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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Pedal to the Mettle!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Nov 7, 2009
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    Discuss part 1 of Ash and Paul's battle here.
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [2]Nov 7, 2009
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    so basically this battle ash will lose from the looks of it

    it's how you beat the elite for use pokemon that couter their teams

    Edited on 11/07/2009 8:00am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of animatiun_lover


    [3]Nov 7, 2009
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    wow im surprised nobody posted yet. maybe alot of people dont knwo about the time switch (i hope pokemond oesnt lose too many ratings) well this was an overall good battle and ash as usual was being a little bit retarded. like when torterra used stone edge on staraptor: omg why did he do that? who knows ash maybe it has something to do with oh i dunno COMMON SENSE

    well anyways as much as i hate paul and would love to see him lose the battle, he deserves to win and if he loses its ONLY because ash is the main character

    i mean honestly ashs battlin style confuses me. he didnt use buizel to fight torterra because of type disadvantges then he uses grotle to fight honchcrow? ugh whatever

    overall a good episode

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [4]Nov 7, 2009
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    Awesome episode! I'm gonna enjoy watching this battle, even though I know Ash is gonna lose.
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  • Avatar of HaydenAvery


    [5]Nov 7, 2009
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    good battle. good episode. bad paul.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [6]Nov 7, 2009
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    I am a bit dissapointed with the Music. I hate that Dubbed Music they played when Aipom first fought Gardenia's Roserade, Grotle learning Rock Climb and now when Grotle is fighting Honchkrow. They had some of the original background music but they took out the Lucario VS Buizel background music that was used when Staraptor fought Weavile.

    Other than that, the battle was good, just like the original, lets just hope next episode's background music stays in there and I wonder which one will win?

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  • Avatar of edmasterchaos


    [7]Nov 7, 2009
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    animatiun_lover wrote:

    wow im surprised nobody posted yet. maybe alot of people dont knwo about the time switch (i hope pokemond oesnt lose too many ratings) well this was an overall good battle and ash as usual was being a little bit retarded. like when torterra used stone edge on staraptor: omg why did he do that? who knows ash maybe it has something to do with oh i dunno COMMON SENSE

    well anyways as much as i hate paul and would love to see him lose the battle, he deserves to win and if he loses its ONLY because ash is the main character

    i mean honestly ashs battlin style confuses me. he didnt use buizel to fight torterra because of type disadvantges then he uses grotle to fight honchcrow? ugh whatever

    overall a good episode

    Well, that's the only part of teh battle i don't blame Ash for, Torterra is Grass/Ground, so just charging in there for a fast kill seemed like a good idea, before he knew about Stone Edge of course.

    Ash seems to allow his Pokemon a bit too much in deciding what to do, unlike Paul who's pokemon know what their role in the battle is and fully accept that. Grotle wanted vengance and Ash rather than just telling him it's not a good option, he allowed Grotle to keep battling.

    Pretty good episode though, any episode that make any refference to abilities and side effects is bound to be good though.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [8]Nov 7, 2009
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    Good episode.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [9]Nov 7, 2009
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    The first half of the battle we've been waiting for, and Ash is off to a rocky start... He seriously should've thought out his stradegy more if he wants to beat Paul.

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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [10]Nov 7, 2009
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    Well, aside from being inconvienced by having to wake up earlier than usual, the show was pretty good. I'm surprise there wasn't any emphasis on Paul wanting to beat Ash because he defeated Brandon. Also, I'm surprised they didn't mention the fact that the defense techniques Grotle learned from Torterra were rendered useless during its battle with Honchkrow. I can tell you one thing, next week's episode is going to be a rough one to watch!
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Nov 8, 2009
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    The first part of the Ash VS. Paul 6-on-6 Battle begins and already both have a Pokemon knocked out and 4 other Pokemon already seen. In addition we pretty much know Ash's remaining Pokemon is Chimchar but don't know what Paul's is. But while Paul made his strategy specifically around countering everyone of Ash's Sinnoh Pokemon which he knew Ash would only use, Ash went into the battle blind to the fact though he seems to be defending for himself quite well despite it. Is this luck or will the battle soon begin going down hill for Ash? Well I can't say for sure (without spoiling it) but I can give a review of part one of the battle:

