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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Pillars of Friendship!

  • Avatar of animatiun_lover


    [21]Oct 29, 2009
    • member since: 10/29/09
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    • rank: Sweat Hog
    • posts: 92
    zhangliao1 wrote:
    animetion_lover wrote:

    team rocket is just so pathetic i swear

    wow piplup has enough bubbles in its bubblebeam to get ALL THOSE METANG? and pikachu must have a long and wide range of thunderbolt to get all those skarmory(actually it probably does lol)

    wow hunter j sure is a menacing villain. instead of havin team lame follow them everywhere they go they can just have hunter j pop up every now and then.

    if according to legend the 3 regis reverted back to their original form does that mean that there more than 1 of each regi? O_o

    wow i love the way brandon battles and i love how those 3 regis were in that battle and almost destroyed a town.

    hunter js salamance must be pretty strong to be able to counter a hyper beam with dragon pulse AND take on a full hit by the 3 regis. to think that brandon wouldve had a regigas if it werent for hunter j

    ash and co: zomg were stuck in cobwebs!!! we dont have any pokemon that could help us out so were gonna try to struggle our way out instead btw did anyone notice that brock was freed by poison jab? does that mean that crogunk used poison job on all of them O_o

    wow hunter j actually took off her glasses and ironically she actually looks cooler without them O_o this is the first time hunter j's clients got scared and took off

    overall great episode and ill be looking forward to the paul vs ash battle soon

    actually one of her clients chickened out before and she cut off contact with him because of it remember?
    i think i remember buyt im not completely sure

    something that people are forgetting is that she can just catchg them and then give them away

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  • Avatar of Ford_Chick


    [22]Oct 29, 2009
    • member since: 10/24/09
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    • rank: Caveman Lawyer
    • posts: 144
    Awsome episode!
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