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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Reunion Battles in Nimbasa!

  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [1]Oct 29, 2011
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    Great episode, been waiting for this tournament. So glad to see Palpitoad battle finally.

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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [2]Oct 29, 2011
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    Awesome episode!

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [3]Oct 29, 2011
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    Good kick off to an arc, great to see so many characters back from the past, and all of them being part of the tournament. Palpitoad's first battle was pretty cool.

    Next week's Cilan vs Trip battle should have an interesting flavor to it.
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [4]Oct 29, 2011
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    I totally loved this episode! It was amusing to see Iris call Georgia a little kid, instead of Ash, and we finally get to see Ash's Palpitoad after he caught it!

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [5]Oct 29, 2011
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    Awesome episode! As the others said, I loved seeing the return of Trip, Georgia, Burgundy, Bianca, and Stephan, as well as seeing Ash's Palpitoad battle for the first time! This is gonna be such an awesome tournament, regardless of who ultimately wins it!

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  • Avatar of syrusfan


    [6]Oct 30, 2011
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    Nice to see Palpitoad battling. It seems a lot mellower since it last appeared.

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  • Avatar of neoyamato_pi


    [7]Oct 31, 2011
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    Palpitoad's battle was awesome. As was Iris's and Georgia's interactions. Man can't wait for the rest of this tournament!

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  • Avatar of TKnHappyNess


    [8]Oct 31, 2011
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    I can see why Bianca would be desperate to want Luke's Zorua. They are rare in Unova. In the game, there are only 3 ways to get it: Breed Zoroark, use Celebi from the HG/SS event earlier this year, or search for one on the GTS. Also a female one is even harder to get since they have the same gender ratio as Riolu: 87.5% male, 12.5% female.

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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [9]Oct 31, 2011
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    She only wanted it because it was cute.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [10]Nov 2, 2011
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    Good episode and a great way to start up a multi-parter. Ash & co. (+ Luke) get to Nimbasa but it's Nimbasa TOWN not City so even after the Tournament we have a bit more before the Nimbasa Gym Battle. Anyway as they head to the Battle Tournament they run into Bianca who's also joining up and at the tournament we also find Burgundy, Stephan, Georgia, and Trip are too entering. However while Ash & co. are battling in Nimbasa Town, Team Rocket have already reached Nimbasa City for their next assignment. What are Team Rocket's plans in Nimbasa City? With a lot of rivals in the tournament can one of our main character win? And if one does, which one will it be? Finally, will Zorua be able to keep evading Bianca throughout the whole Tournament? Keep on reading and we'll see...

    ... BUT before you do I just want to mention I decided to trim the fat so to speak and cut out some quick scenes/dialogue that didn't really add much. However it shouldn't effect anything much and you should have either watched the episode or are reading this as the episode plays so it shouldn't matter as you'll see everything for yourself. So with that said you may read on:

    Then Nimbasa State, Nimbasa Country, Nimbasa Continent...:
    We start the episode off with Team Rocket overlooking Nimbasa City where their next assignment is taking place. They look at a flashing neon ferris wheel which I'm going to assume is the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel saying it's as bright as success, hopes, and dreams as James finishes saying it's all for Giovanni.

    Now onto Ash & co. as they get to Nimbasa City where Ash helpfully reminds us this is where the Battle Tournament talked about last episode is taking place. After Cilan tells us it's home of the world famous giant ferris wheel (not mentioning it's name and showing us a shot of a different ferris wheel), Luke says he'll make sure to catch all the exciting battles on his camera. Ash asks if Luke knows where the Gym is but Luke doesn't know what Ash is talking about telling them this is Nimbasa TOWN (which I guess explains the different looking ferris wheel). We get a quick moment of silence before Ash, Iris, and Cilan's head comically grow big in surprise as Cilan checks his Town Map and finds Nimbasa City is still a bit away. Luke says Nimbasa Town has actually been around a lot longer and that's why they're holding the tournament here and we also find out it's being run by the Battle Club so looks like we'll be seeing another Don George.

    And with a crash into hello and another soaking for Ash (this time in a fountain) we also meet Bianca once more (Hmm, this seems to be turning into a big tournament, why do I have a feeling we'll be meeting a certain rival of Ash's soon ). Ash cooks his shirt (why didn't they do that in BW037 "A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!" instead of setting up a small camp fire?) while Bianca apologizes for ramming into him and says she didn't want to be later entering the tournament. She gets worried about missing the deadline but Cilan tells her she didn't and they're all going to enter so Bianca rushes off

    Iris: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
    Comment: ... Because you're a pessimist? Seriously why did you say that? Actually this would have been one of the times your "such a kid" would have been appropriate!

