Woohoo! Marley!!!
my favorite character!! Too bad the dub gives her too much emotion in her voice....but it is a dub....
Also "It's because I'm an Alien"
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Woohoo! Marley!!!
my favorite character!! Too bad the dub gives her too much emotion in her voice....but it is a dub....
Also "It's because I'm an Alien"
It was a nice episode. I wonder, is it trying to imply Shaymin cannot be caught and trained like most other pokemon?
Awesome episode! It was so cool to meet Marley and to finally see Shaymin make its non-movie anime debut!
pikastatic100 wrote: |
Great to finally see Marley make her anime debut; her dub voice wasn't bad IMO. I also thought that this episode had more of a different feel than other episodes, which was nice (such as Team Rocket going after someone other than Ash and co., before that someone already met them; and Brock getting a little more attention). |
Not to mention that Brock was actually able to look a pretty girl in the face and not require Poison Jab therapy.
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||
Not to mention that Brock was actually able to look a pretty girl in the face and not require Poison Jab therapy. |
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||||
I figured it was cause he didnt want some emo driven chick. Dunno why she's suddenly everyones favoritec
lostfan111 wrote: | ||||||
I figured it was cause he didnt want some emo driven chick. Dunno why she's suddenly everyones favoritec |
it's a Fashion
I loved this episode! I especially enjoyed Marley and her attitude.
We get a filler today but also finally get to see Marley! Though while in the game Marley didn't speak much because she was afraid she'll hurt someone's feelings, this Marley isn't afraid to insult or mess with you. But much like her game character we find she has something involving Shaymin... Shaymin itself! Overall the episode was kind of dull, but still we got to see Marley and Shaymin. Hmm, now the only "Stat Trainer" we still need to meet is Buck, Flint's brother... Oh, episode reveiw is below:
Politeness Behind Gothic/Emo/Pushy-ness:
* We start off with Ash & Dawn training Gible and Piplup (hopefully they stopped the Draco Meteor joke) as Brock notices an empty boat coming down the river.
* But when it gets closer we find it not only has a person lying down in it, that person is Marley! Don't know why she's sleeping in a boat going down river though...
* Now sleeping in a boat going down river doesn't seem like a bad idea at first... unless said reason river is going down is because of a WATERFALL!
* Brock tries waking Marley up but she doesn't seem to be responding so Brock runs into the river to stop the boat as Ash and Danw realize what is happening.
* Brock notices a rope and calles out Happiny to pull them onto shore, and it does so (pretty much throwing them onto shore) before they were about to go over.
* Dawn, what do you mean if she's real? Anyway Marley immidietly wakes up and begins wondering where he basket is. Oh, and I think she might be emo (okay, first let's note that "goth" and "emo" are two different things, but the media often takes them as the same thing).
* Marley asks why Brock is wet and after Ash and Dawn tell her Brock saved her, she just notes his name is Brock (though Dawn points this out saying she should atleast thank Brock).
* Marley introduces herself (erm, Marley, I think you need to fix your legs, they're pointing the wrong way) and asks who Ash & co. are. They introduce themselves and Marley reveals she was in the boat because she was hiding after a group who are after her.
* Marley then asks Brock to protect her until they reach the other side of the mountains. Ash and Dawn say they aren't sure but Marley says she wasn't talking to them (so she's now a pushy emo).
* Ash and Dawn say that Marley will probably be okay by herself (I think they are just mad/freaked out about her) but Brock says being they are going through those mountains anyway they might as well.
Seed Flaring Flashback:
* Ash & co. ask her what she plans on doing over the mountains but just says she is heading for a secret garden. But asking why she is being chased reveals an interesting discovery, MARLEY'S AN ALIEN!... Nah, she was just kidding (don't think she likes Ash and Dawn much).
* Piplup and Pikachu however get hungry so they take a quick stop to feed them. Marley decides to walk off somewhere in the forest and let's something out of the basket she has... IT'S A SHAYMIN! (Well at least she has something relating to her game character)
* Marley tries to feed the bruised Shaymin but it refuses to eat. Ash & co. think she's taking a long time so they go look for her and of course they discover she has a Shaymin.
* Noticing it's injured Brock begins examining it and says it has been Poisoned, probably leftover from a Seed Flare. Marley then notes it absorbed a Seviper's Haze attack... and she's being chased by a bad group of people... nah, couldn't be...
