And Dawn has gotten her 5th Ribbon and the next stop is the Sinnoh Grand Festival... after Ash gets his 8th Gym Badge of course. Anyway I have to be honest and say I wasn't impressed with the Dawn vs. Ursula battle, pretty much because how Dawn got out of the Encore really made no sense. I really have nothing to say other then that, so just move onto my review where my thoughts really are:
Starting Off With A Flicker:
* The Battle Round starts with Ursula going up against Jessie with Ursula using Plusle and Minun and Jessie using Seviper and Yanmega.
* Seviper and Yanmega does a Haze/Sonic Boom combo but Plusle and Minun both use Spark and charge into the attack coming out unharmed and causing Jessie to lose the most points.
* Yanmega brings Seviper up into the air while Plusle and Minun both use Helping Hand... which looks like the Fusion Dance from Dragon Ball Z... so would that make a purple version one with the division sign named "Divish"?
* Back to the battle, Seviper and Yanmega does a Poison Tail/Silver Wind combo but Plusle and Minun do a powered-up Spark and charge into it like before yielding the same results. both then go into a "battle position" which has them rolling around like Seviper did in the first round and firing themselves at Seviper and Yanmega.
* And Seviper and Yanmega are knocked out, yet for some reason they went with Ursula having more points instead of both of Jessie's Pokemon being knocked out as the reason Ursula won. Meanwhile Dawn knocks out an NPC trying to use Flame Ice, but it didn't work but she still won anyway.
* Dawn tries to work out the kinks in Flame Ice but isn't able to as Brock advise her to put Flame Ice away for now as Ursula overhears once more (yay, Ursula is turning into Harley, though at least if she ever dresses up like Dawn it wouldn't be that awkward...).
* Even though Brock told Dawn to put Flame Ice away for now, Dawn is still using Mamoswine and Cyndaquil for the other Battling Rounds (is there a rule which states you can't use other Pokemon?). And of course, Dawn and Ursula are versing each other in the finals.
* After a scene of Dawn and Ursula taunting each other as they prepare for the final Battle Round (shouldn't they have been in different rooms, I'm sure there is more then one "make-up room"), Dawn seems to be mentally preparing herself to battle Plusle and Minun.
* Piplup, why are you in a female cheerleading outfit, you've been proven to be a male!? You should be wearing something similar to Pikachu.
* The battle begins with Dawn using Cyndaquils "Flamethrower" (really it just increased the flames on its back) to cause Mamoswine's Ice Shard to shimmer (though it doesn't look crimson at all, is Marian color blind?). But Mamoswine then eats the Ice Shard bringing back Mamoswine's Ice Armor!
* Cyndaquil then uses Swift which circles around Mamoswine as it lands on the ice armor and Mamoswine starts a Take Down with flames arcing over it. Luckily the ice doesn't melt, but it does turn the top spikes into a crimson color this time. However Plusle and Minun dodge the whole thing by jumping.
Repeating Your Success:
* But things get worse as Plusle and Minun score a direct hit with Encore! Dawn tries to have Mamoswine use Ancient Power and Cyndaquil use Flame Wheel but finds out what does Encore does as they instead do Take Down and Swift. Plusle and Minun then do a Helping Hand followed by a Charge Beam... which somehow damaged Mamoswine despite it being an Electric-type attack and Mamoswine a part Ground-type.
* Plusle and Minun begin battering Mamoswine and Cyndaquil with Spark (which still shouldn't be effecting Mamoswine) and... locked from doing anything? THEY CAN STILL USE TAKE DOWN AND SWIFT! With that said thye do just that put Plusle and Minun easily dodge it which is the problem.
* But one more Spark cause Mamoswine and Cyndaquil to fly at Dawn, and when the smoke clears Mamoswine, Cyndaquil, and Dawn have the "Diamond Dandruff". Huh? Um, Ursula, you already saw "Diamond Dandruff" before when you had Plusle and Minun perform to Ash & co. when they got to the Contest Hall.
* Dawn freaks out a bit but cools down and has Mamoswine and Cyndaquil attack each other! They do so and they somehow get free from the Encore!... How? The reason Dawn gave made no sense... @_@
* Plusle and Minun for another Charge Beam but Mamoswine and Cyndaquil dodge it as Dawn decides to try Flame Ice. And it works! And like a frozen meteor, Cyndaquil slams into Plusle and Minun and Dawn just continues having Mamoswine and Cyndaquil attack them.
* Ursula tries having Plusle and Minun do a Spark (the normal version) but time runs out and Dawn wins! But I don't exactly understand Ursula's comment "she made the time work for her", it sounded like Dawn purposely waited for the time to run out but, correct me if I'm wrong, didn't it seem more like Ursula was planning that with the Encore move?
* So we end this episode with Dawn winning her 5th Ribbon, Ursula proving to be a sore loser saying she "let" Dawn win, and now we go off to Sunyshore City for Ash's 8th Gym Battle, though I have a sense the Gym Leader there would need some cheering up (and maybe we'll meet up with a certain Fire-type Elite Four? Nah, that's hoping it stays too close to the game).
Edited on 07/06/2010 7:55am