    Ash sneezes into the opener and title (what, a tissue isn't enough for you?) while the Narrator corrects himself about everyone being in Nimbasa TOWN as we they reach the stadium the tournament is taking place. Luke starts acting like a news reporter and Bianca asks if he's making a movie and he tells her it's a documentary. A double of Bianca appears which Luke asks for an interview with (okay he knows Bianca is looking at the camera so this is obviously Zorua so why is he asking "her" for an interview?) which confuses Bianca until Zorua transforms back and Bianca's cuteness proximity alarm alerts. Bianca tries to catch it but the Pokeball bounces off Zorua's head and Luke tells her Zorua is his and asks him to trade Zorua for Pignite but before Luke can answer she says they should let Zorua decide. Bianca asks Zorua if it wants to be her Pokemon trying to hug it but Zorua jumps to Luke's side pretty much giving her its answer as the main cast spot the registration booth with Don George in it.

    They get to the booth and Don George (this one in green) introduces himself as Ash & co. remind us about how far the Nurse Jenny disease having spread and gives everyone their registration form. Turns out you can only enter with three Pokemon and Ash thinks who he should choose with Pikachu of course reminding Ash it's the mascot so he has to choose it when another familiar voice criticize's Ash for using the same "peppery Pokemon". That's right, Burgundy is entering the tournament (hey, we do need someone to battle Cilan, which leaves Iris needing someone...) saying it's time to have her revenge against Cilan who says she still seems angry and if she's a higher rank Connoisseur yet which she answers with a "not exactly" (she actually needs to be smart to do that ). Burgundy says it's re-evaluating time however a Zebstrika steps in front of her and find Stephan riding it who's also here to enter the Tournament and shows everyone his newly evolved Zebstrika. Remember that comment I made about Iris? Well with a nasty "I thought I smelled a Dragon-type" it shouldn't surprise you that Georgia is here and start insulting Iris saying she has a giant head (it's mostly hair). Iris says she wouldn't expect Georgia to understand an impressive hairstyle (Yeah, do you know how much hair spray Iris needs every morning to keep that thing's shape?) and Georgia reminds Iris she's a Dragon Buster and won't lost to Iris. Iris calls her a kid and she points out Iris is a kid too though with there being a new girl Zorua decides to transform into Georgia confusing Georgia though Iris starts moving Zorua Georgia's arms like a puppet and mocks Georgia. Georgia tries grabbing them but Zorua transforms back and jumps off Georgia's head and Iris thanks Zorua as Georgia calls Iris a kid and Iris says if she's always been that old and sparks fly between them. It wouldn't be a full cast gathering without Ash looking into a crowd and finds the rival I was thinking about earlier, Trip! Trip sees Ash and snobbisly asks if he's gotten any better before walking away and Ash gets annoyed.

    We immidietly cut to the start of the tournament where everyone walks out into the stadium with a cheering crowd... is that trainer wearing a Watchog costume... um, anyway Luke is filming as the announcer, Freddy "The Scoop" O'Martin, welcomes everyone. Freddy O'Martin starts things up by introducing Don George and tells us the winner of the competition will win a set of Wings. The tournament starts up with everyone being assigned their opponent and the first battle is Georgia versing... a trainer named Sylvester (hm, guess they must be saving her battle with Iris for later). Georgia tells Iris not to lose as she wants to beat her herself as poor Sylvester comes to realize that he's not important (aww, don't worry, they might later recylce your design for a background character). Let's see, Dino vs. Omega (wow, two people's parents weren't that creative with names), Antonio vs. Emanuel (normal names! Perish the thought)... ah, here we go, Burgundy vs... Ash (I guess they must want to save Cilan vs. Burgundy for REALLY later)? Burgundy says beating Ash will be drinking a glass of flat seltzer water (wouldn't that be normal water then?) and then focuses her attention on Cilan saying she wants to bring him to his knees. Speaking of Cilan he's up next and is versing... TRIP (oh well, Cilan, there will be other moments for you to shine)! Next is Bianca vs. Stephan and Bianca acts like she never met Stephan before despite seeing Ash and Stephan talking before the Tournament (and don't worry about Bianca getting your name wrong, you think Ash's IQ is low you haven't seen how "intelligent" Bianca is). Luke versing a trainer named Scooter (back to the uncreative parent's names again) and Luke starts creeping his opponent out by filming him and tells him he's shooting a documentary and asks if he doesn't mind (he probably wouldn't if you stopped hopping all over the place). Finally we have Iris versing Jimmy Ray (the Watchog suited guy) as Iris spots him in the back and he puts his hand up like a rodent does and gives her a smile and blink which gives Iris the creeps.

