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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Get Your Rotom Running!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]May 9, 2009
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    And thus, Pokemon's 12th season, Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles, begins...
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [2]May 9, 2009
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    who ya gonna call?

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [3]May 9, 2009
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    And once again I fail at pronouncing a Pokemon Name. I say it Ro-tum. They say it Ro-tom.
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  • Avatar of Omega_Porunga


    [4]May 9, 2009
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    This episode was really good but they put the Old Chateau in Canalave city. I guess that's a good thing because if they kept it in the Enterna forest we wouldn't have saw Rotom's new forms.
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  • Avatar of pichu121


    [6]May 9, 2009
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    this gateau could make a grown man cry the way Ash said that cracked me up
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [7]May 9, 2009
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    Good start of the new season.
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [8]May 9, 2009
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    warnerbroman wrote:

    That is one of the oldest cartoon gags in history.

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  • Avatar of Summer10


    [11]May 9, 2009
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    Is it me or does Professor Oak call accidentally call Dawn "May" after she mentions her Piloswine?
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  • Avatar of BradyTheRandom


    [12]May 9, 2009
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    It was okay for a filler episode I guess. Team Rocket needed to do something more than just show up at the beginning and end.

    Also, this begs the question: Will American audiences REALLY know what Gateu is? From the way it is portrayed in the show, it could be anything from a tart to frozen jello, to grape taffy. I don't know, I just don't think American kids would know about a French spongecake.. (even I had to look it up...)
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [13]May 9, 2009
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    ^^ Well, it wouldn't really matter if kids knew what Gateau was or not. I mean, it's French, purple, and sweet... 'Nuff said.

    I haven't done this in quite awhile, mainly due to the bitter agony of preparing for my dreadful AP exam I took yesterday. Now, with that torture behind me, I can actually get on my computer once in a while. Onto the first episode of the 12th season:

    Not a spectacular episode by any means, but not a total failure either. Beginning kind of bland, the only points of interest are seeing how the different Formes of Rotom terrorize our heroes and Team Rocket searching for the Old Gateau. The lack of a Team Rocket Motto displeased me, and besides that, there's not much to say. I'd say the best part about this episode is the fact that it reminded me to download the Secret Key to my Platinum Version, because I totally forgot to last week.

    Get Your Rotom Running! recieves a 7.9

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [14]May 10, 2009
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    I think the episode was great, a fitting start to the new season. ^_^ It may not have had much action, but there were some lol's in seeing Rotom switch between its different formes and terrorize Ash and comp., and Team Rocket. Too bad we didn't get a Team Rocket blast off this time, though.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [15]May 10, 2009
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    I thought it was funny. Rotom's cut forme going crazy chasing Ash and them after getting hit reminded me of that Pikachu short, Pikachu's Peekaboo with the out of control lawn mower; Which incidently took place somewhere similar in appearance to the Old Chateau. (Anime wise that is.)
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [16]May 10, 2009
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    I thought it was a funny episode a good start to season 12
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [17]May 10, 2009
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    I love the part where the Flamethrower hits the lawn mower and Ash acts like his life is over because he committed a crime. Priceless.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]May 11, 2009
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    This was certainly an entertaining filler, and we finally see how psycho Rotom really is (come on, don't tell me the first time you saw its eyes and sinsiter smile you didn't think it was crazy). Too bad no one caught it, it's not like anyone would complain about them taking Rotom away, they might have even thanked them if anyone was there. But if they wanted Ash and co. to eventually go to the old Chateau, why not have them do it when they were in Eterna Forest? The plotline wouldn't have changed that much. Oh well, onto the review:

    Moving Places Around Again:
    * So we start off the episode with a call to Professor Oak... I guess Grotle wanted a hug from Ash out of the blue...
    * New battle strategy? You mean it standing in place and blasting his opponent apart liek a tank?
    * And as Dawn mentions Swinub evolved to Piloswine, it tackles her. Becareful which Pokemon you choose to talk about Brock.
    * Oh yes, I forgot, Dawn is a big fan of Professor Oak's poems (apparently it gives her the strength to stand up with Piloswine on her back).
    * The Old Chateau? But that's in Eterna Forest... well, at least in the game it was...
    * The Mirage Gateau? But didn't Professor Oak just call it the Old Gateau like it is named in the games? See, he even said it again!
    * And of course we can't leave Team Rocket out. Now let's think, beside the Old Gateau why else would anyone go to the Old Chateau (at least in the games).

