Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Awesome episode! Meowth has apparently been kicked out of Team Rocket, and Iris tries to capture him, but fails!
I know Meowth has tried to quit Team Rocket before, but this was totally unexpected! I like that he helped Ash and his friends with the Scrafty that took Axew and the bird Pokemon (I didn't catch its name), but now, I'm scared. Is Meowth really fired, or is it all part of a Team Rocket plan?
@nicknameless: I don't think Meowth was really fired from Team Rocket, it's just another Team Rocket scheme. And that bird Pokemon was called Mandibuzz.
Aaerni wrote: |
@nicknameless: I don't think Meowth was really fired from Team Rocket, it's just another Team Rocket scheme. And that bird Pokemon was called Mandibuzz. |
Very nice. Glad to see Scraggy improving and to see Meowth working with Ash and co. Dunno when's the last time I saw that happen. Even more so since it looks like he's staying with them for more than an episode.
An episode a lot of us have been waiting for and it's a pretty good episode. While having lunch on their way to Nimbasa City, Ash & co. discover an unconscious Meowth of Team Rocket. They help Meowth and when he wakes up they find out he's been kicked out of Team Rocket for messing up a mission and they decide to let Meowth travel with them as long as he promises to behave. As their walking through the forest a Scrafty "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty (you'll get this joke later) kidnaps Axew and hides in a cabin demanding Ash & co. (+ Meowth) to help it. Has Meowth really been kicked out of Team Rocket or is this just a trick? Why did Scrafty "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty kidnap Axew and what does he need help with? What is Jessie and James doing now without Meowth? And how many screencap faces will Pikachu be making? All of these questions are below, so have your finger ready on that "prnt sc" key (wait, that doesn't make sense unless you're watching the episode... moving on):
Who's That Scrafty Pokemon:
Today's episode starts out fairly normal with Ash & co. and their Pokemon are eating lunch when Axew and Tepig, who were just playing around, chase one another into a nearby bush and start freaking out. Ash, Iris, and Cilan go over to see what's wrong and see an unconscious Meowth in a bush with Ash identifies as Team Rocket's Meowth (although it is probably the only Meowth in Unova, still, how can you tell? You still have problems telling Pikachu from a duplicate). Iris says Jessie and James must be somewhere but Ash says he doesn't see them but Cilan says there is something wrong and after inspecting Meowth he says they need to help Meowth, And cut to opener and title screen.
Cilan and Iris give Meowth food and medicine until he finally wakes up and jumps a few feet back asking what Ash & co. are doing here. Ash tells Meowth they found him unconscious and healed him and Iris asks him what Team Rocket is doing here which Meowth shouts he's not a member of Team Rocket anymore (gee, where have were heard that before? ) Ash ask what happened and Meowth says he doesn't want to talk about it and runs off crying promising he owes them one but collapses a few feet away with Cilan telling him he doesn't have the energy to run away. Meowth decides to tell them what happened and we wobble into a flashback where the Rocket Trio were on a mission however Meowth messed up his part and though it seemed that the Rocket Trio got away Giovanni decided to fire Meowth. That night Jessie and James left Meowth telling him good luck and Meowth decided to set out on his own journey until we fade back out of the flashback where he tells Ash & co. he's here being rescued by them. Iris asks if that's the truth and Meowth says it is saying he'd feel better lying when Cilan tells Ash and Iris that they should take Meowth with them for a little while. Ash wonders if they should and Cilan says Meowth is the only Meowth in this region and wouldn't be able to stay safe (especially with knowing weak attacks, BTW Meowth weren't you trying to learn Shadow Claw at one point?), but Meowth says he'll be fine and doesn't want to be a burden. Iris asks Meowth what will happen if it collapses again and Ash says she's right and asks Meowth to promise to not do anything bad anymore (well if he is trying to trick you of course he'll agree to this, ever heard of an empty promise?) which Meowth says because he's not in Team Rocket anymore he doesn't need to do anything bad anymore. Meowth asks if they're serious about him travelling with them and Ash says they are if he promises though a nearby bush starts to shake as Meowth makes the promise and says he'll also try to help out (well I would think they sort of expect you to help out a little for helping you out).
