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Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season

Episode Discussion: Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita

  • Avatar of Shiny_missingno


    [1]Mar 31, 2012
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    ...Uh, stuff happens, so discuss.

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  • Avatar of Aaerni


    [2]Mar 31, 2012
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    Awesome episode! Another trainer's Gothita falls in love with Ash's Scraggy, then lures Ash into a battle with the trainer.

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  • Avatar of SPDShadowRanger


    [3]Mar 31, 2012
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    Casey has been reincarnated.

    Wasn't really looking forward to this episode, but it turned out better than I expected.

    Edited on 03/31/2012 8:57am
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  • Avatar of nicknameless101


    [4]Mar 31, 2012
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    While crushes are often cute, I thought Gothita was way too demanding, as the title of the episode implies. I can understand that it liked Ash's Scraggy, but the trade offer was going too far. Was it really necessary for Catherine (spelling?) to tease Ash like that? Thank goodness Snivy took care of this problem in the end!

    Edited on 03/31/2012 9:16am
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  • Avatar of UnovaChampion


    [5]Mar 31, 2012
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    That trainer was amazingly pathetic, letting a bratty Gothita push her around and not having a single qualm with it...

    Hooray Snivy for saving the day and keeping Scraggy and Axew's bond intact (though it seemed Axew cared a lot more than the oblivious Scraggy)

    Overall, one of the nicest episodes we've had in a while.
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  • Avatar of lighting_blond


    [6]Apr 4, 2012
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    A pretty good episode.

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  • Avatar of Pikachu315111


    [7]Apr 5, 2012
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    An entertaining episode, Gothita just gives enough for you to hate it though not too much that it gets tiring. Ash & co. are having Axew and Scraggy have one of their training battles when after they start playing around until they run into a Gothita and its trainer, Katharine. Gothita develops a small crush on Scraggy and demands that Katharine trades for Scraggy however Ash denies. Gothita tells Katharine to challenge Ash to a battle to force the trade and after some teasing Ash accepts. Will Ash lose the battle and be forced to trade Scraggy? How much control does Gothita have over Katharine? Can Axew sit back and watch as the fate of its best friend is decided on one battle? And what exactly is Axew seeing through its own eyes and thoughts? Demand and you shall receive, but it'll cost you a read:

    Fixating On An Obsession:
    Today's episode starts with Axew and Scraggy having a battle. Axew starts with a scratch but Scraggy dodges and uses Headbutt which hits as all of the other Pokemon cheer on (well except for Snivy who's watching from atop a rock who we focus on for a bit). Axew uses another Scratch and this time hits knocking Scraggy back so that Axew can prepare a Dragon Rage. Scraggy uses Hi Jump Kick hitting Axew in the jaw just before it could release the Dragon Rage causing it to explode in Axew's mouth and when the smoke clears both Axew and Scraggy have fainted.

    Cilan declares the match to be a draw as Ash & co. go up to Axew and Scraggy and congratulate them on how strong they have been getting. Ash says they should get something to eat though Axew and Scraggy walk to a nearby pond to get a drink and after the drink they look at each other before playfully splashing each other with water. Scraggy then starts chasing Axew in a field though Axew loses Scraggy for a few seconds by going behind a rock but quickly gets spotted and resumes the chase while Ash & co. watch and comment how well the two are getting along and even Snivy has to smile at their playing around.

    But as Axew and Scraggy run by a bush a Gothita runs out and causes Axew and Scraggy to trip into it creating a ball of dizzy Pokemon which smashes into a nearby rock. Ash & co. go to check on the Pokemon as Scraggy gets up and Leers at the Gothita who sees Scraggy and awes (yes, Scraggy's Leer is awe-inspiring pathetic, isn't it?). Ash tells Scraggy not to use Leer like that while Cilan asks if that's a Gothita and Ash brings out his Pokedex (again, Ash had already scanned a Gothita before, though we are provided with some new information this time) which tells them it's the "Fixation Pokemon" which confuses Ash and Iris says that must be why it's staring at Scraggy (and boy is it doing some creepy stare, THAT'S what I call a Leer!) Just then a girl runs up to Gothita (hello Kerry Williams, are you sure Casey won't mind you using her voice?) and seeing it staring at Scraggy she asks what's up as Scraggy and Gothita keep on their staring contest right into the opener and title card.

    Coming back the narrator tells us the girl's name is Katharine as Ash & co. introduce themselves and... Katharine introduces herself (narrator, you really need to practice your timing). Katharine tells them she and her Gothita are on a "Gym Battle Journey" (technically it's that just known as a normal Pokemon Journey?) which Gothita shows by taking out Katharine's Badge Case and showing they have won the Basic and Insect Badges. Katharine asks if they're on a journey for Gym Badges which Ash says he is (participating in the Pokemon League is just a bonus I guess) and he shows his badges which impresses Katharine though annoys Gothita (is it already time for Ash to lose his Gym Badges? He doesn't have them all yet!). Axew's stomach growls which Iris states that it's hungry (it just ate a Dragon Rage and drank twice it's body size of water) and Cilan suggests they should stop and have lunch.

