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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: League Unleashed!

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Nov 27, 2010
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    Woohoo I get to make one for once

    Ash's first match in the league! Vs Nando who will win...oh wait it was ash...who knew...>_>

    Conway being creepy as usual

    and stuff about TR that no one cares about

    Go Quilava! Go Heracross! back from Johto to kick butt to make up for the lack of interest back then!

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [2]Nov 27, 2010
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    This was an awesome one. I loved seeing Paul's reaction to Ash's battle. But I'm getting a little creeped out at "Conway's creeper" status ( how he moves in and out so fast.) o.0

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [3]Nov 27, 2010
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    Awesome episode! Ash defeats Nando and advances to the next round of the Sinnoh League!

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [4]Nov 27, 2010
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    One of the things that is good about not seeing spoilers in that you get surprised, and boy was I surprised. I knew that Ash would beat Nando, but I didn't know how. I was sure after last week's episode that Quilava would be his ringer. It also shows that you can't believe title images. I mean, I wasn't expecting to see Heracross at all from the opening sequence. Also, it's amazing how Ash's reserves have gotten so strong. I mean, first Cyndaquil showed that it knew Flame Wheel, then when it evolved, it learned Eruption, now it is shown to know Aerial Ace? And Heracross knows Sleep Talk and Focus Punch now? This episode was full of surprises. And as for that trainer with the Darkrai, will, it looks like as one of Ash's rivals leaves, a new one takes his place. Overall, exciting and I look forward to more.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [5]Nov 27, 2010
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    The dubbers really need to keep the background music, they replaced Hold My Breath(Quilava VS Armaldo), and Counterattack(Heracross VS Kricketune), Those 2 great songs made the battle that much more exciting, but that dub music made me skip most of the battle.-_- It really did.

    That's my only complaint with the episode.... who would want to watch an episode with crappy music? I know its mostly a kids show but why rape the episode with that dub music? I can't be the only one who at least agrees with me somewhat?=/

    Edited on 11/27/2010 12:41pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [6]Nov 27, 2010
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    A great start to the Sinnoh League. It was awesome to see Ash use some good strategy with Heracross, compared to strategy he uses most of the time. It was definitely a great precursor to the excitement to come.
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [7]Nov 27, 2010
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    Barry, you should be scared when it comes to Darkrai. People online on PBR give a big "Screw you" to the Sleep Clause, and have their Darkrai spam Dark Void. That's one reason why it's banned in official Nintendo tournaments. And when he's talking to Brock and Dawn, and later Conway,look at the people around them. They all have the same blank look on their faces.

    Edited on 11/27/2010 4:36pm
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [8]Nov 28, 2010
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    Finally, the Sinnoh League is here! A great start to what looks like a thrilling competition. Smile

    Nando is so ridiculous that he cracks me up everytime he appears. Team Rocket was awesome this time around, and their dialogue was actually pretty witty!

    Ok, that woman who is the head of merchandise definitely reminds me of Sarah Palin. Tongue out

    Conway is such a strange guy. I also loved the Barry/Conway bit during the match. BTW, the guy's face to the left of Dawn was hilarious! I still don't know why Ash would use his Heracross against Kricketune, but a win is a win.

    Also, I'm not sure, but I think I saw a slight goof. When James was holding up the boxes of snacks with the pictures of Solrock and Lunatone, he said "Baltoy Rice Crackers," and then mentioned "Solrock (something)," but failed to mention anything Lunatone-related.

    Anyway, this episode is a fineintro to the Sinnoh League and I love the waythe identity of the trainer with the Darkrai is kept unknown. Excited to seethe future match-ups!

    "League Unleashed!" receives a 9.0!

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [9]Nov 28, 2010
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    I'm surprised. The battle is so cut up that it's not a great intro. If they didn't have half the battle cut out it would be great.

    BAC510 wrote:

    The dubbers really need to keep the background music, they replaced Hold My Breath(Quilava VS Armaldo), and Counterattack(Heracross VS Kricketune), Those 2 great songs made the battle that much more exciting, but that dub music made me skip most of the battle.-_- It really did.

