Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Interesting episode. I was thinking it would be like "The Ghost Of Maiden's Peak". Do you think Ash will battle a Dusknoir again in his ghost-type gym battle? |
Fantina didn't use her Platinum Team or Upgraded Platinum Team either
Why can't other fillers be as good as this filler? First time I actually didn't forward the episode(besides the commercials). Wasn't Angie supposed get a crush on Ash? Or is it next episode.
ps: Let's see what person reveals the Team Rocket Episode Dub Title.
Kauaimon wrote: |
I liked it. Seems like Conway was erm, hypnotized by that little girl, but didn't know it. Poor Dusknoir was catorgorized as a bad guy all throughout the episode. At least they realized he was good at the end. |
Wasn't it the same as how they treated Darkrai in Movie 10, only to find out the ones he was telling to go away were Dialga and Palkia?
yeah speaking of which at certain moments with the little demon girl (I call her Samoa like from the ring) you can hear that shrill quick shriek that sounded whever sabrina opened those evil eyes of hers!
TKnHappyNess wrote: | ||
Wasn't it the same as how they treated Darkrai in Movie 10, only to find out the ones he was telling to go away were Dialga and Palkia? |
Yeah, you're right. Basically the same "plot" as The Rise of Darkrai. Now, onto my review that I just copied from my old one, but of course revising it & taking all the crap out.
Well, I have to say this one was better than the Lumineon one, but still kinda just like leaving me there. I mean the whole "Ghost-Pokemon-who-appear-to-be-evil-but-then-are-actually-kindhearted" stuff is just getting old. It's practically "The Rise of Darkrai" all over again compressed into a 30 minute episode. However, this one had its moments too, just like the previous. And the whole, evil GhostyGirl and debut of Dusknoir was enough to please me. Seeing the underappreciated Ghost-Types was great; I was glad they were showed again.
First off, the partner selection was just great. Here we have a stereotypical "buff-ICanDoAnything-macho" guy try to win Dawn over by assuring her he won't let any Ghost Pokemon harm her. And Conway getting sucked into the trance from that evil, scary, spooky girl/corpse thingy; and use of the Movie 10 music [Darkrai's Appearance & D/P Movie Version Gym Battle Theme] was clever. And Meowth was funny, Banette immitator =[ All kinds of stuff : suicidal Conway
, a sick, twisted body yearning to suck some souls into some kind of evil void, and a Dusknoir =] It was more DRAMA, shall I say, than the last one.
Well, there you have it, a nice little review from me. :p As a whole, these episodes were fairly decent. But if Conway wasn't here, then it'd be a horrible mess; He's becoming the Harley of Sinnoh :] So yea, there you go.
Ghoul Daze! recieves an 8.7!
It's the final day of the Summer Academy, and the teams are getting prepared to run a triathlon. Which team will emerge victorious? Stay tuned for a brand-new episode of Pokémon Diamond & Pearl: Battle Dimension, where the culmination of our heroes' adventures approaches.
Highlight above for a preview of next week's episode, as always. Have a great week, everybody, & to anybody out there who has finals next week (like myself), then good luck! 'Till next time!
SPDShadowRanger wrote: |
Only worse. The Ghost of Maiden's Peak is one of the best episodes of the show. |
The Summer School Arc is certainly an odd but interesting one. The last one was kind of boring, not a lot of action though the comedy bit redeemed it from being a total yawn. However this one was pretty good, plenty of action with a spooky feel to it. I find it odd that they had a Duskull and Dusknoir but not a Dusclops, I think they could have used it instead of Misdreavus (who's evolution didn't appear either), but no big deal really.
And those asking about the whole MorpheusShipping, wait for the next episode (Ash is oblivious to it much like in AbilityShipping, so expect Angie to be showing most of the "hints"). Just remember, Pokemon is about Ash becoming a Pokemon Master, nothing more, nothing less. Now onto my review:
Partnering Against And With Ghosts:
* Oh good, a score board. Conway's Blue Team is in first, Ash & co.'s Red Team is in second, and Jessie's Green Team is in last. Hopefully Red Team can pull into first.
* Principle Rowan? Well I guess in school there is no need for a professor.
* Ghost-type Pokemon research now. I guess all the "fun" everyone has been having just made a pedal to the metal stop.
* Oh, so they aren't reseaching Ghost-type Pokemon, they are just getting a medallion from some ruins.
* Someone sneaking up behind Dawn, has to be Conway... oh, no... it's a muscle headed guy. Dawn sure knows how to attract stalkers, doesn't she. -_-;
* Speaking of Conway, he's trying to figure out who to partner-up with... who... or maybe I should be saying what... is that? She has double voices, that can't be good. Maybe a Ghost-type Pokemon in disguise?