    10 Days Sure Passed Quickly Those Past TWO Episodes:
    * That's right, Uxie is in Lake Acuity. Now let's see whether he appears before the top two candidates: Paul or Brock. And being candidates are here, it's tough to decide who to bet on.
    * But no time for that, we got to get to the Ash VS. Paul Battle... after a quick visit to the Pokemon Center. And sorry Brock, but unfortunetly you can't fit onto the Pokeball tray like Pikachu can to have Nurse Joy "check" on you, but Croagunk would be happy too.
    * OH! It was Nurse Joy's Chansey! Eitherway Croagunk was prepared to haul Brock away all the same. And there goes Ash to find Paul even though Nurse Joy was going to tell him where he was. *Sigh*
    * And of course we can't forget Team Rocket who are preparing the Battle Field. Now this finally answers a popular question about how every place maintains the battlefield considering the punishment they take (escpecially from Rock- and Ground-type attacks). Apparently they let it get wrecked up until they finally decide to overhaul the whole thing... can't help to think of all the accidents that occured with this system.
    * But back to Pokemon logic, Reggie had called a travelling Referee to judge the Ash VS. Paul match and Reggie even has a back-up battling field... if you can just battle on a normal field then why does the Pokemon Center even need a Battle Field?
    * I guess Ash and co. decided not to go with the Referee just yet and head back to the Pokemon Center to get Ash's Pokemon which he probably should have waited to heal before going off to look for Paul.
    * HAHAHAHA! Oh Ash, if Paul didn't give you respect for beating the trainer who defeated him and Reggie, the only thing winning will do will make Paul angrier and despise you even more!
    * I kind of expected Chimchar to be fired up... infact I kind of expect Grotle and Gliscor to also be since they all have unfinished business with one of Paul's Pokemon. Infact the only one of Ash's Pokemon who properly faced one of Paul's Pokemon yet is Buizel.

    Switching Positions:
    * Hey Reggie, you forgot to mention their few other similarities: they are hard-headed, think they are always right, and sometimes go in over their heads. Anyway it's revealed they are battling in the "great outdoors" (again, why does the Pokemon Center even need a Battle Field then?).
    * Huh? Team Rocket are now helping the Referee? I though they were rebuilding the Pokemon Center's un-needed Battle Field? And why are they in the Invisible Suits from EP048 "Holy Matrimony!" and AG029 "Ready, Willing, and Sableye"? Well at least they are providing a score board.
    * Representing? They aren't representing Kanto/Sinnoh, they're battling to see who's better thus far as individual trainers! Just stick to the "from (home town)".
    * Coin toss? Oh, you mean using Poketch Application? And who exactly used it as the only person I see with a Poketch is Dawn, and as an opponent I would rather have a real coin flip from the referee then relying on the device of a friend of my rival.
    * So it's Ash's Buizel VS. Paul's Torterra... or not. Ash, Torterra is a part Ground-type, meaning the Water-type resistance it gets from being a Grass-type is neutralized meaning Torterra would just receive normal damage.
    * Okay, it's Ash's Gliscor VS. Paul's Torterra and Ash does indeed have the advantage as Torterra is weak to Bug-type attacks (such as X-Scissor) and Gliscor is completely immune to Ground-type attacks.
    * Ash begins strong by having Gliscor use Sand-Attack to lower Torterra' accuracy but that's blown away by a purposely used Giga Drain but Gliscor counters with an X-Scissor. Torterra tries a Frenzt Plant but misses and is now paralyzed while Gligar hits it with a Fire Fang and another X-Scissor. All is looking well for Ash...
    * Until Torterra Crunshes Gliscor's tail and begins Giga Draining it. So Paul knew if he paralyzed Torterra Ash would do a barrage of physical attacks... which are the only types of move Gliscor knows besides Sand-Attack. Maybe Paul just didn't know that so I'll give him he benefit of the doubt.
    * Ash recalled Gliscor and now it's Ash's Staravia VS. Paul's Torterra, and Ash once again still has the adventage in both offense (except now it's Flying-type attacks) and defense. However a quick Stone Edge from Torterra knocks it down from using Brave Bird and Paul finally switches Torterra out (Becasue Ash, since you asked, Stone Edge is a Rock-type move which is Super Effective against Flying-type Pokemon).

