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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Old Rivals, New Tricks!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Sep 5, 2009
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    The time for the Sandalstraw Contest is here...

    Remember, no talking about next week's episode.

    Edited on 09/05/2009 6:35am
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [2]Sep 5, 2009
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    Too bad Ambipom, I'd thought she would win for Dawn. But at least it revealed its talent for Ping-Ping. Anyways, it was a good episode and I dont know if Meowth said something similar to that in the Original, but if it did, it would be funny to see that!
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [3]Sep 5, 2009
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    Those outfits that James, Meowth, and Wobbuffet wore in the episode sure looked a lot like the ones they wore when rooting for Ash and Pikachu to win against Lt. Surge... I wouldn't be surprised if they were, considering the fact that it's happened before.

    Anyway, great episode, and Ambipom did awesome even though it lost to Prinplup. Jessie actually did pretty good in the Appeal's this time, IMO, and it's amusing seeing Mamoswine get more and more interested in contests.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [4]Sep 5, 2009
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    Another Pokemon Contest has gone and went, and unfortunely Dawn remains with the same amount of ribbons. However the episode was pretty good and for once I liked Jessie and Kenny's Performance Round more than Dawn's! In addition Mamoswine is getting closer and closer into wanting to participate in a Pokemon Contest, and hopefully it'll be the one Dawn uses to win her 5th Ribbon! Though with the whole ping-pong theme going on it's putting a bit of hype on the Pokemon Ping-Pong Tournament, though I'm still not to sure about it being its just normal Ping-Pong with your Pokemon acting as your partner. However if the ping-pong thing was like the one between Ambipom and Prinplup, then I wouldn't have a doubt it would be exciting! Now onto the review:

    Trying To Ice Its Way In:
    * I don't care how many action sequneces they have for it, I still think Pokemon Ping-pong (as it is now) is kind of lame... and can someone give Pikachu a paddle?
    * Dawn is planning on using Ambipom for both rounds? Maybe Dawn should consider using Mamoswine for the second round now that she is able to command it and it is more of a powerhouse than performer.
    * Dawn, Ambipom hasn't been Ash's for like two seasons, actually Ambipom wasn't Ash's at all, Aipom was. Anyway I think it is safe to say that now fans consider Ambipom as your Pokemon.
    * Jessie plans on copying Ursula's Gabite's contest performance (standing still and then springing into action) but is goign to put a cute twist to is using Mime Jr..
    * Huh? Where did that Ice Shard come from? Luckily Ambipom was able to break it apart but Dawn shouldn't blame Mamoswine so quickly, all it was doing was watching... oh, so Mamoswine did fire the Ice Shard. Now maybe Dawn will take my advice to use Mamoswine for the 2nd round?
    * Oh, nevermind, as it turns out Mamoswine is playing "hard-to-get-to-participate". Though you can't really compare the way Mamoswine and Aipom got attention as Aipom pretty much through itself into situations while Mamoswine makes you want to have it join in.

    Passing On Through Up To the Finals:
    * Lol, they still have that pompom attached to Ambipom's head. And very nice suits Team Rocket, I'm sure it isn't like Ash and co. aren't going to recognize the Team Rocket "R" on the flag Wobbuffet is holding.
    * For once one of Jessie's stolen Performance Round tactic works! I guess Mime Jr. must have been gathering its energy while waiting (wonder if it gathered any more energy it would have gotten the coordinators backstage dancing?). Anyway it sounds like Jessie got through into the Battle Round.
    * Kenny has a Machoke? Well one thing I have to fault Kenny on was with the seal he chose, pink bubbles? But other than that Kenny showed what a Machoke was meant for, but I can't hold back the feeling Kenny chose ot use Machoke, a Fighting-type, because Dawn planned on using Ambipom, a Normal-type.
    * Dawn, Kenny is a coordinator, of course he saw the Wallace Cup, infact I was kind of surprised Kenny (nor Nando on that manner) weren't in it. Being it was held in Sinnoh, I would think most of the Sinnoh Coordinators would have tried to compete in it.
    * So a bit of Ambipom's performance was based upon some of that ping-pong training. However I have to admit its not very different from some of Dawn's other Performances. However it sure got Mamoswine's attention.
    * And, to the surprise of approximately no one, Dawn, Kenny, and Jessie make it through into the Battle Round. And does it really matter who gets their 5th Ribbon or to the Grand Festival first, I thought it was the coordinator who won that gets the Ribbon Cup?
    * After watching the first Battle Round, I have to say that type-wise only Kenny and his Prinplup had things a bit easy. Though we saw them winning, Jessie and Seviper was up against a Gastrodon (West) who, being a Ground/Water-type, has a resistance to Poison-types. As for Dawn and Ambipom, I wonder how Dawn was able to get through the first Battle Round as their opponent was a Haunter, and Ghost-types are immune to Normal and Fighting-type attacks which are the only move types Ambipom knows!
    * But no time to think about that now, As Dawn and Ambipom just beat Jessie and Seviper. However Dawn should have automatically won once Seviper was knocked out, yet they still let the timer run out (even if there was only a few seconds left Dawn would have won from K.O.ing Seviper).

