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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Mastering Current Events!

Do you miss Gliscor?

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Apr 24, 2010
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    goodbye gliscor....

    let's hope we'll see it again one day

    Edited on 04/24/2010 4:48am
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [2]Apr 24, 2010
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    I didn't know someone was putting up the same Episode Discussion post as I was when I was doing it. I guess I need to be quicker. Anyway, here's my post from the other thread:

    Well, once again, we see a 'parting ways' episode. This one was especially depressing, considering that Gliscor masters a new move. At least Gliscor's decision to leave the group made more sense than why Ambipom split! And who knows? Perhaps Ash will see Gliscor again. After all, why else have one of Ash's Poke's leave the group when Ash is this close to participating in the Sinnoh League? It makes sense that it's so Ash can get a seventh Poke to be used in the league. Anyway, here's hoping if/when we see Gliscor again, it'll be as powerful as Gliscor should be.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Apr 24, 2010
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    that's becuase I type while watching the episode and post it right as soon as it ends

    but now ash is down to 5 pokemon

    I sense foreshadowing...

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [4]Apr 24, 2010
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    I'm going to summarize my 1 hour Gliscor montage in one word: NO! I'll miss Gliscor, one of Ash's best Pokemon ever.
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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [5]Apr 24, 2010
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    Gliscor. Why couldn't it be Buizel T.T
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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [6]Apr 24, 2010
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    I've noticed a pattern with 4 of Ash's teams where he catches a 6th Pokemon before the League starts, and it doesn't really get used much.

    Johto: Phanpy. Only used once due to Ash's first opponent Macy having an Electabuzz, and KOd her Slugma.

    Hoenn: Snorunt. Lost against Juan due to inexperience, and evolved into Glalie during the Grand Festival while trying to stop TR from going after Robert. He used Glalie a lot during the League, but only because he was going by his "only use Pokemon caught in Hoenn" plan.

    Kanto Battle Frontier: Aipom.After multiple attempts during the Grand Festival, Ash finally catches it. It doesn't really do much of anything. Later on, it helps Ash beat Roark's Geodude and Gardenia's Roserade. Then he trades it off for Dawn's Buizel.


    . He helps it to learn an attack, and then catches it. We don't really know how good it'll be, and all it's been good for is a running gag with Piplup while trying to master said attack.

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [7]Apr 24, 2010
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    Shiny_missingno wrote:

    that's becuase I type while watching the episode and post it right as soon as it ends

    Isn't that a little evil. Considering that others may want to put up an episode discussion and your hogging it all the time? I don't even bother waking up at 4am just to put up an episode discussion...... that's just crazy, exception was the Ambipom Episode but you get my point....

    Aside from that, I'll miss Gliscormost definitely. Considering that the Sinnoh League is too close, I will say that Gliscor does return.

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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [8]Apr 24, 2010
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    Oh come on...Gliscor was pretty much barely used anyways, and then they kick him off the team. Awww.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [9]Apr 24, 2010
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    I'll miss it too.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [10]Apr 24, 2010
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    now that little Gligy is gone let's look back at the good times

    I remember when it was a little gligar always crashing into ash...it surprised me when ash caught it

    I mean come on...who seriously expected ash to catch a Gligar of all pocket monsters...

    then we went several episodes before we knew how it fights....man that was annoying wait for 3 attacks

    then it evolved...into a pokemon I never expected ash to obtain this season a Gliscor

    then he was used in several (not many though) battles...

    and it all comes to this Ash caught a pokemon and gave it away in the same season..how cruel

    and we all know gliscor wasnt there for a premier because paul caught one in the same episode it premiered..so I just ask...what was the point of catching it if gliscor was to be released...it's the same as ambipom

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [11]Apr 24, 2010
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    BAC510 wrote:
    Aside from that, I'll miss Gliscormost definitely. Considering that the Sinnoh League is too close, I will say that Gliscor does return.

    Gut feeling or do you have proof? I'm not mocking it, I just want to know why you feel that way.

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  • Avatar of PinKunoichi


    [12]Apr 25, 2010
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    I have a feeling we'll see Gliscor again, and here's why: Unlike Ambipom's departure, this episode in a whole reminded me a lot of when Ash left Charizard behind to be trained... Battle against a strong opponent in a unique setting (Charicific Valley/ This windy canyon), the protagonist's Pokemon loses miserably to a stronger more experienced Pokemon owned by the person in charge of the place (Liza and Charla/ Makan and Scizor), the Pokemon endure a night of training or self discipline in order to battle again and ends up being offered to stay there to be trained to get stronger after proving itself. We've seen Charizard return many times before after being left for training, and from all this I believe we'll see Gliscor again, most likely in the Sinnoh league.

