Still love this episode.
Saturday 8:30 AM on Cartoon NetworkIn Season
Awesome episode! Ash's Pokemon Egg finally hatches into a Scraggy!
Awesome episode! Glad to finally see Scraggy (:
Scraggy is a cutePokemon(:
Can't wait to see the deal with Team Rocket.! o:
I never liked Scraggy in the game, but the anime made me like it a little more.
Just saw the episode and I loved it. All the Scraggy scenes were funny/at times cute, I suppose. Training scenes always seem kind of cool to watch.
Nice episode. Scraggy gets hatched. Hate the voice for some reason.
Can't wait for it to evolve someday. Also, Axew was extra cute.
In the beginning, I lol'd. Scraggy the "shedding" pokemon. Shedding sounded like something else lol
Well this was certainly an interesting episode, and definitely looks like Ash will have a lot on his hands. As Ash & co. are taking a break, Ash's Pokemon Egg starts to glow meaning it'll be hatching soon! As they take the Pokemon Egg out to watch it hatch, Axew gets too over excited and accidentally knocks the Pokemon Egg down a hill! Meanwhile Team Rocket is told be Pierce to go to a rendezvous point where they picked up by a helicopter. Can Ash & co. save the Pokemon Egg from being smashed? Assuming they do, what Pokemon will hatch from the egg and what kind of problems will it have (come on, this is one of Ash's Pokemon, you know there is going to be something off about it)? Where is the helicopter taking Team Rocket? And how can Axew be a "big brother" if it isn't even related to the Pokemon Egg? All these answers (except the last one, but does that really surprise you by now?) and more are reading below:
Nice To Headbutt You:
Taking a quick break on an edge of a cliff, Ash is admiring his two badges (odd, the Basic Badge is taller then the Trio Badge, I would have thought all the badges would be the same height) as Axew goes over to where all their backpacks are and starts inspecting Ash's Pokemon Egg. The Pokemon Egg starts to glow which causes Axew to fall back in surprise and it starts alerting everyone and Iris is the first one to see Ash's Pokemon Egg is glowing and tells Ash it's glowing which excites Ash and Cilan. A scene transition later, the Pokemon Egg is now in Ash's hand and Cilan explains when a Pokemon Egg starts glowing it means it's about to hatch and Ash holds it up into the air saying he can't wait to see what Pokemon it is. Opener, title (way to ruin what Pokemon is in the Egg, btw), and now Ash, Iris, and Cilan have the Egg and its pillow out of its incubator and are sitting around it. Axew walks closer to the Egg and Iris says that Axew probably never saw a Pokemon Egg hatch before (well it itself is still a baby) and it stares at the Egg even closer. Cilan says everyone is sure excited and Iris tells Axew that it's going to be a big brother soon and it starts blushing and jumping around (I would laugh if it's an Ice-type Pokemon). Iris says she's gald it's thrilled but it soon trips up and smashes the Egg... no, that would be cruel, instead it just knocks it away and it starts rolling down a hill (maybe they shouldn't have taken the round Egg out near a downward sloping landscape?) and they start chasing it. As they chase the runaway Egg (Iris for some reason "asking" it to stop, who's the kid around here again?) it hits a rock which sends it flying up and Ash tells Pikachu to do a Quick Attack. The Egg lands on a leaf which rebounds it (that must be a very light weight Egg) so now it's heading toward a rock but Pikachu grabs it just in time. Ash asks Pikachu if it and the Egg is alright which they are and after he tells everyone else the Egg is fine Iris apologizes and Ash says it's okay. Cilan says thank goodness nothing went wrong and though usually something goes wrong just right after someone says that instead the Egg starts glowing rapidly and finally the shells shatters into fragments to reveal... A Scraggy, which makes this Ash's first Dark-type! As Scraggy struggles to lift its "pants" up Ash checks it with his Pokedex.
Pokedex: ...when someone makes eye contact it responds with Headbutt.
Ash *makes eye contact with it*: I'm Ash, nice to meet you.
Comment: You'd think Ash would pay closer attention to the warnings the Pokedex gives?
