Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
I loved this episode, a great way to end a arc I really enjoyed.
Conrad deciding to stock Jessallena was hillarous, as well as Jessie and Meowth forgetting why they came. Speaking of which, it was nice that Jessie made friend actully outside of Team Rocket, that is strange to see anyone from Team Rocket make friends.
Once again another girl falls for Ash, who of course if oblvious.
nyfan wrote: |
I loved this episode, a great way to end a arc I really enjoyed. Conrad deciding to stock Jessallena was hillarous, as well as Jessie and Meowth forgetting why they came. Speaking of which, it was nice that Jessie made friend actully outside of Team Rocket, that is strange to see anyone from Team Rocket make friends. Once again another girl falls for Ash, who of course if oblvious. |
Conrad? I know you mean Conway & yeah, stalking Jesse was funny. I began liking girls before the age of 10, wonder what is keeping Ash from at least liking one girl, though he did once: In "The School of Hard Knocks".
BAC510 wrote: |
Wonder what is keeping Ash from at least liking one girl, though he did once: In "The School of Hard Knocks". |
Because Ash is oblivious and only has one thing on his mind: Food... I mean to become a Pokemon Master. And being the show is about him on his journey to become a Pokemon Master, no romances will exist between Ash or any character.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||
Because Ash is oblivious and only has one thing on his mind: Food... I mean to become a Pokemon Master. And being the show is about him on his journey to become a Pokemon Master, no romances will exist between Ash or any character. |
Maybe it will happen as the show is coming to an end but if he falls for anyone, it would be good old Misty. How come she wants to become the best Water Pokemon Master, yet she falls for Ash?
BAC510 wrote: | ||
Conrad? |
I don't know why I keep thinking his name is Conrad. It is just one of those things. LOL
BAC510 wrote: | ||||
Maybe it will happen as the show is coming to an end but if he falls for anyone, it would be good old Misty. |
1. We are not suppose to talk about any kinds of ships due to how easily an arguement can occur.
2. The only, and ONLY way for Ash to "get together" with anyone was if the show did some sort of shift or generation jump where Ash becomes no longer the main character and we begin to follow another trainer's journey.
Team Galactic invading Celestic Town! Can't wait.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||||
1. We are not suppose to talk about any kinds of ships due to how easily an arguement can occur. 2. The only, and ONLY way for Ash to "get together" with anyone was if the show did some sort of shift or generation jump where Ash becomes no longer the main character and we begin to follow another trainer's journey. |
SPDShadowRanger wrote: | ||||||||
Whether she is in a contest Disguise or some other disguise, I'll refer to her as Jessie, so I don't get confused.
Don't worry, I won't mention my previous message
Now let us give a final farewell applaud for the Summer School arc, some of the best few episodes in the Sinnoh Saga. Though they didn't really advance Ash and co. in any real way, at least it brought some comedy and interesting things while it was going. However now Ash and co. go back on the road to Celestic Town for the next Pokemon Contest, but we first need to get through this epsiode so:
On Your Marks, Get Set:
* We're finally here, the final event (and episode) of the Summer School Arc! Wonder what event Professor Rowan has in store.
* Blue Team is still in the lead with 260 points, Red Ream is behind with 220, and Green Team is dead last with 180. Funny, each score is seperated by intervals of 40.
* Oh, a triathalon that involves the use of two Pokemon. For Red Team to win, they'll pretty much have to claim at least 2 of the Top 3 spots, if not all 3.
* I can tell right now, this race is pretty much going to be between Ash and Angie... Brock, it's not about the points, it's about hot-headed competition between those two.
* Oh no, don't tell me Angie has gained a crush on Ash? Angie does remind me of Anabel, though I shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet.
* Speak about odd, and Conway appears right on cue! Dawn is the person to watch out for? He either gathered that because of the honorable mention she got for the first part of the Summer School Arc... or just wanted to tell Dawn he "got her marked".
* Last but not least, here's Professor Rowan and a surprise appearance: Nurse Joy. Well Brock hasn't been Poison Jabbed lately so... well Croagunk knew what to do.
* And Jessie is still putting the students in Green Team to work as her personal servents (though I thought it was only the boys she had "command" over).
* I would becareful with that idea Meowth, the last time you and James tried to sabotage an event Meowth got tormented by Ghost-type Pokemon.
GO! GO! GO!:
* Wow, Jessie is pretty fast... but her Pokemon isn't. Lol! Well Jessie, a Hippowdon is what you get for rushing ahead.
* Dawn got Dodrio, she should be zooming by at top speed. Interesting Brock got an Onix, so he might be second fastest. Nothing much to say on Angie and Ariodos. As for Ash getting a Spoink, well how is he even going to ride it?