    This Is What Pokemon Ping-Pong Should Be About:
    * Oh, while I'm not surprised it's Dawn and Kenny in the final round, I would have betted that Kenny would have used Machoke against Dawn knowing she would be using Ambipom, but instead he went with his Prinplup. Mamoswine still paying wide attention.
    * How did Dawn lose points from Prinplup blasting down all of the Double Team Ambipom? Sure, Prinplup hit a lot of the fakes, but that is the point of Double Team, unless Prinplup hit the real Ambipom Dawn shouldn't have lost points. Anyway Danw gets payback by having Ambipom ping-pong the Bubblebeam back.
    * Oh, so now the Battle turned into a ping-pong match! And you want to know something, I think this is what Pokemon Ping-Pong should be! Only with Pokemon with the "ball" they are using will do damage if you miss! However I do have to wonder why the Bubblebeam bubbles haven't all popped from being smacked back and forth?
    * GAH! Dawn lost! Well being this was for Dawn's fifth ribbon I actually shouldn't be surprised (Dawn has to go through the "this is the last Pokemon Contest before the Grand Festival!" urgency) but yet I am! Dawn also looked to have been winning but Dawn seemed to forgot in Pokemon Contests going "head on" is a VERY bad idea for your points.
    * So I guess this makes Dawn and Kenny even, not only in number of wins and losses against each other but number of ribbons too. Hey Mamoswine, being you're paying wide attention, why not lend a helping tust in Dawn's next Pokemon Contest? Another surprise is that Meowth volunteered to help Jessie in the next Pokemon Contest! I wonder what Meowht has scheming...?
    * No Dawn, I think you got too much hanged on using Ambipom for both the Performance and Battle Rounds, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't that the reason why Ash was knocked out of the Wallace Cup because his opponent knew Buizel's every move?
    * I got to agree with Kenny here Barry, you should be the last person to tell anyone about taking a break. Wait, you mean Dawn and Ambipom weren't planning to enter the Pokemon Ping-Pong Tournament before? THEN WHY WERE THEY PRACTICING FOR IT? Well, Ambipom was practicing along with Ash and Barry but still Dawn gave the indication she had Ambipom doing in on purpose.

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  • Avatar of thec0mebackman


    [5]Sep 5, 2009
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    decent episode. i love Ambipom, cutest monkey hands down. it got me sad having it in Ash's memory flashbacks ...and also Ambipom is like the master of contests. it's my fave pokemon when it comes to contest appeals for Dawn. i love the combos it uses for its movesets. ok so enough of my Ambipom worship haha.

    it kinda annoyed me that Ambipom lost a contest. if they wanted Dawn to lose, why couldn't they just use Mamoswine or something. i want Ambipom to win! also, Kenny bugs me for some odd reason. and that pingpong Bubblebeam between Ambipom and Prinplup was kinda ....stupid.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Sep 5, 2009
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    This is a great episode.

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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [7]Sep 5, 2009
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    it was ok iam just geting kinda tired of thess pokemon contest couldent thay come up with something new for the sihnno saga.
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [8]Sep 6, 2009
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    It's Dawn's Sandalstraw Contest this week! Can she win against Kenny a second time?

    A good episode, but definitely not the best Contest episode. Even though it was predictable, it was still great. I feel bad for Ambipom... and as for Kenny, well, he's really annoying and his scratchy voice is a real put-off, but he is a great competitor.