However Scraggy doesn't Headbutt Ash but instead when Pikachu introduces itself it stars at it nastily and Cilan says it's using Leer and tries to Headbutt Pikachu but it dodges and Scraggy lands on its face. Cilan is surprised it knows Headbutt despite the Pokedex mentions it uses Headbutt and Ash asks why Scraggy tried attacking Pikachu (maybe its the Pokedex that should be giving the Headbutts...) and asks if it wants a battle which surprises it and it Leers at Pikachu again as Ash tells Pikachu to battle Scraggy as a "welcome" gift (yes, beat up the Baby Pokemon, great way to introduce it to the world. Even Pikachu thinks you're nuts). Before the battle starts Ash checks Scraggy moves and it only knows Leer and Headbutt and Iris asks if that's it and Ash reminds Iris that Axew only knows two moves with Cilan adding in it just hatched (an excuse Axew doesn't have) making her blush in embarrassment. With Scraggy's moves known the battle then starts:
Ash: Okay, Scraggy, Leer!
*Scraggy runs up to Pikachu but stops right in front of it and nastily stares*
Cilan: It doesn't look like it did a thing.
Comment: Of course not, Leer isn't a damaging move. It's suppose to lower the target's Defense by scaring it but really, how Scary is a newly hatched Pokemon goinfg to be?
Ash: Alright, Scraggy use Headbutt next!
*Scraggy Headbutts Pikachu but surprises everyone that it barely did anything to Pikachu*
Ash: It doesn't seem to be doing anything.
Comment: Erm, well as I said it is newly-hatched but then again all other just hatched Pokemon (May's Eevee, Brock's Happiny, Dawn's Cyndaquil) were battle ready from the start.
Ash tells Pikachu to give it a Thunderbolt though to tone it down to a Thunder"burp" but that still causes Scraggy to fall back across the field (Iris's Axew and now Scraggy? Are we suppose to conclude that just-hatched Pokemon in the Unova region are defected somehow?), but as Ash ask if it's alright Scraggy gets back up and starts Headbutting the air. Cilan says Scraggy still looks raring to go and Ash says that's his kind of Pokemon as Iris tells Axew that its "little brother" looks like a pain (why? How does it being weak make it a pain? Plus you shouldn't be saying anything as Axew was ready to give up after being hit by a heldback weak attack its type resists!).
Ash throws out his other Pokemon to have Scraggy meet and Pidove walks up to hit only for Scraggy to Headbutt it causing it to run away as Ash says that isn't what he had in mind and Cilan says Pidove probably wasn't expecting that. Not learning from Pidove's experience, Oshawott walks up to Scraggy who gives it a nasty look and a Headbutt causing Oshawott to get upset and be dragged away by Pikachu and Tepig... OR NOT! Oshawott comes running up to Scraggy who Headbutts it again knocking away the "Scalchop" which Scraggy steps on causing Oshawott to become even more upset as it takes back the "Scalchop" and uses Razor Shell on Scraggy. Ash asks Scraggy if it's alright which it answers by getting up (but not before smacking Ash in the chin) and heads right back to Oshawott giving it a Leer. Oshawott isn't intimidated and uses Water Gun which Scraggy surprisinlgy was able to defend by lifting up its "pants" though it slides right toward Tepig as Ash says that's how Scraggy defends. With a new target behind it in Tepig, Scraggy turns around and Headbutts Tepig and Ash says Scraggy is attacking everything in sight (though being it's doing little to no damage I don't think there is that much to worry about) which Cilan and Iris agree but Cilan points out that Scraggy looks dizzy after using all those Headbutts as Tepig looks as if a rain drop has fallen on its head (though that would probably have done more damage). Iris starts laughing as Scraggy tumbles over to Snivy who's resting on a rock and tries another Headbutt only to smack against the rock as Snivy jumps off giving it an even bigger headache it already had. Scraggy starts running toward Snivy but Snivy uses Vine Whip to hold it back and it starts running so fast its lefts into the sky and falls down once gravity remembers that it exists. Ash asks Scraggy hasn't it done enough for now but it jumps back up which knocks Ash down and gives Axew a stare however Axew hides in Iris's hair which seems to appeased Scraggy (the thing is, a Scarggy vs. Axew battle would probably be the most interesting battle those two can do as they are right now).
