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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: If The Scarf Fits, Wear It!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Mar 21, 2009
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    Now kids, this is a good example of what not to do with your Pokemon.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2]Mar 21, 2009
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    Now it was a above average episode. Enjoyed that part at the end when Ash sneezed and the Narrator suddenly says "To Be Continued!"
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [3]Mar 21, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Now it was a above average episode. Enjoyed that part at the end when Ash sneezed and the Narrator suddenly says "To Be Continued!"
    That part at the end of the episode was so unexpected. I thought Ash heard what Angie's parents were saying as he was leaving.
    Edited on 03/21/2009 11:24am
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [4]Mar 21, 2009
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    Well that was fun. Always fun to meet a character's parents, and they sometimes have the funniest lines and here is no exception.

    Edited on 03/22/2009 2:47am
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  • Avatar of freezebird


    [5]Mar 21, 2009
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    Well... this was a very... uuuhhhhhh... weird episode. For many reasons:

    1. A lickylicky with a balloon collar.

    2. A picture of a ... uummm... large Angie.

    3. Big-headed Angie.

    4. A giant ball of Pokemon food.

    5. Other... stuff...

    6. Ash just randomly sneezing at the end of the episode and the narrator anouncing "TO BE CONTINUED..."

    7. A large Italian man.

    8. Ash directly pointing to lickylicky, Brock, and Dawn

    9. Ash and Angie attempting to do jumping jacks in front of team rocket.

    10. And other... stuff...

    So to some it all up: ...

    P.S. I did not mean to rip off Pikachu 31511's famous review, I just found this episode very weird.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [6]Mar 21, 2009
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    team rocket' robot is like the dung bettle but insted of a ball of poo it had a ball of pokemon food that smell good insted of smelling like....well you get the point good episode & like thay say when you sneeze that means a pretty girl must be tolking about you tee-hee.

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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Mar 22, 2009
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    Lol, I think weirdness and unexpectedness would be good words to describe this episode. Looks like Angie's little crush on Ash isn't letting up and Pikachu and Shinx get along pretty well... but I won't go there. Anyway, got some laughs from it and the ending sure was sudden... lol. Yeah, a funny, random, weird filler... I liked it.
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  • Avatar of Vixenmon


    [8]Mar 22, 2009
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    freezebird wrote:

    6. Ash just randomly sneezing at the end of the episode and the narrator anouncing "TO BE CONTINUED..."

    The sneezing was not meant to be random. It was a joke based on the superstition that you sneeze when someone's talking about you or behind your back. Angie's family did both when Ash's back was turned. It was an odd but funny episode, but the sneeze was my favorite part. I hope Angie makes another appearance.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [9]Mar 22, 2009
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    Vixenmon wrote:
    freezebird wrote:

    6. Ash just randomly sneezing at the end of the episode and the narrator anouncing "TO BE CONTINUED..."

    The sneezing was not meant to be random. It was a joke based on the superstition that you sneeze when someone's talking about you or behind your back. Angie's family did both when Ash's back was turned. It was an odd but funny episode, but the sneeze was my favorite part. I hope Angie makes another appearance.

    I am pretty sure she will appear as a cameo, when Ash is in the Sinnoh League or she may be in the audience? Who knows, but I should not say anything about the future here.

    Anyways, strange filler but in a good way. I didn't really see it in the Japanese version, so it felt like an episode I have never seen, which last time happened way back before I knew about these sites(3-4 years ago.)

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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [10]Mar 22, 2009
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    it was a good ep! the ending was funny^^
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Mar 22, 2009
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    Pretty good episode, a bit more entertaining then other fillers and we got to see a familiar character-of-the-day again, now making Angie a recurring character to an extent. Nothing much to say about this episode, it was pretty good but quite boring at some points, but it usually doesn't last long. Now onto what you want:

    Scarf Monster Coming To Get Ya:
    * Not 10 seconds into the episodes and the first words are "Scarf Monster". Usually we find out about these things after they get to the next city.
    * LOL! I like how they made the picture of the "Scarf Monster" like the Big Foot pictures, all blurry and in black and white. Can't tell what Pokemon it is though (we all know it's a Pokemon).
    * So I'm going to guess "The Sinnoh Star" is a tabloid paper? Then again, what are the big time news papers in the Pokemon World?
    * That's right! Angie lives in Solaceon Town and Ash and co. promised to visit her when they get there! This has to be one of the few promises made on the show that is kept!
    * And of course, we heard about the "Scarf Monster" so Ash and co. run into it... at night... and only sees its silhouette.
    * In addition, as they get to Angie's house she comes out just as Ash and co. reach the fence.

    The Kid In Charge:
    * Angie's parents left her in charge... not saying that's about idea but... actually... yay, I am saying it sounds like a bad idea.
    * Ah don't worry Angie, there is no shame in saying you're taking care of just Bidoof and Starly... WHOA! Methinks Angie knows something about the "Scarf Monster"...
    * Where is Angie going? Well if she didn't think Ash and co. will follow her then she obviously forgot a lot about them since the Summer School arc.
    * Ah ha! So Angie does know about the "Scarf Monster"... it's a Pokemon she's taking care. Being it is kept in a cave, it is either a very large Pokemon, a very ferocious Pokemon, or a very ugly Pokemon.
    * Team Rocket is, of course, after the "Scarf Monster", though why they need to do it disguised as repoters I don't know.
    * Oh, they're disguised as reporters to get answers from the police. Though that doesn't look like a footprint... oh, it's saliva... still have no idea what it is.
    * Back to Ash and co. (+ Angie) and they have the monster coming too them. So it eats food by licking it up, so I'm guessing a Lickitung or maybe even a Lickilicky (it needs to appear in the anime outside of the movies).

