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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Last Call, First Round

  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [1]Sep 18, 2010
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    Since nobody's made it yet, I thought I'd start the discussion. I really liked Dawn appeal, it was awesome. Ursula's was also admittedly cool, but I wish one of the Eevee's was evolved into Jolteon instead. *loves Jolteon*

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Sep 18, 2010
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    Unfortunately, I missed this episode when it originally came on so I had to wait until it came on again. This episode was certainly full of surprises. It is a shame that Kenny was eliminated so early. Sort of makes all the encounters with him void (especially his victory against Ambipom). What really surprises me though is that no one mentioned the evolutions of Zoey and Kenny's Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [3]Sep 18, 2010
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    Pretty cool. I loved every preformance (especially Dawn's). I was disappointed that Kenny didn't make it, but not everyone can compete, right?

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Sep 18, 2010
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    Awesome episode! The grand festival has begun! And yes, I too was surprised that Kenny failed to qualify.

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  • Avatar of Rukia456


    [5]Sep 19, 2010
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    Really good episode. Sucks Kenny lost, though.

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [6]Sep 19, 2010
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    A great start to this awesome arc. All of our cordinator characters were great. Someone had to be eleminated in this round, and Kenny drew the short straw.

    Even reminded us of what is in store for Sinnoh with reminding us Ash still has one more badge to win. Though I thought a better way was to show Paul being interviewed on television and reveal he has 8 badges. Maybe in the last episode of the arc they should do that.

    Anyway next week is one of my favorites of the series. I can't wait.

    Edited on 09/19/2010 4:43pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Sep 19, 2010
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    nyfan wrote:
    Though I thought a better way was to show Paul being interviewed on television and reveal he has 8 badges. Maybe in the last episode of the arc they should do that.

    That would be a good idea if it weren't for the fact that Ash and co. already know that Paul has 8 badges. They found out in "Double-Time Battle Training!"

    Anyway, I thought that this was a good start to the Grand Festival, though I found Kenny kind of annoying somehow... I think it was his voice, but I don't think he got a new VA... Other than that, though, it was interesting to finally see Eevee evolve on-screen for the first time in the anime, and see Fantina appear as guest judge.
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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [8]Sep 19, 2010
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    pikastatic100 wrote:
    nyfan wrote:
    Though I thought a better way was to show Paul being interviewed on television and reveal he has 8 badges. Maybe in the last episode of the arc they should do that.
    That would be a good idea if it weren't for the fact that Ash and co. already know that Paul has 8 badges.

    It is not about Ash finding out, but a simple reminder.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Sep 19, 2010
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    We don't need another reminder, if people can't remember after it being stated twice that's their fault.

    Anyway, I still can't get over how much I love the fact that Kenny was eliminated in the appeals round. Love it.

    Edited on 09/20/2010 8:16am
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [10]Sep 20, 2010
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    poor Kenny. Cyndaquil/Buneary = double cuteness. but I have this strong gut feeling that Dawn's gonna lose the Grand Festival =/ May won last generation ...I doubt they'd let the girl win again. so I think Dawn will lose (I hope I'm wrong though)
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [11]Sep 20, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Anyway, I still can't get over how much I love the fact that Kenny was eliminated in the appeals round. Love it.

    That's kind of a jerky thing to say, isn't it? I mean, after having his Primplup evolve, you'd think he'd give Dawn a real run for the money. Personally, I kind of feel like that this sort renders the victory Kenny got over Dawn back in that contest with Ambipom null and void, which is kind of a shame since that was a good battle.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [12]Sep 20, 2010
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    poor Kenny. Cyndaquil/Buneary = double cuteness. but I have this strong gut feeling that Dawn's gonna lose the Grand Festival =/ May won last generation ...I doubt they'd let the girl win again. so I think Dawn will lose (I hope I'm wrong though)

    May never won....
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [13]Sep 20, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    thec0mebackman wrote:
    poor Kenny. Cyndaquil/Buneary = double cuteness. but I have this strong gut feeling that Dawn's gonna lose the Grand Festival =/ May won last generation ...I doubt they'd let the girl win again. so I think Dawn will lose (I hope I'm wrong though)
    May never won....

