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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Gotta Get A Gible (Galactic Battle Finale)

  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [1]May 15, 2010
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    Well, I gotta say, Galactic Battle went out great. What better way for one of this show's seasons to end than with the hero making a new catch after over a season and ten episodes since his last one? True, it's not the one I would've gone for (Bac, don't start with me), but this catch has a lot of potential as not only is it one of the most powerful types, it's a type Ash has never owned (unless we count Charizard as a technicality). For that matter, no other main character has owned this type, so it brings a lot of new possibilities to the table. That is, if Ash can train it to be as good as we've seen in the hands of others. It may be rough going, but I think a third member has just entered the competition of Ash's most powerful Sinnoh Poke.

    You know, I'm surprised that Barry didn't go into a 'fine frenzy' after Gible made breakfast of his bike. The one time when him saying that irritating phrase would be valid and he didn't use it. Also, there are two part of irony when comparing Gible's bike breaking to Pikachu's:

    1) While Pikachu destroyed those other bikes by accident with his electrical attacks while Gible did this one on purpose!

    2) This time, it wasn't actually Ash's fault as the Poke in question wasn't his at the time!

    Funny, isn't it?

    Well, anyway, Galactic Battle is officially done. Unfortunately, we might be in for a long wait for the next season as we don't know when the next season will premiere. And to think, SPD was complaining about this not happening.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [2]May 15, 2010
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    It may be rough going, but I think a third member has just entered the competition of Ash's most powerful Sinnoh Poke.

    lets wait till it masters Draco meteor first

    wait third? who's the other 2?

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [3]May 15, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    It may be rough going, but I think a third member has just entered the competition of Ash's most powerful Sinnoh Poke.

    wait third? who's the other 2?

    Well, for starters (no pun intended) one of them isn't a certain yellow rodent because he's not from Sinnoh. However, they do share a similarity to Pikachu.

    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    lets wait till it masters Draco meteor first

    I think the bigger challenge will be mastering Dragon Pulse. If you notice, Gible gets pretty drained after firing it.

    Edited on 05/15/2010 11:36am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [4]May 15, 2010
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    dragon pulse?

    no that was because it was using other moves before (draco meteor is like overheat)

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [5]May 15, 2010
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    Barry crashing into Ash made me laugh so hard. The sound effect and slower animation just made it hilarious.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]May 15, 2010
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    I wish I hadnt fell asleep after 5 minutes...

    I' gonna watch tomorrow just to see ash fail at bridge jumping

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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [7]May 15, 2010
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    This episode was hilarious.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [8]May 15, 2010
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    10/10 points for sutch a fun episode.
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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [9]May 15, 2010
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    Ash was a freaking Ninja in this episode.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [10]May 16, 2010
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    time for my little review...

    ..hungry shark

    Is it just me or is ash's voice a little extra annoying right now

    omg! gible ate a totodile statue! the irony!

    6 is greater than 7? who knew?

    ash..you are a terrible track star

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  • Avatar of IzzyDizko


    [11]May 16, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    time for my little review...

    ..hungry shark

    Is it just me or is ash's voice a little extra annoying right now

    omg! gible ate a totodile statue! the irony!

    6 is greater than 7? who knew?

    ash..you are a terrible track star

    I agree, Ash's voice did seem annoying and over exaggerated to me. O;

    Anyway, I wonder when the next season will premiere, I'm so ready for it.


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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [12]May 16, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    dragon pulse?

    no that was because it was using other moves before (draco meteor is like overheat)

    Let's recap, shall we? When Gible used Dragon Pulse while fighting Team Rocket, it was seen panting afterwards. The same thing happened in the battle with Empoleon. It's my conclusion that Dragon Pulse takes a lot of Gible. Therefore, it looks like Ash will have to help Gible master two attacks. Incidentally, do you think the Draco Meteor/Piplup running gag will go until Gible successfully masters it?

