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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Dec 5, 2009
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    I actually liked this episode. Not a bad....almost filler. It's nice to see Dawn and Mamoswine together and somewhat become closer to each other.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [2]Dec 5, 2009
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    this was a nice episode but if it werent for tangrowths debut, i couldve considered this filler. there were alot of common sense moments in this episode like why didnt she just return manoswine -_-
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [3]Dec 5, 2009
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    mamoswine would probably be very angry if she returned it when it was angry at tangrowth instead of leaving it to find tangrowth it'self
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [4]Dec 5, 2009
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    yea youre right. letting your pokemon do whatever they want according to how they feel is a much better option
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  • Avatar of EddyBob15


    [5]Dec 5, 2009
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    Well, this was an interesting episode. It's not exactly a filler since Mamoswine learned Hidden Power. I got to say, from what it seemed like in the Japanesse preivew, it looked like Tangrowth's attack was Hypnosis (also, Fantina's Gengar used an attack like that during Ash's gym battle).
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [6]Dec 5, 2009
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    I thought it was secret power
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [7]Dec 5, 2009
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    eddy remember they changed the animation for hypnosis so that already wasnt an option. im pretty at some point night shade looked like that too (but was black) and wow that tangrowth must be real strong if absorb took out that much energy!!! i thought it would at least be mega drain or something
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [8]Dec 5, 2009
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    lady_god wrote:
    if it werent for tangrowths debut, i couldve considered this filler.

    Mamoswine learning Hidden Power is what makes this non-filler.
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [9]Dec 5, 2009
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    SPDShadowRanger wrote:
    lady_god wrote:
    if it werent for tangrowths debut, i couldve considered this filler.
    Mamoswine learning Hidden Power is what makes this non-filler.
    well then eff me i feel the need to rant but im holding back
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [10]Dec 5, 2009
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    Good episode.
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [11]Dec 5, 2009
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    pretty good episode.
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [12]Dec 5, 2009
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    Not a bad part-filler; Mamoswine learns Hidden Power and it and Dawn bond some more... other than that, though, it wasn't a very exciting episode.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [13]Dec 6, 2009
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    Today's episode was okay, though premise of the entire forest dieing because the 1000 year old trees roots grows miles under the forest does sound a bit fishy to me. However I guess the most importent thing here is that Mamoswine learned Hidden Power (though I guess we'll have to wait to see what type it is). With nothing much to say but that, here is the review:

    Graphics Abound:
    * Whoa, look at the fire under the cooking pot, what's with the realistic flames?
    * I don't know Dawn, that streamer seal just doesn't seem to fit Mamoswine correctly. And I think we saw the max Mamoswine could "strut its stuff" last episode.
    * Yay, I don't think Mamoswine is into the Appeal Round stuff. Dawn, did you ever think of using ANOTHER Pokemon for the Appeal Round and use Mamoswine for the Batle Round?
    * Why did Mamoswine just tackle the tree? It looks like it's digging for something. Though after the Bubblebeam Mamoswine still doesn't look impressed.
    * Then again it sure got a twinkle in its eye when it "performed" with that shattering Ice Shard move.
    * Yay... I don't think twirling around is a good move idea for Mamoswine, odd how two shards of ice fits perfectly in its snout. And Piplup, laughing ay Mamoswine isn't such a good idea, you don't see... Et tu Pikachu?!
    * And now we see the end result of Mamoswine chasing Piplup and Pikachu. Dawn stops Mamosine who then runs off... I think Mamoswine needs some time to cool off.

