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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Sep 24, 2011
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    ....I missed it and stuff.

    But you didn't, so discuss and all that jazz.

    I did hear Roggenrola's voice, though...ugh.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Sep 24, 2011
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    Awesome episode! Ash gets another new Pokemon, namely a Roggenrola!

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [3]Sep 24, 2011
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    Nice to see Team Rocket again after 3 episodes, they're still awesome. Tepig had it's moment to shine and Ash caught his first ever rock type. I know it will be one of my favorites of his team.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [4]Sep 24, 2011
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    A great episode.

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [5]Sep 24, 2011
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    I missed it, but I caught it online. So I thought it was good. Glad Ash caught another Pokemon (;

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  • Avatar of AlexPokemaster


    [6]Sep 25, 2011
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    As Black and White goes on I've noticed the episode titlesare getting lazy and actually kind of spoilerish lol. Sometimes I miss the puns.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [7]Sep 25, 2011
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    Eh, don't like Roggenrola too much. Hope it evolves soon.

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  • Avatar of pichu121


    [8]Sep 25, 2011
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    AlexPokemaster wrote:

    As Black and White goes on I've noticed the episode titlesare getting lazy and actually kind of spoilerish lol. Sometimes I miss the puns.

    AMEN! seriously....."ash and Trip's third battle!" -___- at least "facing your fears with eyes wide open" was imaginative....
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [9]Sep 26, 2011
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    Okay, let's see. the only pokemon types that Ash hasn't caught yet are Steel, Dark, Psychic, and Ghost.

    As for that Roggenrola cannon, it worked in a different way than I thought. I was expecting it to utilize the Roggenrola's Flash Cannon.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [10]Sep 26, 2011
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Okay, let's see. the only pokemon types that Ash hasn't caught yet are Steel, Dark, Psychic, and Ghost.

    As for that Roggenrola cannon, it worked in a different way than I thought. I was expecting it to utilize the Roggenrola's Flash Cannon.

    Scraggy is Dark/Fighting.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [11]Oct 1, 2011
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Scraggy is Dark/Fighting.

    Oh, then he's only missing psychic, ghost, and steel.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Oct 1, 2011
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    This episode was okay, I was actually surprised to see Team Rocket using a cannon and aiming it at Ash & co.! Ash & co. are having lunch when a Roggenrola jumps on the table they're sitting at and starts panicking. Ash decides he wants to catch it however it beats Oshawott and badly beats Tepig forcing them to retreat to the Pokemon Center. At the Pokemon Center they find out the water had stopped running and a worker from the water company, Mr. Garrison, says the problem might be with the source of the water which is in a cave Roggenrola live. Hearing the Roggenrola don't usually exit from the cave, Ash & co. (+ Mr. Garrison) decide to investigate what is going on. Will they be able to find the problem and restore the Pokemon Center's water supply? Why did the water stop in the first place and Roggenrola coming out of the cave? Can Ash catch that Roggenrola which defeated him at the beginning of the episode? And will I ever be able to tell a difference between a dial and suction cup? Well time will tell once you begin reading, won't it:

    There Is No Music, And There Is No Water:
    The episode starts with a Roggenrola jumping out and away from some kind of tunnel. With that scene out of the way, we join Ash & co. as Ash is enjoying a pie Cilan made and Cilan explains he just made berries he collected into a paste and a secret to a good recipe is to have everything be fresh. Oh, remember that Roggenrola we saw a few seconds ago? Yeah it jumps out from the grass and onto the table Ash & co. are sitting it causing "destruction time" to Cilan's "fresh and fruity" pie. As Cilan cries, the Roggenrola starts panicking (and we see some kind of dial on its back) and Ash checks it with his Pokedex which seems like a good time to cut to the opening and title.

    The Roggenrola is still panicking as Ash notes that you got to "love that spirit" on how it wrecked their lunch which makes Ash decide to catch it sending out Oshawott. Oshawott uses Water Gun but Roggenrola flips a metal bowl in front of it which the Water Gun reflects out of and hits Oshawott knocking it back but it gets back up. Oshawott then uses an Aqua Jet but the Roggenrola quickly jumps out of the way causing Oshawott to slam into the table. Iris says the Roggenrola is tough but Cilan noticed the "dial" on its back asking what it is as Ash returns Oshawott and sends out Tepig. Tepig uses Tackle but Roggenrola side steps it along with Tepig's other Tackle attempts. Tepig then uses a Flame Charge which does hit Roggenrola and knocks off the "dial", however Ash is more surprised Roggenrola is alright as Iris says Roggenrola's Ability is Sturdy and in addition to that it's resistant to Fire-types (but in this case it's one or the other Iris). Tepig uses another Tackle and Iris starts yelling at them it's not very effective either (why didn't you say that to them before?) as Roggenrola uses Sandstorm to stop Tepig before following with a Stone Edge which knocks Tepig out.

