Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
you know something i realized about this episode is that team galatic is NOWHERE TO BE SEEN when dialaga palkia and giratina make actual appearances in the movie >.>
anyways on to the episode discussion
so ash and co are travelling through mount coronet again when they come across a shellos who's on the wrong side of the mountain. piplup saves it with the rest of the gangs help and they continue their hourney. on the way they fall into a hole that leads to manmade tunnels.
shellos appears to know which way to go but instead of following it the gang decides to ignore and stop to talk to each other instead eventually they follow the shellos and end up walking right into the middle of a team galatic plan. they are tied up and shellos starts to cry. ash with his usual smartness asks shellos, whats wrong? gee ash i dunno i guess a baby shellos who was tied up after bein separated from its herd just isnt an option eh
so anyways looker disguises himself as a team galactic member and pretended to try to get teh shellos to shutup but reassured ash and co that he would free them at the right time.
after tricking team galatic into telling him their plan, looker reveals himself and frees ash. theres a whole bunch of commotion which includes team a galatic attacking looker but he pulls out some awesome kung fu moves and owns them O.O
team rocket uses haze with seviper and steals the key. instead of bein smart and running away without detection they decide to announce themselves. well i guess its good to at least know they have the potential to still be a threat...
team galatic find a ruin and try to use the key but it turns out they found the wrong ruin so they retreat even though ash and dawn try to stop them.
at the end of the episode shellos is returned to its herd, looker goes back to headquarters and ash and co continue their journey.
I'm surprised that the dub didn't change Charon's name to Pluto. Also, I'm a little disappointed that Toxicroak appeared and Croagunk didn't appear to fight him. I do hope Croagunk takes it down in the gang's final encounter with Team Galactic, but I am not asking for spoilers!
EddyBob15 wrote: |
I'm surprised that the dub didn't change Charon's name to Pluto. |
TKnHappyNess wrote: |
He was called Charon in Platinum, so if they gave him the name Pluto, they'd be pulling a 4Kids with name changes. Elite Four Lorelei becoming Prima, Magma Admin Tabitha becoming Harlan, and Aqua Admin Shelley becoming Isabel. At least the latter two were fixed in Season 7. |
Today's episodes is only awesome because of Looker's action sequence of fighting Team Galactic even though it only lasted for 5 seconds! As for the rest of the episode, it was okay but the lack of needed explanations and and abundance of information we already knew kind of made this episode a bit confusing and boring at some parts. Overall it was a good episode but it was one of the episodes where the good parts were really good (Looker fighting Team Galactic
) and the bad parts... while weren't bad just didn't make sense (like Team Rocket not running after getting the key). However can't say much after that as this is an importent episode as it does push the Team Galactic plot along, even though it's by a little bit. Here's the actual review:
Colors Are Easier Then Directions:
* Mt. Coronet, we had to traverse you so many times I think everyone knows your map like the back of their... marshlands? They're coming down from Snowpoint, there's no marshlands up there.
* East Shellos, about time they appeared in the anime... they are now just explaining the East/West Shellos thing! Now I know they have to save some features for later episodes but this one is kind of the first "features" you find.
* Um Pokedex, the proper term is East Sea (Blue) and West Sea (Pink), I know color is more easy to remember but being a Pokemon dictionary (hence Poke-Dex) you should use the proper terms anyway.
* A West Shellos? Okay, one of these kind of Shellos shouldn't be here... however being we don't know what side of Mt. Coronet Ash and co. are on I can't really say.
* Piplup dives in and catches the West Shellos before it got carried by the river and here's Nurse Joy... cue Brock, and cue Croagunk. Okay Joy, what's up?
* Oh, so we're on the eastern side meaning the West Shellos isn't where it should be. Though one thing I would like to ask exactly what adaptation would the seperate Shellos have ot face which would have them change to different colors and head & back shapes?
* So West Shellos have been appearing on the eastern side all of the sudden, maybe they belonged to male trainers who saw there was a blue version and decided to release thier pink versions.
* Nurse Joy, you know it's a wild Shellos so why are you acting like you just healed one of Ash & co.'s Pokemon (she even placed it right in front of them). So sounds like Ash & co. will be travelling through Mt. Coronet to take the West Shellos back to its... LOOKER!
* And as always Looker is gone as fast as he appeared... do I smell some Team Galactic activity? Though why exactly Team Galactic activity would place West Shellos on the east side is beyond me... speak of the Darkrai, there they are, and look who else is here, Charon!
* Um, yay, Spear Pillar is on Mt. Coronet, and I emphasize the word "ON". You're a few good levels below where you need to be. Oh, Team Rocket... are we gonna get any explanation for these rush appearances?
* Jessie, how do you know it isn't just equipment like those scanner things the grunts are using all over the place? Well they plan on stealing the suitcase and... I guess we're switching over to what Looker is doing.
Even Grunts Need To Know:
* And now we're back to Ash and co. (for those who are keeping count, this is 4 groups we're keeping track of), and being Shellos are 13.9 pound and Piplups only 11.5 pounds, Piplup is doing quite a good job carrying the West Shellos on its head.
* So there is a whole bunch of caves around, everyone knows most Pokemon Trainers are kids, yet they have no guard rails on the pathway to keep kids from entering the dangerous caves... of fall into a hole in the ground like Shellos and Piplup just did... who designs these routes?