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [13]May 16, 2010
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]May 16, 2010
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    And finally Ash has filled his 6th party slot... again... with another half Ground-type, but this time it's half Dragon-type, a first for Ash & co.! This episode was pretty good, not as funyn as the last one but still had a good batch of humor in it (we need for Draco Meteors hitting Piplup!). Ash better hope that like Turtwig it looses that head biting habit when it evolves or else, well, Ash getting a Garchomp will turn from a dream to a nightmare. But for further comments look to my review:

    Hungry, Hungry Gible:
    * We start the episode with Team Rocket preparing to attack Ash & co. with what looks to be a ninja Blastoise, and then suddenly the Gible from the last episode digs up in front of them!
    * Team Rocket tells Gible to get out of their way, it looks to have agreed... but doesn't move. Team Rocket tell it again but with the same results. It's like Brock's Lotad in the thinking department.
    * Team Rocket get frustrated with it so they attack... only to have Gible eat the entire ninja Blastoise mech and have the control room Team Rocket was in blow up and send them Blasting Off.
    * Opening rolls and we cut to Ash & co. reaching the next town with Gible digging up beind them. Gibles begins poking Ash's leg and hiding away with Ash wondering what's poking him. Ash, maybe you want to check the HOLE next to your leg?
    * Gible then jumps out and starts chomping on Ash's head. Figuring it's Grandma Wilma's Gible friend and it seems to like Ash, Ash tries to catch it but it winds up eating the Pokeball while Ash tries to figure out what it wants.
    * ... And gets his answer by having Gible begin knawing on his head again. But Officer Jenny pulls up, and after a Brock flirt and Croagunk Poison Jab, she asks them if Gible belongs to them.
    * After a few seconds of confusion due to Gible answering yes to every question, trying to bite Officer Jenny's head, and finally digging off, Officer Jenny reveals that Gible has been eating the town's park.
    * Gible then appears and tries to take a bite out of the bench, Ash stop it but only winds up having, you guessed it, Gible biting on Ash's head once more. But soon Gible digs off and they chase after it... BIKE THUD!
    * Barry comes slamming into Ash on his bike! Barry "charges" Ash for getting in his way and almost immidietly Barry challenges Ash to a battle. Barry then asks how many Badges Ash have (7) and Barry reveals that he more with... 6?... let's just get to the battle.
    * After calming down, Barry reveals that he went back to Eterna City to get a free bike and also stopped at the Hearthome Gym but Fantina wasn't there (it's a wonder how Ash managed to get his Relic Badge) but has a "ticket" to battle her.

    Gotta Catch The Uber:
    * But unfortunately Barry's "quick traveling" plan using his bike gets kinda ruined with Gible eating it... okay, that pretty much sealed it that Ash will be catching it (but being that bike was free I question how good it really was).
    * Upon seeing this, and as Barry freaks out, Team Rocket plans on catching Gible and giving it to Giovanni to eat Team Rocket's junk (and probably the HQ too). Going back, Barry demands Gible to give it a new bike (good luck with that), but hearing it's a wild Pokemon tries to catch it.
    * For once I actually agree with Barry, Ash you tried your chance at catching Gible now it's Barry's turn. Barry throws out Empoleon and has it do a Drill Peck but Gible dodges and does a Rock Smash, only to Empoleon to dodge it too.
    * Empoleon does Steel Wing and hits and follows with a Hydro Cannon which sends it flying off... Barry soon realizes this and the expression on Empoleon's face pretty much describes the pity Barry well deserves.
    * Ash finds Gible hanging onto a... tree root?... sticking out of a wall of a cliff as Ash climbs down to get it. As always, Ash slips but Gible does what it does best and bites Ash near the head, catching him from falling.
    * Ash rescues Gible from the tree root(?) and Ash rides Gible up the cliff where Pikachu, Brock, and Dawn are waiting. But Team Rocket shows back up with a re-built ninja Blastoise (though there was nothing to re-build from) and captures Gible with an arm made of a metal it can't eat through.
    * Ash chases after Team Rocket but upon coming to a cliff which the ninja Blastoise easily jumped Ash did a mad dash, a jumped a good way across the gap... before falling and need to grab onto the side of the wall (BTW, there was a visible bridge right next towhere they jumped).
    * While Brock and Dawn head for the bridge, Team Rocket grabs Ash & Pikachu and plan to just throw them off the cliff (that's right, they HAVE PIKACHU AND PLAN ON THROWING IT OFF A CLIFF). But apparently Team Rocket forgot to make their mech electric-proof and Pikachu zaps Team Rocket and destroy the arm holding them.
    * An Iron Tail later and Gible is also free. Also Team Rocket try to attack, but being the ninja Blastoise is made from recycled parts (and wired by coat hangers) it sends Team Rocket blasting off. And finally, after a whole episode, Ash manages to catch Gible!