    Both Sides Taking Hits:
    * And here we come to the main problem with Ash's strategy is that since he only plans on using the Pokemon he got in Sinnoh (excluding Pikachu obviously), Paul pretty much knows what Ash will do... I wonder what Ash's Pokemon with Professor Oak would think if they ever heard of these battles where Ash probably knew he needed his powerhouses but decided just wing it with the Pokemon he has against an opponent who wouldn't hold back.
    * Ash's Staravia VS. Paul's Weavile next, and now it's Paul's Weavile that has the adventage which Ash was trying to take control of in the beginning of the battle.
    * Paul, what was the purpose of Swords Dance if you were just going to use Blizzard... oh you're then gonna use Metal Claw. And yes Brock, generally Weavile's have a Speed of 125 while Staraptor have a Speed of 100. Speed is even Weavile's highest stat. Actually except for Special Attack, all of Weavile stats are higher then Staraptor's and even has a bigger Total Stats.
    * But Staraptor pulls off a successful Close Combat which is quadruple effective against the Dark/Ice-type Weavile! And a Brave Bird later has Weavile knocked out and Ash recalling Staraptor to rest.
    * Ash's Grotle VS. Paul's Electabuzz is next and Ash has reclaimed the adventage with Grotle being resistant to Electric-type attacks. However looks like Paul's plans ere to just set-up a Light Screen and sends out a Pokemon which should definietly bring us an interesting match...
    * Ash's Grotle VS. Paul's Honchckrow. Honchkrow has the adventage here but Grotle doesn't care as it perfectly remembers the last time it was beaten by Honchkrow. Dawn, you mention type adventage now but didn't during the Staraptor VS. Weaviel battle, especially since at that time Staraptor was already weaken but Grotle is fresh coming out?
    * Eek! Paul smiled! Why must another puppy die? Okay, so Paul is pretty much having Honchkrow play around wiht Grotle having having it attacks barely do nothing and pummel it with attacks once in awhile. However, being that Weavile has already been knocked out, Paul can't really have this be a 100% battle. Paul's best bet now is for a 91.7% battle.
    * Grotle's anger against Honchkrow is now ever-growing as a Sky Attack takes it out. Now Ash and Paul are even with the amount of Pokemon they have sent out (3) and the number of knocked out Pokemon they have (1). Unfortunetly Reggie, I don't think the timing with Synthesis would have helped Grotle any, Ash should of recalled but of course Ash wanted to give Grotle the revenge it wanted but wasn't able to get.
    * Pikachu comes into the ring with Paul returning Honchkrow to now have the battle be Ash's Pikachu VS. Paul's Magmorter! No adventages here, but for how the battle turns out we'll have to wait till next time.

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  • Avatar of EvilOmiRules


    [13]Nov 11, 2009
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    edmasterchaos wrote:
    animatiun_lover wrote:

    wow im surprised nobody posted yet. maybe alot of people dont knwo about the time switch (i hope pokemond oesnt lose too many ratings) well this was an overall good battle and ash as usual was being a little bit retarded. like when torterra used stone edge on staraptor: omg why did he do that? who knows ash maybe it has something to do with oh i dunno COMMON SENSE

    well anyways as much as i hate paul and would love to see him lose the battle, he deserves to win and if he loses its ONLY because ash is the main character

    i mean honestly ashs battlin style confuses me. he didnt use buizel to fight torterra because of type disadvantges then he uses grotle to fight honchcrow? ugh whatever

    overall a good episode

    Well, that's the only part of teh battle i don't blame Ash for, Torterra is Grass/Ground, so just charging in there for a fast kill seemed like a good idea, before he knew about Stone Edge of course.

    Ash seems to allow his Pokemon a bit too much in deciding what to do, unlike Paul who's pokemon know what their role in the battle is and fully accept that. Grotle wanted vengance and Ash rather than just telling him it's not a good option, he allowed Grotle to keep battling.

    Pretty good episode though, any episode that make any refference to abilities and side effects is bound to be good though.
    i dont blame him for using staraptor but when paul used stone edge and ash was like "zomg what was that for " he was acting like paul had done some terrible illogical thing or something :\
    Edited on 11/11/2009 7:27am
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [14]Nov 11, 2009
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    Too bad Brock didn't get a angry face since he tried the same thing in their gym battle.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [15]Nov 14, 2009
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    A great start to the full battle epicness, with a cliffhanger ending that makes everyone hyperventilate.
    Edited on 11/14/2009 6:57pm
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