Glad they finally dubbed the "spin-off" episodes, thought they weren't going to (maybe sales began to slow and were keeping this to hope to increase interest in the game?). Actually, why is this the only Pokemon Ranger game that got a "spin-off" episode? For the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games I understand why those were given "spin-off" episodes (though strangely they never gave any of the 3D battling games a mention in the main anime or "spin-off" episode. You can't tell me they couldn't put in one of the Colosseum Leaders or even Mysterial from Battle Revolution for Ash to battle or a "spin-off" episode for the Gamecube Colosseum games). As for the episode itself, it was pretty good, nicely sums up the main points of the first half of the game. Though being how short it was I said whatever I needed to say in my comments below:
The Clothing Makes The Ranger:
00:21 - I guess the symbol on the Control Gauntlets must be the symbol for the Pokemon Pinchers, the game never showed it.
00:40 - No Ben, they're just chasing after and firing purple waves at Latios because they're playing a game of Tag.
00:53 - Is that how you identify a Pokemon ranger? They wear goggles and red scarfs? Well I guess that means Solana, Lunick, Kellyn, and Kate aren't Pokemon Rangers. Maybe a better way to identify a Pokemon Ranger is by their red jackets and the CAPTURE STYLER!
01:32 - WHOA! They finally gave Professor Hastings a voice!
01:42 - Do Tauros, Rhyhorns, and Girafarigs often travel in herds together?
01:58 - The captured Pokemon in the games never had their eyes glow red... hmm, red eyes, I guess this group must be under the command of, well, Red Eyes. 
02:18 - And apparently you'll be sent to this far away region alone as the writers seemed to have forgotten to include Summer... and thinking about it maybe she should have been the main character being Ben already appeared in the main series.
02:45 - All those slashes Ben made makes me glad this is on the DS and not the Wii, if you had to do those "slashes" Ben did you'd look just stupid. Also shouldn't Professor Hastings have provided transportation for you, did he really expect a single Staraptor to carry you all the way to the Oblivia region?
03:47 - Really, is that the only few lines you're going to give him right now? If that was all he was going to say you might as well have kept his face hidden to build up some suspense.
03:51 - "Dolche" Island? It's Dolce Island! I also think it's pronounced as "dohl-say" not "dohl-chay". Also, where is Staraptor, did it just drown?
04:24 - I don't blame Ukulele Pichu for attacking, your Staraptor just drowned (a.k.a. DIED) and you're off trying to make friends with Ukulele Pichu now as if you were shot down alone!
04:31 - Honestly I expected it to have Navi's voice, but that voice is okay I suppose.
05:20 - Doesn't look like Ukulele Pichu is up and ready to help Ben, admittedly it is now calmer.
Don't Worry, The Games Will Bog You Down To Follow The Plot:
05:32 - Huh? They are already on the boat? But where's Booker? Yay I know to move the plot along but still the main point was Dolce Island was uninhabited by humans thus you first need Booker to inform you that you need one of his boats to get off.
05:37 - What, there was no Combusken on Dolce Island!... Oh, there's Booker and Staraptor, so I'm guessing Booker found Staraptor? Also didn't Booker go with Ben back to Renbow Island?
06:04 - Okay, we're skipping right to Rasp Cavern, that's understandable, though wasn't that Red Eyes Z.Z. Flyer, he wasn't at Rasp Cavern in the games.
06:22 - Lol, I'm really liking Ukulele Pichu, apparently it's the only common Pokemon that is smart enough to actually attack the Pokemon Pinchers going after it.
06:55 - Okay, even if they did place the explosives around Raikou's Sign it would have still destroyed it not just break that slab off! And there's Red Eyes, I guess with no Summer he didn't have to deal with a hostage an had extra time on his hands.
07:28 - The pictures? Okay, yay, Ben doesn't know about the Signs just yet, but that hardly qualifies as a picture, it was more like a symbol or glyph. Also pictureS, there was one symbol!
07:32 - I do hope the explanation for Cranidos shrugging off Pichu's attack was because it's currently "Pinched" and not because they confused Rock-types for Ground-types like they tend to do.
07:38 - DAMN! It bashed that Ukulele to pieces! I don't think Booker would need some few strings to fix that!
07:59 - "Cranidos is under enemy control" "Yay, I got that". LOL, see what I mean the Pokemon Styler should have Navi's voice?
09:01 - Impossible? YOU JUST STOLE IT's SIGN, if someone was to steal something that belonged to me and I was a Legendary Pokemon, I would be angry enough to appear right in front of the thieves and attack them too!
09:08 - Oh, they finally say Raikou's name right as "rai-ko"? Not that it matters though, I keep accidently saying "rai-koo" anyway. Darn you "Legend of Thunder" (though to be fair, Raikou does have that useless "u" at the end of its name which probably caused this whole pronunciation problem)!
09:20 - Okay, we got it, it's pronounced as "rai-ko", you don't need to say it three times!
09:28 - Yes, what does he need to do? Tune in next time... *whispers are heard* What, oh, okay... I mean buy the game and find out!
Edited on 11/13/2010 10:06am