Well, it's my first time making these kinds of topics. Onto the discussion:
Did that former Team Rocket member sound a lot like Goku to anyone else?
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Well, it's my first time making these kinds of topics. Onto the discussion:
Did that former Team Rocket member sound a lot like Goku to anyone else?
Well I think he was played by Goku's VA who also voiced Morrison(Hoenn League) and Alan(Sinnoh Region).
Anyways, Ash sounded wierd when Dawn saw the shooting star and Ash said it was probably Team Rocket getting defeated by Metagross. Then he imitates what they when blasting off.
While this epsidoe was a filler, it is nice to have a Team Rocket oriented episode once again. Only problem with most Team Rocket oriented episodes is that it usually involves them splitting up but then getting back together in the last few moments. However the episode was still good nontheless and we got to see a Shiny Metagross (which just so happen to be gold and silver in color, it's like they are trying to hint at something!). Anyway other then that I have said pretty much everything else in my review (forgive if it's long, I got a new computer and the Notepad program is spaced out differently so I have to re-figure out how long will a message look when put from Notepad onto a post):
Meeting With A Successful Friend:
* 30 seconds into the show and Team Rocket already show up, am I guessing early blast off? LOL, Ash and co. finally are acting as they shoudl when they see Team Rocket: "oh, these guys again..."
* Now Ash, I know you are all in a hurry but you can't have Pikachu blast them off until they recite their motto. Wow, James sure got back on his feet, though Jessie had better hair days.
* Dawn isn't the only one hungry as the main antagonists do have to eat too. Looks like Team Rocket once again ate more then they can pay for. And before they sneak in, look who's here: Ash and co.!
* Huh? I guess they must have spotted Team Rocket trying to leave. Though I'm pretty sure they haven't ever had to do the dishes to pay off for a meal before...
* Huh? Old friend and mentor? And apparently Jessie and James know who this Christopher is. Okay, what's the story here?
* Ah, so Christopher was part of Team Rocket but couldn't slice it, and Jessie and James told him there was more then Team Rocket and treated him to ramen which inspired him to quit Team Rocket and open up his own Ramen shop he named after Jessie and James.
* I guess Team Rocket don't have to worry about paying the bill anymore, though with the advice they gave to Christopher it makes you wonder why they never took it?
* Whoa, nice cutting their Meowth, you made a whole bowl of noodles... and apparently Christopher agrees and wants to hire Meowht as head chef and eventually take over his ramen enterprise.
* Hm? Hey, did I see Meowzie in Meowth's ramen king fantasy? If that is the case, that Skitty must be May's Skitty which Meowth also had a crush on, though I don't know where that Lopunny came from (Meowth didn't show any signs of liking Paris's Lopunny).
* But of course Jessie and James throws in an Aipom wrench into Meowth's fantasy, becuase Meowth does pretty much does most of the machine and robot work.
Rethinking Life Choices:
* Um, Ash and co. didn't you find it a bit odd how the restuarant was named "Jessie and James"? I mean obviously you don't know if it is referring to the Team Rocket members you're constantly blasting off but still you could note it as a bit odd.
* Wow, Team Rocket built another robot fast, and Pikachu destroys it just as fast. Which is kind of odd for them not to make it electric-proof, then again being it's Meowth who does the mechanic work and he was made an offer he wanted to take I guess Meowth is a bit distracted.
* Where does Team Rocket keep getting blasted off too that they wind up covered in seaweed a second time landing there? Does the place have an excess of seaweed or something?
* Whoa, Meowth sounded pretty angry. Meowth has decided to take up Christopher's offer and surprisingly it's Jessie who tells James that there is no use trying to change Meowth's mind.
* Jessie is deciding to quit Team Rocket too! It makes sense, Jessie is becoming a good Coordinator and with some practice she could become as good as May or Dawn... okay just Dawn.
* Erm, Jessie, if you don't remember James ran away and joined Team Rocket to get away from his rich life and fiance. Wow, Jessie changed to her Jessalina disguise pretty fast.
* Poor James, you can't help but feel sorry for him. What's this, Ash and co.? An oddly colored Metagross... do they mean a Shiny Metagross? Well James decideds to go catch it, unfortunetly he missed the part about it being aggresive and every trainer that tried to catch it getting hurt.
* Gee James, what told you that? Possibly the sign post with a picture of a Shiny Metagross head body with a caustion warning above it? Sounds like James plans on trying to get Jessie and Meowth to rejoin Team Rocket with Metagross's capture.
* Those passing by trainers who saw James going up the mountain gets eavesdropped by Jessie realizing they are talking about James. Meanwhile I don't think James needs to look for the Shiny Metagross for very long...
