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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Hold the Phione!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Jul 4, 2009
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    With Dawn's next contest just an episode away, Phione makes its debut...
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Jul 4, 2009
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    Awesome episode! It was so cool to see the debut of Phione! Next week is Dawn's contest, so stay tuned!
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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [3]Jul 4, 2009
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    It was an awsome ep! It was cool to see Phione
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  • Avatar of NYGBRIAN246


    [4]Jul 4, 2009
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    I never noticed Buneary jacket before....
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [5]Jul 4, 2009
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    good episode.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Jul 4, 2009
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    I liked it.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Jul 4, 2009
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    Heh, I always thought Phione's name was pronounced without the long "a" sound at the end. It does sound better with it, though (IMO).

    Anyway, great episode, better than I expected it to be. Phione makes its debut, and I liked the humor in the episode (with the exception of Team Rocket's usual rhyming humor, of course).
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [8]Jul 5, 2009
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    Yet another entertaining filler, but a filler nontheless. This time, though, it was more geared toward comedy rather then action like the previous episode. Though I have to say that I'm kind of dissapointed with the lack of Manaphy in this episode, they didn't even mention it even though a Phione can't exist without a Manaphy (basically, Phione is a failed Manaphy ). But I digress, and I do so with this review:

    They're Phoo-Phoo For Phione Stuff:
    * Finally we're at Chocovine Town, and apparently this place is crazy for Phione.
    * Considering Phione is considered a Legendary Pokemon (being a sub-species of Manaphy), I wonder where they got a clear video of a group of Phione.
    * Hold it, how was Dawn's Pokedex able to bring up Phione's description, I thought it wasn't able to recognize pictures, only living Pokemon?
    * Come on guys, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Phione Watching will be about, or at least the basics of it.
    * *Sigh* Never try to make a decision in front of a merchant, especially one who is selling merchandise of the thing you are deciding on.
    * Calm down Piplup, we already did the whole "pushing your starter aside" thing with May and Torchic so you don't have to worry about being out-favorited.

    Throw A Tour Into A Bustling Sea:
    * So wait... this whole thing is a Team Rocket scam? And Jessie, James, and Meowth, no need to hide yourself, Ash and co. wouldn't have recognized you anyway.
    * Actually Team Rocket you don't need to go to the extent of having the audiance see a Phione, being a rare Pokemon it is known to be hard to find and if you can't locate one, well, you just couldn't locate one. No one can say anything else otherwise.
    * Lol, Brock, I think Croagunk is more interested in its own reflection rather then the Luvdisc and Fineon swarms.
    * Well would you look at that, Team Rocket's tour was actually able to find a trio of Phione! Though looks like Jessie is taking the "good luck" a bit too literal.
    * Nevermind, Team Rocket is getting in on the whole "overboard good luck wishing" thing... LOL! Me thinks this Phione has a bit of an attitude.
    * Hmm, looks like Buneary caught the eye of one of the Phione (and let's guess the possibilities it is the one which insulted Team Rocket... who now want to catch it).
    * Yay, Meowth, you might want to work a bit on your Giovanni fantasies (then again, when did Meowth ever give a resonable Giovanni fanatsy?)...
    * *Sigh* Team Rocket is still "hiding" from Ash and co., though what we shoudl be paying attention to hear is that that "black sheep" Phione looks to be still thinking about Buneary.
    * Gee, what great friends, the other two Phione just leave that odd Phione alone. Well no matter, as Team Rocket is getting their newest scheme in motion. And it looks like no one is there to stop them...

    Cruising Through The Water Works Of Love:
    * Now I know stretching out in the morning keeps you flexible but I think this morning exercise is going a bit too far. Though looks like Dawn wants to buy Seals instead of actually practicing for the Pokemon Contest the Seals are probably for.
    * Team Rocket is keeping the Phione in a cooking pot? Oh come on, at least with their Phione sight-seeing scheme working they woudl have enough money for a proper containment device.
    * Wow... just wow... I know Team Rocket can be egotistical but did they really expect Phione to listen to them after they captured it against its will, put it in a pot, set it go in a fountain?
    * How strong is James to be able to free an Ice Beamed Jessie with a mild karate chop 0_o? Oh, and haven't seen Acid Armor used in a LONG time. Though isn't a plug kind of odd feature for a fountain to have?
    * LOL! Looks like Phione is having a tour through the Chocovine Town Water System (becareful not to get flourined!).
    * And look who Phione manage to find, Ash and co. (including Buneary). Unfortunetly a bus is faster then... err... no feet.
    * Guess Phione is back to travelling through the water system (and is scaring/entertaining anyone in its path to do so).
    * A Heart Seal? Really Dawn? Don't you have enough of those? And Pachirisu Dawn already has a Bubble Seal. Poor Ash, Brock, and Pikachu.
    * Ah, in a middle of training when suddenly a Legendary Pokemon comes out of the water and wants you (well, Buneary) to come with it... just an ordinary day for Ash and co. it seems.
    * Eek, looks like Phione doesn't want anyone else touching it, it's a Pokemon with a goal. Speaking of goals of a darker spectrum, here's Team Rocket.

    * Oh, but Team Rocket is the least of Phione's worries, apparently Phione is angry that Buneary is hiding behind Pikachu which makes Phione want a battle with Pikachu... this should be interesting...
    * Good grief, you know it's an awkward cute/romantic situation when Tam Rocket and Ash are the only ones going "WTF?".
    * Looks like Buneary is taking action and is taking Pikachu's place in the battle. Oh, and Team Rocket, weren't you in the middle of trying to catch Phione? Why are you watching the battle?
    * The last move Phione knows is Double Team (a decent move to have). All in all, Phione and Buneary should be an even match moveset/type wise.
    * So it has all come down to both Phione and Buneary using Ice Beam (and creating a giant ice tower at the collision point), this could end in a not-so-pretty picture.
    * Oh, Buneary used the ice tower to its adventage and did a Bounce right on top of Phione. And the battle ends with Buneary winning and poor Phione is a broken heart.
    * Now Team Rocket remembers they were originally trying to catch Phione! What about during that whole battle sequence, especially when Phione was momentarily knocked out? Either way it would have ended with a Blast Off, so, no matter.
    * And if anyone knows about broken hearts, it'll be you Brock... as well as sprained ears, stomachs, and bottoms. However we end the episode with Buneary saying one day it'll give Phione another chance to win its heart with a battle.
    * It's about time Phione's other two friends showed up. Where were they in the episode? Did half way through the ocean they realized their trio had turned into a duo and turned back?

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [9]Jul 5, 2009
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    well since this is a filler im not going to do my usual ranting since alot of things in fillers dont make sense.

    that being said, this was an awesome filler and i never knew phione was pronounced phionay. its been awhile since i saw a pokemon battle without trainers telling them what to do and it was nice to see a team rocket plan actually succeed for once (the submarine thing) they even caught a pokemon without ash and co finding out but of course they had to screw themselves over well anyways nice episode.

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  • Avatar of KollinNaples


    [10]Jul 7, 2009
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    That Phione was really cute in the ep. And the Buneary/Phione romance was pretty funny

    Overall a decent episode.

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