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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokemon Knight&

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Oct 22, 2011
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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [2]Oct 22, 2011
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    Great movie episode, I simply love acting. TR showed a good balance of humor and seriousness (loved seeing Meowth fall for Zorua's disguise) and Luke is intoduced and retains his Japanese name. As for the upcoming battle tournament episodes, I'm pumped for em.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [3]Oct 22, 2011
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    This was great episode. I can't wait for the next ones.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Oct 22, 2011
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    Awesome episode! I thought Luke was a really cool guy! And I also loved seeing Zorua finally make its non-movie anime debut! And as the others have said, I too am very excited about the upcoming Don Battle Tournament!

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [5]Oct 23, 2011
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    I liked this episode, and I thought it was cool to find out that Ditto's not the only shapeshifting Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Oct 23, 2011
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    nicknameless101 wrote:

    I liked this episode, and I thought it was cool to find out that Ditto's not the only shapeshifting Pokemon.

    Ditto (and Mew) are the only shape shifting Pokemon.

    Illusion is only, well, an illusion.

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [7]Oct 24, 2011
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    nicknameless101 wrote:

    I liked this episode, and I thought it was cool to find out that Ditto's not the only shapeshifting Pokemon.

    Zorua and Zoroark can't fully shapeshift. They can change their form, but will still have their same attacks which makes it easy to tell when you're going against one. Look at N in-game for example. He usually has Zoroark as Klinklang, but if it uses something that the latter can't learn, you can tell them apart.

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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [8]Oct 24, 2011
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    TKnHappyNess wrote:

    nicknameless101 wrote:

    I liked this episode, and I thought it was cool to find out that Ditto's not the only shapeshifting Pokemon.

    Zorua and Zoroark can't fully shapeshift. They can change their form, but will still have their same attacks which makes it easy to tell when you're going against one. Look at N in-game for example. He usually has Zoroark as Klinklang, but if it uses something that the latter can't learn, you can tell them apart.

    I know Zorua can't imitate other Pokemons' powers. I just thought it was cool how they can look exactly like other Pokemon.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [9]Oct 25, 2011
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    i thought that movie preview thay where watching look intresting & thoss devices thay where useing look like something from yu-gi-oh!, cool episode cant waite to see the next one.
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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [10]Oct 28, 2011
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    An alright episode, but I loved seeing Zorua and its tricks. And like the others, I can't wait to see the Battle Tournament.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [11]Oct 29, 2011
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    Very interesting episode and a good laugh if you like to see bad acting. Ash & co. encounter a Zorua which they find belongs to a beginning filmmaker named Luke who's having problems with it cooperating. They figure out why Zorua isn't cooperating and Ash & co. volunteer to help Luke by starring in his movie. However Team Rocket are watching from the shadows with their eyes set on catching Zorua. What is Zorua's problem and how does it involve Ash & co. starring in Luke's film? Will Ash & co. be bad actors or... no, no, that's pretty much the answer there. Erm... oh, I know, how does Team Rocket plan on capturing the Tricky Fox Pokemon and would they ruin Luke's film by doing so? Well I can't really think of anymore obvious questions to ask so just start reading and all shall be revealed:

    Looking Like A Movie Star:
    We start this episode with... WHAT IS GOING ON! Two trainers with Wonder Launchers (neat cameo there BTW) are battling with a Golurk and a Escavalier, powering them up with said Wonder Launcher... "Wonder Fighters: The Movie" ("Part 24" apparently, I would think somewhere around "Part 10" someone would go "we need to end this story")? As it turns out this is a movie trailer Ash & co. are watching and Ash seems excited about the movie meaning he must have known about Wonder Launchers before (something which should only be in Unova... I'm sorry, I must not bring logic into Pokemon anime canon), however he's not as excited as Cilan who declares it's movie time and tells us his favorite "Wonder Fighter" actor. Ash says Cilan seems to be an expert and Cilan says he's a "Film Connoisseur" (*SMACK*) while Iris says she's love movies remembering a time the Village of Dragons held a film festival.

