Finally... after 138 episodes, Piplup has at last learned a new move; namely Hydro Pump. It's about time, I say.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Finally... after 138 episodes, Piplup has at last learned a new move; namely Hydro Pump. It's about time, I say.
Awesome episode! It was so cool that Piplup finally learned Hydro Pump!
Unfortunately, I didn't wake up in time to see this episode when it originally came on, so I had to wait until CN West showed it. Boy, Piplup sure has delusions of grandeur, but I don't understand why Piplup expected them to blame Gible for Draco Meteor constantly hitting him. It wasn't his fault. Once Draco Meteor is fired, the Pokemon can't control where it goes. It's the cruel hand of fate that's declared Piplup would be the unfortunate victim of it each time.
this episode show one of piplup aspects i don't like it overattachment to dawn to goes striaght to creepy pikachu or blazkiken never acted this way i understand the bond between pokemon and trainer by piplup fanasties take it overboard.
I dont think those exist in the pokemon world
Oddly enough, I like today's episode, if only because it somewhat makes fun of itself with the Draco Meteor gag. And I now have a feeling that we've seen the last of said gag, because Gible was bein tossed around by Piplup before with just a BubbleBeam and Whirlpool, I don't think anyone wants to see what would happen if Piplup used the new move it learned. Not much to say about this episode other then that, at least not in my short summary:
Piplup Shows What it Thinks of The Draco Meteor Running Gag:
* Looks like Ash & co. decided to stop to look at the nigh... Marian! Didn't expect to see her again until the Sinnoh Grand Festival. Though there is something wrong with her eyes.
* There's a meteor shower (I'm surpised Piplup isn't hiding behind Dawn considering how many Draco Meteors it got hit by) called Poketor (?) Meteor Shower which only happens every 200 years.
* Huh? One of the meteors suddenly is now charging at them and Piplup jumps forward, sends a Whirlpool at it... and now they are in a stadium with Dawn in her Pokemon Contest outfit.
* Okay, this is a dream but I can't quite tell if it's Dawn's or Piplup's, I'm just going to say Piplup due to how ridiculous it is and big egoed it makes Piplup.
* But wait, it isn't over, as Gible appears out of nowhere, does a (failed) Draco Meteor which blasts Piplup and, surprise surprise, wakes it up revealing it was Piplup. Sorry Piplup, not even in your dreams can you ignore Draco Meteor.
* Being this episode is about Piplup, shouldn't Dawn have been the one to read the title card?
* It's morning and Ash throws out Gible to do some training, and Piplup should really go into its Pokeball. But first before any Draco Meteors can be made Ash has to stop Gible from biting a rock... and his head.
* You know the drill, Gible does Draco Meteor, it fails, it hits Piplup. Rinse and repeat 5 times (with 2 being clips of the attack hitting Piplup).
* Piplup finally has gotten tired of this and complains to Gible, which then bites it on its head... YIKES! Well a BubbleBeam and Whirlpool should keep Gible from at least biting Piplup who's grinding its teeth (even though it's a bird so it shouldn't have tee...
* GAH! Piplup is now air juggling Gible with BubbleBeams and Whirlpools! After this gets everyone's attention, Piplup begins running to Dawn thinking how Ash and Dawn will yell at Gible for its Draco Meteors hitting it. Let me guess what actually happens...
* Oh, instead Piplup winds up hugging Pikachu (and I think it got enough of that in DP149) and finds out everyone is comforting Gible (who truely isn't attacking Piplup, though at least someone in the group should tell Piplup it's probably safer in its Pokeball when Gible is training).
When The Going Gets Tough, Piplup Leaves:
* And with that, Piplup decides to just get up and leave (and no one noticed it even though it was right in front of them?). Oh sorry, someone did see it wander off, Team Rocket! And they come up with a plan to have Piplup deliver Pikachu to them (sorry Team Rocket, but Piplup's problem is with Gible).
* Ash & co. FINALLY realize Piplup is missing, but we then cut to Piplup who has wondered into the forest. It hears a rustle in some bushes and thinks it's Dawn who apologizes to it... only to find it's a Rhyperior doing a Hyper Beam in its face, however after so many Draco Meteor's Piplup really doesn't get hurt from those attacks apparently.