    Edited on 04/25/2010 6:40am
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Apr 25, 2010
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    NO! Gliscor! You were barely used before and now that you learned an awesome move you're now leaving! Yes, you heard right, Gliscor has left Ash's party after having learned a powerful move to train on learning to "read the wind". Truth be told it's more like how Charizard left except for Gliscor it's purely for training while Charizard had another motive. Anyway this episode was much better then the last episode and we got two great battles, especially with the 2nd battle! Though as you'll read in my review I really didn't like the McCann character, I understand he's an "Air Battle Master" but he openly admits he based whether a trainer is strong or not on first glances though acts nice about it, with his granddaughter Maya also doing the same. Whether he's a jerk or not, his title does ring true and Gliscor will definitely learn how to "read the wind" from him. Though of course whether we'll see this or not we don't know as Ash has made "I'll come back for you" promises in the past which... well onto the review:

    Being Blown Away & Apart:
    * Ash, and guys are always lost. Though surprisingly instead of sending out Staraptor to go look around Ash sends out Gliscor!
    * But of course Gliscor leads them to a cliff, but the odd thing is that Gliscor is under attack by a Scizor! But as Gliscor gets away we witness a battle between Scizor and a Chimecho!
    * Scizor uses Metal Claw but Chimecho uses Psywave to knock it back. But Scizor then uses Double Hit which sends Chimecho flying back and bonking Piplup in the head *sigh*.
    * Dawn tends to Piplup as a little girl comes down in a hot air balloon which is the apparent owner of Chimecho. Then an old man comes down with the Scizor in his balloon. So who are these characters?
    * Back at the old guy's house, we go through the usual "this-is-apparently-a-well-known-character-but-Ash-doesn't-know-who-it-is". However Dawn recovers for Ash and reveals the guy to be known as a "Air Battle Master"; McCann.
    * McCann is apparently retired and his granddaughter is... trying to inherit the "Air Battle Master" title? They don't really explain... but McCann then goes on to explain the valley wind currents are great for air battles.
    * Wait, so McCann doesn't train trainers who come to learn some "air battling" tricks from him because he deems them weak? I don't know about you, but that makes him sound like a jerk! I mean if the reason was because he's retired then that's understandable, but because he thinks the trainer is weak?
    * Eitherway trainers still leave their Pokemon behind for him to train. Gliscor gets the urge for a battle and after some convincing McCann agrees. And as soon as the battle begins... Gliscor slams into a rock pillar.
    * Gliscor tries to attack again but Scizor uses the wind to get behind it and do a Metal Claw. Gliscor recovers but it then hit by a Double Hit. Crashing on a top of a pillar, Gliscor tries a Sand-Attack but the wind blows it away.
    * Another Metal Claw and Double Hit and Gliscor is getting its wings handed to it. However if Gliscor can land that Fire Fang which Scizor is quadruple weak to maybe it can pull back... well Double Team ruined that.
    * Ash, why are you using another Steel Wing when Fire Fang is considerably better? Anyway Scizor dodges it with Dawn making the 100th comment about it (Okay, we get it, Scizor is using the wind to help it battle, stop commenting on it!).
    * We go to Team Rocket floating through the valley looking for Ash & co. (if they knew they lost them in the forest which we know is above the valley why are they looking in the valley?) but spots them in the hot air balloon... and then crahs into a pillar, puncture a hole, and are sent blasting off.
    * Deciding to end this, McCann has Scizor perform a Hyper Beam. Though hit, Ash tells Gliscor to recover and do a Fire Fang while Scizor is paralyze, but find out Scizor flew too high up for Gliscor to catch it in time. One Double Hit later and Gliscor is down.

