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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Playing The Leveling Field!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Feb 7, 2009
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    Wow, Fantina is hilarious in any language.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [3]Feb 7, 2009
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    Damn PUSA, they took out one of my favorite music in the Anime. The one from the 8th Movie & the one that plays when Pikachu lost to Roark's Onix & the awesome match between Buizel & Maylene's Lucario! So damn idiotic. Fantina's VA is wierd, kinda makes my brain hurt & SOBZ returns just to get pummeled by Fantina!
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  • Avatar of warnerbroman


    [4]Feb 7, 2009
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    wow I guess Fantina has never heard of sleep clause
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [5]Feb 7, 2009
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    it was an ok episode.
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  • Avatar of Kauaimon


    [6]Feb 8, 2009
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    Episode was okay. But Fantina's voice got on my nerves.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [7]Feb 8, 2009
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    Finally got the time to see the episode. Fantina's voice was definitely different compared to most other character's voices in the Pokemon anime. It was a bit weird IMO, but I think it suits her. A pretty good battle, and I'm looking forward to see Ash's training results when he battles Fantina again at the Hearthome Gym. As for the next episode, it just sounds like another boring filler, so I'm not really looking forward to it.
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [10]Feb 8, 2009
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    Seriously people, stop talking about future episodes. Episode Discussions are meant to discuss a certain episode, not future ones.
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  • Avatar of BAC510


    [11]Feb 8, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    Seriously people, stop talking about future episodes. Episode Discussions are meant to discuss a certain episode, not future ones.

    How come my post was deleted but pikastatic100's post wasn't? Well I mean that last sentence in his post to be more specific. Was it because he talked about it indirectly.

    Anyways, why did PUSA take out that bada$$ music during when Buizel fought Drifloon.......hated that.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [12]Feb 8, 2009
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    So we FINALLY meet Fantina after finding her to be gone from her gym in Hearthome each time Ash and co, go there. That voice and that accent totally fits her, nicely done without over doing it. Does that mean I understood her? Not a single French word she said, but that's becuase I don't speak French so that's really is no surprise. As for battle, all I can say is yikes. But why read about it in this quick summery? Here's my full review with all my other thoughts:

    Still Putting Shoes In Your Mouth:
    * Hm, some pretty intense music right off the bat... AH NO, NOT ZOEY! Apparently she's versing a French lady.
    * HAHAHA! Guess Glameow just wasn't fast enough, Zoey deserves to be beaten. Ash and co. couldn't have come at a better time!
    * FANTINA! Most unique opponent indeed! Bet after hearing Fantina participated in Pokemon battles Zoey decided to "teach her a lesson". You would think Zoey would have learned by now.
    * This is odd, they usually have it as teaser, intro, then title. This time they had teaser, intro, 2nd teaser, and then title.
    * There is no way Zoey is going to win. Besides being a Gym Leader, Fantina is a WAY more experienced Coordinator.

    It's All French To Me:
    * Oh poo, Zoey was just Contest Training, I really wanted her to be beaten because she was a jerk. Ah yes, Brock... Croagunk, you're needed... thank you.
    * Don't worry Fantina, on the outside Brock is an over-hyped flirter but deep down he's an over-hyped womanizer.
    * Err... I'm taking Spanish so I have no clue what some of the phrases Fantina is saying mean... better to just smile and nod. Smile and nod.
    * Team Rocket compared Fantina is Juan? Hmm, I guess they are alike, but for some reason I like Fantina better then Juan.
    * Steal her skills? Jessie, you and James & Meowth can't keep yourselves from blasting off from Pikachu's Electrical attacks, how are you suppose to copy a Gym Leader's skills?

    Remembering Your Goals:
    * Exactly how long has it been since Fantina has been to her Gym? Looks like she rather not talk about gym and gym battles.
    * Jessidia? That looks to be very similiar to her Jessilina disguise. I guess Jessie is finally running out of Contest disguises.
    * Hey, I recognized some of those faces in the flashback! Enta when the Hearthome Gym opnened, Alan when he had a Nosepass being defeated by Fantina's Gengar, and Alan again winning with his Probopass.
    * Fantina's story sounds sort of similiar to Volkner's, except Fantina just wants to get stronger because she loses while Volkner wants to take on the Pokemon League because he never loses.
    * Combining the styIes of Battles and Contests together? Technically any combos used in one can be used in another, why Ash and May/Dawn have copied each others techniques for some Battles and Contests.

