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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Saving the World From Ruins!

  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [1]Jun 20, 2009
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    Iron Island chaos... Part 2.
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  • Avatar of Oathkeeperriku


    [2]Jun 20, 2009
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    So Team Galatic's plana are getting more shocking than the last. Only one quote comes to mind:

    "The earth is doomed"
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  • Avatar of terminoob


    [3]Jun 20, 2009
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    When Croagunk came out of its ball, and when it was back at the hole, did it have its Japanese voice? Or was that something completely different? Anyway, glad Carnivine learned Vine Whip, first time TR or one of their Pokemon have done something in a while
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  • Avatar of DOMOJITA


    [4]Jun 20, 2009
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    i like the exsplotion in the sky seen that was cool.
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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [5]Jun 20, 2009
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    Part 2 has ended as well as this two-parter. It was a pretty good episode though having Riley being able to use Aura was kind of cheating a bit (no matter how obvious it was *cough*cough*SirAaronClone*cough*cough). Eitherway it was a good episode but a bit dull at parts and woudl have liked to see Purugly get a nice attack in the face. But even more still... ASH DIDN'T GET A RIOLU EGG!

    Wild And Crazy Aura:
    * That's right, last time we left off Lucario went berserk and fired and Aura Sphere at Ash and co. (+ Rile...
    * An Aura Sheild! Riley can use Aura!... Oh, so he's been training to become an Aura Gaurdian... could they make him anymore like Sir Aaron?
    * Oh, Lucario's Aura Protection didn't break, it's just that the ruins is emitting something that is overriding it.
    * Well it's about time summon relaized that if a Pokemon is going crazy you shoudl return it... LUCARIO BROKE IT'S POKE BALL! Um... on to plan C?
    * How do Ash block that Bone Club with just hit arm? I mean Lucario swung it with full force, Ash's arm should at least be hurting.
    * Ash, by the way Lucario is acting, I don't think a Thundershock would hurt it that much anyway (besides, you were battling a Lairon before, remember?)

    And It's Purpose Is...:
    * Meanwhile, that beam is still hitting Mt. Coronet for... well, let's see if Rowan and Carolina know... nope, they don't.
    * Even the meteor's hole are shooting out energy beams? What exactly is Team Galactic trying to do? Anyway the Dialga and Palkia portrait and statues keep glowing blue.
    * Oh, so Team Galactic is looking for Spear Pillar (I guess there is no straight path to it unlike in the games). And Ash just have Pikachu use Thunderbolt...
    * About time! Though you and Brock might have wanted to let go after announcing the attack so you wouldn't have been hit (not like you all haven't been zapped before).
    * Where is Lucario off too? Oh, and thank you Barry, we kind of already knew it was a Lucario though.
    * You know, for a machine that is vital to Team Galactic's plan you'd think they'll have more then a batch of Golbats and Purugly gaurding it... though it looks like they are doing a good job of it.
    * Yay, right now destroying any active machine Team Galactic is using is probably a good idea anyway. *Sigh* Don't worry Piplup, Barry (and Team Rocket) are down there to catch you.
    * Where did Dawn get a rope from? Then again, asking that is like me asking why couldn't Barry just have Staravia fly them out of there. And stop argueing who climbs up first...
    * Those Steelix just don't know when not to appear. Well, Dawn is down the hole too, maybe they should destroy the machine THEN try rescuing everyone in the hole so they don't have Steel-types attacking them.
    * Um, it's nice that you're covering them with an Aura Shield Riley but what if that Steelix decides to swing its tail or something? Well its Ash, Brock, and their Pokemon left to destroy the machine.

    There Are Sure A Lot Of Triggers:
    * Sudowoodo and Croagunk are taking care of the Golbats, so I guess that leaves Staravia and Pikachu to take on Glameow... or the machine works too.
    * Well Cyrus, if you mean "him" as in "Ash", then yes, it is him. Of coure there is nothing pointing to Ash and co. being the one to cause the problem so we don't know what Cyrus means by "him".
    * I got to give those Golbats this, they are pretty well trained to take a hit. However it is all in vein as Staravia takes them out with Brave Bird and Pikachu delivers the final blow to the machine. Though Team Galactic still has that key.
    * Everything stopped glowing and the Steel-types are back to normal, so I guess Team Galactic is going to just have to explore the other 40% of Mt. Coronet they didn't scan.
    * Their gonna blow the whole entire Iron Island up? So... does that mean they have Galactic Bombs set up? I've been wanting to see one of those! ... maybe this is a bad time to be using a smiley...
    * Mars just did one of the most well-known villian mistake: leaving the heroes alone while you're trying to kill them. Though to be fair, she would have been blown up too so...
    * Whoa, those are more bombs then I remembered Team Galactic setting up. Maybe Riley should go back up and put an Aura Shield around Ash and co. (+ Barry and Team Rocket) and hope that stops them from being blown apart.
    * Ouch, sorry Chimchar, but the place isn't called Iron Island for no reason. Hey, Carnivine is glowing but... Oh, Vine Whip! Haven't seen that attack in awhile! Looks like they got a new rope, two even!
    * GAH! MARS PRESSED THE TRIGGER!... Oh, was the shaking just it? Pfft, like I said, normal bombs, even that many won't blow up an island... but Riley and Lucario might still be in trouble unless...

