Bianca appears, and she is ANNOYING
That's all I need to say.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Bianca appears, and she is ANNOYING
That's all I need to say.
She was annoying. So glad we got to see Minccino!
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
Bianca appears, and she is ANNOYING That's all I need to say. |
How's she any different from the game?
Awesome episode! I thought it was so cool that we finally got to meet Bianca!
TKnHappyNess wrote: | ||
How's she any different from the game? |
She's nothing like the games.
Bianca is much quieter in the games, she gets character development, she actually went out of her way to disobey her fathers wishes (unlike the anime version where she stupidly obeyed him, hence why she's older than Ash)
Episode was alright, but Bianca's personality is very different than I thought it would be.
All Pokemon know Attract? Only Snivy and Minccino have used it so far.
lostfan111 wrote: |
1) Why does every single pokemon in this region seems to know attract?! 2) Cilin: 'since they're both boys, attract wont do a thing' The writers have been hinting sexuality a lot. 3) Bianca is just like the one in the game. Completely useless and pointless. She caught that Minccino by accident and it was only weakened by battling Ash's Pikachu. 4) Cilan is too obsessed about his spoon. |
1. 2 means every single now?
2. It's a kids show, what do you think
3. You've obviously never played the games, then.
I actually like them putting in more attacks. And only two Pokemon have used it this region.
Shiny_missingno wrote: | ||
1. 2 means every single now? 2. It's a kids show, what do you think 3. You've obviously never played the games, then. |
1. Exaggeration....much
2. Pokemon should teach more life lessons
3. Yea........... She's an airhead and annoying in the games, just like in this episode. Judging by THIS episode, her personality SEEMS the same.
neoyamato_pi wrote: |
I actually like them putting in more attacks. And only two Pokemon have used it this region. |
Good point. Even though it seems like their spazzing out with the attracts its nice to have the use focus on them than just use it once and ignore it.
lostfan111 wrote: | ||
Good point. Even though it seems like their spazzing out with the attracts its nice to have the use focus on them than just use it once and ignore it. |
Well, considering Ash's Snivy has it, I think it will come into play during future episodes.
In the games, Bianca does have development throughout the story, but I hope they throw in Cheren at some point as well.
I don't believe Cheren will be here. Trip has the rival role covered.
Today episode was alright, though could have been better (and by that, I mean Bianca could have been less annoying). Wait, Bianca? That's right, today's episode Ash & co. have a run in with Bianca (or maybe I should say she runs into them) and she gives Ash his badge case Professor Juniper forgot to give to him. However as Ash was showing Bianca his Trio Badge he put into the badge case a Minccino grabs it and runs off! What could the Minccino want with the badge case? Will Ash & co. (+ Bianca) be able to get Ash's badge case back? What does Team Rocket plan to do at the Nacrene City museum? Will Cilan's spoon ever be cleaned again? Answers to these and more are just below:
Should Of Known The Games Would Come Slamming In:
We begin with Ash & co. walking next to a river bank when they hear someone asking for them to "wait up" and they turn to see... BIANCA! (Well, this is an abrupt way of introducing an important character from the games...). While running up to them Bianca trips on a rock and does a staggering charge which Iris side steps but Ash and Cilan aren't so lucky and are pushed into the river. Opener, title screen, the usual deal... wait, Minccino is pronounced "minch-eeno"? Where did the "ch" sound from from? Anyway back to the show, Ash and Cilan are around a fire in their boxers (guess Ash must have gotten tired of his mother saying "underwear") as Bianca apologizes to them and Cilan tells her it's alright. Iris asks Bianca what is she doing here and Bianca says she's hear to talk with Ash (now I'm going to assume they exchanged names off screen, though it still seems strange Bianca saying Ash's name without us seeing the name exchange) and goes over to Ash and shows him her Xtransceiver. Bianca pushes a button and Professor Juniper appears and greets Ash and asks how his gym battles are going. Ash tells Professor Juniper he had won a badge already and she congratulates him and apologizes to him as she forgot to give him a badge case but she gave it to Bianca to deliver to him. Professor Juniper hangs up and now everyone introduces themselves (you'd think they would have done that after the strange girl pushes you into a river and starts helping you dry off) and Bianca starts looking through her bag for Ash's badge case.
Bianca: So let me give you your badge... *frowns* hmm?... *frowns more* hmmmmm...
*Ash & co. stare in confusion*
Bianca: Come on, come on! I know I put it in my bag.
Comment: In that case we can mark it as lost forever...