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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [9]Sep 7, 2009
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    I thought it was a really good ep
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [10]Sep 7, 2009
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    Prinplup's win = cheap. Ambipom is battling hard and strong and looks in great shape, and then bang, down in one move. Lame.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [11]Sep 10, 2009
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    i liked dawn losing but ambipom should of won to make a good memory for it. the quick appearance of shellder was also nice.
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [12]Sep 10, 2009
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    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [13]Sep 10, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    No, this was also mentioned when the Episode Aired in Japan, it is an Anime Error type thing. But remember, it is the Anime, not Games, so anything is possible in the Anime.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [14]Sep 10, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    I mentioned it.

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [15]Sep 11, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    I mentioned it.

    when i read long paragrapghs onbline my eyes start to hurt sorry

    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    No, this was also mentioned when the Episode Aired in Japan, it is an Anime Error type thing. But remember, it is the Anime, not Games, so anything is possible in the Anime.

    but type advanatages and disadvantages still exist but ill just call it a plot hole and call it a day -_-

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [16]Sep 11, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    I mentioned it.

    when i read long paragrapghs onbline my eyes start to hurt sorry

    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    No, this was also mentioned when the Episode Aired in Japan, it is an Anime Error type thing. But remember, it is the Anime, not Games, so anything is possible in the Anime.

    but type advanatages and disadvantages still exist but ill just call it a plot hole and call it a day -_-

    It's okay, I do plan on experimenting with a new type of review which would be shorter but also somewhat interactive. I might try it out next episode now knowing my other posts have been causing problems.

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [17]Sep 17, 2009
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    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    I mentioned it.

    when i read long paragrapghs onbline my eyes start to hurt sorry

    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    No, this was also mentioned when the Episode Aired in Japan, it is an Anime Error type thing. But remember, it is the Anime, not Games, so anything is possible in the Anime.

    but type advanatages and disadvantages still exist but ill just call it a plot hole and call it a day -_-

    It's okay, I do plan on experimenting with a new type of review which would be shorter but also somewhat interactive. I might try it out next episode now knowing my other posts have been causing problems.

    u dont have to change ur style of summaries for 1 person O_o

    btw has a new episode aired yet? its been a long week and i feel like ive missed something -_-

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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [18]Sep 17, 2009
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    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    I mentioned it.

    when i read long paragrapghs onbline my eyes start to hurt sorry

    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    No, this was also mentioned when the Episode Aired in Japan, it is an Anime Error type thing. But remember, it is the Anime, not Games, so anything is possible in the Anime.

    but type advanatages and disadvantages still exist but ill just call it a plot hole and call it a day -_-

    It's okay, I do plan on experimenting with a new type of review which would be shorter but also somewhat interactive. I might try it out next episode now knowing my other posts have been causing problems.

    u dont have to change ur style of summaries for 1 person O_o

    btw has a new episode aired yet? its been a long week and i feel like ive missed something -_-

    Yeah, checked the pinned Threads, there is one up there. But the only problem is no new episode airs September 19th.

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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [19]Sep 18, 2009
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    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:
    Pikachu315111 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    I mentioned it.

    when i read long paragrapghs onbline my eyes start to hurt sorry

    BAC510 wrote:
    i_hated_hoenn wrote:

    am i the only oen who noticed that ambi beat a haunter? HOW IN THE WORLD IS THAT POSSIBLE?????????????????????????

    anyways nice episode even though i wish jessie won

    No, this was also mentioned when the Episode Aired in Japan, it is an Anime Error type thing. But remember, it is the Anime, not Games, so anything is possible in the Anime.

    but type advanatages and disadvantages still exist but ill just call it a plot hole and call it a day -_-

    It's okay, I do plan on experimenting with a new type of review which would be shorter but also somewhat interactive. I might try it out next episode now knowing my other posts have been causing problems.

    u dont have to change ur style of summaries for 1 person O_o

    btw has a new episode aired yet? its been a long week and i feel like ive missed something -_-

    Yeah, checked the pinned Threads, there is one up there. But the only problem is no new episode airs September 19th.

    aw man are you serious????? oh my gawd ugh oh well
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