    More Than A Meteor:
    * Oh! So it wasn't because the bombs were weak, it was because Riley and Lucario contained the explosions in an Aura Shield! So all they have to do it just keep the shield up until the explosion burns itself out.
    * OR they could toss it up through the roof and have it explode above Iron Island. Eitherway, Iron Island is kept from blowing up along with everything and everyone on it. Good work Riley and Lucario!
    * Yay Riley, I think after that you and Lucario should get a bit of rest. Here are the Steel-types Pokemon finally calmed down. Hm? How did Team Rocket get back to the Magikarp sub so fast?
    * Speaking of who's here, Carolina just arrived and now it's time for some ruin exploring (no rest for the weary I guess).
    * Oh, so Team Galactic made the meteors into machine parts... and Iron Island is even a gaint meteor. But, why did they need to make the machine out of meteors (and how)?
    * At least now Ash and co. now know what Team Galactic were trying to do. Anyway time for Ash and co. (+ Barry) to leave Iron Island.
    * Sure Barry, you being a "powerful" rival to Paul... I tend to highly doubt that being you can't even beat Ash.
    * Back at the Legion of Doom... I mean Team Galactic's HQ, Cyrus gives the job of digging up Spear Pillar to Saturn (What about Jupiter? Saturn and Mars already did a mission, now it shoudl be her turn).

    Edited on 06/20/2009 6:57pm
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  • Avatar of pikastatic100


    [6]Jun 20, 2009
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    I thought this was a great episode, definitely the best in the season so far IMO with maybe the exception of Ash's battle with Byron. Let's see, Staravia used Brave Bird for the first time since it learned it way back in Veilstone, Carnivine learned Vine Whip, total pwnage battles took place, Riley and Lucario threw an explosion into the air and made it blow up over Iron Island, and there was more Team Galactic action. All of that stuffed into this one episode made it simply awesome.
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  • Avatar of starlit_angel


    [7]Jun 20, 2009
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    Awesome epi in my opinion. But is it just me, or was the explosion kinda reminicent of the Smart Bombs in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

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  • Avatar of jonathan0993


    [8]Jun 21, 2009
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    Hey everyone! Just watched this episode recently. What can I say, it was a good episode I guess with the intense action and all. I thought the parts weird were like Barry hugging James?? That's a shocker. This was my first Season 12 episode to watch actually as I didn't catch the others yet. Riley and Lucario were well cool in this episode too, and throwing an explosion up in the air??? My rating for this episode is 8.5. Wrote a review for it then!

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  • Avatar of CF3689


    [9]Jun 21, 2009
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    it was a great ep Yay! Carnivine learned vine whip!
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  • Avatar of crzyazn_9399


    [10]Jun 22, 2009
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    This season is finally picking up the pace! Well, the past couple of weeks have been a bit crazy with school ending & all, but I figured I'd do a quick review:

    Easily the best of the season (obviously), & probably among the top of the whole D&P saga IMO. I'm really loving how Team Galactic has a major role in the D&P saga, & am actually excited to see how it all turns out. Anyway... I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially Mars' little "goodbye" speech. It was kinda dark... At least for Pokémon. Not much else to say except that this episode was pretty much pure awesomeness. Oh, & kudos to Carnivine for actually being of use.

    "Saving the World From Ruins!" receives a 9.5

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  • Avatar of ZBishop26


    [11]Jun 23, 2009
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    I agree, this episode was probably the best so far.
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [12]Jun 23, 2009
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    wow so now ash is strong enough to block a bone rush AND hold down a lucario with just one other person? why doesnt he fight his own pokemon battles while hes at it well this was an awesome episode despite a couple of things i want to rant about but wont

    Edited on 06/25/2009 8:56am
    Edited 2 total times.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [13]Jun 23, 2009
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    Awesome episode.

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  • Avatar of chicamusica12


    [14]Jun 25, 2009
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    Ash is basically superman now...someone needs to make a list of all the things he's done that no normal human can...very long list indeed.
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [15]Jun 30, 2009
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    I almost cried when Dawn and Team Rocket were near the bomb when it was about to explode . . .
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  • Avatar of i_hated_hoenn


    [16]Jul 1, 2009
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    Torferleon248 wrote:
    I almost cried when Dawn and Team Rocket were near the bomb when it was about to explode . . .
    are you serious???? LOL!!!! you know this i pokemon right?
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  • Avatar of Torferleon248


    [17]Jul 1, 2009
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    Yes . . . But it still scared me . . . I'm a sissy!! T.T
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