I Thought We WeRe Missing Something Last Episode:
Back in Nacrene City, Team Rocket (anyone else Jessie has her hair in a bun all of the sudden) is talking to Pierce who asks if they have the meteorite which Meowth says of course they do and he gives them the rendezvous point via coordinance and tells them not to be late. The calls ends and James says they finally reached stage 2 as the computer locates the building where the rendezvous is and the Rocket Trio head off.
Back to Ash & co., it's the afternoon and while everyone is eating Scraggy is sitting by itself on a rock facing away and when Ash asks why it isn't eating with the others it runs further up the rock. Iris says she doesn't know what Scraggy could be thinking (well if we tried to figure out what babies were thinking I think we'd conclude they're all crazy) and Cilan says it might be upset it lost to Ash's other Pokemon and Ash ask Scraggy if that's true but it continues to ignore him, however this seemed to have peaked Axew's interest.
Back to Team Rocket (WHAT? TWO Team Rocket segments? Well I guess they have to make up for them not appearing in the last episode) they reached the building where the rendezvous is and head inside. Realizing it's showing two Team Rocket segments and not wanting to spoil us, the show immidietly goes back to Ash & co. at night where Scraggy finally comes down to eat its Pokemon Food (if they were going to leave its bowl out then why didn't they just give Scraggy its bowl before?) and Ash is glad it's finally eating but Iris says if they can only now get it to eat with the others. Ash tells Scraggy it's time to get into its Pokeball but Scraggy runs away and hides behind a rock and Ash asks it doesn't want to which it shakes its head in "no" (come on, it's still eating!) and Cilan suggests that maybe it wants to stay out because it was just hatched (or maybe because IT WAS STILL EATING). Later that night Axew wakes up to see Scraggy staring up into the sky but quickly hides when Scraggy looks over to it, but when Axe stopped hiding it saw Scraggy was gone and gets up to look for it before waking up Iris. Axew tells Iris that Scraggy is gone and she wakes up Ash and Cilan and tells them Scraggy is gone and they start looking for it (hmm, maybe you should have had someone stay awake to look after the baby Pokemon). Axew soon finds Scraggy's footprints (more more like tail trail) a they find Scrabby Headbutting a tree and as Ash calls out to it a Galvantula appears from behind the tree.
Iris: If Scraggy gets bitten...
Comment: Yes, what will happen? The Pokedex didn't really say anything about its bite, only that it shoots electrical webs and holds opponents down with its mandibles.
Ash starts running to save Scraggy who at first looked scared but then tries to attack Galvantula despite everyone telling it not to and Galvantula uses an Electro Ball to knock it back. Galvantula shoots out an Electroweb which traps and shocks Scraggy before it finished off with a Pin Missile which sends Scraggy flying to Ash who lifts it up. Galvantula starts up another Electro Ball but Ash tells Pikachu to Thunderbolt it which sends it back into its den in the tree. Ash asks if Scraggy is alright as Cilan says that Scraggy took a lot of direct hits and Straggy tries to stand up but falls back into Ash's lap apparently paralyzed and Ash asks Cilan if there's a Pokemon Center nearby which Cilan says there isn't but Iris says leave it to her as she'll find herbs to cure the paralysis and Ash tells Scraggy to hang in there. Axew finds the flower which Iris says they were looking for and then starts looking for other herbs to make Scraggy feel better but we just skip ahead to her mixing the herbs together and giving it to Scraggy who seems to bot be liking the flavor as Iris tells them Scraggy needs a good night rest. Ash wishes Scraggy a good night sleep and Scraggy falls asleep... Oh, A Team Rocket segment! (oh show, you spoil us so )
Revenge Is A Dish Best Served With Four:
James signals down a big black helicopter with green and red lights and the Team Rocket logo on the side (last time I checked, isn't the point of setting up a rendezvous was not to draw attention to yourselves?) which quickly lands but goes back off with having picked up the Rocket Trio. Inside Pierce tells them they are inside Team Rocket's Mobile Research Lab and introduces them to Dr. Wily Zager who asks them for the meteorite they stole (compared to the meteorite they didn't steal ). James give Dr. Zager the meteorite (they stole) and he starts analyzing it saying it's made up of a material not found in this world as Pierce and the Rocket Trio nod. The Meteorite starts to glow purple which worries Pierce and the Rocket Trio but Dr. Zager says this is the reaction he was looking for but it stops glowing and Dr. Zager tells them they need to do further analysis and Pierce sends the Rocket Trio to the location of their next mission as we see the helicopter fly off.