Bianca: *fire burns out* It's got to be in here somewhere.
Ash: Excuse me, have any luck yet?
Bianca: Here it is! *brings out the badge case covered in dirt*
Comment: Err... on second thought you can keep it...
Some dust comes off the badge case and Bianca starts coughing as Iris points out it's dusty. A tail of a Minccino flashes through the treetops while Bianca blows the dust away and finally gives Ash his badge case. Ash does his "I got a badge (case)!" pose and opens it to insert his Trio Badge and we see the impressions of the other 7 badges (I look forward to seeing other characters badges who only exist in the anime and in no way could have fit into the impression they are placed in ). Ash says he can't wait to get the rest of the badges and Iris tells him when he gets all eight he'll "be ready" (for what? The Pokemon League? Elite Four? Champion? TELL US!) as Cilan points out they're close to Nacrene City. The head of the Minccino now appears in the treetops as Bianca asks to see Ash's badge which Ash does by closing the badge case and giving it to her (why couldn't you just have flipped the badge case around or at least left it open?) only for something to dart by and take it (oh, plot convenience, that's why)!
The Dustier The More Attractive It Is:
Everyone is shocked as a Minccino runs away with the badge case in its mouth and Ash gives chase with Iris, Cilan, and Bianca right behind. The Minccino climbs over a log which, while Pikachu continues the pursuit, Ash and everyone else stop as the log as Ash says it's fast and Bianca says it's a wonderful Pokemon too. Iris tells Bianca to save the admiration and Bianca explains she never saw a Pokemon as fast as a that before which thrills her (so much it's scaring Iris) and Cilan says Bianca is also excitable (um, Cilan, I think "thrill" and "excite" roughly mean the same thing). Ash tells them to knock it off as he jumps over the log saying he has to get his badge back but Bianca asks couldn't he get a replacement badge which gets Ash angry enough to stand on the log which he falls off of. Ash recovers and tells her the badge is full of special memories and therefore it's the only one he wants. They hear Pikachu and look through some bushes to see Minccino with Ash's badge case and starts cleaning it with its tail. Bianca scans Minccino with her Pokedex (odd, usually Ash scans the debuting Pokemon) and it says that Minccino likes cleaning things which Cilan says was the reason it took the badge case and Bianca says Minccino is the perfect Pokemon for her because she doesn't like to clean.
Ash decides it's time to get his badge case back but Bianca runs out of the bushes saying she'll take care of it with Cilan saying she runs at her own speed and Iris saying she thinks she's a bit selfish (a "bit"? Her sole reason for catching Minccino so it can clean up after her!) Minccino practically eats the badge case (surprise it doesn't choke on it) as Bianca flails around sending out a Pignite. Ash scans Pignite and Bianca tells it to use Tackle which Minccino jumps out of the way of sending Pignite into the bushed as Cilan comments on its speed again (okay, we get it, Minccino is fast). Pignite jumps back into battle and uses Flame Charge which looks to have hit, until we see Minccino running up a tree causing Bianca and Pignte to stomp their feet in frustration (you've set yourself up to be a great role model there Bianca). Cilan says that Bianca is a fierce battler despite her appearance but Ash doesn't care and asks Bianca to hurry up and get his badge case back which she says is good as done. Minccino puts (or should I say spit) the badge case on a branch as Pignite does another Flame Charge but Minccino rolls up its ears and does a Hyper Voice stopping Pignite. Minccino then jumps onto Pignite's back and uses Tickle putting Pignite into a laughing fit forcing Bianca to recall Pignite saying how much more she wants Minccino.
As Bianca chatters on, Ash decides to get his badge case back himself and sends out Pikachu as Minccino cleans itself off. However Oshawott then pops out of its Pokeball.
Bianca: Wow! Does that mean Ash's Pokemon come out all by themselves?
Iris: Just Oshawott.
Bianca: Darling!
Comment: Bianca you do realize that that's not a trait a trainer wants from their Pokemon, right?