    Suddenly the female actress from the movie pops up behind Ash surprising Ash & co. as she gives off a familiar kind of laugh as Ash says she's the "Wonder Fighter"... and then she transforms into Iris! For those who remember the laugh from the 13th movie and if the transforming into one of the main characters didn't give it away, it's soon revealed that it was a Zorua messing with them. Opening and Title later, Ash scans Zorua with his Pokedex as Iris reminds us Zorua are rare and Cilan saying this is his first time ever seeing one. Ash asks if Zorua is wild but this quickly gets answered as a boy with a Golett carrying a camera tells them to not let his Zorua get away. Zorua doesn't seem happy about this and transforms into Pikachu and gets into a tussle with Pikachu confusing everyone which one is the real Pikachu. The boy leaps forward and grabs one of them (and you can probably guess where this is going) though is told by Ash that is his Pikachu and the boy gets his confirmation of this by Pikachu shocking him (I would have mentioned Ash better know his Pikachu from a double by now however knowing how Ash's development has gone back and forth I just take these situations one at a time now). Cilan reminds us Zorua's "transformation" is due to its Ability Illusion meaning it can look like another but still keeps its own moves as the boy asks where Zorua went and Golett points to Iris's Axew. The boy accuses Axew of being Zorua which offends Iris until another Axew jumps out of Iris's hair though blows its cover giving it's "Zorua laugh" however this doesn't matter as the boy lunges for Zorua but misses knocking Iris down and starts playing a game of "grab-a-Zorua" with Iris's hair. Iris screams to cut it out and the boy backs off opting to return Zorua into its Pokeball (and you didn't do this in the first place because?) but Zorua jumps out of Iris's hair, transforms back to its normal self, and fires a Shadow Ball creating a cloud of dust.

    The dust settles and Zorua has vanished leaving the boy disappointed saying that "they'll have to cancel shooting today" which Cilan repeats and the boy tells them that their making a movie and Zorua is the lead actress. After explaining his Zorua is a girl (thus the "lead actress" bit) he says his name is Luke and he wants to be a filmmaker (a subtle reference to George Lucas perhaps?) while also introduces his other Pokemon, Golett, which Ash quickly scans. Ash & co. introduce themselves though Cilan adds in his "Film Connoisseur" (*SMACK*) bit which impresses Luke though Ash brings us back on track asking why Zorua ran away. Luke says that's a good question and we go back to a flashback of them in a middle of shooting where Zorua seemingly unhappily transforms from a princess into a pirate though back into the princess which makes it happy. Luke says he wants the pirate which annoys Zorua but it (I know Zorua's a "she" but it's easier to refer to Pokemon as "it" to not confuse them with the human characters) transforms back to the pirate and Luke gives it stage directions before telling it to transform into a knight. Zorua transforms into the knight but then into the princess which makes it happy once more (I don't think Zorua likes playing male parts. Also Luke, from the way you're giving stage directions you seem to think Zorua is able to split itself which it can't) but Luke says he wants the knight which makes Zorua angry before it transforms into it's normal forms and runs off leading us to the now. Iris says Zorua must have had a good reason though Luke asks what is he going to do so Ash says the first thing they should do is find Zorua while in an alleyway Team Rocket watches. Meowth says the rumor of a Zorua being in town is true as James says it's a super rare Pokemon and Jessie saying its transforming abilities would be a huge asset to Team Rocket with Meowth finishing saying that "catching it is a must".