    The Chocolate Is In The Rotom:
    * Huh? That's the Old Chateau? It's suppose ot be a haunted house or mansion. At least make the front yard look un-maintainted... at least the light fixtures malfunctioned somewhat.
    * Hold on, was that I harp strung we heard when Dawn was saying the Old Chateau was pretty? Geez, what ever happened to the haunted tune that make us not wanting to enter it?
    * At least they still have (rumors of) ghosts in the Old Chateau, but that and the Old Gateau is the only thing this Old Chateau has in common with the one in the game.
    * With no people I guess no Old Gateau meaning Team Rocket's search is in vein. At least James found a candy bar, which he's of course hiding from Jessie and Meowth in... Heat Rotom?
    * And just like with James, Jessie and Meowth find a candy barand cookie and hide it and it gets eaten by Frost Rotom and Heat Rotom. This can only mean that...
    * When they rush back to get them they'll find it gone and begin arguing... and did anyone notice Meowth said "Cookie" like the Cookie Monster (HE SHOULD BE EATING COOKIES NOT VEGITABLES... sorry about that, back to Pokemon)?
    * Of coruse we can't let Heat Rotom get two appearances and not Frost Rotom, and I'm guessing that is Frost Rotom's Blizzard it firesd at Team Rocket.
    * Heat Rotom again... how many Rotoms are there in this place? It seems like there is more then one.
    * Team Rocket escape through an air shaft though are now trapped in a storage room (they better hope there is no Fridge, Microwave, Washer, Lawnmower, or Fan in there).

    As Not Seen In The Game:
    * I like it how they say there is no such thing as ghosts yet they perfectly know there are Ghost-type Pokemon (though they did meet a few actual human ghosts and demon a few times)
    * Pikachu spots Heat Rotom but when they get to the room Rotom left the microwave. Pikachu, did anyone ever told you not to stick your head in a microwave or oven? You might suffocate or get eaten by Rotom.
    * Besides from making look like Pikachu is crazy, at least that thundershock did re-activate the back-up generator.
    * Oh, looks like Team Rocket might have stumbled into the pantry, is this plotline heading where I think it is?
    * Hotel?!?! Since when was the Old Chateau a hotel? Anyway the plot isn't going where I thought since it sounds like the place is going to tell them how to make Old Gateau.
    * So much for Team Rocket stealing the locked up Old Gateau, maybe Meowth should try using "Night Slash" like it did against Empoleon.
    * If this "hotel" is famous for their Old Gateau recipe, then why would they tell people how to make it? Unless they use a special kind of dough (or whatever they use) they only make in the Old Chateau...

    Wonder If It Can Possess A Proton Pack:
    * While Brock makes the Old Gateau, Ash goes off to train for the gym battle. With Byron beig a Steel-type Gym Leader, it is Chimchar's time to shine... whoops...
    * They hit a lawnmower? But isn't one of Rotoms... yup, it is. Ash, Pikachu, Chimchar... RUN!!! Lol, Cut Rotom is acting like a Chain Chomp!
    * Dawn's doing some Contest Training with Buneary and a fan suddenly appears which can only mean... Spin Rotom. Dawn, Piplup, Buneary... RUN!!!
    * Got Team Rocket, Ash, and Dawn, so the only one left is Brock and he's probably near a toaster oven and fridge!
    * Or maybe not. Come on Ash, you see a lawnmower inside a house and you got chased by one, it's not hard to imagine it's the same lawnmower Rotom was chasing you in.
    * Washing Machine? Well I guess there was no other way to get Wash Rotom in without having a washing machine appear out of nowhere, but now we have seen all of Rotom's formes.
    * With objects being possessed left and right, I wouldn't want to go in an elevator, especially since the possessor is Rotom who possesses objects with motors which an elevator has! (Besides, who said Rotom couldn't have anime created formes?)
    * Coast is clear... or not. Geez Rotom, don't you ever get tired? With Team Rocket locked downstairs it would be fun terrorizing them you know. Guess it wants to make its victems run.

    Setting Off The Ghost Trap:
    * See, told you Brock would have an encounter with Frost Rotom, of course it played the "now-you-see-me-now-you-don't" gag. I like how the music went dramatic and stopped everytime Rotom changes into and out of Frost Rotom.
    * About time you attacked the darn thing! With you knowing very well there is such thing as Ghost-type Pokemon that should have been your first thought of what is happening.
    * The anime does make it seem like there is more then one, but I guess there is only one... a really fast one... now as Cut Rotom again...
    * Up stairs? Bad idea, remember the washing machine is up there and Rotom just headed upstairs. At least they are outside... Brock, the Old Gateau should be the least of your worries right now!
    * A nice Thundershock and Discharge defeats water everytime (even though it was a Water-type attack as Rotom was still a Ghost/Electric-type). You know, I thought Rotom was bigger then that.

    Typical Ghost-type Story:
    * Yay, play with you... someone really need to tell Ghost-type Pokemon that tryign to kill your "playmate" isn't playing. You know, maybe Brock should get Rotom, able to possess objects like cooking appliances or a sawing machine could be helpful.
    * Oops, someone should of told Piplup you can't touch Rotom or you'll get shocked. Great, now Rotom is on a shocking spree. At least it's now gone and everyone looks like Flint of the Sinnoh Elite Four!
    * Back to Team Rocket, Rotom opened up the case and probably will close it once they try to reach in and get some Old Gateau... or maybe it knows the food is wax and that's a display case.
    * No blast off for Team Rocket today, but at least the door is open for them to get out. Of course whether Rotom chases them around is left unseen.
    * Alls well that ends well, Ash and co. got there Old Gateau and apparently is delicious (anyone else notice Piplup ate all of Dawn's Old Gateau while she wasn't looking? ).

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  • Avatar of Oathkeeperriku


    [19]May 12, 2009
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    warnerbroman wrote:

    who ya gonna call?

    Ghostbusters or the exercist to get Rotom out.
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