    You Won The Battle, But Lost The Ticket:
    * Barry comes running up but is too late (you see Barry, being you blasted it off that meant it was now Ash's turn to catch it), and Gible immidietly munches on Barry's head. After getting it off, being "charged" by Barry, and explaining it's been following Ash, Barry accepts the capture and challenges Ash to a battle.
    * Gible VS. Empoleon again, but this time Gible is under Ash's control. Both attack with Empoleon doing Drill Peck and Gible with Rock Smash, with Empoleon coming out the stronger. Another collision is done but this time it's a tie.
    * Empoleon does Steel Wing and hits and tries it again, but Gible manages to Dig and attempt a Rock Smash but gets knocked back by Steel Wing. Empoleon then tries a Hydro Cannon which Gible digs away from, until Empoleon fires it into the hole that is.
    * Gible is blasted out but then tries a Draco Meteor (even though Ash tells it not to) and Dawn's Piplup runs for cover. Draco Meteor fails and comes down on Empoleon, giving Piplup relief... until Empoleon tries to hit it back but instead it hits Piplup.
    * Empoleon prepares a Hyper Beam but Gibles responds with a Dragon Pulse, pretty much ignoring Ash's advice. Empoleon dodges the Dragon Pulse but Gible got tired out from using it, leaving it a sitting duck for Empoleon's Hyper Beam, giving Barry the win.
    * Ash tells Gible it did a great job battling but has to listen better, and then it gnaws on Ash's head again. Apparently Dawn thinks this means Ash and Gible will be a great team.
    * Barry says that'll he'll become the world's greatest Trainer but Dawn reminds him he still needs to battle Fantina (because there are only eight Gyms in Sinnoh apparently) witch Barry points out he has his ticket... which Gible eats. And we end the episode off with Ash & co. laughing at Barry's misery.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [15]May 17, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * But unfortunately Barry's "quick traveling" plan using his bike gets kinda ruined with Gible eating it... okay, that pretty much sealed it that Ash will be catching it (but being that bike was free I question how good it really was).

    After you save his Clefairy from Team Galactic in Eterna City, Rad Rickshaw gives youa free bike as thanks.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [16]May 17, 2010
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    * But unfortunately Barry's "quick traveling" plan using his bike gets kinda ruined with Gible eating it... okay, that pretty much sealed it that Ash will be catching it (but being that bike was free I question how good it really was).

    After you save his Clefairy from Team Galactic in Eterna City, Rad Rickshaw gives youa free bike as thanks.

    I know that. Also Rad gives you a bike because you helped him out, so though you got a "free" bike you still had to fight a batch of criminals to do it. But from what Barry said it sounded like it was a promotion and being a bike usually costs around $100 I would assume that the free bikes aren't that top quality (why buy a bike when you can get one just as good for free? It's a bad business strategy).

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [17]May 17, 2010
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    the bike in kanto cost 1,000,000pokedollars...

    dont worry barry you'll get your bike back

    in 4-5 hours

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [18]May 19, 2010
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    Good episode.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [19]May 30, 2010
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    Gibles voice is weird. Other than that, it was funny
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [20]May 31, 2010
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    most pokemons voices are weird nowadays

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