* Piplup finally runs into Team Rocket dressed in business suits and says they are from the "Pokemon Rescue Core" and they help a Pokemon and its trainer get along better which gets Piplup teary eyed.
* Back to Ash & co., yay, Staraptor, you may have a better time finding Piplup if you WEREN'T FLYING IN CIRCLES. And Ash, return Gible, not only will the environment (especially the tree its eating) thank you but you guys must at least realize one reason Piplup is gone is because of Gible's Draco Meteors, right?
* Oh, nevermind, Ash instead asks Gible to go help look for Piplup (wait, actually, have Gible just do a Draco Meteor, you'll find Piplup in no time). Anyway Gible looks around, finds something, BITES IT, and it's the Rhyperior that Piplup ran into previously. One question though, why did Dawn look it up, they say a Rhyperior before, Palmer's.
* Back to Team Rocket and Piplup, we find out it was trying to head back to Professor Rowan's lab. Despite Piplup being The Wesley (bet you're tired of me linking to this trope by now), I do feel sorry for it, I mean sure what it did was uncalled for but one of Ash & co. should have atleast understood why Piplup went berserk.
* Hm, it seems like Piplup's story kind of made Team Rocket forget their plans to capture Pikachu today and actually want to help Piplup. Of course one thing to Piplup, they pretty much has just revealed that they have a talking Meowth with them, that doesn't strike a cord with Piplup?
* After Staraptor failed to find Piplup, Ash returns it and JUST got the idea that maybe it was Draco Meteor which drove Piplup off. HAPPEN MORE THEN ONCE! Dawn, everytime Gible does Draco Meteor it always hits Piplup!
* Jessie and James appear and begins chewing out Ash and Dawn for ignoring Piplup's feelings until something in the back of their mind reminds them that their Team Rocket so also tell Ash and Dawn to hand over their Pokemon until thye take a "Pokemon Caring Course". And James, can you make a stranger face, why is your tongue sticking out?
* Rhyperior then appears, still quite angry at Gible probably, and begins Hyper Beaming them. They wind up seperating from Jessie and James, but Ash & co. also find Pikachu missing too. Meanwhile Team Rocket then sends Piplup looking for Pikachu as they have "concerns" for it (while still making strange and unsettling faces). Piplup is blind though so it happily does it.
Hyper Beaming Today's Lesson In:
* Piplup finds the lost Pikachu and drags it against its will to a "Consultation Box" which turns out to be a cage. Back at Ash & co., Gible decides to do a Draco Meteor for no reason and after seeing it land far away, thye pretty figure that it probably it Piplup (got to wonder if Gible had that planne... nah, probably did it because it saw a cloud it wanted to bite ).
* Ash & co. follow the Draco Meteor and find a fried Team Rocket and a caged Pikachu and Piplup (guess Team Rocket is a bigger Draco Meteor magnet) and does their motto (and boy could James "when it comes to disguises you haven't a clue" line be anymore truthful?).
* Suddenly Rhyperior! It blasts the cage apart and Piplup finally gets its dream apology from Dawn and Ash. Team Rocket asks what it Rhyperior's problem and Meowth translate that it's angry because its trainer released it... WHAT TRAINER WOULD RELEASE A RHYPERIOR! Wait a moment... BROCK! CATCH IT! CATCH IT! CATCH IT!
* But first we have a Pokemon battle with Team Rocket. Grotle takes down Seviper with no problem but Piplup gets smacked down by Carnivine. However Piplup had enough being pushed around for one day and with a wave of anger uses a new yet familiar move, Hydro Pump! And that that Team Rocket is sent blasting off!
* Now with the not-so-serious threat gone, we go to the much more serious and dangerous angry Rhyperior heading toward them. While Piplup learning Hydro Pump doesn't make this a filler, you know what would be even better, Brock catching a new Pokemo... huh? Oh nevermind, Rhyperior's trainer found it, apologized, and ask it to not run off again.