    Flipping A Coin And Tides In Battle:
    * So a coin flips decides whether Ash or Dawn battles Fantina, so without further or do the winner is... not Dawn. Guess it being your Poketch doesn't mean it'll waive in your favor.
    * Hmm, Ash most useful Pokemon will be... well right now it really depends on which Pokemon Fantina chooses. Ash doesn't have anything to really combat Ghost-types effectively.
    * Actually Dawn, in the anime trainers in Gym Battles are allowed to make substitutions, it's generally the Gym Leader that can't. Infact in the games the Gym Leaders do sometimes substitute their Pokemon.
    * "Whoa, she's holding a Pokeball"... ASH, THAT HAS TO BE THE DUMBEST THING YOU EVER SAID IN A BATTLE! And how do you know that's not Mismagius? I don't see it anywhere so it must be back in its Pokeball.
    * Drifloon? Ash would have been better off with Pikachu, but then again if he chose Pikachu Fantina would have probably used Gengar or Mismagius. And Fantina, how do you know how young Drifloon is unless you hatched it?
    * Found a weakness with Buizel? Wouldn't any Pokemon falling asleep count as being part of a Pokemon's weakness? LOL, Drifloon is juggling Buizel!
    * Buizel woke up just in time... to faint. Well look on the bright side Ash, now you can get Pikachu out and really do some damage to Drifloon, unless Fantina returns it.

    Fizzled To A ZZZ...:
    * Chimchar? No weakness or resistance problems like last time, though last time Buizel lost despite this.
    * Eek, Drifloon turned Chimchar's flamethrower into a Will-o-Wisp! Of course Will-o-Wisp won't do much damage, but there is that Hypnosis again.
    * Chimchar won't recover from its Sleep in its Pokeball, but now with Pikachu ready to battle the odds are in its favor thanks to Drifloon's Electric-type weakness (due to being half Flying-type).
    * Good, Pikachu is getting in a few Electrical attacks on Drifloon, though after it's down Ash will have a problem as Gengar and Mismagius both have Levitate and Ash has only Chimchar left.
    * Drifloon is evolving! Well it shouldn't matter, Drifblim is still weak to Electrical attacks, all Ash has to becareful of is Hypnosis and if Drifblim has the Aftermath Ability.
    * Umm, I got a question, why do all Pokemon hit with Hypnosis get Whismur eyes for a few seconds before falling asleep? Either way, Ash's remaining Pokemon are now asleep.

    Planning On The Rematch:
    * Don't worry Ash, think of this has a "balance out" for defeating Crasher Wake with none of your Pokemon fainting. In addition, being this wasn't a Gym Battle you wouldn't have won a badge from winning anyway.
    * Sounds like Dawn is going to battle yet another Gym Leader, but at least this time the Gym Leader is also a Coordinator. And Brock, Fantina said "Can't count your Torchic before they hatch", making me wonder if that means some Pokemon Eggs end up being duds.
    * Jessie, don't know if Yanmega will be able to dodge like Drifblim, though it might be able to stop Pikachu's Volt Tackle with SonicBoom or Silver Wind.
    * Oh darn, Zoey will be appearing in the Celestic Town Pokemon Contest, but at least she's not entering it (which is good, Dawn needs to win and should defeat Zoey in the Grand Festival).
    *Ash needs a way around Hypnosis, though I don't think there is anyway Ash can do that with the Pokemon he has besides from dodging it (it's only 60% accurate). He just has to hit first, hit hard, and dodge when he needs to.

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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [13]Feb 8, 2009
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    The episode really wasn't what I expected it to be, not that it wasn't all bad. I pictured Fantina having a much more mature voice, and she seemed way too optimistic and cheerful for a ghost type gym leader... Well Morty wasn't all gloomy and lifeless either, so I guess that point doesn't matter. I can't believe Ash got thrown off with a few Hypnosis attacks and lost, but I guess Fantina's training wasn't for nothing. At least this gives Dawn a chance to go to the Celestic contest while Ash trains some more for a rematch. (And a few other things that I won't mention cuz they're spoilers.)
    Edited on 02/09/2009 4:55pm
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [14]Feb 9, 2009
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    When Fatina said "Ah! Such a beast!", was she talking about Brock or Croagunk?
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  • Avatar of sparker1976


    [15]Feb 11, 2009
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    It's be funny if Yanmega learned U-Turn while trying to imitate that flipping maneuver.
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  • Avatar of Adv193


    [16]Feb 12, 2009
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    It was a good episode though I agree Fantina's voice was a little weird which reminded me of how 4Kids used to stereotype numerous accents during the Pokemon episodes they used to produce. While I understood that while Ash had to lose before they reached Hearthome Gym, a plot device the writers used before, I think the whole useing Hypnosis to put all of Ash's Pokemon to sleep, which forced Ash to forefit was a little cheesy and I expected a more challenging battle.
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