    It's Real!... It's Real...ly An Ordinary Pokemon:
    * Haha! So it is a Lickilicky! I got to give the writers and animators a hand though, they did a good job keeping what Pokemon it is until the last moment pretty well done. Don't know why Angie keeps it in a cave.
    * So it was a Lickitung but Angie trained it so much it learned Rollout and evolved. Don't see why it is a bad thing it evolved, only a few trainers don't want their Pokemon to evolve. However it not going into it's Pokeball is a problem.
    * Oh, so the scarf isn't a scarf but rather an inflatable balloon Angie uses to easily transport Lickilicky. Unfortunely she did it in front of a light which Team Rocket caught the shadow it casted thereof.
    * A few panicing moments and for some reason Ash and Angie decided to stay behind (they all could of made a run for it). LOL! Good work Ash, next time you can point to the exact spot where Lickilicky is in the air.
    * Um, shouldn't Team Rocket have noticed there is a rope floating straight up into the sky in the trees behind Ash and Angie?
    * Boy, Angie must really love freaking out the townspeople. I mean why have the rope short and therefore easier to hide behind tree when instead you can have the Scarf Monster look like it's flying just above the trees.

    Ending It On A Ship:
    * Uh oh, Team Rocket is getting closer and closer to where Lickilicky is. Worse, Meowth made a machine which rolls around a giant ball of Pokemon Food. But wouldn't it attract all the Pokemon in the forest?
    * Geez, that has to be one weak rope if it just broke by Lickilicky just walking too far. Well, Team Rocket caught it anbut Lickilicky is just enjoying that ball of Pokemon food. And here's Ash and co. (+ Angie).
    * Oh, that's right, Angie never met Team Rocket, throughout the whole Summer School Arc Jessie and James were custodians and Jessie was a participanting "student".
    * How can Team Rocket not see it is a Lickilicky? First the rope and now this, they're as bad as seeign the obvious as Ash and co. not seeing through Team Rocket's worst disguises... so I guess it kind of balances out then.
    * You know, Angie is actually quite a good Daycare-er, she managed to defeat Team Rocket with Lickilicky (too bad it didn't do the launch off). But out with Team Rocket and in with Angie's parents.
    * Still don't see why evolving a Pokemon is a bad idea (only a few people wouldn't want their Pokemon to evolve). Though they should make an item they de-evolves a Pokemon, they have on in the TCG (actaully several I think).
    * See! I told you! There are very few trainer's who don't want their Pokemon evolve. Infact, I don't think those trainers would put there Pokemon in a darcare anyway meanign every trainer who puts their Pokemon in a daycare would be glad to see it had evolved!
    * Well all wells as end well. Team Rocket is defeated, Lickilicky's trainer is happy that his Pokemon has evovled, Angie is off the hook...
    * LOL! And they say kids say the darnest things . So I guess this makes Angie's parents MorpheusShippers then (NOTE: NO ONE TALK ABOUT SHIPS, I JUST PUT THIS IN AS A JOKE). And of course Ash had to sneeze being they are talking about him.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [12]Mar 22, 2009
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    Nice review, Pikachu, though you didn't mention that one of the words in the title were indented or that the narrator said "To Be Continued" at the end of the episode (I wonder if that's going to be a permenant thing in the dub now). Also, I agree in not seeing a problem with a Poke evolving while in the care of a daycare, I thought that was the point of them, or am I thinking of a breeding center? FYI, what does morpheusshipper mean?
    Edited on 03/22/2009 3:36pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [13]Mar 22, 2009
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    EddyBob15 wrote:
    Nice review, Pikachu, though you didn't mention that one of the words in the title were indented or that the narrator said "To Be Continued" at the end of the episode (I wonder if that's going to be a permenant thing in the dub now). Also, I agree in not seeing a problem with a Poke evolving while in the care of a daycare, I thought that was the point of them, or am I thinking of a breeding center? FYI, what does morpheusshipper mean?

    Anyone who supports Ash & Angie being a couple but that is all I am going to say.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [14]Mar 23, 2009
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    Great episode.
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [15]Mar 23, 2009
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    Boring but ok. Funny ending with the trainer.
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  • Avatar of redd123


    [16]Mar 29, 2009
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    great episode..funny too especially when ash pointed to the other guys..wow that was funny. also enjoyed the ending too..i think ash and angie would make a cute couple..but then again so would he and misty.
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [17]Mar 30, 2009
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    redd123 wrote:
    great episode..funny too especially when ash pointed to the other guys..wow that was funny. also enjoyed the ending too..i think ash and angie would make a cute couple..but then again so would he and misty.
    Ash is a lady's man
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [18]Mar 30, 2009
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    Torferleon248 wrote:
    redd123 wrote:
    great episode..funny too especially when ash pointed to the other guys..wow that was funny. also enjoyed the ending too..i think ash and angie would make a cute couple..but then again so would he and misty.
    Ash is a lady's man

    Remember everyone, Shipping is not allowed on these forums.

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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [19]Apr 1, 2009
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    Sorry Pikachu.
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