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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Memories are Made of Bliss!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Feb 5, 2011
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    Well here we be at another journey conclusion and cast change. Goodbye Dawn, you will be missed......Brock....not so much. Don't forget that Movie 13 premieres tonight.

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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [2]Feb 5, 2011
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    I missed it, due to a college class. But I'll watch it later. And How CAN YOU NOT MISS BROCK. I MEAN REALLY???!!! D:


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  • Avatar of honorableninja


    [3]Feb 5, 2011
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    l love this episode so much the scene between pikachu and piplup was so heartwarming and i love them using the theme song during flint battle with chyitina guess if a full verison not in the movie it will do and i going to the movie soon the black and white tour is stopped by me so i get to see zoroak in theatres!

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [4]Feb 5, 2011
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    I don't know what's sadder: the fact that Brock is gone or that he seems to have given up on being a breeder. Oh, well. Perhaps one day, he and Misty will come back again.

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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [5]Feb 5, 2011
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    Oh my God! Did 4 years of watching Pokemon: Diamond and Pearlreally just pass by? Surprised

    Loved this episode. I will really miss Piplup and his little antics. I love Kimi no Mune ni Lalala and glad it was kept! I don't wanna start any sort of arguments over who is better, cooler, etc. (I really liked Misty, May, and Dawn), but I really think Dawn was the best companion so far. She has a wonderful team of Pokemon and a great partner in Piplup that I'm sure now she'll be confident to move forward without relying on Ash or Brock. THANK GOD for Brock finallygetting some character development!

    Could it be? Do I detect the use of PLOT DEVICE to propel the new series?! Unbelievable, yet there it is! Giovanni appearing is amazing and Team Rocket finallybeing contacted for a special mission after 4 rather pitiable years of failure (although there were some notable moments like stealing Yanma and Jessie appearing in the Grand Festival) is refreshing and unexpected.

    Well, the Diamond and Pearl saga is dwindling down. IMO, it was a memorable series with plenty of ups (Cheryl arc, Riley arc, Tag Battle Tournament, etc.) as well as some downs (excess fillers, Summer Academy arc, Dawn's rivals, etc.). Now, to make way for the Black and White saga!

    Episode: "Memories are Made of Bliss!" = 10.0

    Season: "Pokemon: DP Sinnoh League Victors" = 8.9

    Series: "Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl" = 8.5

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Feb 5, 2011
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    It was a great episode.

    Edited on 04/23/2011 4:37pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Feb 5, 2011
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    Definitely a heartwarming conclusion to Pokemon: Diamond and Pearl. The scenes between Pikachu and Piplup, the battle between Flint and Cynthia, and when everyone parted ways -- not to mention the awesome music used -- definitely stirred up sad and happy emotions.

    On top of that, we finally have a better sense of what Ash needs to do become a Pokemon Master.

    Good-bye Sinnoh, Dawn, Brock! You'll all be missed! But no matter what, the awesome Pokemon journey continues!
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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [8]Feb 5, 2011
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    i've cried over Misty/Brock leaving as a kid. now .... i've cried over the Latios/Pikachu fight and Dawn/Brock's departure. the scene between Pikachu and Piplup was very heartwarming as everyone said, and the tears broke down there and then. i know that the show is still going..... but it's like a part of my childhood went away. i'm really going to miss Dawn because along with Misty, she was my favorite female companion. same goes for Brock. i still can't believe 3 and a half years have passed. D/P started 2007 right? i was a sophomore in highschool! crazyyyy. i'm still a wreck, i think my eyes have dried up. is this natural? my love for the show continues =] can't wait 'til B/W premieres
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  • Avatar of soccer23123


    [9]Feb 5, 2011
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    I have to admit I started to cry when the show began to end. I mean 4 years of this land has gone by. I'm going to miss it. But I love this episode. Cant wait to see what's up with Team Rocket and the next series. (:

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  • Avatar of pokemon152


    [10]Feb 5, 2011
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    this was such a great episode...i cried when piplup broke down.