    Who Let The Odd Picks Battle:
    The first battle starts with Georgia vs. Sylvester as Freddy O'Martin tells us the rules that you can only use one of your three registered Pokemon with no substitutions which gets Cilan a bit concerned though Ash says it's time to start making plans and Iris asks when did he start making plans (well Ash does come into battles with a plan, he just ends up not following them by the end). Georgia tells Iris to watch and learn while Iris tells Sylvester to beat her as Georgia sends out Beartic and Sylvester sends out... Joltik (well, I guess they really wanted to make Sylvester lose). Beartic uses Rock Smash but Joltik dodges and keeps on doing so until it hops onto Beartic's back and uses Thunderbolt causing Beartic to fall on its back... and squashes Joltik who crawls out from under Beartic before fainting which gives Georgia the win (... let's move on). Georgia starts taunting Iris and Iris says she's such a kid as we go onto the filler character battles which are nice quick battles.

    Ash vs. Burgundy now and Cilan reminds Ash that Burgundy has Dewott and Sawsbuck so Iris asks who's he going to use asking if it's Tepig, Snivy, or Pikachu. Ash says he actually wants to try out another Pokemon and wants to save Pikachu for later as he rushes onto the battlefield without telling Iris and Cilan which Pokemon he chose. Everyone else gives their opinions though the only one I'll take note of it Trip who keeps showing us his xenophobic side and says "it'll be a mess" (you are so asking for a humiliating defeat during the Unova League Tournament). Burgundy says all she wants to do is defeat Cilan and defeating Ash is like buying a day old baguette (what?) while Ash says he just wants to win and then go challenge the Nimbasa City Gym. Burgundy says that maybe after defeating Ash he'll think about changing his team which Ash by now is sick of hearing and Burgundy sends out Stoutland and re-evaluates that her compatibility with Stoutland is perfection (so you're in the Field Egg Group?). Ash sends out Palpitoad surprising everyone and even Freddy O'Martin and Don George don't know quite to make of it (why? Joltik was a stranger choice yet no one seemed to have any problems with it battling). Burgundy asks if he did exchange his Pokemon but says Palpitoad has a muddy aroma and Ash says he didn't exchange anything and had caught Palpitoad and this is their first battle which Burgundy mocks Ash saying he must be brave to use a Pokemon he never used before in a tournament. Palpitoad uses Mud Shot which hits Stoutland though Stoutland shakes the mud odd and hits with Palpitoad with a Tackle. Hey, Burgundy, do you know something a Connoisseur probably wouldn't do? USE THUNDER FANG ON A GROUND-TYP... Oh she was just using it as a bait-and-switch so Stoutland could use Ice Fang. Palpitoad starts freezing over as Trip says Ash is finished and everyone else cheers him on as Burgundy mocks that the frozen treats are on the house. Palpitoad uses Supersonic which gets Stoutland to let go and breaks it out of the ice though Stoutland starts up with the Tackles again and then a Fire Fang (which Palpitoad resists...). Palpitoad fires a Mud Shot and manages to get one into Stoutlands mouth causing an explosion and Stoutland landing hard and trying to cough out the mud in its mouth though Palpitoad uses a Hydro Pump and knocks Stoutland out giving Ash the win!

    Ash congrats Palpitoad as Burgundy comforts her Stoutland and everyone else cheers except for Trip who says it was a lucky break. Speaking of Trip, Cilan is next up to battle and Cilan says as a Connoisseur he must give an even better performance. Meanwhile Bianca starts looking for Zorua and asks if Georgia knows where it went and points her to somewhere else and Bianca starts running off. Because she did not speak, "Georgia" is obviously Zorua and the real Georgia tells Zorua thats her face and Luke says Zorua must like the way Georgia looks as it transforms back and snickers. We come to the Cilan vs. Trip battle and Freddy O'Martin asks Don George how he think the battle will be and Don George points out Cilan is a Gym Leader so it'll be a tough battle for Trip (unfortunetly for Cilan, Trip is Ash's rival (and also has the Tri Badge)). The narrator is here so I'm off until next episode!

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