Today's episode was good, of course much like with any other Pokemon episode you have to close your mind while watching or else you'll begin asking questions like "WHY AREN'T/DIDN'T YOU GO LOOK FOR YOUR STYIER" or "SO IS THERE CONVECTION OR NOT?!" throughout the entire episode, though the two above only apply to pretty much for the last half of it. And could they have made Ben any more bipolar? Has anyone else notice that Sinnoh is a psychiatrists haven for mental disorders? You don't need to look far, just take a look at half of the Gym Leaders and tell me Gardenia, Fantina, Byron, or Volkner are (or were) acting in a way a psychiatrist would send them to a help group for? Anyway back to the episode, let's just go straight to the comments:
The Mission Started, Where's The Ranger Pose:
00:33 - Just up stream... it's time to shamelessly plug in Pokemon's newest released game (in the U.S.)!
00:37 - Hello Heatran, I plan on catching you eventually, first let me finish off my "end of the game" post in the game's board.
00:51 - The helicopter pilot is dressed similarly to Murph, guess this must be standard uniform for non-Pokemon Rangers.
00:57 - National Park? Why take him there? Actually he's just in a volcano crator not harming anyone so in pain itself so why are you trying to catch it?
01:23 - Introducing a new feature: SKY CAPTURES!... Oh wait in the anime they could always do that...
01:50 - So Team Rocket is after Heatran? Were they the reason why everything began to rumble?
02:09 - A Diglett mecha? I'm sure Team Rocket used one before... ah! in AG106 "Beg, Burrow and Steal!" Though there is had a right grabbing arm. It's even called Robo Diglett there too!
02:23 - Heatran looks more confused then threatened... it got scared of splashing water, you serious?
02:33 - Introducing a new feature: Ranger Signs! Summon a Pokemon from anywhere... as long as you have gotten its sign, and many times they're Pokemon you could catch somewhere else...
03:38 - Geez Dawn how long does it take to chop up carrots?
03:57 - ... That was a quick recovery. You would think after falling down a waterfall he would be a bit dazed... or at least not in the mood to encite a motto.
04:26 - Speaking of partners, where is Ukulele Pichu? Or if not that Staraptor, I'm interested to know whether Ben is the main character of the games or not according to the anime.
04:40 - You lost your Capture StyIer? Is that suppose to be referencing the first thing you got to do in the game? So does that mean everyone is about to go diving? Oh, now he's over it... being I play as Ben I wouldn't know, does he act liek this in the game?
05:15 - Once again, why? Unless you heard someones plans on taking it Pokemon Rangers usually don't take Pokemon from their natural environment without reason. If you want to take a Pokemon away to the National Park how about that Shiny Metagross in DP117 "Noodles: Roamin' Off" which WAS attacking people.
06:32 - Yes, Giovanni will completely use the Legendary Pokemon Heatran as a BBQ, suana steamer, and fireplace. 
07:14 - Too bad your out of wits Jessie, has half of zero is still zero.
08:01 - Ash, What do you think "better to try instead cry" means? It's kind of self explanatory. So in the past his grandfather encourage him to jump across streams?
08:37 - Okay Ben, I know you have a "everything is sunshine and rainbows" attitude but shouldn't you first go find your Capture StyIer before going after Heatran? Not only do you need it to capture it, but you don't know if someone (or three) would find it and use it in negative ways.
Complaining About What You Should Have Done:
09:07 - All this "feeling the ground" kind of reminds me a joke (might as well tell it, nothing else is happening), I'll even modify it to Pokemon terms. A trainer came across a Pokemon Ranger with lying on the floor, when the trainer asked the Pokemon Ranger what he the Pokemon Ranger what he was doing the Pokemon Ranger responded "Tauros herd, going 50 miles per hour, heading east. The Trainer amazed asked if the Pokemon Ranger got all that from listening to the ground, which the Pokemon Ranger responded he wasn't listening, that's what ran him over!
09:49 - Warmer, warmer, you're red hot, YOU'RE BOILING... No no! Don't head into the caves, you're getting colder!
10:07 - Yes Jessie, instead of running away with the Capture StyIer why not use it right in front of the Pokemon Ranger as well as the trio who defeats you on a daily basis.
10:17 - If the ground is hot enough to actually burn Meowth's full until it steams then shouldn't the soles of everyone's shoe be melting?
