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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Historical Mystery Tour

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Jan 16, 2010
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    Honestly, I couldn't help but like this episode. Nothing important happens other then Palmer's brief appearance, but still good none the less.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Jan 16, 2010
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    This is a good episode.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Jan 16, 2010
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    yay...................my thread was deleted cause I wanted to wait for the episode to finish


    but yeah yeah they kept O (king) ..............whatever >_>

    Edited on 01/16/2010 5:06am
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Jan 16, 2010
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to meet Palmer and see the return of Barry. I also liked how Ash, Dawn, and Barry had to face flocks of the same wild Pokemon that they had to face at the beginning of their respective Pokemon journeys.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [5]Jan 16, 2010
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    ash seemed to be having way too much fun riding on pikachu o.o

    the james thing was funny

    nostalgia with ash and dawn

    brock continues to be the 3rd wheel.

    im pretty sure theres a rule that says clowns cant send children into the past o.0

    Edited on 01/16/2010 11:31am
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Jan 16, 2010
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    of course he's happy

    it's called payback.........years of him riding and now he gets a chance

    ugh..........why am I typing to the beat of the pokemon counting song?

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [7]Jan 16, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    of course he's happy

    it's called payback.........years of him riding and now he gets a chance

    ugh..........why am I typing to the beat of the pokemon counting song?

    lol im pretty sure pikachu has never ridden ash like a horse besides when i said ash seemed to have too much fun i didnt mean it in the way you think
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [8]Jan 16, 2010
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    Weird episode. and who doesn't want to ride a giant Pikachu?
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [9]Jan 16, 2010
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    The episode was alright. Finally seeing Palmer was the reason I watched the episode. Can't wait to hear about Sinnoh's Battle Frontier!!!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Jan 16, 2010
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    Really interesting episode today, a big improvement since yesterday's even though this made little sense on what happened. Kind of reminds me of the Pokemon Ranger games where a person know as the "Drowzee Guys" uses his two Drowzee to let you fight the final storyline boss in that Pokemon Ranger game (Original was the Beast Trio (Raikou, Suicune, & Entei) and in Shadows of Almia it's Darkrai), though I don't know why Ash, Dawn, and Barry were shrunk down. Anyway the more importent thing that happened in this episode was that Palmer finally appears! But enough of the summery, you got plenty of reading to do in the review:

    Getting To The Next Before Finishing The Last:
    * The Twinlead Festival is going to end soon and Ash and Dawn are stuffing their faces. And don't worry about stomach aches, if I remember Brock makes (explosive) medicine for such a thing.
    * THUD! Being it's Twinlead Town, I kind of expected we would be seeing either Kenny or Barry soon, and Barry is the winner!
    * Hold it, Johanna knows who Barry is? Oh, she's friend with Barry's father but still how come then Dawn and Barry don't know each other? I mean Twinleaf Town can't be that big.
    * Oh, I guess Johanna and Barry' father must just talk about their kids as Barry doesn't know who Johanna is, but Barry bounces right back with challenging Ash to a battle.
    * "You're entering too", um Ash, when exactly did you sign up for this battling competition? I mean we know you probably were going to once we found out about it, but still they usually have him signing up for something on screen.
    * Why pick Dawn as the referee? If I remember correctly Brock referee the last battle Ash had with Barry, does Barry think having Dawn referee would let him get away with a few things?
    * But of course we can't have Brock do it as now he's needed to man one of the booths as the previous owner got sick. With that a battle begins with Ash's Pikachu and Barry's Heracross.
    * Looks like Pikachu's Quick Attack didn't do anything to Heracross, but come on Barry, gazillion? What are you, 5 years old? And suddnely Barry is freaking out... about a Xatu.
    * Hm? Barry seems to know that that Xatu is a sign of... something... about to come and runs off after it and Ash and Dawn behind.
    * And where it leads to is a circus tent with a Seal, Alakazam, Grumpig, and Mr. Mime in circus clothese performing in front of it. Barry saw this tent a long time ago but wasn't allowed in and, oh, a clown greeting all three into the tent.