* *Sigh* Yay, definietly a Ghost-type Pokemon in disguise, and a quick Hypnosis has Conway as her fateful servent.
* Finally we have Jessie surrounded by her adoring fans. She better pick on that isn't afraid of Ghost-types though... or have James and Meowth sabotage the event.
There Be Ghosts In Them Woods:
* Ash and Angie are up and they come across a Haunter... scratch that, it's a Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar! But... they look scared?
* Brock and his partner are out next and it seems like Dawn's partner is afraid, so much for his "muscles" protecting Dawn. -_-;
* Wait, you just said there are only 10 Blue Team students, did you teachers bother to take attendance before sending everyone off? Though I think I know which one is "alone"...
* Oh, so those Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar were just scared of Pikachu's electric attack and are ready to prank Brock and his partner. Though some food quickly distracts them.
* And Dawn and her partner come up to the same trio of Ghost Pokmeon (still eating) and Dawn's partner is scared off... Though Dawn spots Conway through the forest.
* So Dawn can't see Conway's "partner", wonder what the Ghost Pokemon wants with Conway, she said something about playing so maybe she has her own playroom? (Ghost Pokemon seem to have those)
* WHOA! THAT'S NO PLAYROOM! That Ghost Pokemon is trying kill people! Lucky for that Dusknoir being there. Hm, it seems to know that Ghost Pokemon trying to kill people.
Guilty While Protecting:
* Oh no, it's Darkrai all over again! Dawn, Dusknoir saved Conway, not trying to hurt him. Great, and her Pokedex doesn't help Dusknoir's reputation either. Conway, you're better alone then with that "girl"!
* And we now add yet another costume to Meowh's collection: the Banette Costume! Ouch, I feel sorry Meowth, I come time catch my neck zippering my jacket and it does sting.
* Should of known Meowth would get scared by a group of Ghost Pokemon, though this time it's a real Banette along with a Shuppet and Duskull.
* While Meowth got away from the second Ghost trio, he unfortunetly meets the killer Ghost Girl! Dusknoir stops (or scares off) Meowth though. Also looks like Jessie is now out of the game.
* And there goes Brock and his partner too, Dusknoir must have decided as long as the killer Ghost Girl is around the forest isn't safe and so is scaring everyone back.
Victory With A Friend And Fiend:
* Ah, Misdreavus and her screaching, though Angie, you have to admit being you're dealing with Ghost Pokemon it was kind of obvious it was a Ghost Pokemon in the rock.
* Oh no, not that killer Ghost Girl again, Ash and Angie better tread carefully. Meanwhile Professor Rowan fills everyone in Dusknoir isn't a native of the forest.
* So that's where that killer Ghost Girl and Dusknoir came from, a cave said to lead to the Spirit World. That's must be where she is now leading Ash and Angie too! What Ghost Pokemon is crazy enough to actually want to kill people...
* At least Ash and Angie did reach to the medallions, and Ash for some reason does his badge obtaining pose. Though this is the first time I saw Ash do it with someone else.
Making Things Right At The End:
* Eek, and now we've come to the entrance of the Spirit World and the Ghost Girl trying to lead them in! Though Dusknoir lukcily appears once again.
* Unfortunely Dusknoir came out forceful without even telling Pikachu and Shinx what is going on. And now with it knocked out that Ghost Girl is trying to pull them in.
* Dusknoir woke up just in time, and is now realized to be protecting everyone. At least it didn't get too badly hurt like Darkrai had to to prove it was good.
* And with a blast that Ghost Girl is no more. I guess it wasn't a Pokemon afterall, just a Ghost Girl trying to drag people to the Spirit World. With the Ghost Girl gone and it's name cleared, Dusknoir vanishes.
* In the end, all three teams got 30 points so no ones position changed. Though Ash, if you and Angie didn't sleep for the first part then Red Team might not be in second place.
EddyBob15 wrote: |
I guess I missed the part where Ash and Angie got the medallions. But if Ash and Angie were the only ones to get them, why did all three teams get 30 points? |
They almost died.
crzyazn_9399 wrote: | ||
They almost died. |
Confident boost so that day wouldn't look like a total waste. However I think that event was pretty much "cancelled" due to the fact there was an evil spirit trying to pull people to the Spirit World and in order to protect people Dusknoir was scaring everyone back. Next episode there is nothing of the such so next episode will determine the winner of the Summer School Arc.