    That Scizor Really Should Have Fainted From Two Fire-Type Attacks:
    * Upon losing the granddaughter says Gliscor is weak while McCann said there was better ways to waste time (I'm confused whether we're suppose to hate these characters or think they are "wise", because I'm more leaning toward the hate) and McCann tells Ash the basic of air battling is to read the air currents... hold it, didn't Ash already beat a Scizor by having his Sceptile use air currents in AG166 "Curbing the Crimson Tide"?
    * They finally reveal the granddaughter's name is Maya and invites Ash & co. to stay in the guest house.
    * Later we see Gliscor crying about the loss, then later barely eating any food, and finally when Ash tries to recall it it refuses with Brock saying it has a lot to think about.
    * That night Pikachu and Ash finds Gliscor outside staring at the moon and decide to take a try at "reading the wind". Dawn also shows up with confetti she made to help Gliscor "see the wind" and they continue training, and Gliscor lands right into Team Rocket's basket.
    * Gliscor seems strangely calm even though it's right in front of its trainer's enemies as it, through Meowth, explains why its flying out late at night. However soon the wind picks up, Gliscor flies out, and Team Rocket goes blasting off. Back to "reading the wind" then.
    * After another round of convicing, McCann except Ash's re-challenge with the "killing time" excuse . The battle starts off good, good as in not crashing into the first stone pillar. Unfortunetly it missed with an X-Scissor (which wouldn't have done that much damage even if it did land).
    * Gliscor manages to dodge Scizor's Metal Claw and one of the hits from Double Hit, but the second hit landed. But Gliscor uses the fall to use a Sand-Attack to blind Scizor and then land a quadruple damage Fire Fang which even McCann admits wasn't bad!
    * A Double Hit knocks Gliscor back and as it does another Fire Fang Scizor does a Double Team (I guess McCann uses Double Team when someone tries using a Fire-type move on Scizor) but still saw through the fakes and hit Scizor for another quadruple damage!
    * And if things couldn't get any better for Gliscor, it has just learned to use Giga Impact (which is a bit odd since it can only do so through a TM) and lands a direct hit! And like what Scizor did with Hyper Beam, Gliscor flew up to high for Scizor to take adventage of the paralyze time from doing Giga Impact.
    * Gliscor and Scizor hit each other and then attack again... ASH! WHY ARE YOU USING X-SCISSOR! Seriously, use Fire Fang, even Steel Wing deals neutral damage, or maybe another Giga Impact! Anyway, Scizor does a Double Hit and sends Gliscor flying back.
    * Ash tells Gliscor to do another Giga Impact while McCann has Scizor do Hyper Beam, which is kind of interesting being both moves are the same except one is physical and the other is special... but is all for naught as Hyper Beam hit Gliscor before it could even get flying.
    * And with that Gliscor lost again, but hey, it learned how to "read a wind" and even Giga Impact and being the next Gym is an Electric-type one Gliscor pretty much has top billin... What? Leave Gliscor here for training?! McCann tells Ash that he thinks Gliscor woudl make an excellent pupil and says he felt the same thing with his Scizor.
    * Gliscor being going through all its been through with Ash from him catching it as a Gligar, evolving it to a Gliscor, and defeating Byron's Bastiodon. Ash then gives Gliscor the decision to stay with the group or to train, and Gliscor made the decision to train meaning Gliscor is leaving and Ahs now has 5 Pokemon.
    * Team Rocket are watching from a bit away and they are too touched by Gliscor leaving to interrupt them. They still get in a word saying that it's probably better for them to wait before they "steal it" (um, Team Rocket, aren't you after mainly Pikachu?) before bursting into tears.
    * And with that Ash & co. leave with Ash promising to get Gliscor back one day (yay, ask Ash's Pidgeot how good Ash is with those promises) and as they leave Gliscor flies a bit behind them, sheds a few tears, and then flies back as Ash & co. head toward Dawn's next Pokemon Contest.

    Edited on 04/27/2010 8:03pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Apr 27, 2010
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    you mean staraptor right?

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [15]May 31, 2010
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    Gliscor wasnt doing any good on his team. One gym battle and his voice sounds babyish. Glad its gone for a more pwn pokemon, Gible =D
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  • Avatar of sergkiller


    [16]May 31, 2010
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    lostfan111 wrote:
    Gliscor wasnt doing any good on his team. One gym battle and his voice sounds babyish. Glad its gone for a more pwn pokemon, Gible =D

    Oh yeah. I much rather have the writers go back to what they did in Kanto. Just get a Pokemon and release it with no signs of it being seen again? I loved that.

    By the by, Gible isn't a more "pwn" Pokemon, considering at this moment in time it's Ash's weakest Pokemon on his team, and second weakest overall [first being Totodile]. It has about 15 more Japanese episodes for it to shape up and do something, or else it's going to end up as the Phanpy of this generation, only this time, they had to get rid of [not Oak, get RID of] Gliscor, which had extreme potential to be a force to be reckoned with [it almost took down Paul's strongest for Christ's sake].

    Oh, and not doing any good? What about the rest of his Pokemon aside from that uber fire monkey of his? What? They aren't doing any good either? That's what I thought. Gible is going to be remembered as the Pokemon that replaced something amazing [and on a much lesser note, a Pokemon with a God awful running gag.]
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [17]May 31, 2010
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    sergkiller wrote:
    Gible is going to be remembered as the Pokemon that replaced something amazing [and on a much lesser note, a Pokemon with a God awful running gag.]

    While I do agree I would rather have Ash having Gliscor, Gible's running gag is awesome. IT'S TRYING TO KILL DAWN'S PIPLUP, THE WESLEY OF POKEMON, HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME!

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  • Avatar of sergkiller


    [18]May 31, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    sergkiller wrote:
    Gible is going to be remembered as the Pokemon that replaced something amazing [and on a much lesser note, a Pokemon with a God awful running gag.]

    While I do agree I would rather have Ash having Gliscor, Gible's running gag is awesome. IT'S TRYING TO KILL DAWN'S PIPLUP, THE WESLEY OF POKEMON, HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME!

    It got dragged on too long. First episode it was fine, second episode was bearable, after that it was annoying. And they used it as a homing missile in one episode because they thought it'd find [and subsequently hit] Piplup.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [19]May 31, 2010
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    hay hey HEY!

    keep that in the anime thread

    spoiling... (being a total hypocrite am I)

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [20]May 31, 2010
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:

    sergkiller wrote:
    Gible is going to be remembered as the Pokemon that replaced something amazing [and on a much lesser note, a Pokemon with a God awful running gag.]

    While I do agree I would rather have Ash having Gliscor, Gible's running gag is awesome. IT'S TRYING TO KILL DAWN'S PIPLUP, THE WESLEY OF POKEMON, HOW IS THAT NOT AWESOME!

    Let's see how you feel about it about 25 episodes from now.
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