    Feeling Drained Out:
    * Oh come on Mamoswine, don't blame Dawn for this, though with a mention of a Poffin it immediately stood at attention. Huh? What's Mamoswine sensing in the forest?
    * Dawn and Mamoswine are taking a bit long but before Ash could go look for them this park ranger-looking girl stops them. And being it's a girl, cue Brock, cue awkward flirting, cue Croagunk Poison Jab... WHOA! DID YOU SEE WHERE CROAGUNK POISON JABBED BROCK!
    * So Verona is indeed a park... oh, sorry forest ranger and for some reason Pokemon aren't allowed to go into that forest, let's go back to Dawn and Mamoswine and find out why.
    * Oh, a Tangrowth, and it's swinging through the trees (good thing it has vines as arms already). And I guess this Pokemon is the problem as it just attacked Dawn and Mamoswine with... with... red beam attack... I have no idea what attack that is.
    * Well the two gaint Pokemon begin to battle but Tangrowth looks to be too fast and agile for Mamoswine to hit. Mamoswine breaks the tree branch it was swinging on but then hits Mamoswine with that red beam that look to have drained Mamoswine's energy... so I'm guessin it's either Absorb or Mega (maybe Giga) Drain.
    * And after battling it gives its defeated opponent a Berry... Sitrus to be more exact... and then swings off. So I take it that this Tangrowth likes to battle any Pokemon it sees which is why no Pokemon is allowed in the forest (though it seems to be a good sport giving the defeated Pokemon a healing Berry).
    * Whoa Mamoswine, don't eat Dawn's hand off! Well Mamoswine gets healed and looks ready to go. Oh, and now we're told that what the Tangrowth wants is to actually drain the energy of big Pokemon for a yet unknown reason.
    * Looks like Mamoswine isn't going to give up on battling that Tangrowth just yet. And Dawn, did you forget your Mamoswine's trainer? Just return it into its Pokeball if you want it to come back with you.

    STAB Doesn't Also Mean Super Effective:
    * Your late Team Rocket, we're already 8 minutes in, usually you appear before the 5 minutes. They are once again searching for food and Jessie thinks the king of the forest will come and bring them food, so let me guess who appears...
    * Onix! I didn't expect that! I was expecting Tangrowth to jump in and drain Meowth's energy... like it just did with that Onix. And we have James bring out his Pokedex cards once more.
    * Hey Meowth, that fruit is for energy drained Pokemon... oh nevermind, now that Tangrowth energy drained you you can have a Sitrus Berry too. Oh nevermind, Meowth gets an Oran Berry which is a weaker healing berry, I guess what berry you get decides on Pokemon size?
    * Well James, Absorb/Mega Drain/Giga Drain is a Grass-type attack which Onix is quadruple weak to, plus with Tangrowth getting STAB that makes the power of each attack 120/240/360, respectively! That'll take down any Onix or at least a large chunk of its HP.
    * So Meowth, let me get your plan straight, you want to use the Tangrowth to actually drain the energy out of Giovanni? Um, yay, I'm sure everyone can see the fault in the idea of having a Pokemon using a DAMAGING attack for its side effects isn't exactly the wisest of ideas.
    * Um, Dawn, Mamoswine doesn't have a round tail, but an Ursaring does so, um, RUN! Seriously, what is up with Ursarings and Hyper Beam? I mean they can't even learn it without the TM in the games so why does in the anime all wild Ursaring know it? Luckily Mamoswine does a Take Down to chase it away and with that Dawn agrees to help Mamoswine look for Tangrowth.
    * Ash, why are you choosing Grotle? Isn't Staravia (and Gliscor if you thought to actually use it) your usual "search-and-find" Pokemon? But no time to dwell on it as here is Tangrowth ready to take Grotle's energy, and probably Piplup's and Pikachu's too. And Brock just confirmed it was Absorb Tangrowth has been using.
    * Ash, why are you attacking Tangrowth with Grass-type attacks? Get Monferno out and have it use its Fire-type attacks. If Brock wants he could also have Croagunk use Poison Jab on it too.
    * And being a big Pokemon Grotle gets a Sitrus Berry. However Grotle doesn't need one as it can heal using Synthesis so free Sitrus Berry, yay! Wait, so they got Grotle out to look for Tangrowth, I tohught they were looking for Dawn and Mamoswine?