    Luke brings Ash & co. to the place where him and Zorua first met, the oldest movie theater in town where he's the assisting projectionist so he gets to watch movies for free as we go into a flashback (now I know the anime tends to recycle character models, especially faces, BUT DID THEY REALLY THINK THEY WOULD GET AWAY WITH RECYCLING CYNTHIA'S (with a red streak in her hair)?!). Luke looks down to the audience to see what looks to be the Cynthia-look-alike watching the movie and then in another movie Luke saw the actress from that movie in the audience and if you haven't gotten the clue that it's Zorua then the next one should when Zorua does the same thing... but it's a black and white movie and so Zorua transformed in monochrome (which I admit got a giggle out of me). After the black and white film Luke runs down with a camera to see what's going on only to find the seat empty but the monochrome actress appeared right behind him and after asking "who are you" it transforms into Zorua shocking him. Zorua transforms into the actress which is from Luke's favorite movie and he asks Zorua if it likes movie which is nods to and Luke says he likes making movie which get Zorua excited and it curtsies which has Luke then ask if it would like to star in his movie which is transforms back to Zorua and agrees to as we come out of the flashback. Iris is amazed to hear about a Zorua which likes movies as Luke is called over by the Theater Manager and projectionist, Mr. Matthews, which Luke introduces everyone to who tells him that Zorua just went inside the theater.

    They go inside to find Zorua, tranformed as "Princess Yuria" as Luke explains, but as they go down to it it transforms back and starts growling at them as Ash & co. tell it their Luke's friends. Cilan tries to figure things out asking Luke if Zorua was playing every role in his movie which Luke says it is and Cilan pieces it together that since Zorua is a girl it only wants to play the role of the princess which Zorua barks in agreement. Luke asks Zorua if it ran away because it only wanted to play the role of Princess Yuria which Zorua barks in agreement which Luke agrees to though asks how he's going to make a movie with only one character.

    Before you could probably figure out what was going to happen, Cilan yells "that's our cue" (Cilan, have you been reading ahead in the script?) and reminds everyone about "a friend in need" which Iris asks if he's saying they should play the other roles which Ash says he'll do and Luke says that'll be great. Luke throws out a Leavanny and asks it to make costumes for everyone which Ash & co. say they'll help do and Luke says he'll have to tweak the script as Mr. Matthew tells him there is extra room in the Film Storage Room which they can use which Luke thanks him and tell everyone to make the "best movie the world ever seen" (Citizen Kane?).

    Must Have One Really Good Movie Editor:
    MONTAGE TIME! Where nothing really happens except we see Oshawott can't make a sword to save its life and Snivy and Emolga still hates each other's guts. The next morning Luke goes over the script titled "Legend of the Pokemon Knight" where the Kingdom of Pallet's (guess who's the knight) princess Yuria is stolen by Captain Cilan the pirate because she holds the secret to finding the kingdom's treasure. Meanwhile Sir Ash the Pokemon knight (any else see a bit of Aura Guardian clothing in the knight's design?) goes out to rescue the princess and battles Legendary Dragon Master Iris (excuse me *Pikachu315111 leaves room and you can hear hard laughter outside before Pikachu315111 comes back in* phew, okay go on) and overcomes other obstacles along the way until defeating Captain Cilan and rescues Princess Yuria (that kissing scene would be awkward, then again Ash had already kissed a Latias so...) Ash says it sounds like a great story (of course it does to you because it makes you out to be the big hero!) telling Pikachu they're the main character though Iris calls him a kid saying the main character is Princess Yuria (actually Ash is right, it sounds like the movie would focus on the knights journey more so, yeah). Iris turns to Cilan saying it's too bad he's playing the main villain though Cilan says the villain plays a major role (yeah, they usually get the best musical number too!) and he says the person who plays the villain must show depth of character (in Pokemon?) and situating the other main characters which says makes him the hero too (watching this just brings up those fun rumors about Cilan and his brothers Cress and Chili being the Shadow Triad).

    They head to the set (which is a playground with a bright pink boat, all I can say is I hope Luke has a good editing program) and set-up the first scene with "Captain" Cilan having captured Princess Yuria in front of "Sir" Ash. Golett snaps the clapperboard and Ash starts reciting his lines... badly. Luke cuts and says Ash is too nervous and Ash says agrees saying it's harder then it looks when Cilan appears behind him and asks if Ash ever seen a movie about a young actress and her passion for acting called... "Yamask of the Opera"...