* Brock feed Shaymin a Pecha and Sitrus Berry to heal its Poison and recover its strength and just like that it poofs all the smoke and is hopping around once more. Oh, and I'm sure Brock doesn't only want to be like Nurse Joy if you know what I'm saying.
* As Ash & co. explain to her how Brock wants to be the greatest Pokemon Breeder, we go over to Team Rocket to discover that yes, they are the bad people after Shaymin.
* We get a flashback of them finding Shaymin while walking down the route (where's their Meowth Balloon?) which then runs away and finds Marley also walking down that route.
* Jessie attacks them with Yanmega and after running away Marley uses Arcanine to blast them off (though oddly Seviper didn't appear, I guess she must have encountered them again later).
* Marley later "releases" Shaymin and points it to where the Gracidea Garden is (um, if it's suppose to be a secret garden then how does she know where it is?), however later that night Shaymin comes back and Marley agrees to take it to the Gracidea Garden.
* Next morning she's attacked by Team Rocket again and this time we Seviper use Haze on them, which Shaymin absorbs and uses a weak Seed Flare. Marley rides off on Arcanine but finds a familiar boat and gets in it putting Shaymin in a basket also in the boat.
* Team Rocket, Marley couldn't have run that far ahead being she overheard you while on the boat, surely you saw either her getting into the boat or atleast a seemingly empty boat going down the river... YOU DON'T THINK TO CHECK THAT OUT? No, instead run off into the woods. Any Marley then falls asleep and we have now come full circle.
Up, Up... And Down... No, Nevermind, AWAY:
* Okay, now I would understand if there was just a tunnel leading to the supposed "secret garden"... BUT THERE'S LIGHTS ON THE WALL MEANING SOMEONE BUILT THE TUNNEL! And according to what Team Rocket said, THEY know where the Gracidea Garden is and have a robot set up there! HOW IS IT SECRET AGAIN?... did Wobbuffet just say "fart"?
* Pikachu and Piplup race ahead of everyone and bump into a Shroomish which uses Poison Powder. Shaymin uses Seed Flare to clear it but Pikachu and Piplup are still poisoned until Shaymin uses Aroma Therapy on them. So this scene seemed completely pointless... yay...
* Ash & co. (+ Marley and Shayming) get to the otherside only to discover all the Gracidea flowers have stopped blooming, but they all decide to look to see if they could find one that still is (unless it's a small one shouldn't they see a red speck in all the green if there was one?).
* They find several haning onto a rock but guess who shows up in a Caterpie Mech (for some reason). Yay Dawn, you should have known it was Team Rocket, especially after Marely probably described the "bad people" to you all, at least the Yanmega and Seviper should have given you a hint!
* But the winner of "who acted the most stupid" in this episode goes to Team Rocket because the Caterpie Mech moves by CRAWLING SLOWLY. Buneary uses an Ice Beam to cause them to slip, Torterra uses Rock Climb to put them on a cliff, and Piplup uses Whirlpool to have them slide down and defeats them... it then transform into a Butterfree Mech (what, no Metapod?)
* Oh wait, Jessie says they're saving Metapod for later. Anyway as Team Rocket is "Solarbeaming" Ash and Dawn, Marley and Brock watch as Shaymin climb up to the Gracidea flowers and transforms into Sky Forme and takes out the "Solarbeam". Whoa Jessie, you, James, and Meowth aren't the one to be calling anyone stupid.
* Shaymin confused Team Rocket by flying all around them until finally using Air Slash to blast them off. However it lands on the Ice Beam and reverts back to Land Forme, and the battle with Team Rocket blew away the Gracidea flowers that were blooming.
* But no need to worry, as Dawn will say, as Shaymin had a few Shaymin friends waiting for it and a Gracidea flower that just bloomed. They use it to transform into Sky Forme and after Marley says her goodbye, they all fly off. And we end with Marley saying she think she heard Shayming say "thank you".
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
* But the winner of "who acted the most stupid" in this episode goes to Team Rocket because the Caterpie Mech moves by CRAWLING SLOWLY. Buneary uses an Ice Beam to cause them to slip, Torterra uses Rock Climb to put them on a cliff, and Piplup uses Waterfall to have them slide down and defeats them... it then transform into a Butterfree Mech (what, no Metapod?) |
When did Piplup learn Waterfall?
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||
When did Piplup learn Waterfall? |
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||||
I know that. It was a joke.
EddyBob15 wrote: | ||||||
I know that. It was a joke. |
What are you talking about... I said Whirlpool... please ignore that edit note on the bottom of my message...