    Scene transition later everyone is eating and Katharine says she's on her way to Nimbasa City and Gothita is a big fan of Elesa and is surprised to hear that Ash & co. have met Elesa (did you not see the Bolt Badge in Ash's Badge Case)? Ash & co. then start telling her what she should do when they get there like riding the Ferris Wheel and the Subway (talk a wild guess who suggested that ) though Katharine starts backing aways from Cilan (oops, did I reveal who suggested she ride on the Subway ) who's on a who Subway spiel. While all this is going on Gothita is still staring at Scraggy (Scraggy already blinked, you won, you don't need to keep staring) which annoys Scraggy and it tries to Headbutt Gothita however it dodges causing Scraggy to face plant a few feet while Gothita laughs and gives a "come hither" gesture. Scraggy, not too happy about sledding through the dirt on its face, uses a Hi Jump Kick (Scraggy, Psychic-types resist Fighting-type moves) but Gothita runs out of the way and laughes at Scraggy who's rolling around clenching its knee. Cilan is still going on about the Nimbasa Subway when Katharine is picked up by her Gothita's Psychic and taken over to it. Katharine asks what Gothita wants and though Pokemon charades we find out that Gothita likes Scraggy and wants Katharine to trade for it (oh boy, is Gothita in for a treat...).

    Teasing For A Trade:
    Katharine goes over to Ash and tells him that Gothita likes Scraggy and wants to trade one of her Pokemon for it surprising everyone. Katharine throws out her Pokemon to show she has a Deerling, Darumaka, and Mandibuzz and tells Ash he can have any one as everyone watches in shock (except for Scraggy who's chowing down on the food that Gothita had distracted it from). Ash says he doesn't want to trade and that he wants to raise the Pokemon he caught to be the best they can be which calms Ash & co. other Pokemon, especially Axew. Katharine asks an annoyed Gothita what they should do now and it tells her that they should have a battle to force the trade (um, Katharine, you do realize YOU'RE the trainer, right?). Katharine begs Ash for a battle telling him that Gothita is stubborn once it's made up its mind but Ash says he doesn't want to trade and Scraggy doesn't have that much battle experience (you say this yet in the 14th movies you let Scraggy battle a HYDREIGON!). Katharine says Ash doesn't have to use Scraggy but Ash says he'll pass which annoys Gothita even further thus annoys Katharine who starts teasing Ash that the only reason he doesn't want to battle is because he knows he'll lose. After Katharine accuses Ash's badges of being fake he accepts Katharine's challenge which surprises Iris who tell him he might lose Scraggy and even Axew is worried about it though Ash says he won't lose. Katharine says the challenge has been accepted as Gothita jumps down and picks Mandibuzz for Katharine to battle with (Katharine... is a robot, isn't she? Gothita built "her" so that it can go around and act just like a human without anyone knowing...) and Katharine asks Ash what Pokemon he'll battle with. So with a Dark/Flying-type chosen and the fate of one of his Pokemon on the balance Ash of course chooses Pikachu for the type advantage and because it's his strongest Pokemo... oh who am I kidding, you perfectly know well enough he didn't and went with a random choice, this time it's Tepig!

    Cilan declares the start of the battle and, must like all of Katharine's other "decisions" (or maybe I should say "input"), Gothita tells her to have Mandibuzz to use Fury Attack. Tepig dodges and attacks back with a Tackle which hits though Mandibuzz gets Tepig back with Air Slash. Mandibuzz uses Dark Pulse but Tepig dodges and uses Flamethrower which hits and Mandibuzz shows signs of tiring. Mandibuzz then uses Brave Bird which hits Tepig square on cuasing it to blast off though Mandibuzz suffers from the recoil and unfortunetly for it Tepig gets back up. Tepig uses Tackle though Mandibuzz manages to dodge and does so again when Tepig tries hitting it with Flamethrower. Mandibuzz goes in with another Brave Bird however this time Tepig uses Flame Charge and they collide though the smoke quickly clears to reveal Mandibuzz has fainted and Tepig the winner!

    Ash & co.'s Pokemon celebrate as Gothita yells at Katharine.

    Iris: Look at them, it's hard to tell which one of them is the trainer.
    Comment: Already used that joke, keep up Iris. Right now we're on the theory Katharine is actually a robot...

    Katharine apologizes to Gothita saying it's going to have to forget about Scraggy though Gothita is so annoyed that thunder starts cracking... oh wait, that's a storm starting up, never mind. Katharine tells them the mountain cabin she stayed at last night is nearby (what, did the Pokemon League make these rest cabins expecting trainers to use them?) and Ash & co. (+ Gothita's robot, Katharine) follow her to it. At the cabin Ash & co. start drying them and their Pokemon off with Iris saying the rain isn't stopping and Katharine telling Gothita they'll be staying there tonight again which first disappoints Gothita until it realizes that means it'll be with Scraggy and gives a mischievous stare, something which doesn't go unnoticed by Snivy.