They start travelling through the forest and Meowth catches up on what Ash & co. have been doing: going to Nimbasa City for Ash's 4th Gym Badge (you'd think by now Team Rocket would be expecting Ash to do this). Meowth says Ash must have a "truckload" of Gym Badges by now (ah, over complimenting, a standard sneaky tradition) but Ash says he only has three, meanwhile that moving bush from before just ran ahead of them, and Meowth says what he expects from an "awesome" trainer and "cool" Pokemon which even Pikachu give a "you're overdoing it" face. Meowth goes on to compliment about Iris being a lady (Meowth I thought you weren't going to lie?), Axew being cute, and Cilan's cooking is the best he ever ate (the only believable thing Meowth has said). A string with a shiny rock is thrown into the middle of the path and Axew sees the shiny rock and follows it has it's pulled closer to the bushes and a Scrafty with a bag over its head (oh, wait, I think it's trying to hide what it is, let me try that again) a "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty comes out, grabs Axew, and puts it in its pants (that... doesn't sound right). The Scrafty "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty starts running away with Ash & co. (+ Meowth, I'm not counting him ino the group just yet) chasing behind and arrive at a log cabin which the Scrafty "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty goes in. Meowth runs ahead of Ash & co. and stops them (AHA!) and tells them the Scrafty "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty said if they got any closer it would hurt Axew (oh, nevermind).
Ash decides to go on, walking like he's having constipation, but Meowth stops him telling him Scrafty the "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty is "seriously mad" and Pikachu confirms this which Cilan says they should relax and let things calm down. In the cabin, Scrafty the "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty checks on Axew only to get a face full of Dragon Rage which Axew laughs about on a table but Scrafty the "mysterious creature" in a shape of a Scrafty gets up from the attack and gives Axew a Leer (I'm guessing that's Leer, it looks just as pathetic as when Ash's Scraggy uses it). Iris hopes Axew is alright (did you not see the giant blue flame blast? I would assume it's somewhat taking care of itself) and Ash asks what Pokemon that is and Cilan goes and spoil it's a Scrafty (rendering it wearing a "mask" completely pointless). Ash checks Scrafty on his Pokedex:
Iris: But it looks different then the Pokedex picture.
Comment: ... really, you couldn't figure out it's wearing a mask? These aren't Clark Kent's glasses here, it's a paper bag over its head.
Meowth says he'll handle this as "when it comes to negotiating with the enemy, I rule" as Pikachu gives the face the viewers are probably now making. Iris also sounds skeptical as Cilan says he thinks he understands and explains it like a negotiator at a hostage situation and Iris says being Meowth can communicate with any Pokemon (well any Pokemon can talk with another Pokemon, what's special about Meowth is that it can speak a human language) so this just might work. Meowth gets close to the cabin and says he just wants to talk and Scrafty opens the door as Meowth says and shows (with a twirl) he's empty handed.
Iris: Of course you are you're a Pokemon.
Comment: ... Farfetch'd, Cubone, Marowak, and if those are too foreign for you, Timburr, Gurdurr, Conkeldurr. Just because it's a Pokemon it doesn't mean you don't carry weapons, and this isn't counting Pokemon who have blades/pincers/spikes for hands...
Meowth asks why is Scrafty doing this and what does it want and Scrafty tells him surprising him and translate to Ash & co. that Scrafty needs trainers and their Pokemon for when it goes into battle next time and as long as Ash & co. cooperate Axew will remain unharmed which infuriates Iris. Ash asks who are they battling and why but Meowth says Scrafty didn't say and Ash says why would he battle with a Pokemon that's so crazy (I don't know, why are you travelling with Iris?) but Cilan says they have to think about Axew and says they should buy some time so they can think which Meowth agrees with and says leave the negotiating to him. Ash says he'll sneak around back to have a look as Meowth gets the attention of Scrafty, who has Axew "sorta" tied on the table (it looks more like it threw string around it), and tells it Ash & co. will hope but it has to show that Axew is okay which it does before closing the door again.
Meowth: Whoa, Scrafty has Axew tied up.
Comment: If "tied up" you mean it knows how to use a rubber band then yes.
