Torferleon248 wrote: |
I really felt bad for Croagank, and when Buizel showed his move- Sparkly!
Did any body else notice while they were running, Officer Jenny turned into Ash. |
i noticed it. it was weirdO.o
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Torferleon248 wrote: |
I really felt bad for Croagank, and when Buizel showed his move- Sparkly!
Did any body else notice while they were running, Officer Jenny turned into Ash. |
i noticed it. it was weirdO.o
I think what I'm going to say next will give you an idea of what I thought of this episode: I can't wait for the next part! Nothing I can really say that I haven't covered in my review so here ya go:
Un-planned Events:
* A plane being driven by police, wonder what's going on... hey, that's Adamant Orb! But it's suppose to be in the Eterna Museum.
* Golbat? Helicopter? Toxicroak! There is only one group that we know that has all three of those... Team Galactic.
* And here is out favorite protagonists getting ready to head out. But that doesn't look like anti-Hypnosis training though.
* Oh, so Ash was practicing anti-Hypnosis training (don't know why they aren't saying the move by name though). Basically, they're gonna spin and fire off attacks every which way.
* LOL! Calm down Brock, Happiny just wanted to help you unpack while you wait for Ash to be done.
Distracted By Surprises:
* The Adamant Orb was stolen. Now all they need is the Lustrous Orb and then they could... could... well I don't know since they didn't steal the orbs in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum.
* And not only that, they also got the meteorites in Veilstone City too! Guess Ash and co.'s effort to stop them the first time pretty much went down the drain.
* Now I see, they were taking the Adamant Orb to a research center in Celestic Town which currently has the Lustrous Orb. Shouldn't be too hard to guess everyone's next destination.
* Cynthia's coming to Celestic Town too? Wow, full of surprises in the first 5 minutes of this episode! *Sigh* Brock, save your flirting for Cynthia... um... what's with Croagunk?
* Hmm... Croagunk didn't like Saturn's Toxicroak very much, so maybe Croagunk is anticipating itself for a battle with it. And of course Team Rocket plans on getting the Lostrous Orb.
Champion & Boss Meet Up:
* And right off the bat Ash and co. run into Cynthia! Guess she got home earlier then expected. And we're intoduced to Cynthia's grandmother, Carolina.
* To be honest I'm surprised Cynthia remembers Ash and co. distinctly. It wasn't like anything big happened in that episode except her battling Paul. But on the other hand, Team Galacitc has a reason to know who Ash and co. are.
* Actually it wasn't a battle AGAINST Paul as more of a battle PARTNERED with Paul. And what does Carolina mean by "still"? Ash didn't battle Cynthia, though he would get creamed either way.
* PFFT... *cough*cough*... Cyrus?!?! This is, um, interesting and unexpected. Normally I play along with the plotline but... well...
* Hey, Mars too (knew that female voice belonged to either Mars or Jupiter, kind of obvious). All we need now is the appearance of Jupiter and Pluto and we'll be set!
* *Sigh* Yes Brock, Team Galactic is getting ready for world domination and your flirting with Cynthia. Though unfortunely can't enjoy it since you're used to Croagunk attacking you by now!
* *Double sigh* If Meowth would have talked that would have been the quickest "discovered while in disguise" time yet.
Telling Them Off-Guard:
* I wonder how they are able to get exact images of Dialga and Palkia even though they aren't suppose to have ever been seen?
* And coming up to a design of the Lake Trio it is time for Ash and co. to supply a little surprise of their own. Too bad no one saw Uxie yet though for obvious reasons.
* No Cynthia, I think that sun-looking thing in the middle us suppose to represent Arceus. Afterall, Arceus did create the Lake Trio from itself and those looks like pointers coming from the sun and at the Lake Trio.
* Huh? What's with all the dynamite around the ruins? Blowing the place sky high is kind of dangerous as you might hit the reseach center (and Lustrous Orb) too.
* Whoa Cyrus! Take it easy! You know that it's part of Team Galactics plan and we know it's part of Team Galactic's plan but no one else knows it's part of Team Galactic's plan!
* The Dawn of time? No, the Lutrous Orb is associated with Palkia, such as the Adamant Orb is associated with Dialga.
* Peacenik isn't the word I would use to describe Cyrus, even this is the first time we ever heard of him. Basketcase comes to mind first so we'll use that. What's with the countdown on his watch for?
* Why Mesprit and Azelf chose you? Let's see, Mesprit is the Emotion Pokemon and you Dawn are very extreme in what you're feeling. Azelf is the Will Pokemon and you Ash are hard-headed and don't take times to think before acting. In other words, you two are pure emotion and will.
Surrounded And Jabbed:
* Yay, the countdown was for the dynamite explosions. I know, I know. Wonder what's with them having their Golbat swarm for though?
* Team Galactic have landed and with a howl from Toxicroak it's time for Croagunk to finish the battle it started with it.
* A quick Brick Break from Garchomp stopped Bronzor from doing Hypnosis... hmm, now where have we heard that move mentioned before.
* NO! CROAGUNK! Poison Jabbed right in the gut, and hard! After this whole deal they better get it to a Pokemon Center, as I'm sure it won't be the only one hurt after this!
EddyBob15 wrote: |
Hey, Pikachu, do you think that Croagunk will meet up with Toxicroak again in the future? And if so, do you think Croagunk will get his revenge? |
Don't know. I doubt Croagunk will let this sitting down if it sees Saturn's Toxicroak again.
starlit_angel wrote: |
A great first half of this two part saga. I was surprised to hear Lisa Ortiz being the voice behind Mars... With the same voice, boots, and skirt style she now reminds me of Amy Rose from the Sonic series... Wether thats a good or bad thing is beyond me. Cynthia makes a return with her Grandma who doesn't miss a thing and Cyrus appears pretending to be a good guy and about to fail at it with his ego. Ash and Dawn just had to tell this guy where you they Mesprit and Azelf, didn't they? Team Rocket actually did well with there infiltration to nab the orb, but too bad team Galactic had to come and ruin it... Poor Croagunk, it didn't deserve that kind of a beating... Anyways, that raps up my voice of opinion on this episode. |
starlit_angel wrote: |
A great first half of this two part saga. I was surprised to hear Lisa Ortiz being the voice behind Mars... With the same voice, boots, and skirt style she now reminds me of Amy Rose from the Sonic series... Wether thats a good or bad thing is beyond me. Cynthia makes a return with her Grandma who doesn't miss a thing and Cyrus appears pretending to be a good guy and about to fail at it with his ego. Ash and Dawn just had to tell this guy where you they Mesprit and Azelf, didn't they? Team Rocket actually did well with there infiltration to nab the orb, but too bad team Galactic had to come and ruin it... Poor Croagunk, it didn't deserve that kind of a beating... Anyways, that raps up my voice of opinion on this episode. |
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
I think what I'm going to say next will give you an idea of what I thought of this episode: I can't wait for the next part! Nothing I can really say that I haven't covered in my review so here ya go: Un-planned Events: Distracted By Surprises: Champion & Boss Meet Up: Telling Them Off-Guard: Surrounded And Jabbed: |