    Cilan: In order to capture an audience you must become one with your character.
    Comment: Yeah... all I'm saying here is Keith Ledger from "The Dark Knight" and moving on...
    Cilan: And once you become your character there's no room to be nervous.
    Comment: But what if you're character is suppose to be nervous?

    Ash says Cilan sure talks about a Film Connoisseur" (*SMACK*) though wished he know what he meant causing Cilan to comically fall and Luke translate Cilan's speech to being "give it all you got" which Ash gives a "no problem" to. The second take goes much better with "Sir" Ash demanding for Princess Yuria as "Captain" Cilan says he won't as Pikachu uses Electro Ball and Pansage using SolarBeam with the latter winning and causing a dust cloud around "Sir" Ash. Princess Yurai mouths the words "Oh no" as Iris fills in the voice (ah, using the "Singing in the Rain" method to get around Zorua being unable to speak, clever, though now I'm wondering if there's any scene where Princess Yuria is talking to "Dragon Master" Iris ) and "Captain Cilan" declares the princess is his and throws down a smoke bomb and the scene ends with Ash giving a "damn it" face. Luke says that was great and they move onto the scene where "Sir" Ash gets trained by "Dragon Master" Iris. "Dragon Master" Iris tells "Sir" Ash if he wishes to defeat "Captain" Cilan he must defeat her strongest Dragon-type Pokemon, Axew (well they just said she was a "Legendary" Dragon Master, they never said she was a good one)! Pikachu uses Electro Ball which Axew tries to dodge but gets zapped causing Iris to break out of character and rush to help Axew as Luke calls cut and says Axew has to dodge faster which Iris says she knows but Axew isn't up to it. Luke says Pikachu would have to "ease up" though Cilan says it wouldn't be as exciting and suggests that have Axew instead counterattack with Dragon Rage. They do that and Pikachu is knocked aside as "Dragon Master" Iris says that isn't going to be enough and says "Sir" Ash is going to have to put his "heart" into the move and Pikachu uses Electro Ball again which ties with Dragon Rage so Pikachu also does a Thunderbolt to get the explosion. When the smoke clears "Dragon Master" Iris is gone and she tells "Sir" Ash that he's ready to find Princess Yuria which Luke calls a cut and says being their on a roll they should shoot the final scene as Team Rocket watch from the bushes where Jessie asks "now" which James nods his head to and Meowth gets up in attention.

    Everyone heads to a forest cave and Luke says the camera will be constantly rolling so they need to keep acting no matter what (you can now probably guess what happens) which Iris asks what happen if they mess up and Cilan says they'll have to ad-lib it. Ash asks Cilan what does "ad-lib" mean and Cilan says it's where you make up the lines the top of your head as you go along and some of the most rememberable moments in movies are ad-libbed and doesn't match the situation the characters are in (Cilan I believe those are called "bloopers", they're added extras added in credits because they don't fit in the movie). "Captain" Cilan says the Princess's power opened up the cave (like I said, hope Luke has a good editing program) and is about to go in but "Sir" Ash stops them jumping down from the cliff (oh, right, Ash can do that perfectly...). "Captain" Cilan asks how did "Sir" Ash find them and "Sir" Ash says it's because his and Princess Yuria's hearts are connected (so I wonder if Luke did add a kissing scene did he do so not thinking OR did he remember Princess Yuria is Zorua and just went with it) as Pansage uses Bullet Seed but Pikachu dodges with Quick Attack. Pansage dodges and uses SolarBeam which Pikachu counters with Electro Ball "with spirit" and like with Dragon Rage the attacks are equal so Pikachu has to use a Thunderbolt to finish and hit "Captain" Cilan and Pansage defeating them.