    That's my only complaint with the episode.... who would want to watch an episode with crappy music? I know its mostly a kids show but why rape the episode with that dub music? I can't be the only one who at least agrees with me somewhat?=/

    99% of the world could care less. If you actually like a show your not going to skip something because you don't like the music.
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  • Avatar of stevemagegod


    [10]Nov 28, 2010
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    Okay Episode. I like the fact that Ash will be using more of his Pokemon from the original series that he has caught.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [11]Nov 29, 2010
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    great start for the League. but that battle was a bit short. nice match-ups but I hated how they cut off Quilava's premiere battle. I mean helloo... let him/her shine. at least it won, ishh. Heracross is a beast. definitely saved the best for last. I loved the Focus Punch vs. Fury Cutter head-on battle. that's what Pokemon battles should be all about! the Megahorn-Horn Attack combo was siick. can't wait for the next match

    edit: that mysterious trainer with the Darkrai. could the writers have made it any more obvious? ugh.... I totally know where this is going. if they are introducing this guy as the strongest one so far, then he will be Ash's last opponent. so I'm guessing Ash beats Paul (finally) & Ash will face the mysterious guy. I mean why else would they add him in the end of the episode? total foreshadow. I hope I'm wrong so I'll be surprised at least. oh &.... ASH BETTER WIN the League. if he loses to that Darkrai trainer I will be terribly upset

    Edited on 11/29/2010 11:56pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Dec 1, 2010
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    The Sinnoh League has started and beside them cutting out all but the last moves of the Quilava and Armaldo battle it was nicely done. Ash has already taken down one of his rivals and now two more left to go, in addition with news of a trainer who uses a Darkrai (I guess the Heatran Trainer isn't as good at using a Legendary, actually what would have been interesting to see was if the opponent Darkrai took out was the Heatran since *SPOILERS!* we're never going to see it again making me think it was a mistake). Oh and we once again are beginning our "Team Rocket making money instead of causing problems" "plot" which right now seems kind of dull (which is bad because it was the reason a bit of the Quilava and Armaldo battle was skipped!). Anyway onto comments:

    The Best Bug And Weed Killer:
    00:24 - Um, Nando, I think all of you trainers are suppose to keep in formation.
    00:30 - More like after you met Ash & co. you decided to do both the Sinnoh League and Sinnoh Grand Festival.
    00:37 - Why is everyone still looking up, it should only take a few seconds to find who you're battling? Actually why is everyone still on the field, shouldn't they be told to go back inside to prepare for their matches?
    00:43 - Hold it *counts matches* 32 matches meaning there are 64 trainers... don't know why I mentioned it but the numbers were there so why not.
    01:45 - Um Brock, did you forget Nando has an Altaria and Lopunny? Though Ice-type would still be a good type to choose so maybe have Glalie? Also Poison-types are handy against Grass-types and resist Bug-type moves too, making Muk an option.
    01:57 - Ash, you forgot Quilava (which you just evolved an episode ago), Torkoal, and Noctowl! Okay true Infernape and Staraptor would be the stronger choices for Fire- and Flying-type, but he also mentioned Swellow which is on the same level as Noctowl.
    02:11 - Guys, Altaria, if anything that one you should be a bit more worried about as it's part Dragon-type (though like I said Glalie would be very useful against it)!
    02:27 - While I don't know about strategies, I would think everyone would try to pick their Pokemon depending on type advantage.
    02:42 - At this point I would normally argue how does Ash know he won't be facing Paul in an ealier match, but then again Dawn said she'll be facing Zoey in the finals and, well, they did.
    02:52 - Ash, did you really think PAUL was going to give back some encouragement?

    Setting Things Up With Usual Gags:
    03:18 - What's wrong with Team Rocket? Shouldn't they give that expression after they picked thier numbers and found out they got the worst spot? Oh nevermind, they all already picked.
    03:33 - Question, why is spot 139 all alone up there, shouldn't there at least be a row of other spots next to it, there is enough room for like 2 more.
    04:18 - From what Ash just said, it sounded like Ash never thought the other trainers in the previous Pokemon Leagues were at least as good as him, well at least until he got defeated.
    04:22 - How? You use several different types of Pokemon. Unless Nando knows people relate his preferences to Grass- and Bug-types and would prepare counters for Fire-, Ice-, and Flying-types, (and Poison-types).
    04:30 - Here's an idea Ash, being you can use 3 Pokemon pick a type which is strong against both Grass- and Bug-types (which is Fire or Flying), a neutral type, and then a type which counters any counters Nando can come up with.
    04:52 - Okay I know stars can be different colors and several planets appear as different color stars, but that's just ridiculous.
    05:25 - THAT'S YOUR USUAL STRATEGY! What, did the writers think we'd forgot that Ash trusts his Pokemon? Even Ash says it always has been that way!
    05:56 - CRASH!
    06:41 - Well we've already seen Nando, Paul, and Barry, I guess see Conway was inevitable (to the dismay of Dawn).
    06:59 - Creepy...
    08:23 - What was that about?... Even Barry doesn't know! Hmm, long messy haired trainer guy wearing a red poncho, I'll put that down under "Plot Point(?)".
    08:40 - Gah! What's wrong with the audience, are they all stoned or something?