    Ash & co. decide to go to the Pokemon Center being Tepig was hit with a powerful Super Effective attack (at least that's the only reason why I think they would immediately do so despite Oshawott getting knocked out and Ash simply returning it) as Roggenrola jumps and calls out to them but seeing they're not coming back jumps off toward the forest. At the Pokemon Center (which is getting a water supply shipment, odd detail to include), Nurse Joy tells Ash that Oshawott and Tepig have been healed as some guy tells Nurse Joy nothing is wrong with the plumbing and "the problem" might be with the water source (okay, that at least explains the water truck). Iris asks Nurse Joy what's wrong and Nurse Joy there hasn't been any running water since this morning and so the water company sent Mr. Garrison to see what's wrong. Mr. Garrison explains if the water source is the problem something very unusual must have happened at "the cave" which he explains to Ash & co. the Pokemon Center gets it water supply from an underground cave. Nurse Joy also explains wild Roggenrola live in the cave as well (Rock-types living in a cave which has water in it, the writers do know Rock-types are weak to Water-types, right?) and Iris says they saw a Roggenrola which surprises Mr. Garrison and Nurse Joy as the Roggenrola in the cave never go out. Nurse Joy says something must be wrong as Cilan says Roggenrola did seem it was trying to tell them something and there was a strange object on its back. Mr. Garrison says he'll go over to the cave to have a look and Ash & co. ask if they could come along as they're worried about the Roggenrola which Mr. Garrison says sure to as long as they stay out of trouble (that should last for about, oh, a minute).

    Back to said Roggenrola, it had gathered a batch of wild Pokemon telling them something but a large rumble comes from the cave which scares away the other Pokemon. Inside the case we see other Roggenrola trying to hop away before getting grabbed by suction cup ropes (explaining what the "dial" was) as we see a machine drive up and the all too familiar silhouettes of Team Rocket in the driver seat. Meowth says they got all the Roggenrola they need and are right on schedule as James says Dr. Zager had made a powerful weapon they need the Roggenrola to power. Jessie starts up saying "and once out work here is complete" before Meowth cuts in saying the Unova region will be theirs and they get back to work.

    Shoop Da Rola:
    At the cave, Ash & co. (+ Mr. Garrison) find that there is no water coming out of the cave (which explains that ditch in the ground) and Mr. Garrison says something must have gone wrong. The panicky Roggenrola jumps out from the forest and over them to land at the entrance of the cave, hops a bit, and goes into the cave as Cilan says it was trying to tell them something and Ash says he thinks it wants them to follow it into the cave. In the cave they see that the reason the Pokemon Center's water had stopped is because a batch of boulders is blocking the water which Iris wonders how it got there before Team Rocket's machine comes out from behind them. A suction cup rope comes out and grabs Roggenrola and Cilan explains such as Ash asks what is it doing to them and Team Rocket reveal themselves and recite their motto. Mr. Garrison asks who Team Rocket are and Iris explains their Pokemon thieves (though Iris's exact words were "annoying bad people") which James tell her she should learn some manners as Meowth points out they've been taking wild Roggenrola and Jessie says its for their new weapon to conquer the Unova region (you know Jessie you didn't need to tell them that part). The what I assume to be the "weapon" opens up revealing its a honeycomb filled with Roggenrola which anger Ash & co. as Meowth says they need to do a test firing and Team Rocket sink back into the truck the "weapon" is attached to as Ash sends out Tepig. Tepig uses Ember which destroys the rope and frees the first Roggenrola before it could be put into the "weapon" but Team Rocket decide to get out of their.

    Ash tells Tepig to save the other Roggenrola but Meowth pushes a button activating two spikes balls to hit the ceiling and causing rocks to fall with one giant one heading for Ash which is a good time to cut to a "Who's That Pokemon" (psst, the answer to it is in this episode's title). Roggenrola uses a Flash Cannon (okay, it knowing Sandstorm and Stone Edge is understandable as those are leveling up moves (though by the time it learns those moves it should be a Boldore), but Flash Cannon is a TM move!) which destroys the rock and Ash thanks it before going back to chasing Team Rocket.

    Outside Team Rocket drives out as James explains inside a Roggenrola is an energy core which Meowth explains the "weapon" Dr. Zager made focuses and ramps up that energy. Jessie tells Meowth to try the "Roggenrola Cannon" which he does as the Roggenrola on the honeycomb start to glow and Meowth aims the cannon at the entrance as Ash & co. are running to it. Ash sees the light and asks what it is and they stop running except for Roggenrola who keeps hopping ahead. The "Roggenrola Cannon" finishes charging and fires sending out a large energy beam which blasts the cave's entrance and causes rocks to fall from the ceiling as Ash runs ahead to grab Roggenrola and run back away from the falling rocks.