    Didn't We Already Have A Wonderland Episode:
    * A wonderful place that connects the past, present, and future? WHOA! BRIGHT LIGHT! Huh? Okay there's Ash but where is... large Nidoking and Nidoqueen (who's mouth is colored wrong)?
    * Ash, I don't think they're big, judging by the plants nearby you, that looks like grass so I think you shrunk. And after a whole bunch of other Pokemon pass Ash figures that out... and begins being chased by a pack of Mightyena.
    * Now we cut to Dawn looking for everyone as well as she too has shrunk and... hey, another Natu like the one Ash saw. But more bad news follow as Dawn finds out that her Pokeballs aren't working.
    * And now we go to Barry who's enjoying this and also sees a Natu which he then remembers he's seperated from Heracross.
    * Meanwhile outside of the Pokemon Wonderland Ash, Dawn, and Barry fallen into, we see Brock is in charge of a game booth and sends his Pokemon out to... help attract people... to a game where you got to hit one of the blue rings on a Camerupt.
    * But across from them we find Team Rocket and a Goldeen Scooping game they spent previous episodes catching, but they bring a crooked carny trick by having the "scoops" to catch the Goldeen easily breakable.
    * And while the kids figure out they are being scammed, a strange guy comes up which James says is the famous "Goldeen Scoop Master"... and now we cut back to Barry looking for Heracross.
    * Barry reaches a tree which he somehoe remembers being the tree he smothered honey on which was how he caught Heracross and suddently a jar of honey appears next to Barry. And as Barry smothers honey on the tree, here comes Heracross with Barry complaining about his shrunken size and... Natu?
    * Back to Ash, a storm is coming and he then runs into a Spearow! Hmm, I think I'm getting at least what's partly going on... meaning Ash should be running about no, oh, he is. And just as he tricks Pikachu zaps the Spearow and in comes the flock as well as the storm as Pikachu puts Ash on its back and begind running.
    * After a close call Pikachu with Ash riding on top manage to shock the Spearow off their trail and now the storm begins to clear... that was quick. But now we switch to Dawn and let me predict what happens...
    * Yup, Ariados and they catch Dawn in their web, but like with Ash and Pikachu, Piplup comes in and BubbleBeams the Ariados away. A quick Bide later blasts the Ariados away and Dawn and Piplup make a run for it.
    * Back at the Twinleaf Festival, Brock has given up trying to attract customers while over at Team Rocket's game the "Goldeen Scoop Master" has managed to catch a lot of Goldeens, but James apparently says he's also a good Goldeen scooper and a challenge begins to see who gets to keep all the Goldeen.

    Brock Helped And He Didn't Even Know It:
    * Back in Ash's Wonderland, Ash is finally getting years of payback of Pikachu riding on his head/shoulder with now riding Pikachu like a bucking Rapidash. And Ash yet again sees another Natu and figures the Natu probably has something to do with this whole thing and has Pikachu chase after it.
    * Dawn getting similar payback with Piplup, she too sees a Natu and comes to the same conclusion that it has something to do with this Wonderland-esque adventure.
    * James and the "Goldeen Scoop Master" compete catching Goldeen wildly and with the "Goldeen Scoop Master's" net breaking James wins the challenge! And with that they manage to keep all the Goldeen and everyone watching now want to try to scoop a Goldeen.
    * Dawn & Piplup and Ash & Pikachu chase after the Natu they are following and THUD, they bump into each other and Barry & Heracross... which is kind of odd being they were sent back in time meaning Ash should be in Kanto and Dawn and Barry should be in Sinnoh.
    * Barry, think, even if you didn't run into Ash or Dawn you would have run into a wild Pokemon so saying you'll "fine" someone is kind of redundant. And Ash, if by "alright" you mean the size of a Diglett, then yes, everyone is. Anyway that Natu begins calling them over.
    * They ask Natu what should they do and it shows them the tent they were at and... now Natu is a Camerupt. An angry Camerupt.
    * Dawn has Piplup send a Whirlpool (smart, being a Fire- and Ground-type Water-type attacks would do 4x the damage) and Ash has Pikachu do a Thundershock (stupid, being Ground-types are immune to Electric-type attacks) it does nothing as Barry says you got to hit it on its side (is this going to relate to the game booth Brock is attending?).
    * Camerupt just stands by as Barry tells Heracross, Dawn's Piplup, and Ash's Pikachu to attack the blue rings which cause Camerupt's volcano humps to blow and Natu appears out of nowhere, begins glowing, and Ash, Dawn, and Barry are back outside where the tent was and are normal size.
    * Oh come on Barry, after having gone through that whole mess you really want to chase after the Xatu again? THUD! Oh wait, nevermind, Barry runs into... PALMER! THAT'S RIGHT, BARRY'S DAD IS PALMER! Do I smell the Generation IV Battle Frontier coming soon?
    * Back over at the Twinleaf Festival, Team Rocket is congradulated for their work and are asked to handle the Octillery Snacks Booth the next day.
    * With that scene over, Palmer explains they went to Xatu's Forest and seeing the youth in Ash, Dawn, and Barry decided to remind them of past events as they get back to the Twinleaf Festival. Dawn asks Barry how did we know to hit the Camerupt on its side with Barry not exactly knowing. Cut to Brock at the Camerupt game booth and end it there.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [11]Jan 16, 2010
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    Pretty good episode, better than the last two IMO. I liked the nostalgia, and the fact that Palmer has finally appeared. I don't quite get how Ash, Dawn, and Barry were shrunk, though... since when did Natu and Xatu have that kind of power?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Jan 16, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    Pretty good episode, better than the last two IMO. I liked the nostalgia, and the fact that Palmer has finally appeared. I don't quite get how Ash, Dawn, and Barry were shrunk, though... since when did Natu and Xatu have that kind of power?

    Despite what Palmer said, it was a dream. The Clown had a lot of Psychic-type Pokemon with him, you know, the Pokemon who has Hypnosis as a move of thier type (though tecnically status moves never really do anything with what type they are), so Ash, Dawn, and Barry were put into a hypnotic sleep. It's like what the Drowzee Guy as I said in my post.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [13]Jan 16, 2010
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    pretty good episode.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [14]Jan 17, 2010
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    HaydenAvery wrote:
    Weird episode. and who doesn't want to ride a giant Pikachu?
    well sure that would be fun but ash seemed to really be into it o.0
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  • Avatar of marylnsky


    [15]Aug 24, 2011
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    Really great episode!

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