Meowth ask Scrafty who does it want them to battle and why while up on the valley's cliff (yes, they're in a middle of a valley, why there is a log cabin here I don't know) Ash sees through a window Axew is okay and says he thinks they can get it out of there and goes back to the others. Meowth tells Iris and Cilan that Scrafty didn't tell it who they're battling or why and Ash says they can rescue Axew before then as there is a window in the back (more like the side) of the shack (or cabin, same difference) and asks if Meowth can get Scrafty to come to the door (asking it that they want to talk so far has worked). Of course they come up with another idea to have Ash's Scraggy come along with Meowth might distract it (yes, I'm sure having Scraggy coming along and probably attempt to Headbutt and Leer at it will help things move along) and Iris asks if they're sure it'll work and Meowth says it doesn't he'll rescue Axew himself (how?) saying a good to a good plan his a back-up plan (too bad in Pokemon they never think of back-up plans). Iris reminds Meowth it got fired from Team Rocket for failing miserably and, just as if you say "Ivy" anywhere near Brock, Meowth goes into a shame slump as Cilan try to cheer it up saying it's the only one that speaks Pokemon language (that can also speak a human language as all Pokemon can speak the human language but they can't speak a human language) that can help them. Ash sends out Scraggy who immediately tries to Headbutt Meowt... GEEZ! Scraggy's Headbutt is breaking rocks now? Are you sure you want it "helping", considering now it's Headbutt can do more then give you a weak head massage? Anyway Ash tells Scraggy to help Meowth distract Scrafty as they rescue Axew and Ash then sends out Snivy who uses Vine Whip on Meowth and Ash tells it Meowth is on their side (ooh, ooh, send out more Pokemon, sure it's not as fun as seeing them attack Burgundy but this is Pokemon, I watch for the animal cruelty Pokemon using their moves).
Meanwhile in Nimbasa City, the now Rocket Duo scans the Gear Station's subway map and schedules (oh that's a laugh, oh wait, this is fiction...) as they go onto a train (that "on time") and James sees it has no pilot which Jessie says it's running on autopilot which goes all according to plan (if this was according to plan then why didn't James know?). Jessie and James SOMEHOW gets off in the middle of the tracks at a junction point and sets up a device on what I'm assuming is the track switching machine saying the mission is complete before vanishing as another train rides by.
A Chain Of Thefts:
After an obvious "Who's That Pokemon" (like you couldn't figure out it's a "mysterious creatur... WHOA, it's a Scafty! I would have never guessed!), the plan starts as Meowth brings Scraggy to Scrafty saying this it's the Pokemon that'll be helping it out and Scrafty comes out of the cabin confused (I like to think that Scrafty's saying "My pre-evolution? If I wanted one of those to help I would have bred one"). Scraggy shows Scrafty it's Headbutt and Scrafty gives a "son i am disappoint" head shake and then showing them a real Headbutt which Meowth applauds and asks Scrafty if it would show Scraggy a new move which it does showing Hi Jump Kick (great, now Scraggy will try Hi Jump Kicking everything possibly missing sometimes and hurting itself, great idea). Up on the cliff, Ash shows Snivy the window they can see Axew from and Axew sees them too though keeps acting sad to not get the attention of Scrafty as Ash tells Snivy to wait until the right moment (you mean while Scrafty is busy teaching Scraggy a new move which it would be doing, oh, RIGHT NOW!). Scraggy starts practicing Hi Jump Kick as Meowht tip toes past Scrafty (something that would probably be more easier to do if you didn't do it right in front of it) and gets to the door of the cabin which is for some reason now the perfect time for Snivy to rescue Axew with Vine Whip (Snivy, you just needed to grab Axew, you could have broke it free from it's ropes when it was in your hands) and now it's Pikachu's "turn".
Meowth yells Scrafty to look over into the distance which it does (not so good of a kidnapper if it falls for the oldest trick in the book) and he grabs Scraggy and flees which Scrafty is surprised by and looks into the cabin to see Axew has been freed and now Pikachu is shocking it. Axew is returned to Iris and Ash returns Snivy and tried returning Scraggy however it hides behind Meowth and Meowth translate that Scrafty has Scraggy a bit freaked out which confuses Ash & co. just when Scrafty confronts them and takes off it's hood (yes, I know I've been calling it a bag throughout this review, sorry, I haven't trained one yet) revealing it's a... *GASP* SCRAFTY! I would have never guessed! Anyway Meowth translate that Scrafty only got beaten because it underestimated Ash & co. (+ Meowth)(if you underestimated them then why were you asking for their help?) and challenges them to a battle saying if they lose they have to help it out. Ash agrees (which should be Scrafty's first hint that if it just asks normally Ash & co. might help without no one getting hurt) and sends out Tepig and the battle starts with Scrafty using Headbutt but Tepig dodges and uses Tackle knocking Scrafty back. Scrafty uses Hi Jump Kick but misses landing hard and hurting its knee as Tepig hits it with an Ember. While in the Ember, Scrafty powers-up a Focus Blast but it misses and Tepig lands a Flame Charge defeating Scrafty.