    A Trashy Fight:
    Obvious "Who's That Pokemon" later (Hint: it's the only useful Pokemon Katharine so far has shown having), that night as everyone sleeps (why aren't Ash's Pokemon in their Pokeballs?) Gothita gets up and wakes up Scraggy. Gothita asks Scraggy to go with it to eat some apples (no Gothita, Iris's Emolga is the one that likes apples...) which Scraggy agrees with and they leave the cabin and head into the forest. Axew has a nightmare where Tepig loses the battle and Cilan (who's wearing his "movie hero costume" in BW038 "Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokemon Knight"!") declares Katharine the winner... who had switched sizes with Gothita who is now holding her like a doll (...what was in that pond water?). Ash & co. wave goodbye to Scraggy as Axew tries chasing after it but giant deep-voiced Gothita uses Psyshock (how does Axew know Gothita knows that attack?) and sends Axew falling into a void causing it to wake up and see Scraggy and Gothita gone. Axew starts to panic and runs out the cabin door waking up Snivy as it SCREAMS past and Snivy starts following.

    At an apple tree, Gothita uses Psychic to give Scraggy an apple though Axew sees this and pictures the two in love and starts panicking, running up to Scraggy and grabbing its arm to take it back though Gothita grabs Scraggy's other arm and the two start trying to rip Scraggy's arms off. Back at the cabin, Pikachu wakes up Ash & co. (+ Gothita's robot, Katharine... how is she functioning without Gothita?) and they see Gothita, Scraggy, Axew, and Snivy are gone and they start sending out their Pokemon to look for them (well, Ash's Pokemon, though Tranquill doesn't really need Emolga's help...). Back to tug-o-war "Scraggy amputation version", Axew kind of realizes Scraggy probably doesn't want it's arms ripped off and lets go causing Gothita to trip and roll backwards. Gothita gets up and uses Psyshock which Scraggy (Scraggy, you're a Dark-type) and Axew duck and Axew attacks back with a Dragon Rage blasting it through some trees.

    Gothita gets up and sees it landed on top of a sleeping Garbodor who exhales a foul breathe on Gothita who responds by hitting it with DoubleSlap. Garbodor isn't too happy of being woken up in such a way and chases Gothita back to Scraggy and Axew where Scraggy tries using Leer though Garbodor reveals how effective that is by using Sludge Bomb. Luckily Snivy rescues Axew and Scraggy just in time by pulling them away with its vines. However Gothita wasn't so lucky and got hit which annoys it and it attacks Garbodor with Hidden Power (instead of Psychic or Psyshock which would be super effective...) which hits knocking Garbodor back. Tranquill fly to Ash & co. (+ Katharine (I'm done with the robot joke)) telling them it found them just as Garbodor starts using Axew and Scraggy to practice it's Toxic aim before switching back to Sludge Bombing Gothita which it is able to hit.

    Snivy puts Axew and Scraggy down just as Ash & co. (+ Katharine) run up and see Garbodor attack with Clear Smog. Iris wonders what got Garbodor so angry and Katharine says Gothita and the other Pokemon must have gotten it angry (why do I have a feeling this isn't the first time Gothita has caused problems like this?). Ash tells Pikachu to tell Garbodor this is an accident and they're sorry but a Clear Smog shows Garbodor isn't in a forgiving mood. Pikachu tries to apologize once more but Gothita gets impatient and starts using Psyshock despite Katharine's plead not to however Gothita gets stopped by Snivy Vine Whipping Gothita right where it deserves it. Ash tries apologizing as Iris says they're must be a way to calm Garbodor down and Cilan asks Katharine if her Deerling knows Aromatherapy which by a stroke of luck it does and Cilan tells Katharine to use it quickly. Katharine sends out Deerling who uses Aromatherapy on Garbodor which calms it down and it walks back into the forest.

    Ash & co. tell Scraggy and Axew they had them worried for running off which they seem sorry for as Katharine says she's glad Gothita is alright but Gothita is angry about getting its behind Vine Whipped by Snivy. Gothita tells Katharine it wants to battle Snivy and just before everyone heads back to the cabin Katharine asks if Gothita can have a battle with Snivy tomorrow morning. Ash asks Snivy if it wants to battle which at first Snivy looks to not want to but after some encouragement from Axew it agrees.

    Demanding To Be Smugged:
    Scene transition to next morning and Cilan declares the beginning of the battle which Gothita uses Psyshock but Snivy dodges. Gothita uses Hidden Power though Snivy counters with Leaf Storm and the attacks cancel out as Snivy floats out of the smoke clouds and starts using Vine Whip. Gothita uses DoubleSlap and both attacks cancel out though Snivy's smug smile shows it's not worried and uses Leaf Blade knocking Gothita to the ground. Gothita starts complaining and then yelling at Katharine for it's next move which is Psyshock (I'm surprised it's listening to Katharine) but Snivy uses Leaf Storm which gets through Psyshock and hits Gothita, knocking it out.

    Katharine checks to see if Gothita is okay which it is health wise though in attitude it's having a temper tantrum which Snivy brings to a boil by being smug (u mad?). Well Gothita is as it starts running off in tears as Katharine chases after it giving a quick goodbye to Ash & co. as they too set off.

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