Back to Ash & co. in the morning, Scraggy wakes up feeling better and Cilan asks if it remembers what happened yesterday as we get flashbacks of it getting attacked by Galvantula which angers Scraggy as Ash tells it Iris then made it some medicine with Axew's help and it should thank everyone. However Scraggy instead jumps out of bed and starts running off as Ash says it's almost time for breakfast which has Axew decide to follow it (and why aren't Ash & co. following also?). Scraggy starts beating Headbutting the tree again and this time Galvantula doesn't appear... FOUR Galvantula appear and surround Scraggy as Axew sees this and runs off to tell Ash & co. who are setting up breakfast. Cilan says it sounds like something bad happaned and Ash sends out his his Pokemon to go and help Scraggy (hey, Cilan, remember Pansage and Dwebble?) who is Headbutting at the Galvantula but before one could sneak up above it it gets shocked by Pikachu and the Galvantula turn their attention to Ash & co.. Ash tells his Pokemon to protect Scraggy and a Galvantula sends out an Electroweb which Pidove cuts through with an Air Cutter, another uses Electro Ball but Tepig gets rid of it with an Ember, and Oshawott cuts through an Electroweb with a Razor Shell but is saved by Snivy's Vine Whip pulling it away before a Galvantula could land on it which Snivy gets rid of with a Leaf Tornado. Pikachu finishes things off by shocking all the Galvantulas which send them crawling back into their dens once more as Ash runs up to make sure Scraggy was okay and tells it that it shouldn't be messing with that tree.
Cilan: Maybe this is about revenge.
Comment: DOH!
Iris: About what happened?
Comment: No, about it not wanting to eat with the other Pokemon.
Iris says she's just glad Scraggy is alright and Ash says they should eat breakfast together as Scraggy looks at Ash's other Pokemon who stand triumphantly as it stares at them with awe... only to STILL not eat with them! Axew tries to give it some of its food but Scraggy keeps turning away causing the two to stare angrily at each other as Ash and Iris tell them they shouldn't fight, however Cilan proves to have a few brain cells saying Scraggy would be the perfect battling partner for Axew. Everyone agrees and once everyone is ready Cilan tells them to begin and Scraggy does a Leer which looks to be effective against Axew and does a Headbutt sending Axew hopping back. Iris tells Axew to counter with Scratch and hits and celebrates quickly before continuing with more Scratches before being sent back with Scraggy's Headbutt. Iris says Axew can't give up now and Axew gets back up and does a Dragon Rage as Scraggy goes in with a Headbutt which interupts Axew's Dragon Rage and causing a big explosion which knocks them both out as Iris says it didn't work again. Cilan says he thinks he'll call that a draw and Ash says even so it still looked like an actual battle though Iris wonders about that. Ash asks if Scraggy wants to train with him which it agrees and Iris tells Axew she wants it to train to become stronger as Cilan says he looks forward to them fine tuning their skills along with their other Pokemon. Ash takes out Scraggy's Pokeball asking it to take a little rest and this time Scraggy is more corporate and throws the Pokeball into the air which Scraggy jumps up to Headbutt... wait, why did it shake as if Scraggy was a wild Pokemon? and why is Ash acting like he just caught it? Whatever, the episode ends there with Ash having a newly hatched Scraggy and heading toward Castelia City for his next badge.