After the battle Scrafty has curled up and started crying as Ash & co. wonder what's wrong with Cilan saying it's more of a child then he thought and Iris harshly asks about it kidnapping another trainer's Pokemon after them (would you like a bag of salt to rub into its wounds?). Meowth says something bad must have happened to Scrafty and Cilan declares it's "investigating time" and they're teleported inside a building (where are they?) as Meowth and Cilan interrogate a reluctant Scrafty (why are you acting reluctant? Weren't you trying to find someone to help you?). Cilan, chanelling his 70's mystery drama detective, tells Scrafty it must have loved ones which would be sad to know what it's doing which causes Scrafty to start crying and Cilan tells it to confess as it's "good for the heart" and we come out of fantasy land (so if that was a fantasy why was Scrafty playing along with them?). We finally find out that Scrafty's den has been stolen from it and after being rejected help from other Pokemon it saw Ash & co. and decided to hold Axew hostage until they helped it (which I guess explains why it went right to kidnapping). Ash says they have no choice but to help Scrafty and they're led to Scrafty's den as Ash asks which Pokemon took it but they get their answer as they reach the den and see a Mandibuzz nesting on top of it.
Ash tells Scrafty to go talk to Mandibuzz but Mandibuzz attacks it with a Shadow Ball knocking it to the ground with Iris pointing out Scrafty is weak from their battle. Pikachu is about to go up but Meowth translates that Scraggy wants to help Scrafty so it goes up and dodges a Shadow Ball however Mandibuzz uses a Pluck... but misses and gets its head stuck in the cliff. Scrafty tells Scraggy something and Scraggy uses Hi Jump Kick on Mandibuzz surprising everyone and knocking Mandibuzz out. Meowth explains Scrafty taught Scraggy Hi Jump Kick and they thank Scrafty. A scene transition later Meowth translates that Mandibuzz was living with its friend but they got into an arguement and got kicked out. Meowth asks Mandibuzz what the fight was about and after responding:
Meowth: It pains me to break it to you but if you went and ate your buddy's food without it's permission you did a bad thing.
Comment: Stealing from your friends and strangers, you deserve to have salt rubbed into your wounds.
Meowth says he'll go with Mandibuzz when it goes to say sorry which surprises Ash & co. and they go to Mandibuzz's nest and despite Mandibuzz having a hand full of fruit (odd, I wouldn't think they would be eat fruit... unless that's why Meowth is here O_O...) the Mandibuzz in the nest attacks them with a Shadow Ball (I'm assuming it attacked the other Mandibuzz or the ground in front of them and not Meowth). Meowth asks the nested Mandibuzz to chill out and says the other Mandibuzz is sorry it ate it's food and Mandibuzz shows it picked fruit for it and Meowth asks for it to forgive. Meowth explains Mandibuzz wants to move back in and promised to act better saying when times are tough it's good to have a friend and the nested Mandibuzz agrees.
Back on the path Ash & co. are congratulating Meowth with Iris saying he's a real hero... and decides to catch Meowth and throws her Pokeball as Ash and Cilan watch in shock! It starts shaking and stops for a few moments but breaks open and Meowth comes yelling out that they are to get one thing straight that he's not anyone's Pokemon and Iris apologizes with Meowth saying he'll still help them as Pikachu gives a "sure..." face (methinks Pikachu is taking this situation with a grain of salt). The narrator wraps ups Ash & co.'s story (I guess I can now include Meowth with "co." being he's still with them by the end of the episode), but we then see the Rocket Duo sneaking around Anville Town's train yard. James says the trains travel between here and Nimbasa City underground and Jessie says it'll be a good place to set up base as James says they should contact Dr. Zager ending the episode.