to steal something from the train.
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  • Avatar of animatiun_lover


    [16]Nov 7, 2009
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    the episode was actually about looker doing so investigating while team rocket was well being themselves but i do agree team galatic shouldve made an appearance but then that wouldve messed up the whole paul vs asah thing
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