Back And Blasted Off Together:
* Jessie must be rushing into town to tell Meowth that James is about to do something very dangerous. Wow, if there is anything Meowth that we know for sure, it's that he's the slice and dice master. But Meowth does take a quick second to see Christopher pushing Jessie away (apparently he can't tell though a disguise either).
* Eventually Christopher realize it's Jessie and begins apologizing for not recognizing her (come on, you were a member of Team Rocket, didn't you at least learn disguise 101?). But of course Meowth comes in though is not in a mood to talk.
* Jessie runs off telling Meowth that she's happy to hear he found his calling, but of course both have tears in their eyes. Meanwhile James decides to battle the Metagross with Mime Jr., which is a bad idea considering Metagross is quad resistant to Psychic-types.
* Eek, using Teeter Dance wasn't really a good idea considering now the rock's it was controlling are flying everywhere. Now their on a cliff and Metagross used Carnivine's Vine Whip to tie them up!
* Well look at it this way James, when Metagross blasts you off it'll be done in a trio... Yanmega and Seviper (how exactly did Poison Tail hurt Metagross)! Looks like Jessie is here to the rescue!
* Jessie is back in, and just in time too as Metagross isn't defeated yet. However Wobbuffet reflected those rocks Metagross shot up at them and knocked it down once more. However Metagross used its super computer brain to figure out a way to trick them and knock them down.
* It was only a matter of time until Meowth heard the news that Jessie and James wnet up to capture Metagross. Huh? Meowth is already up the mountain? Anyway it looks like the Team Rocket Trio is back together again.
* But in the end, the Shiny Metagross wins sending Team Rocket blasting off with a Gyro Ball. Back to Ash and co., Ash, you and you're crazy ideas saying the shooting star was Team Rocket being blast off by Metagross. With that scene over, Ash and co. continue to Snowpoint City.
DOMOJITA wrote: |
James is one of my favorite characters next to meowth and ash must be psychic or maybe he just took a good guest about that shooting star being team rocket kinda wierd how his voice changed a little for a moment good episode i give it a 10. |
Ash was just joking unknowingly being right. And Ash voiced changed at that part because he was trying to sound like... like... well I don't know who he was trying to sound like but he changed his voice on purpose for that "We're Blasting Off Again" joke.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
While this epsidoe was a filler, it is nice to have a Team Rocket oriented episode once again. Only problem with most Team Rocket oriented episodes is that it usually involves them splitting up but then getting back together in the last few moments. However the episode was still good nontheless and we got to see a Shiny Metagross (which just so happen to be gold and silver in color, it's like they are trying to hint at something!). Anyway other then that I have said pretty much everything else in my review (forgive if it's long, I got a new computer and the Notepad program is spaced out differently so I have to re-figure out how long will a message look when put from Notepad onto a post): Meeting With A Successful Friend: Rethinking Life Choices: Back And Blasted Off Together: |
yes this episode was definely a filler. i would like to see a team rocket episode not focused on jessie, james, and meowth because we always know they will blast off and it just makes them very annoying ppl i would even call them villians because villians actually do evil things and succeed (the rest of team rocket, team magma, team aqua, and team galactic). J&J always fail making complete clowns of themselves which i think has gotton really boring even ash and company can admit to it that all they consider them is a nussiance so annoying yet they are the main villians representing team rocket.
i mean there are other members of team rocket maybe they should bring them back to give some life back in the story because the life of ash and company is always good happy happy except when ash loses to paul who laughs him being a strong trainer or when Dawn loses a contest she cries out in tears there is never any conflict involving other people excluding ash and company and just regular people.
And i know the movies show ash going through a lot of conflict but its too much for him alone i know hes the main character and all but the whole movie goes to waste because the focus is all on him saving the day doing impossible things with legendary pokemon. yes i know about the conflict between ash and team galactic but i dont think that is good enough because there is still too much focus on ash i think they should make a episode where team rocket other members are the focus vs team galactic where ash and the police are the 3rd party less focus more action so there is more realistic where ash doesnt have to do it all since he has a hard time beating paul how can he defeat team galactic. i understand him beating Jessie, James, and Meowth.
[QUOTE="HaydenAvery"]for once the gang realizes team rocket is just as much as a threat as a magikarp.[QUOTE]
They pretty much figured that out a long while ago all the way back in Kanto.
Anyway, this episode was entertaining. Meowth made me laugh, and I just liked the episode overall.
i_hated_hoenn wrote: |
couldnt this episode have had a happy ending? |
A Team Rocket Upgrade wouldnt kill the Writers, dont think it would hurt either. Maybe if Mime Jr. were to evolve already, and of James got Cacnea back a Cacturne or a 5th Generation evolution of Cacnea.
but I doubt it.
But I am getting off topic so...........