* Oh, I guess that's how... um, how can Ash be in the lead, and in FRONT of Dawn on a Dodrio? Isn't that kind of contradicting an episode in the 1st season having a Dodrio being very fast?
* Nevermind, Dawn and Dodrio just ran ahead... though Ash and Spoink are pretty fast. Though Angie uses Ariodos web swinging skills to full use to get ahead.
* Whoa, for a Summer School I have to say that they have a group of pretty powerful Pokemon! Conway got a Dugtrio and decided to pull a Team Rocket by digging pitfalls! But what is Meowth and James going to do now then?
Through Lake Or Land:
* The water part is next, and Angie got a Lapras, she might just stay ahead! But wait, looks like Ash got a Mantine... err, make that a Mantyke (Ash has the worst choosing skills with random Pokemon)
* So Dawn got a Sharpedo, Brock a Feraligatr, Conway a Floatzel. Umm, how is Conway not drowning when Floatzel submerges?
* Scratch that about Ash being a bad chooser, Jessie is worse! She's in dead last, apparently Conway and Dugtrio digging strategy didn't work with Hippowdon. And her Water-type Pokemon is... Magikarp... Whoa, a Magikarp with some spunk!
* Ash and Angie are on the last leg and have their iconic partners (Pikachu and Shinx) rushing ahead. And Jessie surprisingly got into 3rd place... and the creepy interest of Conway!
* Ash & Pikachu and Angie & Shinx keep on charging ahead, and behind Jessie & Serviper try to get away from Conway & Slowking.
* Wow, Jessie & Serviper are in the lead! Though Jessie decides that it is time to get rid of the stalker and other competition... But only succeeds having Conway gaining first. Creepiness FTW?
* After Ash quickly saves Angie (and she blushes yet again), they are back to racing except in 3rd and 4th place. Where is everyone else though, they can't be that slow?
* I guess running like nutcases finally caught up with Conway and Jessie, so now it's pretty much Ash VS. Angie (Like I said way in the beginning)! And so the winner is...
It's Funny, The Person Who Won First Place, Ash Or Angie, Is The Next Line Down But Instead Of Looking You're Spending Your Time Reading This Very Long Title :
* Ash and Pikachu with a photo finish! With Ash and Angie getting first and second, that bumps Red Team up by 80 points (and if Brock and Dawn can catch up, one of them can get third and make it a full 100 points)!
* And the winners of the Summer School Arc is Red Team! They have won the House Cu... I mean... um... what did they win? Also they never told us who won 3rd (though it didn't look to be Brock or Dawn so it doesn't really matter).
* Oh, they get a plaque... oh, all the students get one... so I guess there was no specific award given to Red Team for winning (what a jip ).
* I'm a bit confused, Meowth and James said they were going to sabotage the event but didn't do anything at all. Well they forgot their plan to capture the school's Pokemon and earned some cash instead (they better hide it from Delibird).
* Ash and Angie share a final night farewell and she showed no signs of liking Ash at the end of the episode so I guess the point is moot. Though we'll see if they do meet when Ash and co. get to Solaceon Town. With that, this episode and arc ends.
i must say this has got to be the best filler/episode ive seen since the johto regions. i loved how they mixed old with new like how they used some of the old music and lapras ice beam thing kinda like what ash did in the indigo plataeu (however u spell it) one thing i really hate about this episode is that it gave me nostalgia for when pokemon was more like an anime and less kiddy its very rare for a filler to be better than the plotline but leave it to pokemon to pull it off
hopefully the rest of the plot episodes will get better from here on out.
and since i cant find the ghoul daze thread i just wanna say i loved that episode too
oh and is it just me or was conway waaaaaay too pedophilish in these episodes -_- seriously he should just ask a girl out instead of being creepy around them.
what person in their right mind would tell a ten year old girl that theyve been "studying her" *shivers*
well thats my review of this episode
oh and one more thing kudos to team rocket for not cheating or disrupting the contests like they usually do (if u dont count jessie attacking everyone with seviper)
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Umm, how is Conway not drowning when Floatzel submerges? |
pikastatic100 wrote: | ||
![]() ![]() |
Actually it was said in AG019 "Sharpedo Attack" that Sharpedo can control who gets hurt from Sharpedo's Rough Skin.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||
Actually it was said in AG019 "Sharpedo Attack" that Sharpedo can control who gets hurt from Sharpedo's Rough Skin. |
Uh, Maybe Conway held his breathe!*being sarcastic*. He might have have come back off-screen. People can hold their breathe for at least a minute, which is why Ash didn't feel the pressure when he was with Buizel in the Lumineon Episode. To add more, like everone else said, it is a show, especially a cartoon, common sense!