Another episode, another girl falling for Ash (Oh look, it's Valentines Day too to boot). While having a practice battle with Cyndaquil, Marill runs off and Ash & co. find their way back to Valley Windworks yet we don't see any of the Nurse Joy girls of their father and instead we have an old sleeping Security Guard. As they look for Marill they get stuck and have Pikachu get them out while Team Rocket tries to steal it and Piplup and Cyndaquil. Overall it's kind of a rollercoaster between some scenes having a bit of action and another where nothing really happens. Overall nothing happens so no need for an review, right?... Don't worry, I have it right here:
A Lot Of Battling Between Two Region Starters Lately:* Joined with Lyra and Khoury, we take a quick break to feed the Pokemon and introduce Piplup to Cyndaquil... who doesn't seem to like Piplup.
* Not wanting to be ignored (as usual) Piplup pecks Cyndaquil's bottem and laughs. But Cyndaquil pecks right back but Pikachu stops them.
* Ash suggests a battle with Cyndaquil will help clarify Cyndaquil's personality, so after the opener and title the battle begins with Ash's Grotle VS. Dawn's Cyndaquil.
* Dawn uses her Pokedex to find Cyndaquil's moves are Flame Wheel, Swift, and SmokeScreen. But what looks to be Cyndaquil's main quality is it's pretty quick and jumps high.
* Team Rocket is watching from high above and of course plan on snatching both Cyndaquil and Pikachu, but they say they first need to tend to something (broken Meowth Balloon?). However nothing can escapes Marill's ears.
* As Marill goes off, the battle continued with Ash finally having Grotle play serious and does a direct hit with Rock Climb, but Brock ends the battle soon after.
* Piplup goes over to congratulate Grotle (I think), however seeing everyone complementing Cyndaquil and seeing Dawn giving it a Poffin, Piplup gets even more jealous and steals Cyndaquil's Poffin.
* Cyndaquil isn't going to take that lying down and both Piplup and Cyndaquil are on a full on fight. Dawn threatens with no dinner unless they stop (how about returning them into their Pokeballs?), but Pikachu once again is the one to stop the fighting.
* Finally noticing Marill went off, the begin looking for it. As Piplup and Cyndaquil race up a hill, we come to a familiar place: The Valley Windworks? Does that mean we're going to see Marnie and Paige again? Actually maybe just their father as he's the one that actually works there.
Blowing Back To A Place They've Been To:* Upon getting to the building, they see Marill enter into it... as Piplup does another a sneak tackle behind Cyndaquil, but is soon shocked (I guess Pikachu got tired of breaking up the fights)...
* Actually, the shock came from Magnemites and after Brock notes they are probably here to guard the Windworks, they attack Ash & co..
* Ash & co. run into a room where they find I guess an old security guard and after hearing what has happened informed the Magnemite to not attack them and let them use the monitors to find Marill.
* Once they do, they leave with a few Magnemites the old Security Guard told inform the other Magnemites not to attack them. And he gets back to his nap, what a great security guards (at least he was frienly and helpful).

* Team Rocket are themselves in Valley Windworks (what a shock... speaking of which, the Magnemites gave them the Sinnoh Elite Four Flint look) and have plugged a giant plug into a machine to charge something... though kind of strange for a machine to have a giant outlet which Team Rocket just so happen to fit the plug Team Rocket has.
* Back at Ash & co., Piplup and Cyndaquil continue to fight as Lyra finally finds Marill. But not wanting to wait, Jessie flips a switch on the charging machine which shocks them and causes the Windworks to go into lockdown. Meanwhile Piplup and Cyndaquil have been seperated from Ash & co..
* After Piplup unknowingly saved Cyndaquil a shock from Pikachu while they are trying to get the door open, Brock remembers about the Security Room and they wave into the camera trying to get the attention of the sleeping Security Guard.
* Having that plan failed, Khoury freaks about about being stuck there for the rest of their lifes (

) as a new plan forms after seeing an air vent.
* As Ash, Brock, and Khoury try to get the air vents grid off (maybe if they stacked the boxes instead of throwing them in a pile it would be easier), Lyra jokes about if they're staying here for the rest of their lifes she might as well choose one of the boys to marry, and guess which one she chooses.

* Why Ash of course! She first asks Dawn is Ash was her boyfriend which she freaks out against and then talks about how "quite the catch" Ash is. Listen Lyra, first thing is we can't talk about shipping on these boards, and the second thing is POKESHIPPING FOREVAH!
* They finally get the grid off Ash says it's too small for him (they couldn't figure that out when the grid was on it?) but Pikachu can perfectly fit through it and now it's time for Metal Gear Pikachu!
* Pikachu finds its way out the vents and sees Piplup and Cyndaquil about to go at it. Giving a sigh, Pikachu stops them and has them tag along. Meanwhile Team Rocket begins wandering the Windworks for food. You know, what happened to the MAGNEMITE we saw guarding the place?
Team Rocket Gets The Action Going:* Team Rocket find the Security Room and see that Ash & co. are stuck in the basement while Pikachu, Piplup, and Cyndaquil are out and about. But as they try to capture them a group of Magnemite shocks Team Rocket letting the three Pokemon escape.
* WHOA! JESSIE ACTUALLY MANAGED TO USE WOBBUFFET CORRECTLY! Sure it just knocked out a couple of Magnemites, but the thing is she had it use Mirror Coat which 99% of the time she forgets Wobbuffet knows!
* Ash throws out Grotle to see if it can have it break down the door with an Energy Ball but winds up having it bounce all over the place (maybe Grotle should instead use its apparent massive weight to tackle the door?).
* Lyra takes a turn and throws out her Girafarig to see if it can break down the door with Double Hit but still no luck, and Khoury doesn't even want to try. Team Rocket are still chasing Pikachu, Piplup, & Cyndaquil. Now Ash found a crowbar and tries to wedge the door open (um, Brock, maybe you should help Ash being your probably the strongest person there).
* Don't worry about Ash groaning in pain Lyra, he does that about 10 times per episode. By now Ash should be resisitant to all the elements and have the ability to numb pain, it's the same resistance and ability which Team Rocket also has.
* As Team Rocket rethinks their capturing plans, Ash & co. break out the food they have and instead of ration it they decide to eat it all at once. Trying to figure out how to split 7 cookies between five people, Lyra decides and goes ahead with sayign the girls should two cookies. (Also Lyra, you might as well return Marill as eating a cookie in front of it while it has none is kind of cruel)
* As Pikachu and Piplup enter the Security Room, Team Rocket capture Cyndaquil having used a sheet to camouflage themselves with the wall. Piplup and Pikachu attack and soaks and shock Team Rocket... as well as the monitoring system. But this is all in good as the shock restarts the system and opens the basement door freeing Ash & co..
* Re-uniting with Pikachu, Piplup, & Cyndaquil, Ash & co. tell the Security Guard they found Marill and head off to find that night has fallen... but Team Rocket's secret weapon has risen: The Magcargo Cannon!
* However with one blasts it drains the battery they spent hours recharging. In addition Meowth didn't think to insulate or have the battery recharge from Pikachu's attacks (which even Team Rocket mention) as Pikachu sends them Blasting Off.