    I think he meant that May finally beat Drew.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [14]Sep 20, 2010
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    Awesome episode.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [15]Sep 22, 2010
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    The Grand Festival began and I got to say all the performances were, as Mr. Sukizo would say, remarkable... except for one. And that one is Kenny who I'm surprised to see they got rid of in the Appeal Round, besides from the main character when they want them to go through some character development all the important characters get through and then knocked out in the Battle Rounds. Oh well, we still have plenty of Dawn's rivals already plus Jessie! However I think the most important thing in this episode is what we discovered what possibly maybe the way to get Draco Meteor working... read the review to find out:

    Coordinator Roll Call:
    00:15 - Sorry to sound sexist, but I notice that there are a lot more women in this shot then there are men. I wonder if that means... yay, Brock's happy.
    00:36 - Why is there a girl in the background dressed like a witch? Oh look, Nando's here and here's being interviews by Rhonda... and surprisingly the boom mike didn't fall on her.
    00:54 - Um, very interesting song Nando... ah well, he's still my pick for winning the Grand Festival unless Dawn meets someone new.
    01:19 - Oh course, Dawn is asked for an interview and she imminently begins checking her hair, even Piplup shares our feelings about it.
    02:28 - Um, Nando, Ash & co know about your difficult decision, they helped made up your mind to do both, you don't really need to restate it.
    02:43 - This is interesting, two Nando's Gym Badges that aren't the usual Sinnoh Badges are the same two Barry has. Also the last Badge he's missing is in the impression of the Mine Badge... which brings up a point, does what impression the Badge Case have determine what badges you go after? Shouldn't it not be embossed at all?
    02:59 - And it's Kenny! And seriously, Dawn should just slug Kenny every time he calls her DeeDee (he was the one that gave her that nickname). Though Dawn has gotten over the nickname, though I wonder if the person that "helped" her do that is also here...
    03:32 - Dawn, speak of the electric rabbits and they appear. Why are Ash and Brock surprised Ursula is there? Who else has a Plusle and Minun which does that to Dawn?
    04:07 - And to finish up the rival line-up is Zoey of course. Speaking of her Glameow, why does nobody (except villains) evolve their Glameows even though they had them for a long time? Johanna, Zoey, just because it has "ugly" in its name doesn't mean it can't do a good appeal or battle! Oh yay, your first meeting with Nando, you sure were nice to him back then.
    04:45 - Um Dawn, unless there are two divisions and your both in a different one, for all you know you and Zoey could battle each other the first round!
    05:05 - And last but not least we have Jessie and for some reason Ursula shows a bit of spite (or at least annoyance) at her. Don't know why, I remember Ursula was the one to knock Jessie out of a previous Pokemon Contest.

    Forgetting Those Who Truly Got You Were You Are:
    05:47 - Um, Dawn, I think your Pokemon will have a different say about Ash, Pikachu, and Brock getting you this far. Yay they supported you, but your Pokemon did the actual work!
    06:09 - Draco Meteor? Ash, I think Dawn plans on using Piplup in the Grand Festival. And lol, Ash sounds constipated and how he looks does help. Oh Kenny, well with Piplup far away I guess Draco Meteor needs a new target...
    06:45 - I WAS RIGHT, IT DID AIM FOR KENNY! Um, Ash, didn't you hear Kenny behind you? I mean he did shout your name before you told Gible to use Draco Meteor.
    07:03 - Wait a second, Kenny has an Prinplup! That's why it went for Kenny! Infact it looked like it was going for Kenny's pocket, probably the one where Prinplup Pokeball is! So all Ash needs to do to use Draco Meteor is get a whole batch of Piplup, put them far away in a circle around Gible, and Draco Meteor will work just so it can hit all the Piplups!
    07:12 - Ash, why would Dawn let you have it? A more better line would to "hooking me in to help her train" or "getting away before he pre-contests panicking". Unless you did said something stupid we didn't hear.
    07:30 - Brock is clueless? He's a Pokemon Breeder, how can he be clueless about keeping hair straight, Pokemon hair can't be that different from human hair? And Zoey, Piplup is just happy because it saw Draco Meteor is now going after Kenny outside.
    08:02 - Yes, Pokemon are the stars of Pokemon Contests, but just remember that it was actual Ash, Pikachu, and Brock that helped Dawn get this far.

