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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Hungry for the Good Life!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Dec 6, 2008
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2]Dec 6, 2008
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    Just watched it & it was an ok episode, aside from Dawn catching Swinub. So I am just fine that Dawn got herself a Gluttunous Pokemon.

    No Spoilers!

    Edited on 12/06/2008 9:24am
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [3]Dec 6, 2008
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    I watched this episode too. It was interesting. I tried to watch the japanesse version of it online, but unfortunately the processor I was using at the time took so long that it couldn't fully load it, so I only saw the tail end. Anyway, it looks like Dawn is going to spending alot of time in the kitchen to keep her new Poke happy. Something also tells me that Swinub will be taking a big part in that next contest (if anyone knows about that, don't say anything!). Well, the next episode is the last one I know about with spoilers, so after that one airs, I'll be in spoiler-free territory again (which I haven't been in since the end of 2006).

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [4]Dec 6, 2008
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    Looks like PUSA got another 4Kids VA. Monica at the beginning is Lisa Ortiz, who you'll know as the voice of Amy in Sonic. And Swinub is Dawn's equivalent of May's Munchlax since they both like their trainers' snacks more than the others.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [5]Dec 6, 2008
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    I watched this episode too. It was interesting. I tried to watch the japanesse version of it online, but unfortunately the processor I was using at the time took so long that it couldn't fully load it, so I only saw the tail end. Anyway, it looks like Dawn is going to spending alot of time in the kitchen to keep her new Poke happy. Something also tells me that Swinub will be taking a big part in that next contest (if anyone knows about that, don't say anything!). Well, the next episode is the last one I know about with spoilers, so after that one airs, I'll be in spoiler-free territory again (which I haven't been in since the end of 2006).

    Any reason why? Kind of hard to go back to spoiler free.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [6]Dec 6, 2008
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    A good episode and it showed Dawn acting a little more like Ash when she recklessly went after the Pok*emon that the Rocket Trio nabbed. I enjoyed seeing all those kawaii Pok*emon that you'd run into at the Trophey Garden. And after all is said and done, as well as cooked and eaten, Dawn earned herself a Pok*emon that can eat you out of house and home (in the same fashion as when Brock caught his Croagunk no less)!

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [7]Dec 6, 2008
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    It was an ok episode.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [8]Dec 6, 2008
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:
    And Swinub is Dawn's equivalent of May's Munchlax since they both like their trainers' snacks more than the others.

    Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Were not idiots, we know that Dawn's Swinub & May's Munchlax have similarities, now that you can't make your predictable evolution predictions, you want to point out the obvious.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [9]Dec 7, 2008
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    No reason to be rude, you know ... So what if he/she pointed out the obvious? Well, whatever. The episode was good, and now onto the longer version:

    Ash, Dawn, & Brock run across a girl named Monica in Mr. Backlot's Trophy Garden during a storm & ask if they can stay there until the rain settles. Mr. Backlot generously agrees, however, a hungry Swinub keeps eating everyone's food. The next day, Team Rocket steal the Pokémon, but with the help of Dawn & Swinub, everyone is freed. Finally, Dawn somehow realizes she wants a useless & retarded Swinub for her team and catches it. Our heroes continue their journey back to Hearthome City for Ash's next gym battle.

    Meh... I could say more, but need I? A hyper Swinub, not-so-bad Team Rocket scheme, slightly annoying Mr. Backlot, & one, single funny Pochama moment just isn't enough to leave me satisfied. Hungry for the Good Life! recieves a 7.9

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [10]Dec 7, 2008
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    A pretty good episode, I kinda liked Swinub's happy personality, so I'm glad Dawn caught it.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Dec 11, 2008
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    Pretty good episode, and not only that, but Dawn finally caught another Pokemon. Strange for it to be a Swinub though, being it is a Generation II Pokemon, though then again it did gain a 2nd Evolution Stage via Mamoswine so we'll have to wait and see what comes of that. Glad to see yet another game feature was included, good way to connect the anime with the games, though I do wish they showed some other Pokemon from the Trophy Garden besides the Baby Pokemon. But enough of this, onto what you want from me:

    Flirting Is In The Air:
    * Calm you ego Ash, everytime you get over hyped you usually wind up being taken to the cleaners by the next importent character you battle (like say a Gym Leader?).
    * Yet another storm comes rolling in, and a nearby bush is shaking with no doubt the Pokemon of the... oh, nevermind, it's just a Cleffa.
    * Romantic? Dawn, exactly how is being star-shaped and space travel romantic?
    * ALERT! ALERT! Brock Flirtation has been activate! All Croagunk should get ready!
    * Mr. Backlot? They owner of Amity Square and the Trophy Garden who lies all the time so his butlers has to make up for it? Well they theoritcally are on Route 212 where his mansion is in the game.
    * ALERT! Brock Flirtation is in effect! All Croagunk begin Poison Jab process at once.