* With that said unnamed Trainer rides off on his Rhyperior's shoulder while Ash & co. hit the road to Sunyshore... Ash would you recall Gible into its Pokeball? You're not training it right now so there is no need for it to be out and biting everything it sees, like your head.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
Back at Ash & co., Gible decides to do a Draco Meteor for no reason and after seeing it land far away, thye pretty figure that it probably it Piplup (got to wonder if Gible had that planne... nah, probably did it because it saw a cloud it wanted to bite |
Who knows? Maybe Gible has a bit of intelligence in its head after all.
Pikachu315111 wrote: |
(guess Team Rocket is a bigger Draco Meteor magnet) |
I was actually thinking that it was coming towards Piplup, but the cage protected it and ended up hitting Team Rocket. But then again, wouldn't the meteor have busted the cage instead of burning them?
Originally when I saw this episode I thought Team Rocket were disguised as lawyers, but who knows maybe the dub changed it.
And Piplup fantasys about Dawn were kind of weird.
nyfan wrote: |
Originally when I saw this episode I thought Team Rocket were disguised as lawyers, but who knows maybe the dub changed it. And Piplup fantasys about Dawn were kind of weird. |
Well that would have made more sense with the way they were dressed, but the "Pokemon Rescue Core" worked just as good. Actually the "Pokemon Rescue Core" makes more sense with the "slide show" they gave to Piplup.
Pikachu, that move Rhyperior used wasn't hyper beam, it was flash cannon. Hyper Beam is orange looking while flash cannon is silver and has that metallic look to it. But anyway, it was a funny episode, and hopefully they can put the Draco Meteor running gag behind them... Or they could keep it till Gible finally masters it and possibly evolve, like with Snorunt and its Ice Beam.
PinKunoichi wrote: |
Pikachu, that move Rhyperior used wasn't hyper beam, it was flash cannon. Hyper Beam is orange looking while flash cannon is silver and has that metallic look to it. But anyway, it was a funny episode, and hopefully they can put the Draco Meteor running gag behind them... Or they could keep it till Gible finally masters it and possibly evolve, like with Snorunt and its Ice Beam. |
sorry to dissapoint
it's not going anywhere for a while
Shiny_missingno wrote: | ||
sorry to dissapoint it's not going anywhere for a while |
If it was Flash Cannon someone needs to correct Bulbapedia then.
And wait, they're going to keep going with the Draco Meteor gag... THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE EPISODE! To show didn't Piplup like being hit with Draco Meteor? I think that was kind of obvious as it keeps running away and hiding from it when it sees it coming!
Seriously, after this episode there is no point to go on with the Draco Meteor gag. If anything, this episode could have been used to help Gible perfect Draco Meteor in future episodes as now Ash (who himself promised they'll be more careful, but then again you can ask Ash's Pidgeot to about how much Ash's promises comes up to) and Gible would have to focus on where the Draco Meteor lands and as it turns out that was what they needed to do in order to perfect Draco Meteor.
Piplup now has every right to use Hydro Pump on both Ash and Gible each time it gets hit with a Draco Meteor from now on.
Pikachu315111 wrote: | ||||
If it was Flash Cannon someone needs to correct Bulbapedia then. And wait, they're going to keep going with the Draco Meteor gag... THEN WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THE EPISODE! To show didn't Piplup like being hit with Draco Meteor? I think that was kind of obvious as it keeps running away and hiding from it when it sees it coming! Seriously, after this episode there is no point to go on with the Draco Meteor gag. If anything, this episode could have been used to help Gible perfect Draco Meteor in future episodes as now Ash (who himself promised they'll be more careful, but then again you can ask Ash's Pidgeot to about how much Ash's promises comes up to) and Gible would have to focus on where the Draco Meteor lands and as it turns out that was what they needed to do in order to perfect Draco Meteor. Piplup now has every right to use Hydro Pump on both Ash and Gible each time it gets hit with a Draco Meteor from now on. |
Good to see Piplup finally learn a new move. ^_^ Awsome epiosde!
Shiny_missingno wrote: |
penguins? I dont think those exist in the pokemon world |
pichu121 wrote: | ||
The piplup species is BASED off of penguins
they're pokemon and penguins are animals
I dont remember penguins being able to shoot water from their bodies