    To Soon, To Powerful, Gone Today:
    08:26 - Hmm, I wonder who will be judging this competition, I mean it probably isn't the usual three judges that judge the normal Pokemon Contests... *unsurprised gasp* Why, yes, it is them! Come on, at least add in more Nurse Joys like they did in Hoenn... Oh, this one is from Hoenn, according to Brock it's the Lilycove one.
    09:16 - Oh, Lilycove Joy had called two other Joys (Pastoria and Jubilife). So I guess you can say that Joy "called in the clones" *hears angry boos and garbage thrown at him*
    09:28 - Fantina! Well this is a nice surprise. Well Ash, I'm sure Fantina goes back to the Gym once in awhile. Besides you saw Nando's Badge case, there are other Gyms in Sinnoh trainers can go to. Besides this is the Grand Festival, if she was to close a Gym for any event it'll be this one.
    10:02 - Three stages! Well with two at each stage that explains the six judges needed. Anyway first important character up is Ursula.
    00:10 - Two Eevees? I guess someone got a female Eevee to use as a breeding machine for more Eevees...
    00:40 - Evolve? Flareon and Vaporeon! I got to admit that is an amazing appeal, but one question: Where did the fire and water pillars come from? I never recall when a Pokemon evolved with an Evolutionary Stone on the show it created a pillar of that stone's element before now. Also how were they flying, I don't think Hiddne Power lets you fly?
    02:01 - Nando has an Ataria! Well I did say he needed a Pokemon that wasn't weak to Fire-types. Oh and he has a Kricketot... which makes no sense as he already had a Kricketune... know I remember there being Kricketot's in the show before but has Ash or Dawn ever scanned one? This might be the first time they did.
    02:42 - As always, Jessie is getting into involved in her Pokemon's Appeal by having Yanmega attack her... and revealing her wearing a new dress! Certainly impressed Fantina enough to have her begin dancing.
    03:56 - Zoey's up and looks like her Finneon and Shellos evolved into a Lumineon and Gastrodon (West). Zoey even took a page from Jessie and jumped in at the end of the appeal (sure, she just stood on the water pillar, but still joined in nontheless).
    04:43 - Oh, Kenny has a Floatzel and his Prinplup evolved into an Empoleon! Anyway Kenny was going strong but looks like he messed up with a Flash Cannon Whirlpool combo... he might not make it to the Battle Round which is kind of dissapointing, at least have him knocked out by Dawn, Jessie, Zoey, Nando, or Ursula if you want him out that early...
    06:23 - Dawn's next and Buneary creates a... a... oh, "Frozen Roller coaster" (how did Marian know that?) which Cyndaquil begins riding using Flame Wheel with Buneary behind it. I guess it's cute. And now a Ice Beam Smokescreen combo?
    07:25 - WTF? Cyndaquil is flapping its back flames like wings and Buneary is in an ice orb under it... is that suppose to be symbolic of something? Wait, what happened to her previous Fire Ice Combo that had Cyndaquil inside the ice ball?
    09:05 - So everyone made it in... except Kenny. Anyway Kenny decides to go off and train for the next Grand Festival but says he'll be rooting for Dawn (hey, why not just stay and watch, it'll just be for a few episodedays). Well that ends the first part of the Grand Festival.

    Edited on 09/22/2010 8:04pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [19]Sep 23, 2010
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    thec0mebackman wrote:
    poor Kenny. Cyndaquil/Buneary = double cuteness. but I have this strong gut feeling that Dawn's gonna lose the Grand Festival =/ May won last generation ...I doubt they'd let the girl win again. so I think Dawn will lose (I hope I'm wrong though)

    May never won....

    really?! woah... well I never watched the Battle Frontier cus I was so angry they changed the voices. it was my silent protest, hah ...who won then, Drew? sorry off-topic
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Sep 23, 2010
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    thec0mebackman wrote:
    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    thec0mebackman wrote:
    poor Kenny. Cyndaquil/Buneary = double cuteness. but I have this strong gut feeling that Dawn's gonna lose the Grand Festival =/ May won last generation ...I doubt they'd let the girl win again. so I think Dawn will lose (I hope I'm wrong though)
    May never won....
    really?! woah... well I never watched the Battle Frontier cus I was so angry they changed the voices. it was my silent protest, hah ...who won then, Drew? sorry off-topic

    A new introduced character named Solidad. Interestingly a lot of characters know her:

    Drew knows as she beaten in their first Pokemon Contest and have become friends since. Brock knows her as she is from Pewter City and they saw each other often (it should be noted that despite being a beautiful girl Brock doesn't flirt with her, probably because he knows her already). Finally Harley also knows her but nothing much is said about that except she thinks he's an interesting person. She made a quick cameo appearance along with Drew and Harley in the Wallace Cup watching May's performance (as for some reason, despite winning the Kanto Grand Festival, she went to Johto to continue competing in Pokemon Contests).

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