Pikachu goes back to Ash who tells it to leave things up to Oshawott and Oshawott starts off with a Tackle which Minccino jumps over and kicks Oshawott to the ground. Minccino starts running away as Oshawott gives chase but Minccino stops right in front of a tree as Oshawott does a "got you" dance. Ash tries to tell Oshawott to use Razor Shell but Bianca jumps in and tells it to use Hydro Pump over and over again which seems to be giving Oshawott a headache. Ash tells Bianca that Oshawott doesn't know that move and tells it to use a Razor Shell but as it does it sees Minccino had run up the tree. Bianca tells Oshawott to stop wasting time and use Razor Shell again as Oshawott stares back in confusion putting away its scalchop and Minccino jumps down right in front of Oshawott surprising it. Ash says Oshawott is in trouble now and Minccino uses Tickle followed by a DoubleSlap knocking Oshawott out. Bianca says they were so close as Iris and Cilan comment on Minccino's battling style and Ash asked if Oshawott had enough which it pretty much agrees to by pushing Pikachu in front of it. However before Pikachu could start battling Minccino it gobbles up the badge case once more and runs off and Bianca says that it got away as Ash tells Bianca it wouldn't have if she didn't talk too much.
Bianca: And miss out giving you this great advice? Don't you see! I really want to catch that Minccino!
Comment: Um, where is the advice?
Bianca: So be a dear and help me out, won't you Ash?
Ash: Huh?
Comment: Bianca's and Ash's size different just reminded me, Bianca is 15 and yet Ash is still more mature then her despite being 10!
Bianca tells Ash that he'll also get his badge case back and Ash says that he has no choice and agrees to help as Bianca celebrates saying she'll catch Minccino for sure. Ash mopes about how they're suppose to be heading to Nacrene City but Cilan tells him Nacrene City is over the mountain though Ash says it's "some mountain".
Cleaning Up On The Capture:
Heading toward Nacrene City, Team Rocket have already gotten there and are on a roof as Jessie points out all the warehouses and James pulls out a laptop and mentions that the train tracks around the city are no longer in use. Meowth says they first have to find the museum which James does with the laptop and Jessie says that they'll have to figure out a suitable escape route. And that's all for now! See you next time for a tiny bit more of the R Plot same Rocket time, same Rocket series.
Back to Ash & co. (+ Bianca), they're unable to find Minccino when Bianca gets an idea and asks Cilan if he has any shiny pots or cookware. Bianca now holding a pot, Cilan show her a spoon which she grabs and begins to scrap against the ground as Cilan watches in horror saying she's dirtying his spoon. Ash asks what Bianca is doing and she says she's figure out how to lure Minccino and Iris reminds them that Minccino likes to clean things. Bianca sets up a box stick trap (except using a pot instead of a box) with Cilan still lamenting on his dirty spoon. Ash wonders if this is going to work and Bianca hushes him when they hear a nearby bush rustle and Minccino comes out (though no badge case in sight), sniffs the spoon, and starts cleaning it and Bianca pulls the rope. The pot falls on top of Minccino and Bianca says she caught it... only for Minccino to lift the pot while under it and walk off. Bianca tries to stop it but instead of chasing it she just watches it go through the bushes and mopes about it with Cilan joining in saying it got his spoon (and don't forget your pot).
Ash says that the only way to catch Minccino is by battling it as Iris asks how with Cilan pointing out Minccino ill stop them with Tickle but Ash says he'll handle it. They run down a small stream and spot Minccino up in a tree cleaning the spoon with the pot and badge case next to it. Ash sends out Snivy and Minccino jumps down ready to battle as Bianca says Ash has a lot of Pokemon having Cilan ask how many Pokemon does she have beside Pignite... only to find Pignite is her only Pokemon causing Iris and Cilan to do a comedic fall. Iris asks is she kidding and Bianca says that Flame Charge by itself wins a lot (can't argue with her there, though I did find Arm Thrust also useful) and Cilan asks how long has Bianca been on her journey which she says she trained a lot at home but just started out on her journey.
Bianca: You see my father didn't want me to leave, like he's worried about me travelling and everything.
Comment: Do you really need to be doing the cha cha while explaining this?
Cilan: Protected like a vintage wine.
Iris: Or a princess.
Comment: Or a b****.
Iris: Right?
Bianca: Right!
Comment: Glad you agree with me.