    "Sir" Ash asks if the Princess is okay but Air Slash comes out of nowhere at Princess Yuria causing Zorua to transform back but then get captured in an electric net surprising everyone as Luke asks what they want with Zorua and Team Rocket come flying down on their hovercraft and recite their motto. Cilan explains to Luke who Team Rocket are as they fly off with Jessie saying now that they have Zorua they don't need to stick around but Golett shows them why by destroying their hovercraft with a Shadow Ball though they land on their feet. Ash says they'll take care of Team Rocket as Cilan tells Luke to keep on rolling (EP069 "Lights, Camera, Quack-tion" anyone? ) and he asks why when Cilan declares it ad-libbing time and pulls off his pirate captain outfit to reveal a tuxedo mask-esque outfit (which is just his normal clothes with a white cape and mask)...

    Cilan: The three evil villains who patrolled him all along have finally showed themselves, Team Rocket.
    Comment: Did... did you have this "plot twist" prepared in case Team Rocket showed up?

    With a confused Team Rocket and an excited Luke, Cilan reveals that he's "Pokemon Sorcerer" Cilan and, probably not wanting to be outdone, "Dragon Master" Iris jumps down into the scene. Pansage uses Bullet Seed to break the electric cage Zorua was in freeing it as it jumps away just as Axew does Dragon Rage and hits Team Rocket. However Dragon Rage doesn't look to have done anything and Jessie sends Woobat after Zorua by using Gust which sends Zorua flying but Ash sends out Tranquill to catch Zorua. Tranquill catches Zorua though James sends out Yamask who uses Shadow Ball on Tranquill (I guess no one has to worry then as Tranquill is a Normal-type and Shadow Ball is a Ghost-type attack, oops) but Pikachu counters with a Thunderbolt exploding the Shadow Ball (which actually surprised Tranquill so great job helping Team Rocket, Ash ) and knocking Zorua off Tranquill. Zorua lands safely though as Meowth tells it to give up and come with them however Zorua transforms into a female Meowth (you can tell because it has a pink bow) and flirts with Meowth which seems to have put him under the infatuated status ailment. Jessie and James tries to get Meowth back to its senses (instead of grabbing Zorua themselves, Zorua was right next to Jessie's foot!) as Zorua transforms back and uses Night Daze causing a large red explosion which forces Team Rocket to fly off on their jetpacks.

    Ash asks if Zorua is okay though Luke reminds them the camera is still rolling and "Pokemon Sorcerer" Cilan says who would have thought the princess was a Zorua though Iris asks about the real princess as Luke points to her with Iris giving a confused "me?". Cilan tries to "recover" for Iris saying when she knew Team Rocket was after her she disguised Zorua as herself (despite "Princess Yuria" looking nothing like Iris) and Iris... and we're in a movie theater now with Luke's film playing. On screen Iris throws her cloak off revealing her in a princess outfit (oh come on, being you shot away you could have had Zorua step in and claim Princess Yuria used "magic" to change her appearance (it works for Zelda)) and we have a scene of "Sir" Ash and "Pokemon Sorcerer" Cilan bowing to "Princess Yuria" Iris saying they'll always serve her and "Princess Yuria" Iris saying together they can make a brighter future for their Pokemon World where the movie ends. The narrator is here so I'll let him finis... racing reviews? At best I thought the audience would applaud though have a "what the f*** happened in the third act?" face.

    Oh wait the episode is still going on! Luke thanks Ash & co. for helping with the film (even admitting it was a "lucky break") which Cilan says is an innovative motion picture (you wish) as Mr. Matthews says he wished the battle scene were a bit more exciting which Luke agrees with. Mr. Matthews suggests that Luke enters a Nimbasa Battle Tournament which gets Ash's attention as Mr. Matthews goes on to say he's sure the experience would help Luke shoot all kinds of exciting battle scenes which Luke agrees to do. Ash says he'll enter the tournament also with Iris and Cilan saying they too which Luke says will be a blast though Cilan reminds them that it means they'll all be rivals though this gets Iris and Ash even more excited as we end with Ash & co. (+ Luke) getting ready to head to Nimbasa City!

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