00:13 - And according to the laws of convection all of you should be bursting into flames right about now.
00:17 - *Dawns points to Heatran* Heatran: "Yo, what's up. I am! Hahaha I'm funny." Seriously, it's just hanging around not harming anyone or the environment, WHY are you taking it away?
00:34 - Yes, if only you went to LOOK FOR IT FIRST! Seriously in the games your told you'll get a talk down if you ever lose your StyIer and don't immediately go after it. What, does Ben think its Warranty will cover this, the darn thing complains about it enough.
00:39 - Fine then Ash will catch it in a Pokeball.
Wait, wouldn't catching it in a Pokeball pretty much assure it'll remain untouched as you'll be carrying it in a small orb instead of having it walk right beside you to the National Park?
00:49 - Yay, maybe you should of have LOOKED FOR IT FIRST! I need I keep saying it but if he's going to complain about not having it then why did he go looking for Heatran without it! And he's okay, and no Dawn, more like the Ben's the master of being bipolar.
Well Now You Have Justification:
01:10 - Hey, now the Robo Diglett has two grabber arms, what happened to the drills? Yes Ben, a Diglett with robotic arms and on treads... HOW DID YOU PASS RANGER SCHOOL!
02:10 - THEY FOUND IT BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T BOTHER GO LOOKING FOR IT! Okay, honestly Team Rocket probably would have found it first, but still... And of course, Team Rocket doesn't know how to use the Capture StyIer.
02:56 - WOW James is dumb, though Meowth did stop him. Here's an idea Team Rocket, why not bring the Capture StyIer back to HQ so that the scientists there can reverse engineer it and create Rocket StyIers, I'm sure Giovanni would probably notice you having helped Team Rocket find a way to capture a Pokemon without using Pokeballs. 
03:18 - ... Are you telling me Team Rocket went after a Fire-type Pokemon that knows a powerful Fire-type move but didn't bother fireproofing the capture nets?
03:31 - Of what? Falling into the magma (it hasn't erupt above ground so it's not lava)? That would be a problem IF IT WASN'T CREATED BY THE STUFF!
03:55 - Magma pool! Oh, and now convection is taking into effect, of course it's only burning the sole of his shoes... ice and water to cool things down... YOU'RE IN A VOLCANO! ICE AND WATER ISN'T GOING TO DO ANYTHING!
04:05 - Wait, Piplup had to cool down the rock Ash & co. are only standing a few feet away from to not get burned... Ash & co. are alright because? Oh, and the rapid cool down should have caused the rocks to crumble too. The steam cloud probably should have suffocated Ben too.
04:35 - Team Rocket it didn't work once what made you think it would work again? Also why does Robo Diglett have drill hands again? Oh, it can transform... still why did it switch to drill arms before without us seeing it?
05:57 - Ash, don't you think the bright flash of light that's now flashing in Ben's eyes would caused him to fall? Sending out Staraptor so he could jump down and ride on to of it would have been much smarter and advertise another feature of the game. 
06:23 - Well that was anticlimactic. Oh no, the powerful mecha who can block Heatran attacks has gone crazy oh wait Heatran just destroyed it nevermind. 
06:35 - Okay I'm going to say that in the anime Summer was the star of the game because in the dire situation of saving a Lava Dome Pokemon from falling into magma Ben should have summoned one of the Legendary Beasts, probably Entei or Suicune. Also is Feraligatr the only Ranger Sign he has?
07:00 - Yes, now instead of landing in magma it could survive in now can land on a hard floor. And I like how Feraligatr just vanished into a splash of water, like it didn't actually exist and was more water taking the form of a Feraligatr.
07:38 - Quit while your ahead? You didn't get anything, actually you lost more as Heatran destroyed the Robo Diglett! Though for once they "blasted off" by running away, nice change to see.
08:14 - Actually I don't think you needed to catch it. If it didn't agree with you it would have probably attacked, I think if you just got on its back and rode out of there it would have been more then glad to go to the National Park, if anything to stop having you bothering it for no good reason.
09:10 - Well NOW Ben can say he rescued Heatran from a bad situation, but what was his excuse before he knew Team Rocket was after it and caused the volcano they were in to collapse?
09:55 - Where's Heatran? You're not telling me it fit into the helicopter. It ways over a ton too!