Bianca also reveals she has two badges which Iris points out is one more than Ash who tells Snivy to use Attract. Iris says Attract should keep Minccino from moving around so quickly (you know, unless it's a female) but Minccino dodges it and uses its own Attract which infatuates Snivy (well at least now we know it's male) which forces Ash to recall Snivy. Pikachu runs out to battle and Cilan points out because they're both males Minccino's Attract won't work (yeah, but Tickle will which was your original worry) and Pikachu starts with an Iron Tail. Minccino dodges and Pikachu uses a Quick Attack to keep pace with Minccino (which I find puzzling as Minccino's Speed stat is 75 while Pikachu's are 90 meaning Pikachu should have no problem keeping pace with it in the first place) and tries another Iron Tail which Minccino counters with a DoubleSlap causing a shockwave to splash up water. They both land and it rains for a few seconds and Minccino uses Hyper Voice which stops Pikachu and Minccino jumps behind it. Bianca tells Pikachu that Minccino is going to use Tickle which it does and Pikachu tries not to laugh as Ash tells it to stay strong and Bianca says Pikachu is tough and starts cheering for it. However it looked like Minccino had tired itself out and gets off Pikachu gasping for air and Bianca jumps up and tells Pikachu to use Zap Cannon which Ash tells her Pikachu doesn't know but Bianca annoyingly tells him to give it a shot (FYI, though Pikachu could learn Zap Cannon from TM07 in Generation II, from Generation III and onwards Pikachu can no longer learn Zap Cannon). Ash rightfully ignores Bianca and tells Pikachu to use Thunderbolt which hits Minccino stunning it and Bianca runs up asking to be tagged in and starts searching for a Pokeball in her bag. As you expected, Bianca is having some trouble finding a Pokeball as Ash tells her they're running out of time which they do as Minccino recovers and starts running just as Bianca finds a Pokeball and pulls it out.
Iris: Why am I not surprised Bianca has a dirty Pokeball?
Comment: That what she said!
Minccino had taken notice of the dirty Pokeball though and as Bianca starts blowing the dust off Minccino runs past Pikachu, runs up Bianca, and starts cleaning the Pokeball which activates it and after three shakes Bianca captures Minccino (solely due to her Pokeball being dirty). Bianca calmly tells Ash that she got it (guessed she's also shocked from what just happened) and Cilan says that Minccino couldn't pass up a dirty Pokeball which Iris adds in it sometimes better to have luck than being good. Iris asks if those two will get along and Cilan happily says with Bianca's personality (dirty and unorganized) and Minccino's talents (being a cleanaholic) it's a good combination (Bianca will feed Minccino's unhealthy habit ) as Ash just agrees with whatever Cilan said (no really, that's almost exactly what Ash said).
Bianca doesn't care one bit though as she's just happy she caught Minccino as Ash climbs up the tree to get his badge case which he does... before the branch breaks, he lands on his feet (looking to have shattered his knees), and gets knocked down by the pot falling on his head.
Admit It, You Powered Yourself Through The Gyms Too:
Later at a Pokemon Center (the ring charm you heard was for Ash's knees), Nurse Joy returns Ash's and Bianca's Pokemon and Nurse Joy tells Ash his Pokemon Egg is perfectly okay (so was that in his backpack this entire time?). Bianca asks what Pokemon Egg is it and Ash says he doesn't know and Bianca challenges Ash to a Pokemon Battle which Ash accepts. On the Pokemon Center's battlefield Ash tells Bianca it's a 1-vs.-1 battle (um, someone needs to tell the split screen guy that Bianca's screen is upside down (no, I do not care if done this way the center Pokeball logo gets completed)) and Iris says this will be a fun mentioning Bianca has more badges then Ash and cilan saying it'll have a "unique flavor". Bianca flails out Pignite and Cilan asks why isn't she using Minccino (because she just caught it, Pignite is her most powerful Pokemon, it'll probably ignore the battle to just clean up her bag...) as Ash figures out what Pokemon he'll use saying Pignite is a Fire-type (and Fighting-type, but mentioning that would mean Pidove would actually have a change to chosen to battle so of course it's not mentioned). However Bianca interrupts Ash saying he'll pick Pikachu who was sitting on the bench next to Iris and Cilan but Bianca tells them to hurry and Pikachu rushes out to the battlefield.
Pignite starts with a Take Down which sends Pikachu flying followed by a Heat Crash crashing Pikachu into the ground. Iris and Cilan get worried with Cilan saying he doubt Pikachu could survive that but Pikachu gets up though Iris says she doesn't like how things are going. Pignite does another Heat Crash and Pikachu uses Volt Tackle having both attacks collide and sending each Pokemon flying back though while Pikachu landed on its feet, Pignite is out like a light having Ash win the battle.
Iris says though Bianca has more badges then Ash you wouldn't know that from this battle and Bianca returns Pignite as she rushes up to Ash and tells him she just started her journey and next time they meet Pignite and Minccino will be stronger. Ash just nods and Bianca wishes him luck at the Nacrene Gym before running off (you may want to have Nurse Joy heal Pignite again, just saying). Iris and Cilan walk up being Ash watching in confusion but Ash shrugs it off saying he won a battle and got a clean badge case which will soon have two badges as we end the episode off here.