    Outside we see the cave's entrance has been blocked with James amazed by the "Roggenrola Cannon's" power and Jessie declares it a successful test as Team Rocket drives off. Inside, Iris asks if Ash and Roggenrola are alright as Mr. Garrison says its horrible Team Rocket is using the Roggenrola's core energy to make a weapon but more importantly asks how are they going to get out of the cave. Iris says not to sweat it and sends out Excadrill and tells it to dig them out which it starts doing though Cilan sends out Pansage to also help dig and soon their out of the cave and recalling their Pokemon. Roggenrola starts jumping ahead and Ash asks what's wrong and Mr. Garrison says that Roggenrola might know where its friends are explaining Roggenrola are incredibly sensitive to sounds and they all get going. Ash & co. (+ Mr. Garrison) soon reach an abandoned warehouse (why would there be one in the middle of a forest?) and inside we see Team Rocket getting the "Roggenrola Cannon" ready with James saying their right on time and it's prime for action which Jessie says Team Rocket will soon rule the Unova region and they all start laughing. However Ash tells them that isn't happening and James asks how they found them and Ash says Roggenrola helped them as Iris tells them if they think they're getting away then they're wrong and to stop using the Roggenrola.

    Jessie sends out Woobat which uses Gust though Tepig sends it flying back with an Ember and Meowth decides this is a job for the "Roggenrola Cannon" which Team Rocket then get into. Team Rocket charges up the "Roggenrola Cannon" which gives Ash & co. (+ Mr. Garrison plenty of time to run up to Team Rocket, open the doors, and wrestle Team Rocket out to the ground and shut down the cannon... or they just stand their, right in front of the cannon, as the first Roggenrola jumps forward and, according to Cilan, tell its friends to stop the attack. However the "Roggenrola Cannon" reaches max power and Team Rocket fires it which the first Roggenrola counters with a Flash Cannon... and completely nullifies it! Team Rocket charges the "Roggenrola Cannon" again though this time Ash also runs up to it telling everyone (I'm assuming he's talking to the Roggenrola) to stop as Iris and Mr. Garrison tell him to gt out of there (maybe you guys should ALSO GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE CANNON!). Team Rocket tells Ash he's too late however the "Roggenrola Cannon" starts shutting down which Jessie asks what's wrong and James says the Roggenrola are controlling their own energy. Meowth says by doing this they're reversing the polarity which Jessie says is a bad thing and we see how bad it is as the "Roggenrola Cannon" breaks down but despite the explosions the only thing it does is free the captive Roggenrola.

    Ash says he's glad the Roggenrola are back together though Team Rocket aren't through yet with James sending out Yamask to use Night Shade and Woobat to use Gust. Tepig uses Ember though and takes down both Yamask and Woobat as Pikachu finishes things up with an Electro Ball though all the Roggenrola join in using Flash Cannon destroying the "Roggenrola Cannon" and sending Team Rocket blasting off... with their jetpacks.

    James: Who knew it would end up this way once more?
    Comment: As soon as you say Ash & co. you should of known it would end up like this.
    Meowth: I guess those Roggenrola had a lot more "oomph" than we bargained for.
    Jessie: Though it hurts to admit out mission is a failure...
    Comment: As oppose to the times it felt good failing your mission?

    Team Rocket flies off as the Roggenrola are happy to them gone and later at the Pokemon Center we see Nurse Joy come out and say Pikachu, Tepig, and all the Roggenrola are feeling better (hey, what about Excadrill and Pansage, don't they get healed? And before you say they didn't get hurt neither did Tepig or Pikachu) and they run over to Ash & co.. Ash says everyone was awesome and thanked Nurse Joy as Mr. Garrison said he finished the report and the Water Company should begin work getting the water running and fixing the Roggenrola's home (mind if I read that report, I would love to read the part where you talked about the doomsday cannon powered by Roggenrola ).

    The first Roggenrola starts running out having everyone follow it as it stops in the field as Cilan explains he thinks Roggenrola wants to battle reminding Ash he wanted to catch Roggenrola and Roggenrola might want to come along too. Ash asks Tepig to battle to Iris's confusion but Ash says he knows Tepig wants another shot in battling Roggenrola. Tepig starts with a Tackle though Roggenrola uses a Sandstorm like before to stop it followed by a Stone Edge (and though I easily forgive them for re-using previous scenes, this is just too blatant) which Iris says she knew Tepig shouldn't have battled and Cilan saying the battle is getting a bit too bitter for his tastes. Unlike last time, though, Tepig gets up and we continue the battle with Roggenrola using Flash Cannon (which, despite being resisted by Tepig, Iris acts it'll knock Tepig out) but Tepig uses a Flame Charge which cancels out the attack. Both Tepig and Roggenrola start Tackling each other as Ash cheers Tepig on and it delivers one final Tackle which knocks Roggenrola over which Ash takes the opportunity to catch it. Ash throws the Pokeball, it takes in Roggenrola, and after a few shots of it shaking and Ash & co. watching it shake, it locks meaning Ash just caught a Roggenrola (and much like with any of Ash's additional Pokemon it glows red and shrinks)!

    The narrator is here to finish the episode so I'm off until next episode!

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [13]Oct 10, 2011
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    Scraggy is Dark/Fighting.

    Oh, then he's only missing psychic, ghost, and steel.

    He's caught a ghost type, Haunter, way back when but he gave it to Sabrina shortly after.

    Another good episode and Ash's Unova team is continuously expanding. Roggenrola had an....interesting voice, I suppose. Hopefully it evolves as I can't wait to see how that Roggenrola will act as a Boldore.

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