* And there goes Ash and co. also falling into the hole... meanwhile Looker goes through a tunnel he states was recently dug out even though it looks like it extends fro miles, has been smoothed out, has support beams up, and looks to be stable. But no time for that as Looker hears something.
* What's with the spooky music when Ash and co. were looking down the cave, it's not like they haven't had to go through spooky places before. Meanwhile more Team Galactic looking for Spear Pillar and more Looker watching them.
* NONE OF THESE TUNNELS LOOK THEY THEY WERE FORMED NATURALLY! Though looks like Shellos took an interest in the side tunnel... is Shellos walking? When could they do that? Aren't they slugs? I thought they could only slither or whatever slugs do.
* Dawn, Shellos was the one first to wander off, if you're so worried about Piplup wandering off without you why not jog along with its running, besides it's just following Shellos which you just lost sight of BTW.
* Did anyone else notice the pause between Ash having the idea of going down the tunnel (which they have no idea if however dug it is still around) and Dawn agreeing it was a good idea? Anyway, as you could probably guess, they meet up with Team Galactic and they remember ash and co..
* Team Rocket, are you really surprised Ash and co. are down here? You seemed to have developed the ability to figure out where they would be coming to next and that's why you were probably down in Mt. Coronet to begin with, your naturally "twerp radar" took you here. Oh, hi Looker, planning on doing anything yet?
* What's the matter with Shellos Ash? Well let's see, it's tied up by a group of villains, it's lost on the wrong side of Sinnoh, and no one has yet explained exactly how the "adaptations" they went through helps them or how was it walking a few seconds ago. Oh, and now it's being yelled at by a Team Galactic grun...
* Huh? Figuring out what Team Galactic is up to, probably untied Ash and co., Saturn and Charon not recognizing that grunt was wiht them... IT MUST BE LOOKER IN HIS TEAM GALACTIC DISGUISE! I wonder wher he got a copy of their outfits?
* And Charon is explaining every small detail to him even though he is theoretically grunt level meaning all they really just have to do is tell him they are looking for Spear Pillar and tell him to get back to work. They even show him the Meteor Sinnoh Map Key!
* Ah yes, forgot Charon is pretty much only on Team Galactic to make money, wonder if they'll go into the game's after plot of Charon taking over Team Galactic when Cyrus realize his task for creating a new world wouldn't be happening meaning we'll be meeting them at Stark Mountain?
Would You Say That Again:
* Team Rocket, were you even listening? There is no treasure, just a gateway to Spear Pillar where they plan on encountering Dialga and Palkia. If you're gonna swipe something in plans of using it for self-gain, at least listen to what the key's use is!
* *GASP* The low level grunt which Saturn and Charon just explained out entire plan to even though all they had to tell him is to get back to work is an international police officer! Anf Saturn, Ash and co. just said Looker's name, okay codename, out loud! Is everyone hard of hearing?
* Shellos runs off, Ash and co. go after it, Team Galactic is sent to attack Looker, everything which Team Rocket needed to sneak behind Saturn, Charon, and the grunt guarding the suitcase that is behind him to snatch it without them noticing... yet they decide to announce themselves and have Seviper do Haze before snatching it...
* Oh, and they stay to GLOAT AND DO THEIR MOTTO instead of having escaped through the cave exit that was right behind where Saturn, Charon, and the grunt were standing! You know what, I won't feel bad if they get blasted off and lose the key now! And now Team Rocket are surrounded by Golbat... nope, don't feel sorry for them.
* Ash and co. get to Shellos who apparently just ran to a wall to cry and... WHOA! LOOKER IS KICKING ***! That right there just redeemed this entire episode!
* Um, Saturn, Charon, did you just so happen to forget that an international police officer is watching and listening to your every move and conversation? I kind of think that it'll be a bad idea to Team Galactic's master plan to outright say what you just discovered and begin digging for it while Looker is taking down all your grunts.
* Well they find the gateway and Team Rocket get the key stolen back from them and Toxicroak blasts them off... and yet Jessie is asking why they couldn't have opened up the gateway. MAYBE IF YOU RAN AND CAME BACK LATER LIKE YOU SHOULD OF HAD MIGHT HAD LET YOU DONE IT! Oh, and no, I don't feel sorry for them one bit.
* And with the key out... nothing happens... oh for crying out loud, THEY GOT THE WRONG GATEWAY!
* Team Galactic just retreated and now the entire cave is filling with Water cause Toxicroak destroyed the rock support (BTW, why didn't Croagunk come out to fight with Toxicroak?). Whoa, a life raft, I guess Looker is prepared for anything. And how exactly did Team Galactic outrun the flood (they didn't get that much of a head start)?
* You know I question how strong the rock Mt. Coronet is made of is since Team Rocket was easily blasted through it and Ash and co. (+ Looker) rode down a new entrance way made from flood water going upwards. And Team Galactic, if you have helicopters, why not just fly to the top of Mt. Coronet and look there? It was shown you know Spear Pillar is up there!
* Oh, now I see, it was the tunnels that Team Galactic dug which had the Shellos getting lost and not exactly what Team Galactic were doing (though shouldn't there also be cases of East Shellos on the western side of Sinnoh?). Anyway we find Shellos's... let's see, what are a group of snails called... oh, a rout! (kind of ironic if you think about it being an alternate routE began this whole problem).
* Oh, its herd, I kind of like rout better but whatever the anime says. Well Ash and co. return Shellos to whatever you want to call a group of Shellos and they'll continue on to Lilypad Town.