    Oh Dawn and Brock, i'll miss you two so much! Dawn was my favorite, too.

    Oh well, the show will go on, right?

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  • Avatar of PsyduckRanger


    [11]Feb 5, 2011
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    Goodbye, Brock...
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  • Avatar of Oathkeeperriku


    [12]Feb 5, 2011
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    I may had missed many episodes of DP but I watched the Finale to Dp and now I must say this: Soyonara, Dawn/Hikari and Brock

    Edited on 02/05/2011 5:00pm
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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [13]Feb 5, 2011
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    Glad to see Dawn go cause she's taking that stupid Piplup with her.

    Poor Brock. He was pretty much useless again. Atleast his Happiny evolved. Yay

    Now brace yourself for Ash and his new pupils.

    Edited on 02/05/2011 5:08pm
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Feb 5, 2011
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    I guess I should also say goodbye to Team Rocket as we know them.

    soccer23123 wrote:

    I missed it, due to a college class. But I'll watch it later. And How CAN YOU NOT MISS BROCK. I MEAN REALLY???!!! D:


    How can you miss a character that doesn't get to do anything. Brock should have left after AG.

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [15]Feb 5, 2011
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    It is rather bittersweet saying goodbye to Dawn and Brock, but overall, DPP was rather decent. Had some nice twists. Here's to Black and White and a new journey!

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  • Avatar of nyfan


    [16]Feb 5, 2011
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    D/P was excellent. B/W might be even better, but once again it is time to say goodbye. I will miss Dawn and Brock, it seemed like only yesterday the last D/P episode aired in Japan.

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  • Avatar of JusticeLeaguer


    [17]Feb 6, 2011
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:

    soccer23123 wrote:

    I missed it, due to a college class. But I'll watch it later. And How CAN YOU NOT MISS BROCK. I MEAN REALLY???!!! D:


    How can you miss a character that doesn't get to do anything. Brock should have left after AG.

    What?!?! Where would we possibly be without Brock's incessant and oh so helpful facts during battles? lol
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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [18]Feb 6, 2011
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    Awesome episode! I'm really gonna miss Dawn and Brock, though.

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  • Avatar of lostfan111


    [19]Feb 6, 2011
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    I liked the Japanese title better: "Memories are Pearls, Friendship is a Diamond" Seriously, they couldn't even keep the title.

    Piplup you're a stubborn annoying penguin!

    I cried, mostly where Ash and Brock parted, after he's been with traveling with Ash for so long.

    nyfan wrote:

    it seemed like only yesterday the last D/P episode aired in Japan.

    LOL, yea right.

    Edited on 02/06/2011 2:46pm
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [20]Feb 9, 2011
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    This is it, the final episode of the Sinnoh Arc. Obviously it's an emotional episode but a good emotional episode. The most surprising turn of events is the Brock becoming a Pokemon Doctor question coming up with an important realization. I really can't think of anything else to say, it's a nice calm episode (aside the Team Rocket battle and the battle between Cynthia and Flint) and ends off the Sinnoh Arc happy. But of course, the ending screen gives us a "Next Time - A New Beginning!" message, meaning Ash's journey isn't over yet. However for now here are my comments, and next season I may want to try something new:

    What is Black...:
    00:11 - Well doesn't this scene look familiar, albeit with the addition of Piplup.
    01:17 - Just because Pikachu is Ash's Pokemon doesn't mean he's completely like Ash, actually I think he's the smarter one...
    01:26 - Ash & co. are already late for things when they're awake as it is, it's probably better to get Ash up and going.
    01:52 - You'd think after all these journey's, and probably same wake-up method, Ash would have grown an immunity to Electric-type attacks.
    02:13 - ... I'm going to take a wild guess that at home Ash's room is on the first floor.
    02:34 - For everyone? But Brock won't you go broke?
    02:57 - I don't know Dawn, things aren't as clear as Black and White as you make it sound. *winkwinknudgenudge*
    03:05 - BTW, whatever happened to the Generation IV Battle Frontier? What, we're not going to mention it? Okay! Out of sight, out of mind. ...
    03:11 - I don't know the one time Ash went home she was more happy to see Pikachu, though I do hope we get to see Misty being SHE DIDN'T APPEAR AT ALL DURING THIS REGION besides from her lure!
    03:43 - Yay Ash, you may not want to bring up your participation in the Pokemon Stylist Contest... of course, they showed a shot of their costumes. *sigh*
    04:17 - Route 202? Team Rocket aren't even near Twinleaf Town! Oh and if Team Rocket didn't have enough problems, it's Delibird!
    05:00 - That's all that is written on that message? And after they make the call they're told to return to Team Rocket HQ... Why didn't you just have the message tell them to return to HQ?

    ... And White...:
    06:45 - So looks like Dawn won't be travelling through the Kanto region just yet.
    07:17 - Dawn coudl just check the Gym for that, if there is a long long that means Fantina has returned and doing all the battles which she was suppose to have been doing.
    07:30 - Um, guys, you remember what happened to Piplup after it got tired of Gible Draco Meteoring it? I think it's about to happen again...
    08:54 - You know it might be a good idea to have Togekiss and Staraptor split up to cover more ground. Also don't you have Gliscor with you or did it go back to the Sky Battle Master for more training?
    00:03 - Huh? Meowth? How did Team Rocket get to Twinleaf Town so quickly? Wait, they have the Meowth Balloon, then why were they walking before?
    00:58 - Well that was quick, they didn't even let Team Rocket do their motto this time.
    02:24 - Hey Brock, aren't you going to be joining into the end of the season blasting off of Team Rocket? You sent Sudowoodo out, okay I guess not.
    02:35 - Then again I don't think that Hydrogen Bomb Tackle needed anymore power...
    03:35 - I don't know Dawn, you might visit Ash & co. next season however if Misty's lack of appearance is anything to take into consideration then you making an appearance in Generation VI...

    ... And A Start Of A New Journey?:
    04:08 - Huh? Flint is battling Cynthia? Um, what happened to Tobias? Did he get defeated by one of the Elite Four and Flint decided he wanted to challenge Cynthia?
    05:08 - Sorry Ash, if it wasn't for the fact that status quo is god maybe that would have been you and your Infernape battling Cynthia... but then again even if Flint does defeat Garchomp he can't say he defeated a Legendary Pokemon... unless he was the reason Tobias isn't battling Cynthia...
    05:26 - And unfortunetly even if that was you you would STILL have lost... even in his imagination Ash can't catch a break! Wait, Flint was only able to knock out two of Cynthia's Pokemon? Oh come on you're making Cynthia a Mary Sue with that statement.
    05:52 - Though do keep in mind Ash that it might not be the Sinnoh League where Cynthia is the Champion (even if she does make an appearance in the next Generation games... which may or may not happen *shifty eyes*).
    06:00 - So it's been decided defeating the Champion makes you a Pokemon Master?
    06:35 - Oh, looks like we'll be covering the Brock wanting to become a Pokemon Doctor issue afterall and he decided to go for it, however that means that Brock, Ash's longest travelling companion, will no longer be joining him on his journeys.
    06:50 - Hm, personally I always thought Dawn would make a good Pokemon Stylist however that's mostly because I picture May as being the Top Coordinator of Ash's friends. But of course next season the girl campanion will also be trying to be a Top Coordinator unless for some reason they don't have Pokemon Contests next season which is just ridiculous...
    09:44 - And with that, Ash is one again on his own, and this time it sounds like his next journey he might not have any familiar faces travelling with him... if he does have anyon... no, definietly the former.
    10:00 - Out with the old:

    In with the new:


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