    Sure This Isn't The Day Care:
    * All Baby Pokemon? You can find Igglybuff, Pichu, Azurill, and Cleffa in the Trophy Garden but what about the other Pokemon like the Baby Pokemon evolutions and Eevee, Ditto, Meowth, Castform, Plusle, and Minun (and Porygon, but you know the deal with that Pokemon)?
    * Oh, so Ash and co. were travelling through the Trophy Garden, and all they saw while doing so was just a Cleffa?
    * Look, a Swinub... a very hungy Swinub.... a very hungry, greedy Swinub... a very hungry, greedy Swinub about to be beaten up by Dawn's Pokemon...
    * So the Swinub is from the nearby forest? So much for being the same as in the game, Swinub can only be found on Route 217 near Snowpoint City.
    * And with a fully belly it falls right asleep. Are you sure this is a Swinub and not a Munchlax/Snorlax?
    * Took Team Rocket a bit longer to appear in this episode, usually they appear during the first 5 minutes.

    Got The Good With The Bad, Taste That Is:
    * Dawn, are you sure you should be letting Ash help out in making the Poffin? The last time you cooked Poffin he burnt his to a crisp.
    * That doesn't sound like the Snorlax Timer Poketch App. Dawn used last time we saw her cook Poffin.
    * Should have seen Swinub coming rushing in to eat up the Poffin, much to Piplup's heartbreak.
    * Ash, we want Swinub to stop eating Dawn's Poffin, not poison it by eating yours (told you that you shouldn't have let Ash help cook).
    * *Sigh* Ash, you should really take the sign from a Pokemon, if it doesn't want to eat something then you shoudl stay clear of it too.
    * Or Swinub wants Dawn's becuase it is the only edible Poffin currently in the kitchen being the other choice are Ash's.

    Up To The Last One Holding One:
    * Lol, all the the Baby Pokemon are scared of Croagunk.
    * Lucky Dawn made that extra dish for Swinub, I don't think Piplup could have taken to see its food eaten up again.
    * Hold that yawn Dawn, at least until after that shaking stops... and you find your Pokemon that fell through the hole.
    * What a surprised, Team Rocket, I wouldn't have guessed they dug the pitfall trap, I mean they never done it before.
    * Hmm, I know in the past Team Rocket stole Pokemon and food, but did they ever do both at once before?
    * Looks like Dawn is the only left to free everyones Pokemon... with a flip of a switch, well that was easy.
    * Knew Team Rocket stealing the food would eventually lead to Swinub going after it... though I didn't expect Team Rocket to put that trap in the room.

    Hungry For Some Action:
    * Dawn, you perfectly well know that Swinub isn't looking for Team Rocket but for the food that they stole.
    * That is, unless Swinub finds other sources of food. Shouldn't stay too long there though, I mean those berries didn't stock in the tree themselves.
    * Though with a quick tearing of the eye, Swinub looks to have gotten the messgae, probably helped it had something in its stomach to think clearly for that moment.
    * Swinub, it's great you find Team Rocket and all, but could you stop eating until after they are blasted off?
    * Being part Ice-type, if Swinub could use an Ice-type move it would be super effective against Carnivine and Yanmega... yay, like Ice Shard.

    Filling Up Space:
    * Kind of wished Swniub would have done the blast off, Pikachu and Piplup have done it so many times and Swinub was the hero of the day.
    * DAWN CAUGHT SWINUB! Well in a way it is like May's Munchlax, so I guess this makes perfect sense. Dawn now has one more slot in her team (LET IT BE CHERRIM!)
    * So Celesic Town is the next destination for Dawn. But first Ash needs to have his Hearthome Gym Battle.
    * And we end the epsiode with Brock making one last flirt with Monica and Croagunk doing what it does best.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [12]Dec 12, 2008
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    I was wondering when you would post Pikachu. Nice job. Hey, can anyone tell me the name of the attack Swinub used to smash through walls?
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Dec 12, 2008
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    I was wondering when you would post Pikachu. Nice job. Hey, can anyone tell me the name of the attack Swinub used to smash through walls?

    Take Down.

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