Not an exciting episode, more of comedy episode or at least an effort to be one. However it's not really a filler since Barry leaves Ash and co. to train on Iron Island so it has some plot importence to some extant. Overall it was a pretty average episode that was 2/3 filler and 1/3 importent, though the 1/3 importent part is part the very beginning (arriving to Canalave with Barry) and very end (Barry leaving for Iron Island).
Flying High On Blimps And Explosions:
* They're on a blimp? So we're not passing through Route 208, part of Mt. Coronet, Route 207, Oreburgh City, Route 203, Jubilife City, and Route 218?
* Wow, they're already at Canalave City, and it's a mass of island chains connected by bridges, different then what I expected it to be.
* I guess there was enouhh fillers of Ash getting to Hearthome City to battle Fantina they decided to just have Ash ship right to Canalave City.
* Wait, this has to be the first time Team Rocket were flying a blimp and it didn't crash land or get horribly damaged.
* If Barry is so eager to get to Iron Island then why doesn't he just leave? He doesn't respect Ash and co., why is he hanging with them?
* That's Team Rocket's plan, to trap the pokemon in the net and pull them? Though they were doing a preyy good job until Ash and co. climbed out of the hole.
* Should of seen that explosion coming. So everyones Pokemon got seperated again, though Team Rocket can't exactly get to all the Pokemon as they looked to have launched off in 5 - 6 groups.
How Have Thy Group Forms, Let Me Count Thy Ways:
* Let's count the groups starting with Group 1: Pikachu, Pachirisu, Meowth, and Mime Jr.. Pikahcu should know by now not to trust Meowth, though Mime Jr. copying Meowth's sinister face was funny.
* Now for Group 2: Piplup, Happiny, Grotle, and Empoleon. Ah Piplup, always trying to be in charge.
* Let's take a short break from counting to see Ash and co. having a "calm" conversation with Barry... oh look, Group 3: Staravia and Gliscor.
* Group 3 found by Ash and co., but they'll probably soon depart to look for the other groups of Pokemon... of course, Team Rocket has the same idea.
* A female Staravia robot? Being Staravia was successfully deterred, does that make Staravia male? Then again, they never said what gender the robot was suppose to be...
* Of course, that leaves Gliscor free to destroy their balloon. Though that isn't going to stop Team Rocket for long... Group 4: Croagunk... okay not really a group but still counts.
* Time for Group 2 shenanigans with Piplup getting them hopelessly lost and tired out.
* We can't forget Group 1 of course, and Pikachu doesn't trust Meowth for a second. But however Pachirisu seems easily swayed by a "new start" speech.
* Um... if Group 4 (or should I just say Croagunk?) just gonna sit on the gondola this whole time? I mean it had to have seen Pikachu and Pachirisu a few feet away from it.
* Group 3 member Staravia is acting like a goof trying to flirt with the opposite gender robot Staravia...
* Thank you Barry, your helping support is so needed
... and Ash and co. find Group 5: Buneary, Buizel, Chimchar, Sudowoodo, Ambipom, and Swinub (I guess this means Team Rocket's other Pokemon are in their own group).
* Dead ends seem to be very popular in this city; Group 2 hit one, Ash and co. hit one, and Team Rocket hit one. And as predicted, Team Rocket found Group 6: Seviper, Wobbuffet, and Carnivine.
So Much For Finders Keepers...:
* Okay, so pretty much everyone (I'm counting Jessie and James as a single group) is missing 2 Pokemon except for Barry.
* Speaking of whom, Group 2 is still getting hopelessly lost from Piplup's leadership... LOL! Happiny was carrying Grotle! 
* Meanwhile Ash and co. (+ Barry) just found Group 1... and so has Team Rocket. Looks like it's going to be a race to get to the Pokemon first... and Ash and co. just missed Group 4/Croagunk... 
* Pikachu is about ready to launch Meowth, but gets stopped by Meowth running off wiht Group 1... Group 4/Croagunk just has terrible timing doesn't it?
* Bad news is Meowth's plan worked and Ash and co. got there a second too late. Good news: It backfired as now Jessie and James are there 2 seconds late.
* Not as much of a stand off as I thought, but Ash and co. (+ Barry) did find Group 2. Um Ash, only Pikachu and Pachirisu? What about GROUP 4/CROAGUNK?
* Some wandering and arguing later, Ash and co. (+ Barry) found Group 1. So much for Meowth's plans... then again Mewoth isn't one to give up until he blasts off...
Finders Keepers For Protagonists Too?
* Geez, what's wrong with Pachirisu? Anyway Meowth is really selling it... and Ash and co. (+ Barry) are buying it... sort of.
* Notice whenever Team Rocket is given food by Ash and co. they seem to wonder about their role in Team Rocket (or course they always stay with Team Rocket so not much point to it really).
* A TV star, like that will ever happen, next you'll be saying he should be in a cartoon... *cricket*cricket*... just move onto the next comment.
* An spokesman, really Meowth, that's the best you can come up with? I would think Pokemon translator would make you more famous and rich.
* Wait, they leave Staravia to flirt with a robot and Croagunk to hitch rides on boats and still ahd lunch without them! That's kind of jerkish. Atleast the robot fell into the river and Staravia is back to normal.
* We know Meowth's plans, but what about Mime Jr.? Oh... pitfall always equals Team Rocket, though that isn't a deep hole they usually dig.
Remembering The Good, Bad, And Weird Times:
* Whatever Meowth is planning on doing he better decide now, go with his Team Rocket plan or his TV star plan?
* And what better way to choose then remembering his actual memories with Team Rocket... WHOA! Meowth took down Empoleon! Didn't know Meowth was trying to learn Night Slash.
* Huh? Where did Jessie and James appear from? Well Team Rocket is back together meaning there is only one thing left to do...
* Team Rocket Blast Off! And better yet, Pikachu had no involvement as instead the honor goes to Buizel, Piplup, and Empoleon. And look who it is, Staravia! Now only poor Group 4/Croagunk left.
* Dawn, you have no idea how many times we've seen Croagunk... Of course! To attract Croagunk we must have it do its job: Keeping Brock from flirting with girls! Okay, all Pokemon have been found so I guess that's it.
* And as I said that, Barry leaves for Iron Island, Ash and co. for his Ash's Canalave Gym Battle, and Team Rocket fight over a Poskuit.