    Is There A Tree Doctor Watching:
    * Sure is nice of Mamoswine to give Dawn a ride and up ahead there seems to be a blockade of Grass-type Pokemon. Oh dear, Dawn is right, however will the large stampeding Mamoswine get through the frail Bellsprout, Cherrim (it has eyes on its abdomen in Negative Form?), Seedot, and Shroomish?
    * Oh, seems like they too can use Absorb and leave a Sitrus Berry behind... however Mamoswine still has enough strength to keep on stampeding forward and chase the small Grass-type Pokemon up to an big old Tree which Tangrowth lives in. I think I know why Tangrowht and those other Grass-type Pokemon have been gathering energy now...
    * Whoa there Mamoswine, calm down, I think Tangrowth isn't picking fights for the fun of it. Mamoswine though calms down after seeing it was getting a fight from Tangrowth and Verona, Asd, Brock, Pikachu, and Piplup catch up with them.
    * Okay, so apparently the tree is a 1000 years old which has its roots growing miles under the forest and is the "protector" of he forest. It got struck by lightning and Tangrowth and the other Grass-types are draining energy in order to heal it because if the tree dies then so does the rest of the forest... because it's not like the other trees, bushes, and grasses in the forest don't their own roots to feed them .
    * Now with everyone understanding why Tangrowth and the other Grass-types are draining energy, here is Team Rocket to capture the Grass-types. And yay Ash and Dawn, you should have figured it was them being they have a GAINT RED "R" PAINTED IN THE FRONT of their Vacuum-O-Bile.
    * Mega Serious Suction Vacuum Mach 2? I prefer Vacuum-O-Bile myself but Team Rocket like long names. Mamoswine tries using Take Down on it but the think is built like a tank... however Mamoswine has just learned Hidden Power and shatters Team Rocket's mech and blasting them off. And I got to agree with Jessie, at least in this episode they are blasting off faster then it usual takes them to.
    * Now we have the matter of the injured tree to take care of and Grotle and Mamoswine offer their energy to heal the true. And with Verona pointing out the spot where they should use Growth on, fully heals the tree. And now Dawn plans on finding a way to use Hidden Power in the next Pokemon Contest.

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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [14]Dec 6, 2009
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    hey did anyone find the way mamoswine used acientpower weird? I mean it's face just flies off and turns into a ball of energy....
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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [15]Dec 6, 2009
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    i think its cool and i hope all of the pokemon use it that way from now on
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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [16]Dec 6, 2009
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    It's the exact same way it has always used it.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [17]Dec 6, 2009
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    It was the first time I saw it so clearly like that
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  • Avatar of Ravethemonk


    [18]Dec 7, 2009
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    Is Tangrowth the evolved form of the pokemon Tangela that has has never really been seen on the show really. I think they should do an episode or 2 with that pokemon and more that have been forgotten. This was a great eipsode though and i like fillers they make the show last longer and give more stories to tell.
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  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [19]Dec 7, 2009
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    Ravethemonk wrote:
    Is Tangrowth the evolved form of the pokemon Tangela that has has never really been seen on the show really.
    I think they should do an episode or 2 with that pokemon and more that have been forgotten. This was a great eipsode though and i like fillers they make the show last longer and give more stories to tell.

    but that would be a waste....

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  • Avatar of lady_god


    [20]Dec 8, 2009
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    Ravethemonk wrote:
    Is Tangrowth the evolved form of the pokemon Tangela that has has never really been seen on the show really. I think they should do an episode or 2 with that pokemon and more that have been forgotten. This was a great eipsode though and i like fillers they make the show last longer and give more stories to tell.
    well every region they always make sure they show every pokemonm in the region even if its through something that can be considered filler. the onlky way they would show more kanto pokemon is if ash went to kanto or if some kanto related pokemon game was coming out
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