    Not Getting To See Much:
    09:22 - Oof, maybe you should have blown it away?
    10:10 - Well that was quick, maybe a bit overkill even.
    10:33 - Armaldo! Ah, clever, a Bug/Rock-type, I don't think Ash prepared for that (well unless he prepared for a Rock-type counter being Rock-types are strong against Fire-, Flying-, and Ice-types).
    00:20 - Been hit several times? It only got hit by a Razor Leaf (not counting Sweet Scent as that did no damage), if anything it's the recoil from Brave Bird that's hurting it.
    01:00 - What's wrong Barry? Incredible trainer, are you still going on that... DARKRAI! Wait, so there is Heatran & Darkrai trainer in the Sinnoh League? Is there a Cresselia and Regigigas one too?
    01:32 - You JUST noticed? Hold it, why did you run in here if you didn't know Ash was having a battle? Were you just freaking out upstairs and saw Dawn and Brock sitting in the front row?
    01:48 - Quilava! I guess Ash went with just preparing for Grass- and Bug-types, meaning Armaldo might take down Quilava before Ash could defeat it.
    02:13 - Well for one thing the Swablu Cotton Candy has touched your hair so I don't think they'll want that. Were Team Rocket communicating telepathically right there?
    02:59 - No it's not, it's call "Free Samples", you give people a bit of your merchandise and hopefully there will be a few who will be willing to go out of the way to buy more.
    03:03 - HEY! Don't skip some bits of the battle! There are a few people who actually been waiting for Cyndaquil to evolve to Quilava and wanted to see it battle! Oh, Quilava knows Aerial Ace!
    03:39 - A double knock-out? Cheap, I mean I wouldn't have that much of a problem if they at least showed up some more of Quilava battling!

    Creeps Of Bugs, Stalker, & Legendary:
    03:56 - Kricketune, why? Nando just showed he perfectly knows people think of him as a Grass- and Bug-type trainer, if anything now he'll be picking something neutral like his Lopunny or another counter like Altaria.
    04:00 - Conway how long have you been there? Even Barry didn't notice him (though then again there is a lot of things Barry doesn't notice).
    04:31 - Oh, Brock was right, okay I guess Nando only planned Armaldo as his only counter. Oh, Heracross! I guess Ash went with a neutral choice... that or while on the phone with Professor Oak his Bulbasaur begged Ash to take Heracross away for a while.
    04:45 - Heracross is also a Fighting-type which *checks Bulbapedua* GAH! Scratch what I said, Bug-types resist Fighting-types! I guess as long Ash stays with Bug-type attacks he'll be fine.
    05:26 - Heracross knows Sleep Talk? And Focus Punch? Actually just checking now Focus Punch is Heracross's first Fighting-type move... too bad it was against a Bug-type.
    06:03 - I think the writer's forgot Fighting-types are resisted by Bug-types.
    06:21 - And you didn't feel this way when Zoey began beating you in the Grand Festival? Okat yay Contest Battles are different from Pokemon Battles, but for all the other battles and Gym Battles Nando had to go through, now he's experiencing the "rush" of a head-to-head battle?
    07:08 - THERE is the ol' Ash battling style, seemingly unorthodox until he actually reveals what he had just planned!
    07:42 - Still creepy...
    08:33 - Why? Did they sumbit a complaint that they wanted a better location? Does she know it's a bad location for vendors? It's kind of random to decide you wanted to give them a better location even though we didn't see them complain to her or any other official about where they were placed.
    08:54 - I always giggle when the writers put in those "maybe/hope we meet again" lines.
    09:47 - The Darkrai Trainer is even in the end title card, that can only mean Ash will probably be battling him... and being he's a new character just introduced he'll be the one to knock out Ash, status quo is god.

    Edited on 12/01/2010 2:56pm
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [14]Dec 1, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    The Sinnoh League has started and beside them cutting out all but the last moves of the Quilava and Armaldo battle it was nicely done. Nando has already taken down one of his rivals and now two more left to go, in addition with news of a trainer who uses a Darkrai (I guess the Heatran Trainer isn't as good at using a Legendary, actually what would have been interesting to see was if the opponent Darkrai took out was the Heatran since *SPOILERS!* we're never going to see it again making me think it was a mistake).

    I thought Nando lost the battle?

    Edited on 12/01/2010 2:41pm
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [16]Dec 2, 2010
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    EddyBob15 wrote:

    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    The Sinnoh League has started and beside them cutting out all but the last moves of the Quilava and Armaldo battle it was nicely done. Nando has already taken down one of his rivals and now two more left to go, in addition with news of a trainer who uses a Darkrai (I guess the Heatran Trainer isn't as good at using a Legendary, actually what would have been interesting to see was if the opponent Darkrai took out was the Heatran since *SPOILERS!* we're never going to see it again making me think it was a mistake).

    I thought Nando lost the battle?

    Well yea, Pikachu315111 obviously made an oopsy right there.

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